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should I worry

smurfy1smile's picture

My BF picked up our daughter at my home this afternoon. His car was totaled 2 weeks ago this coming Monday. He told me last week the insurance check would clear this week and then he would get another car.

Amyway, my problem - should I be concerned that he showed up in a mini van with DWI plates. I am pretty sure the van belongs to his neighbor and her husband/boyfriend in currenly in jail - per my 7 year old. Not sure why he is in jail but now I have a guess.

Would it bother you if the other parent picked up with a vehicle with DWI plates?

A little background...

My son's spent the night with a friend several years ago and when I picked him up I noted the kids mom had DWI plates. My son has not been allowed at this kids house anymore. Son said the mom got drunk and the dad locked her out of the house while he was there.


everythinghappens4areason's picture

It may be a dumb question, but what are DWI plates? I am from Canada and I have never heard of such a thing.


smurfy1smile's picture

People in MN get them when they get a second DWI and the plate number states with WP or WN and four numbers. Basically, it means the vehicle can be pulled over anytime for no or any reason at all. I am not sure how long they have to have them on. Its like a beacon that says "here I am and I drive drunk".

ColorMeGone2's picture

Because you're a mother and that's what we mother's do. You'd worry even if he picked her up in a stretch limo with a driver. You're a mom. It's natural to worry. But he's borrowing a neighbor's car because he totaled his. He didn't get the DWI and the plates are not on his car, so what specifically would you be worried about that's different from any other pick-up in any other vehicle that DOESN'T have these plates?

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)