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all games

acep74's picture

Well , just like she is fishing , 15 yr old sd rang today , just too keep playing games , telling hubby she still wants to have a relationship, but she wouldnt tell him anything about her life. She said she dosent have a mobile , all she did was lie.
Then i heard her say she dosent love me at all( that hurt , but it hurts more seeing her hurt hubby) the ex did this for so many years now she is. I mean she told him a month ago to get lost!
just lies or no talking at all.
We know she really rang as she must want something. Well, the only thing i can think of is she needs hubby to take her off his dependancy with army as the other family need to claim her as a dependant for a larger house as there being posted to Darwin and shes going with them.
Not long after the councellor who rings only when sd needs her own way left a message.... im ready to say something i have had this.
We got hold of her mobile number as shes giving it out like lollies to friends at the school before she left , i rang to confirm and yes its hers....
i think in a month once she is 16 she will go again.
we saw her after her even more blonde, so shes living it up, but looks older then her age, wont look good if that case goes to court the judge will see her for what she is.


SerendipitySM's picture

All I can say hun is I feel your pain - I too am dealing with a 15 yr old SD that has been playing games...

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin