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The past month in review...

losingmymind's picture

wish I could report that this past month that BM has stopped with the lies and put SD first for a change but YEAH RIGHT!!! So, BM had taken SD to the psychiatrist after DH said that he wanted a professional treating SD from now on. SD went back to her moms for a week and went during this week. DH called the doctors office the next day to ask to speak to the doctor to see what he said and was met with unsual resistance. The secretary asked him who he was and then asked if there was some kind of custody issue and that he would have to speak to the doctor to see if he could get any information. WHAT???!!! So DH faxed in a copy of the current court order showing the joint custody, and pointed out the paragraph on medical records etc. and imagine that...the doctor called him back. DH called BM and asked what "custody issue" she was talking about and she said that she didn't say anything at all about anything like that. LIE LIE LIE!! The doctor sent DH the evaluation report in the doctors hand and right there was written that BM had said that there was "custody issues still being worked on". So DH was really mad. He tried to call and talk to BM but she said that she wouldn't talk to him and that they "did not need to communicate". She said that if he had a question that he could email it to her. Okay he said so he did. He didn't hold back at all. He told her how he is tired of being underminded by her in regards to SD. Is is the father and that SD's step dad was not her dad and he was tired of getting records with him listed as the father of SD. He also told her that he was mad that she let SD go so far in school failing all the way and that he has the records now and knows that she was lying and that she was the one that didn't get the tutor that he had been paying for for months etc...she replied back hateful and told him that the past was the past and he needed to get over it. Oh, so because she is caught she gets to say that???
She was due to have her new baby at the end of July but it came early. This week infact. SD was upset because BM called and told her that the doctor was worried that the baby might not be okay so they had to make her have it early. SD actually asked me through her tears when she got off the phone if the baby was going to die. Of course I told her no and to think positive thoughts and say a prayer and that her mom and sister would be okay. She also said that BM told her to ask DH if she could come home this weekend instead of the schedule for next sat. Well, actually the court order is that she is to go back on the 31st of July but DH agreed to let her go home early so that she could be there for the arrival of her sibbling. Well...the sibbling has already arrived and tonight SD asked her mom if she could stay at least another week since it will be 5 months before she see's us again and BM said no. BM told SD that BM's home was her home and that was were she belonged.
Never mind the court order??? Would it go back to the 31st since SD already missed the baby's arrival? I'm not trying to be callus but SD was the one that said she wanted to stay longer. SD said that if she goes back to her mom's she won't be able to play outside or do anything because her mom will have to take care of the new baby and her 1yr old sister that BM has as well.
BM also brought her husband up in emails to DH. It really ticked off DH. He is so tired of her doing this to him. He pays his child support on time and gets so little time with SD and all he hears from BM is that he provides for SD etc. So DH wrote back and pointed out that the reason that they don't have the money for the tutor even though DH is paying half of it to her is because we looked on court records and BM's husband has like 5 garnishments out on him right now and has just recently been issued an order of confinement on his child support. He was found in contempt a while back but the weekend jail order had been stayed because he was paying regularly again. That shut her up for a while. Well, she tried to say that he slandered her but slander is only when it is an untruth. There is a court public record to back up what DH said to her. Totally True Story.
You would think that BM would stop with the lies. She knows..or should know by now that we constantly look into EVERYTHING that she tells DH. I guess the only difference is that is hasn't ALWAYS been called out to her like DH is doing from here on out. Oh, yeah.....the reason the call first started in the beginning is that BM once told DH in an email that he and I didn't know the meaning of homework in our home. Yeah, that really made me mad because we work with our son each night on homework and DH was the one going to the school for SD last year requesting intervention meetings etc. when he found out she was failing and BM did nothing. Well, it had been agreed by DH and BM that the school packet that came home with SD would be worked on daily with her. Each parent was sent their own packet from the teacher. SD is having to repeat her grade for those of you that don't know.
So that week SD was with her mom.....she did not one single thing in regards to school!! Not ONE!!! DH realizes that she only had a week but that was her choice. BM made a huge fit to get SD every year on her birthday and DH let her have it. She should have worked on it if it was really important to her but her actions CONTINUE to say that it is not. Sad thing is that she gets to have her. DH asked her if it was a priority and said that if it can't be a priority then he would like to talk to her about changing the custodialship so that he could get SD a tutor and make sure she succeeds but BM just blew up and said that that would NEVER HAPPEN.



ColorMeGone2's picture

That's so frustrating, LMM. Like BM gets to decide. Like it's assumed she is the better parent. Ugh. Four years ago we found out that my skids were witnessing their stepfather beating up their mother in a drug and alcohol induced rage. We offered to take the kids full-time for a year so that she could get her life straightened out. Not even for forever, just for a year so that they could get counseling and he could go into rehab, whatever it took to remove the "dys" from their dysfunctional home. She wouldn't do it and she told DH the same thing... that it would NEVER HAPPEN. I don't understand why she should want to keep them in that kind of situation when their father was standing by, ready, willing and able, to be there for them. Makes no sense. And I'll never, ever understand why your SD's mother doesn't care about her child's education. How can she doom her own child to failure?

♥ ANNE 8102 ♥

losingmymind's picture

SD also told me today that her mom "just never listens" to her. SD said that she used to go to this lady and she could tell her anything. She said that she told the lady that she wanted to spend more time with her dad. I asked SD what the lady said and she told me that the lady told her that she would talk to her mom. SD said that they didn't go back to her anymore. They "just quit going". How sad!!! SD felt this lady listened to her and SD felt like she really listened to her.

BM has gone to three, well...four now psychiatrists/psychologists/social worker now and SD is only 8. That is a lot. Can DH get those records too or are they protected? Well, shouldn't be if he got recent one right??? We know who they are because a letter from two are in her medical file that DH has.

Hmmmmmm. But then again..what good would it do? The judge would still not change would he?

ColorMeGone2's picture

Whether or not a judge would think it's enough is a crapshoot. I mean, some of these situations seem so obvious. Madi's, for example. But then someone goes on a powertrip and the next thing you know, a child's life is ruined. I say get the records and hang onto them. You never know what you might find in there and even if they can't help now, they may be helpful later on.

♥ ANNE 8102 ♥

luvdagirl's picture

Hey don't give up, keep those records show all the different psych reports that undoubtedly show that BM hears something she doesn't like then changes. Keep records of their legal issues, and notes on all conversations- it changed our judges mindset from poor struggling single mom to screwed up selfish person clearly not doing right by SD.
I won't say it was a fast process but worth every moment we put into it.

There is no reason where logic does not exist

Sia's picture

I document EVERYTHING and still have ALL the documentation when the SD's were never know when it will come in handy.