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acep74's Blog

more on the sd

acep74's picture

well it just keeps getting more ineresting to say the word... cs rang which they havent for a while now as hubby has the case with the appeal board this week ...
The ex took the claim out on the older sd as shes left home again....
*We dont know whether its all a game hoping the SSAT board wont go through with the appeal.. and then she would go back home. And we would have to start again..
*Or she actaully had a fight with her mother

sd16 on bad sites

acep74's picture

we have it on good advice .. that the older sd16 is putting nude photos of herself on some very pornographic sites, and also visitng other sites. We r very concerned , this girl only last yr put a charge on a 18 yr old of sex with a minor . Makes me wonder ?
So we sent a message via face book to the ex's partner as they wont answer our phone calls.


acep74's picture

hi all
i have been very busy, checking out all these other forums. And u know what we all arent happy all over the world. The cs are and how rude they are. About the way 2nd families are treated. There are so many of us going through the same thing. And our marriages are suffering.
Our families are suffering . I know Fathers 4 equality have a petition but thats for equal parenting . I started one about the new laws, about the way cs are discrimnating , and about 2nd families being downgraded. If you have any views or you own message please sign .

well so much for wishing for a peaceful xmas

acep74's picture

Hi All
We are all settled into our home , but on the first day got some news that the sd 16 was back down with her mother, then a day later the 3rd party took the claim out for cs for her but still requested back pay of $500. Then a day later the bm puts back in a claim for sd 16 so she is apprently back with her mother, they want alot of money a month for both girls, they dont care that hubby has to support us... Sad


acep74's picture

the stupid case officer deciding on the 3p's assessment declined hubby on a reducement! But here is the great bit she forgot totally to add that she decided on the max payment for the sd with bm.... so we cant pay the same amount again for 3p... we justified this with all our expenses .... I'm so god damn annoyed,.


acep74's picture

Biggrin Yippie we are on the move
so hope everyone is well, and not having too many hassels .
Hopefully we dont have any with the move either and that we get some good news about our cs case! :O
fingers crossed hey!
Wont be able to chat for a few days so all be safe . Dirol
