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What is a Golden Uterus??

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

I get asked what GUBM stands for fairly regularly on this site. GUBM = Golden Uterus Bio/Birth Mom.

How did I decide upon this moniker for the demon spawn that unleashed SD unto this world? Well, once upon a time, someone shared an article here on STalk about Golden Uterus Complex:

15 Characteristics of the Golden Uterus

It is definitely worth clicking through to read the article in its entirety. It also gives 15 helpful descriptions so you, too, can decide if you are dealing with a GUBM.

When I first read it, it was like a revelation. It felt as if the author knew my BM soooo well. As if the author had just spent a year following GUBM around.

In addition to the above article, this site contains the following pieces related to GUs:

Rudeness, Stress and Abuse are Neurotoxins: Children Who Witness Spousal Abuse Are at Risk

Parallel Parenting: You Cannot Co-Parent with a High-Conflict, Abusive and Crazy Ex

The Dark Side of Mother’s Day aka Golden Uterus Day: High-Conflict and Abusive Personality Disordered Mothers

A list of all the articles tagged with Golden Uterus

There are also a few other articles, blogs, etc scattered about the net, too. So, go forth and google!


attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

I wish I could remember the name of the person who first posted it. I had it in an old blog entry, but, alas, one day SO was being nebby and looking over my shoulder while I was on STalk. So, in a panic, I deleted my old blogs.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

It is really sad how many BMs suffer from GUC. Even my own sister has GUC, though hers is far milder than GUBM. And equally sad is that they will never understand how they are ruining the lives and dispositions of their kids by being that way.

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

Yeppers!! Our BM is a definite GUBM!! Sad theres so many out there. Im a SM & a BM, but Im careful to never say anything megative about her dad & careful to make sure I fostet a great relationship together. Only wish our BM could see the light!!