Interesting Revelation
So for those of you unaware, the BM in my situation is bipolar and to the best of my knowledge has BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder). This causes her to be very unpredictable and prone to live in constant chaos. So when everything seems to be in order in her life, BM will purposely "stir things up" to cause turmoil. BM literally is not comfortable unless she is knee deep in drama... fabricated or not.
So today at my counseling session, my counselor informed me of her assessment of me and a diagnosis..... and to my dismay, my own self prognosis was wrong. I do not suffer from a stress/anxiety disorder like I had originally thought and had been accused of by DH. I actually handle stress phenomenonly well according to her(I am not so sure about that). So what the hell is wrong with me then?!? She says that she thinks I suffer from an "adjustment" disorder. I don't deal with change very well and I struggle adapting to different situations.....????? I guess I can go along with that. She says this constant chaos is causing my anxiety where if I had a normal level of dramatics (or can you imagine NONE!?!?!), I wouldn't be so stressed. Well, geez - where's my degree in pyschology? I could've told you that!!!!! I think every human alive suffers from an adjustment disorder....
So anyways my wonder BM and I hate each other. She is my polar opposite. She resents my calm demeanor as much as I detest her freakshow personality. Hmmmmmm...only difference is she gets medication and I get squat. At least I can now fairly say....BM is the one who makes me CRAZY....
- Colorado Girl's blog
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Adjustment Disorder
I think maybe this is what we are all suffering from!!! You're still not alone CG!!!
I can bet
there is nothing wrong with you CG! I suffer from the same 'disorder', it is called having to pay the bills with no money-! It is tempting to ask for medication to handle my anxiety but the thing is I want to know when there is a problem or I am in danger. I/you are not overreacting, there is 'danger' you are responding to!
It makes me so mad when both DH and my dad accuse me of 'fretting' when they are the most oblivious people on the planet, and things blow up on them all the time, that didn't have to.
I am sure you know all this. I did not know you were worried? I love someone's therapist who says, Its not you, its them.-! is that Zenmom?
"Fortune favors the brave" - Virgil
It is not us...
it IS them. I'm just learning how to "adapt" to a neurotic woman that reeks havoc in my day to day life. I think as women, we are just natural "worriers"...oh to be as ignorantly blissful as my DH. Life would be grand.
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
So true . . .
so true-! LOL
"Fortune favors the brave" - Virgil
I'm not sure
I ever wrote that one quoting my therapist, but I have had them say it to me. And boy is it helpful to know. Because as anyone of us who has lived with a personality disorderd person knows, they can be very convincing when they tell us it's OUR problem because we just can't accept them for who they are, and if we did we would love them and all their craziness.
Peace, love, and red wine
permanent resident
I like to think of CRAZY as a place, some of us are permanent residents and others are just driven there.
When my ex would get drunk,break his promises and then curse at me, he would add in that I was crazy and at that moment I would think he must be right to tolerate this!
I was just driven there,with him as my personal chauffer, but fortuantely I am finding my way back home and there he remains!
Once again....
You are living MY life CG~
I am patiently waiting for you to come back one day......when your life allows it....I think about you all the time.
I miss you too!
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
there is no such thing as a "perfect" family ALL families have a form of dysfunction, it is how we handle it that makes it normal or not
you are handling your "stressful" situation as normal as a sane person can.
dont let her drive into CRAZY!!!
“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”
I agree with Seasons
And just so you know, I'm pretty sure your "diagnosis" is what your counselor has to put down for insurance to pay. These types of diagnoses are temporary. It's your reaction to a stressor/or trauma, not like the bipolar/personality disorder diagnosis, which is the core of the person.
This is just how your psyche is reacting to being attacked non-stopped!
And I'm there with you.
BUT...I actually thrive with GOOD changes. So do you I imagine.
Peace, love, and red wine
I just read this...
Just so you don't think that your therapist was blowing you off, to be diagnosed with an Adjustment Disorder you have to have "clinically significant" symtoms or behaviors that have lasted for at least 3 months, and then it can also be classified with anxiety, depressed mood, etc. So in other words, it has to go beyond just being an annoyance, it has to be seriously effecting your life. Also, it means that you can identify what causes your anxiety (BM) rather than just having unexplained general anxiety or panic.
Sorry to ramble, this was my in my assigned reading for the week! I just got all excited by actually having something to say