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it's all so quite !!!!

acep74's picture

well, unless they have got the message that we arent taking any bullshit or they planning something else , it's very quite ... sd didnt even ring hubby for fathers day...
here in aussie land a show A Curreent Affair ran a story about the news and how unfair there are are so i wrote in and hopefully more will.

I dont know if i like the quite its a bit nerve wrecking!


stepwitch's picture

Breathe and enjoy it !

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

Catch22's picture

Another Aussie and a Qld'er at that Hi!! I saw that CS stuff on ACA too...they just won't do anything to attach visitation to CS will they? I don't know your story but just wanted to say G'day Smile

Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*

SerendipitySM's picture

Hey Catch - don't you ever sleep hun?? what time is it over by you? Smile

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin

Catch22's picture

It was 10.20pm over here when I wrote that. I am awake most of the time you are...but while I sleep you guys are all hard at work the day before!! LOL So when you get home from work...I am awake and ready to roll...but you're right I don't sleep much..5 to 7 hours does me..sleep when we're dead right?? Smile

Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*