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Coming to terms with my role

alwaysthemom's picture

In the beginning of this roller coaster ride of stepmom I was at arms all of the time. If something didn't go the way I thought it should I would get angry and it would affect my relationship with my DH. Only because I didn't agree with his nonchalant attitude. Don't get me wrong I will stand up for myself when my time is affected but I'm not going to get involved in BMs ignorance. I think she is a terrible parent, that's MY opinion, no one elses. I have thrown many a fit trying to get BM to be a better parent. Then one day I stopped and asked myself,"Why would you want to help her in anyway shape, form, or fashion?" #1 You can't fix stupid. And by doing that I was hurting myself by being angry all the time. I justified by saying that the kids deserved better than what they were getting. Then I realized they get what they need in a parent from ME!!! So I am choosing to be the better parent so to speak. I'm not going to throw my fits about BM so that she will change. Afterall, I could care less what she does.


Fed Up And Wiped Out's picture

I really think you're on the right tract with that attitude. Trying to change others will just ultimately result in a negative change in yourself. You will just become frustrated and upset and eventually bitter. You're better off just working on the things you can and stop worrying about the things you can't. Now if I could only follow my own advice...

All I'm for a little RESPECT (just a little bit).-The Queen of Soul

stepwitch's picture

Anyone.....??????? Until we stop trying to fix everyone around us except for us, well you know the story...

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

SoFrustrated's picture

You can't fix stupid. HA! I love it! I think I need to print that and put it up on the fridge for Hubby to see!

I agree's picture

OMG! I love it! I feel the same way, but you are right you cant fix stupid!

katie's picture

I completely agree with how you feel and myself have gone through the same ups and downs you are describing. In the beginning it was hell and affected every part of who I am, and now I have kind of come to terms within myself that this "woman" is never going to change. And the only thing I can do is be the best parent I can be to my future step daughter, and just have hope that one day when she is older she will realize how screwed up her mother is and how normal I am.