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Sad story with sad ending...long post

MamaJenn24's picture

Something terrible happened last night.

My closest friend at work lost her fiance' to suicide.

By way of background, I came to this site because she introduced me to it. She and her fiance' were having a lot of problems with the fiance's son's BM. She wouldn't let him see his son...all she wanted was the CS. Now this little boy will never see his father again. And his mom is still a selfish BB.

This started last August and the BM was as conniving as she was evil. She started a whole big investigation on the BD (because she wasn't getting her way and she didn't think she was getting enough CS)and when the BD didn't want to play her games, she cut off all contact and communication with his son. From that point on, fiance was distraught; devastated and severely depressed. He would have walked through fire for this little boy. I've met the little boy and he is the sweetest kid ever despite having a mother who didn't give a hoot about him. To her he was an inconvenience in her life. She would never bathe him, nor have him practice ANY proper hygiene whatsoever. I know this because I used to see him all the time when he came over to my friend's house (from work) before the BM changed all that. She would never take him to get his haircut. Nothing. She wanted her son's father to pay for everything but she wouldn't allow them to see each other! So how could he pay for it, on top of CS if she wouldn't let him see his son? The BD would have gladly paid for anything, but he how could he when he couldn't see his son? A viscious cycle and so unnescessary. She is the epitome of PAS. In the dictionary where it is supposed to have the definition it says please refer to so-and-so: BM from hell.

So the BD has been severely depressed and hasn't been able to work or anything. He fell apart basically and last night he obviously snapped. My friend came home and found him. She had no reason to ever believe he would do this to himself. I will only speculate on this and I have no way of proving it, but I have a feeling in my gut that he just couldn't get around the fact that he couldn't see his son like he used to and that the BM's erratic behavior had a lot to do with why he chose to do what he did. He had other problems, but nothing that ever pointed to anything that we don't all go through, but he was just so devastated that he couldn't see his son and every time she took him to court for some such CS issues, which he paid religiously, he could never convince a judge to see that all he wanted was to be a good father. He was so loving. Why does this have to happen to all the BD's that really want to take responsibility and do the right thing?

I am feeling like a deer in the headlights. I'm stunned. But I know I don't feel anywhere near as terrible as my friend does. She's still in shock and will be for a while I'm certain of that. I want to be able to drop everything and just be with her, but I have the four kids and their father is away at this moment...she knows that and luckily his family is close by and they love her dearly so she's got people around her...I know I'll be able to help her more in the coming weeks, but that's not soon enough for me...

I don't like to use the word hate, but I just want to go to the BM's house and bitch slap her silly and scream at her and ask her if she feels better now that she drove him to this? What are you going to tell your son? How on earth do you explain it so the little boy doesn't grow up thinking that it was his fault in some way? Then again, a lot of kids at that age (9) still think the world revolves around them and that they are immune to anything negative. The BM has already poisoned him and brainwashed him, and there's no doubt in my mind whatsoever that she'll be even more horrible and cast a negative shadow in the wake of this terribly sad story. I wouldn't put it past her to blame everyone else but take no responsibility herself. She'll twist it around to say that his dad didn't love him enough. I'll tell you one thing, if I ever find out that she told her son the truth about how he died, I will hunt her down and beat the shit out of her. And God strike me down for saying this but, it actually gives me a sense of satisfaction to think that at least now she can't get any CS from him or harass him or take him to court everytime she has a financial crisis. However, I'm sure she'll be on the phone right quick to get the Social Security benefits I'm sure. And she'll use that for herself and never use it for who it's meant for in the first place: her son. I'm generally not this mean, but it just makes me sick how much she used to take advantage of the system and use her son as a pawn to get what she wanted no matter who it hurt. And the person it's hurt the most is this little boy.

I guess this is a perfect example of what can happen when the BM is such a nutjob. I'm sure many of the BD's will be able to relate to this in one way or another and hopefully if they are feeling overwhelmed don't feel that they don't have any other options than to end their life. He was 41.

Well, I feel a little better but I can't stop hearing my friend telling me. She called me and I was in my car and I almost had an accident because I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I started shaking so badly that I had to pull over and pull myself together.

I'm going to sign off. Thanks for listening. MamaJenn24


Anne 8102's picture

Probably all of us married to men who have been cut out of their children's lives worry about this on some level. How can these BM's hate their children's fathers more than they love their children? I'll never understand that. I understand everyone has to work their agenda, but I'll never understand how a mother can justify allowing their children to become collateral damage in these stupid wars they insist on fighting with their ex-husbands. Sick.

~ Anne ~

"Adjust on the fly, or you're going to cry."
Steve Doocy, The Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook

MamaJenn24's picture

and I truly believe that these BM's are so wrapped up in themselves that they are incapable of looking outside the box and putting their kids as the most important priority they have...

Now I realize that we as mothers get stressed out with our kids...but really, why do these BM's...(i.e. emotional terrorists) feel that they are entitled to treat their own children as objects instead of the miracle that they are? Why do they have children if they don't want to take care of them and use them as pawns to get their way? Is it just me that thinks they themselves don't want to have the responsibility that they seem to think that the father of their children is trying to get out of when it may be the exact opposite? Many of the BD's are trying desperately to be responsible and be in their children's lives, because they LOVE THEM, but how the heck can they if these BM's do everything in their power to sabotage their efforts? Is it just me that can't seem to figure out why they can't just get a grip on themselves and get a life and just love their children and take care of them? And treat their own flesh and blood like humans? They are your offspring! I can't imagine treating any of my kids that badly, ever. Even if I disliked my ex, whatever happened to cause the divorce is between me and him. The kids just happened to be innocent bystanders. They didn't cause the divorce! I divorced my ex to get away from him so why would I want to terrorize him when I knew that ultimately it would affect the kids? I would walk through fire for them and I know their father would too...regardless of whether we are married or not. It's not about us, it's about the kids.

Okay, I feel better. Thanks Anne for responding and I really agree with you...


Anne 8102's picture

You know, that really says it all. Mothers would do ANYTHING for their children, theoretically. I think of my kids and there is nothing, NOTHING, I would not do for them. I totally live for them and there's no doubt that I would gladly die for them. So if a mother, any mother, loves her children enough to die for them, then you would think compromising with an ex would be a piece of cake. I don't know if it's being selfish, being addicted to the drama or just being spiteful, but I do know that the only people these BM's are hurting are their own children and as much as they try to sabotage the relationship between their children and their children's fathers, it's going to eventually bite them in the ass.

~ Anne ~

"Adjust on the fly, or you're going to cry."
Steve Doocy, The Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook

pissedoffinNC.'s picture

Anne and Cruella are right that mothers ruin the lives of their children, not only the lives of their children but the lives of their ex's and their families too with their selfishness and greed. Im sorry that happened to your friend. My thougths are with you guys.

Sita Tara's picture

How can that be love? I am so frustrated with BM's out there who are so self absorbed that they cannot deal with their child loving someone else.

I honestly believe that's what it always boils down to. Their child needs to love them more than anyone else. They can't settle for less.

I'm so terrilby sorry to hear of your loss of a good friend. And I know the hurt of suicide personally. It's so hard to move past from, to get over the feeling that you could have done something to help.

Peace, love, and red wine

Colorado Girl's picture

I just want to say how sorry I am. Venting your frustrations is a necessary step in the grief process.

I, personally, had to physically pick my husband (boyfriend at the time) off the floor as he lay there in a pile of tears and defeat. All because BM refused to hand over the girls and threatened he'd never see them again because he wouldn't give her $75 for daycare she was ordered to pay. I left with a promise from him that he wouldn't do anything stupid. I didn't sleep at all that night. I als ocan not even begin to express the amount of restraint that I was blessed with that night to not go over to her house and smack the crooked smile off her face.

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

MamaJenn24's picture

when I was alone, I knew I could count on all of you to be there. I am truly lucky to have found this website.

I am absolutely haunted by this. It didn't have to happen. I don't know how she can look herself in the mirror. I luckily have a therapist that I can talk to. I am way too angry at this BM for my own good. Anger like that is poisonous. I've never been introduced to this evil BM, but I've spent enough time with my friends to know the full story of what's been going on for the better part of three years, and five years before I ever came into the picture. I know what she looks like and I've seen her in my travels every once in a while and it takes all my strength to not purposely drive full speed into her car and hope she gets crushed like a bug...I'll stop now. I do feel a little better.

Thankfully if I can't see my therapist, I can come here and vent. I need the frying pan, marble rolling pin, and For Sale sign guys so I can go over to her dump of a house and beat her eyes shut, slit them open and beat them shut, I won't do it but it feels good to say it.

I agree with Steve, I wish my friend hadn't done this because why give this person the satisfaction? Sadly, she most likely won't even skip a beat. And this poor little boy is going to grow up without a dad and a mother who just doesn't get it.

thank you again are angels on earth!


Colorado Girl's picture

watch Gladiator. That always makes me feel better when I'm feeling extra vengeful. Smile

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

Most Evil's picture
