Has anyone ever wanted to just keep driving???
I actually contemplated this last night. No really.. I did. A little history..
So, for the past year (about that) I would say that I have been down. I came off some antidepressants to try and get pregnant. We started trying Feb 2007. In April 2007, my husband went out to see for 2 monhts. During that 2 months, my Grandmother died, and an uncle committed suicide the morning of her funeral.
Those two events started me on a downward spiral of sorts. I stopped eating sensibly and since last May have gained about 30lbs.
In June my dh was finally home and reporting to a new unit in the military.. one that was going to have him home nightly.. first time EVER in our relationship.. YIPPIE!!! we continued trying. Took a giant family trip in late summer and set up an appt to see a fertility specialist.
The fertility clinic tells me I was pregnant but about to miscarry. Sure enough, later that day I was (I was about 1 week late at this point).. we went for another cycle, nothing, then the next cycle low and behold, I got pregnant... I was so happy so estatic really. Two days later I found out the blood work wasnt great. and for the next month and a half, went through the ordeal of being tested every other day, just to miscarry at 8 weeks. I was devestated.. just in time for Thanksgiving. We were then told we had to wait 2 months before trying again.
January rolls around, and one of my 3 cats (the 10 yr old) dies suddenly. I was beyond devastated.. Didnt go to work for days.. couldnt stop crying and was pretty inconsolable. During this hard time, we are told we have to start trying again, so mainly go through the motions these nights, as I am sad for my kitty. Negative, Feb we tried again... Negative.. March we try again.. (took a home pregnancy test last night.. NEGATIVE) had to go in for the blood work this am.. and still waiting to hear NEGATIVE.
This past week, my older cat (now 1 of 2) the 11 yr old has been having some issues, and I have been even more depressed then normal.
Last night I went out to get the cat a prescription cat food, and I just thought to myself.. I wonder if anyone would miss me if I just kept driving. where to???? I had no idea.. but rather than going right home like is in my personality.. I drove around. Thinking about my life, about how when I was single I thought that was the end of the world. How jealous I was of my married friends. At that moment I was thinking.. That life wasnt that bad. I had no crazy BM and skids to contend with.. which only adds to the trials I have been through this past year.
Once I did get home, I found out from my mother that my dh called her and asked if I had "stopped by" because he hadnt heard from me for an hour and I was just running to the store. Got to be honest... I was surprised that he even noticed that I was gone that long... little did he know, I was wondering where in the world I could drive to, to get away from my life and the pain in it.
Have any of you ever considered just driving and not going back???
- frustratedinMA's blog
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I've thought about
Pulling up, cutting all ties & moving to Hawaii. If you're going to be miserable, you might as well be miserable in paradise! You have no idea how close I came to it.
Cajun Lady
Haven't we all???
I remember thinking and feeling this way toward the end of my first marriage. When I read Eat Pray Love recently I thought THAT's what I needed to do! Go on a world tour of Italy, India and Indonesia!!! Of course I had no money but what the hell. A girl can dream.
I feel that way now sometimes, but I think the retreats I sign up for are ways to deal with it and re-energize.
Look for retreat info over the summer! I think maybe we can work toward a fall retreat.
Peace, love, and red wine
Yes :)
A note on pregnancy thing...you know it's not good to have cats when pregnant? Or something like staying away from cat litter...
Hawaii? I was thinking something more along the lines of the Caribbean
The water is much nicer there 
When we are trying, my dh
When we are trying, my dh does the litter box. Also, the dr's have said, if they are cats that I have had for a long time AND are strictly indoor cats, then the toxo (whatever the rest of that long word is) for my cats, if they have it, I would be immune to already. Needless to say, we still air on the side of caution and have DH empty the box.
The miscarriage I was told was a blighted ovum. They never detected a heartbeat.. and the HCG levels just didnt double as they should have.
I actually looked at bermuda.. turns out.. they dont want transplants there.
we are taking a vacation next week... just the 2 of us, and I am hoping this trip will be relaxing and enough to recharge my batteries to the point where I am not depressed (as cant really take anything if I want to get pregnant.. its a no win situation)
We have cats, not a problem
We had three cats when I got pregnant with BD4 and one when I got pregnant with BD1. The doctor is right, the chances of you getting toxoplasmosis with your own indoor cats is remote, but it's right to take precautions and let someone else handle the litter box!
PM me if there's anything I can do to help or support you. I have been through a lot of what you describe, and I have two beautiful daughters now.
oh I have been there
a couple of times at least, when I was going thru my divorce and then when dealing with all the "step" issues, I would run thru my head what friends I could stay with while I decided what to do
but I could not ever leave my biosons ..they have always anchored me to this earth.
“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”
As soon as SS is 18
there will never be an overnight guest in my home------------EVER. I am making the guestroom an exercise room. There will be no "comfy" place to sleep. Stick a fork in me-------I am done!
I remember the day older SS ran upstairs (IN MY HOME) and checked out the house to see how many rooms I had & how many were occupied. One week later he asked to move in. The f nerve! Obviously the answer to a silly question is a resounding NO.
Ha! good!
We're having a baby in July. We're thinking of having another one in a few years, but don't know how the room situation will be. Screw that, each of our bio kids is getting a room. SD will have to share. We can't afford to dedicate a room just for a kid that's here a few times a month. SIX MORE YEARS UNTIL SHE'S 18!!! Meaning, I can have my second kid when I'm 34-35. When our second baby is 2, SD will be 18. I guess I can stand having our baby in our room for two years...but I want to decorate it..just like our first baby's! Maybe I'm jumping ahead of myself...I think I'll make another blog entry about this
keep driving
And stop on by.
~"Resist all the urges.... that make you want to go out and kill." ~ Chel.