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hey aussies

acep74's picture

I found a forum site called Popps (partnered of paying parents support)
its on yahoo.
It's linked to site called Dads on air..... a lot of people on there with great discussions.


Goodstepmom's picture

I am going to take a look.

MIL - Mother in law , in my case MONSTER in law

Goodstepmom's picture

Im in the us but its still Interesting

MIL - Mother in law , in my case MONSTER in law

acep74's picture

hey all not just aussies
i have found heaps more :steptogether
: family law guide
: dads on air ( thats great) alot of fellas opening up.
Its just amazing that their is alot of us out there going through the same BS different countries. I have not given up yet.... We have put in another change of assessment ....