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This woman..

sixxnguns's picture

This woman will not give into ANYTHING! Even when she isnt entitled to it! My fiancee had FSS 9 months out of 2007 FULLTIME before BM started taking him 50/50 in September(before that she was sporadic with visitation)and than at the beginning of this month she took him fulltime...she will not agree to letting fiancee claim FSS on his taxes! Is she not happy with what she's gotten? Is she THAT frigging greedy that she wants the return for the year she collected child support when she didn't even have the kid in her custody the whole time? GAHHHHH! Im ready to do something crazy and go to her face to face and demand to know why she thinks she's entitled to this? It's all about flippin greed and money with her and I'm so sick of she's also pushing for more child support? I thought giving her full custody would make her happy...I guess I spoke to soon and will NEVER give her the benefit of the doubt again...greedy twit...:(


laurels4u's picture

They just keep taking, taking, and taking.....until they get what they want then they don't want it so they keep taking to make everyone else around them miserable.

Tell DF to get his ducks in a row with his W2s, file immediately, and claim the SS. The IRS will pay whomever files first. If it would be your DF and she contests it, it would be up to her to provide burden of proof that the SS lived with her for the minimum six months of the year, which she obviously couldn't do.

Is DF willing to play hardball with her?

sixxnguns's picture

I've told him to do..he's waiting on one more and as soon as he gets it I'm filing online for his taxes...but they're arguing about it between their I'm wondering if I dare file in case it goes to a judge?? I'm thinking of doing it anyway...she outed herself in her own affidavit saying he had him most of the year

TheSaneOne's picture

do it anyway - the BB in our case went seeing her son once a month at best and not one dime in support and claimed it. We had to show my DH had him the entire year (actualy entire ten years) and they credited it. What sucks worse is the money she got for claiming him, she didn't even give to SS - she disappeared until it was gone.

Anne Summers's picture

As long as you guys have a court order stating that the father has every right to claim 2007, then go for it. If she files first, guess what, you can take her to court for contempt AND be awarded the money that she received from taxes.

A friend of mine's ex-wife filed her taxes first claiming ALL three children that DO NOT even live with the BM(fruitcake). Unaware the father claimed the kids also, then IRS came a knocking. This is when the father dragged the BM into court. The judge ruled in the father's favor stating that the BM had NO rights to claim children on her taxes. Father was awarded tax money & BM was in contempt of court. Smile This woman is a fruitcake if she thinks she can claim her kids on her taxes---she doesn't even visit the kids for heaven's sake!

"Sometimes you have to test the limits to show you're not a doormat."

sixxnguns's picture

have a court order Sad But he has affidavits from daycares stating that he dropped him off and picked him up nearly ALL of the time and an affidavit from BM outing herself saying she knowingly let fiancee have him the whole time because she was "working"...but they're arguing about this between their lawyers...he's going to file anyway just to be safe. He's sacrificed enough for this woman and I told him not to back down on this one...he deserves that money, especially when she collected the child support and left him high and dry with FSS...I would like to see her try and contest it to the IRS...she'll screw herself on this one!

sixxnguns's picture

talked to his lawyer and she said to wait...since BM likes to get vindictive the lawyer wants him to cover his ass and wait and see if she'll just back down..she may take this to court so she doesn't want him to file and than have it backfire...but she doesn't have any proof she had him so she loses!...she will not win this one!!

Anne Summers's picture

I just wanted to let you know that if you guys paid any daycare---you can take those expenses off on your taxes even WITHOUT claiming the child. Smile

I wish you all the luck with this mess. I'll hope that all of this goes in your favor.

"Sometimes you have to test the limits to show you're not a doormat."

stepwitch's picture

to comment on what to do. I think I would ask your lawyer, cause if tells you to do it, then her lawyer is probaby telling her the same thing.

But for the greedy-ass-leechin-entitlement thinking BM, Yeah, I can comment on that for sure. I really hate ENTITLEMENT! People need to earn what they get and then maybe, just maybe the will learn!!! Not likely.

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

sixxnguns's picture

fiancee's lawyer sent an AWESOME letter to BM's was to the point and basically said...we all know for a fact BM didn't contribute much to FSS's care last year and collected the child support while FSS was in fiancee's care the whole time, so he's entitled to the tax return...he also has sacrificed 50% custody of his son so he has a permanent residance other than going back and forth every other week.. And the lawyer is prepared to take this to court if BM wants to play hardball again. I am hoping we get a different judge who is more "dad" friendly this time...but I'm also hoping the greedy woman gives in and lets him have something for once.

sixxnguns's picture

fiancee's lawyer sent an AWESOME letter to BM's was to the point and basically said...we all know for a fact BM didn't contribute much to FSS's care last year and collected the child support while FSS was in fiancee's care the whole time, so he's entitled to the tax return...he also has sacrificed 50% custody of his son so he has a permanent residance other than going back and forth every other week.. And the lawyer is prepared to take this to court if BM wants to play hardball again. I am hoping we get a different judge who is more "dad" friendly this time...but I'm also hoping the greedy woman gives in and lets him have something for once.