7 1/2 weeks
So I went to the doctor yesterday! I'm only 7 and 1/2 weeks! I thought surely I was further along. We had an ultra sound to see the baby and got to hear the heartbeat. I have to let yall know that now I feel better about the whole thing. I am still freaking out about telling SD but I am beginning to realize I just have to deal with it. Now I'm a lil scared about the baby tho. It's all so real. My doc said that I could have a lil depression early on expecially with all the extra stress due to BM and SD. But he told me to make sure I'm staying active even when I'm tired.
Anyway just wanted to give an update on the baby. Thank you to everyone who has helped me in this lil crisis the past few weeks! I'll give an update when we tell SD next weekend.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
- girlonstage22's blog
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I TOTALLY understand you. I've been there..but I'm at 15, going on 16 weeks now. Anything you felt BEFORE becoming pregnant will be amplified (due to hormones) during your pregnancy - I was told that when you're pregnant, you're more susceptible to feeling sorry for yourself and being more of a victim, especially when it comes to the whole BM/SD thing.
We told SD a few days before Christmas (right at the three month point). I bought some iron on logos from ebay that said "I'm gonna be a big sister" and we gave her two shirts with those on. Granted she hid them from BM when she got home. She said she was going to tell BM (we asked her if she wanted to tell BM or if she wanted us to tell BM), she said she'd tell her. Three days later, SD didn't tell BM. She said she'd promise she wouldn't forget again....too bad, we told BM that day when dropping SD off. It's like she was scared to let her mom know about me being pregnant....anyways, keep us posted!
Me too!
I'm 11 weeks along. When my husband told SD (age 10), she suggested that I should get an abortion.
I know this is really hard for her...she lives with us full time, and this baby is going to really change things for all of us. It just makes me so sad, angry and resentful that so much energy has to be put into making sure SD is okay with her feelings, when that energy should be focused on being excited about the baby!
how does a ten year old even know what an abortion is?
My BS11 asked me just the other day what a period was (from the Always commercial, "have a happy period")....I thought I had problems.
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
I asked the same question to
I asked the same question to DH. But I sort of already knew the answer....from visiting her BM. BM comes from a family where you drop out of high school, and get pregnant over and over and over, with different fathers each time. So I'm sure there's been discussion about abortion over there around SD.
Re: the period thing...My SD10 already has hers!!!! She started 3 months ago. I can't believe it, she's so young. Sort of sad....
Real winners...
my husband tells me all the time, "you can learn from a bad example as much as you can from a good one...", so hopefully your SD will follow your good example and learn from her mom what she DOESN'T want to be....that's my hope for my step daughters.
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
You know it!
Its a struggle, and we have to backtrack with her a bit every other weekend. Unfortunately, she thinks her mom is WAY COOLER than me and her father. But hopefully *crosses fingers* as she gets older she will see things differently.
Yeah I'm trying to be the
Yeah I'm trying to be the good example! I hate that SD9 knows so much about so much. BM allows her to watch all kinds of R and PG-13 movies with lots of sex and bad language. She has the attitude that her daughter knows better! How would she know any better?! I try to teach SD the right thing and how to act. DH says that BM's family is completely diff than mine and would poke fun at how we act. We have sit down dinners with napkin in lap, etc. Not snobby just good etiquette. SD is used to doing what she wants when she wants to.
But anyway BM will prob act like she is supporting us by talking to SD about the baby. But she will prob say things like 'dont worry the baby will never take your place" or "you have me, you don't need them." She doesn't realize that SD takes these ideas from her.