Well let me start by saying HI to all I'm new here and after reading many of the blogs it was almost like looking into my own life sorry this is long but haven't been able to vent,so with that I will explain my lovely life I've known my now hubby for several years and his daughter's mother as well and the crazy thing is we all were friends at one point in time,well they were together for almost 5 years had a child then she decided to haul ass when he was at work (out in the ocean) we live in Fl. so she went to Ga. with the baby and when he got home he called to check on them she gave him this long BS story she couldn't do it so on so on etc. well he asked her to come home she did after he told her he wasn't sending her money to party with she was back for 2 weeks and in that time he convinced her to let him keep their daughter while she goes back to Ga and looks for a job since he was off for a few weeks so she did,well she came back packed her and their daughter's belongs and left wasn't gone but maybe a week called him crying she didn't have money no food nothing so he sent her food for the baby and she got pissed cause she wanted money well he called her to check on the child her brother answered the phone and told him he hasn't seen her in 2 days and he is to old to be raising a 3 year old so he said fine I'm on my way him and his mother drive 3 hours to get her still the mother is no where to be found he brings the child home moves in with his mother so he could still work and take care of what he needs too now this was Nov. of 2006 well she called here and there through out the weeks but never really asked to speak with the child only wanted to talk to him and she was fine as long as she knew were he was at all times it wasn't a problem for her so he did what he felt needed to be done went and filed custody papers went to court and NO SURPRISE she didn't show so he was awarded temp custody,well in Jan. of 2007 he started coming over to my house and then brought the baby over here and there,still no mother anywhere she did call and the times I was there when she did she never spoke to this child nor asked about her,we got closer and closer as well as my two kids and his 3 yr. old so in March of 2007 we started dating soon after him and his daughter moved in and well wouldn't ya know she was very concerned then we'll we exchanged emails (NASTY ONES) because I was just a F**K and a live in babysitter nothing more of course that was funny so months go by,in July since she wasn't able to keep tabs on him anymore decided she wanted to come home got her ass on a bus called him and said she was on her way back that night he finally found a ride and left my house BUT I had the child that night the whole next day until he got off work then he came and picked her up trying to explain himself,I told him if this will make Mary's life better BYE well everyday he would call and I was out and about minding my own 2 weeks go by and he asked me if we could talk well he said he knows he messed he found a letter she wrote saying her plan was working he is going to drop the custody case and she will be back and he asked me what would it take to come back UMMMMMM well that was a Wed. I told him he had till Sun. to get her out he did, called me Mon. said she was at his house with her b/f loading her stuff up well 3 weeks later another court date the judge gave her 2 nights to call for 30 mins and her SISTER every other weekend visits (very crazy) well over time she has sent emails as well as texts mess. and called DCF 5 different times,has tried to stir up so much but we got over that and married on March 17,2008 and boy if that didn't rip her a new one so now she is still being nasty trys to get my SD to argue with us and telling her bad things about her dad and the poor baby is only 5...So now everyone knows my wonderful stepparenting life and I have found a place to vent and tell my side sorry so long but had to get this out and still today I have to deal with this B***H man I wish she would just sign her rights and be done....
- nelkins08's blog
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OMG Nelkins!!
Let me start by welcoming you to our site...and my best advice to you..Vent away!! Sounds like you need it![Sad](
I am sorry you have had to go through this, sounds like she is spiteful and very selfish and as long as she has some hold in DH's life she couldn't care less about her little girl. Sad isn't it? She deserves better from her mother of all people.
Always keep a diary, even if it isn't admissable as evidence in court, it's always good for an attorney or yourselves to look over and find ways of keeping this beautiful girl out of this little tornado her mother seems to create in her wake.
Best of luck and I hope to read your blogs more often..hang in there, its a tough road.
Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*
*hugs and welcomes*
I'm glad you've found our little haven! We are here for you hun.
I hope you're keeping a log of all these calls to DCF and all of her emails. Take it from someone who knows from experience, it will work in your favor later!
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
Welcome to the wacky world
Welcome to the wacky world of"OMG- WHERE DID THEY BREED ALL THESE CRAZIES", i WAS SO THRILLED TO FIND THIS SITE IN MIDST OF A CUSTODY BATTLE AFTER YEARS OF WONDERING IF MY PSYCHO ACTING BM WAS THE ONE WHO BROKE THE MOLD- Thanks to Dawn- I no longer feel alone either and as much as I wish none of these wonderful women had to deal with BMs like this- I take comfort here.
For custody sake, in my case, records of every missed event/visit were wonderful also of all phone conversations and contact.
an occassional good drink never hurt either, remembering that DH had to live with the crazy so he isn't shocked by her behavior as often is a good start too.(it was so puzzling to me why I was the only one shocked- for a long time)and remember what a wonderful life long impact you can make in this child,s life for all the trouble I really do think I would never change my SD,but BM would be a one legged cockroach with a raid can aimed. sorry did I say that?
There is no reason where logic does not exist
Hello there!!
Like my name says...I would truely be loosing my mind if I didn't have this site. I have had many ups and downs but I have found that I can rely on this site for great information, advice, and a positive tool of appreciation of being a step parent!![Smile](
Let Er Rip!!
Thank You
all for the warm welcoming and I will post often,like with everyone there is always something and to try and talk to hubby is not all that great atleat here we can understand each other...Again TY Nikki
hey and welcome
this site is a life saver, I thought I was losing my mind till I found this site, and even though I might still be losing my mind I know that I am not alone.
be prepared to deal with the wicked ex for a very long time, they dont shrivel to dust if you pour water on them, believe me I tried heehee
it is going to be a long hard road but there is always hope at the end of that road and us here to offer advice..good and bad
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."