Glad to be proven wrong...So Far
Picked SS and SD up at 6 pm. As soon as they got into car, SS(11) says, "man I'm glad to be out of there...They're all driving me crazy!!"
It's been a month since they've been here and they're usually glad to get away from BM but this weekend they're especially glad to be coming. SK's got report cards a couple weeks ago and are now both grounded because....their grades weren't good enough!! BM expects straight A's because HER KIDS SHOULD BE PERFECT!!
We even had SS's teacher email us once and tell us at PTC BM had given her that exact impression.
Anyway, SS was telling us how they've had to endure being called stupid and dumba$$, etc. because of their grades. SS strugles but doesn't get school work help at home and SD(12) is 3.278 GPA on her report card. These kids are FAR from stupid!!! I'm glad they know that we only expect their best effort and not perfect grades.
Apparently, BM is using DH as a threat again....this time with other SS that still lives with BM. "IF YOU DON'T BEHAVE, GET BETTER GRADES, ETC. I'M GONNA MAKE YOU GO LIVE WITH YOUR DAD!!"
She did this once and 1st SS moved in with us...Now, other SS wants to come here to live. SS is tired of the daily belittling, yelling, screaming, and outrageous behavior that BM exhibits. SS talked about it the entire 1+ hours drive back to our house after picking them up.
DH kept telling him not to get his hopes up but reminded SS and SD that they are always welcome to come live with us and that any home has rules set up by the parents and need to be followed but these rules and behavior should be consistent and fair.
Lord, we should not be having this conversation AGAIN, with children!!
SK's knew of letter SS sent to BM earlier this week but really had nothing much to say about it so maybe they will all treat each other well after all.
- steppie1999's blog
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After SK's got reamed for not having good enough grades on their report cards, SS has a Social Studies test on Monday but BM would not ALLOW him to bring his textbook with him to study over the weekend and as he put it, "there won't be time for me to study when we go back to BM's on Sunday"...we drop them off at 6 pm and they have to bathe and be in bed by 7:30.
I would have DH call her
Maybe he could non-aggressively tell her that SS is a little down about the fact that he's gotten bad grades lately but DH noticed that he doesn't have his book to study for the test, and he'd "be glad" to go pick it up so SS can study this weekend while he's at your house.
Let's see what she says to that.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
That would be the sensible thing to do, but......
anything that even remotely "questions" BM's decisions...about anything....sends her into a tirade!!!
BM is getting worse in her reactions to us and to SK's.
I seriously wonder about BM's mental stability!!
Anyway, I have some online homework sites that I use, including the SK's school website and with the help of SS, we found exactly what he needs to study so BM can't "blame" us if SS doesn't do well on his test on Monday.
First good weekend with SK's in a long time.....
Well, the weekend with SK's is over and I can't remember the last time we had such a pleasant time with them here.

There were the usual "talks" because of some bullsh** lie that was told by SK's to BM...or events twisted by BM. No constant bickering between SK's, no acting out, no one had to do wall time or write sentences!!!
I hate to even type this as I'm afraid I'll jinx us by actually voicing what a good weekend we had for a change.
Of course it helped that it was actually decent weather and all the kids got to spend time outdoors. In fact, they wore themselves out completely they spent so much time outside running the neighborhood with the other kids, riding bikes, exploring, etc. They even went to the church to do a project on Saturday afternoon as well as going to chuch on Sunday morning.
No one was ready for the weekend to end.
It wasn't even so bad when we took SK's back to BM on Sunday and it was discovered as we pulled into the driveway a 6 pm that SD had forgotten her "dental bag" with all her products to care for her braces and we had to drive another 3 hours just to retrieve it from our house and take the bag to her so she'd have it.
I am pooped today from all that driving last night
I hope I haven't spoken too soon but I'll take all the good times with SK's that I can get