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looking for suggestions

Gmama's picture

i'm looking for anyone thats been a step mom for a few years. i'm kinda new to it. about 1 1/2 years. but we only see him in the summer time.
not sure how to handel certian issues that come up. any advice would be great.
also i dont understand all the SD& abbrevations used in this sight. HELP..


stelth's picture

I think you can probably learn a little something from each and every poster on this site. Is there a particular event at this moment, or just general support that you are looking for? There are many season and new SM's on this site, and everyone is here to support one another. As for the accronyms;

Welcome, and much luck to you!

***Claiming Sanctuary***

evilsm's picture

Would help us help you. Here is a little info for you:

SD = Step daughter
SS = Step son
DH = Dear Husband or D*ck Head
BM = Bio Mom
BD = Bio daughter
BS = Bio Son



Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

Colorado Girl's picture

to probably one of the hardest roads you'll ever take in life... Smile

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

steppie1999's picture

If you ever fall into troubles in your Step Life this is a very good place to vent, or look for suggestions and support from other posters. I've been a SM for nearly 10 years and wish I'd found this site a lot earlier in my Step Life. It would have been nice to know that there are other BM's out there who make out life miserable. I am also a BM and could never imagine acting the way some of the BM's we all have to deal with on a day to day basis because of the SK's.
Ask us all anything......we've all been there done that!!!

"I prefer my life STRESS FREE...When you're STRESSIN'...You're STRESSIN' me"

Angel's picture

Stand back and listen, watch body language, don't give advice unless asked, smile, give them space with bioparent, let bioparent reprimand, don't argue in front of kids, keep the chores very light & have the bioparent give out chores, let bioparent plan the events for the kids, be like a kind auntie (one that attends functions but doesn't plan them), be consistent, keep a routine, teach them the importance of money by example........