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Christmas/holiday pagent and NOT invited

frustratedinMA's picture

Sooo... My DH informs me last night that his kids are having a pagent on Tues. I say.. great, I will put in for some vaca time to go. DH says.. oh.. you dont have a lot of vaca time... no need, I will go alone. He was very persistant that I do not go.

I DONT want him sitting w/her and her family because I dont want anyone to THINK they are a family.. and I dont want the skids to think that I didnt want to go.. I already think they are turning against me (they are only 9).

I dont know if it was requested that I dont go, if my DH is trying to save me vaca time, or if its because of how badly I got snubbed at the dance recital that I went to w/him last year (was literally treated like i was a LEPER!!)

What are your thoughts?? How do you think I should approach this? By the way.. its over an hour away.. Do I ask him out right to sit by himself and not cozy into that family??? They all treat me w/contempt.. and no.. I was not the cause of my DH's break up.. BM was getting remarried the day I went on my first date w/my DH.



sweetthing's picture

make the pagent & surprise him? If so I would go. My DH hates to do to anything w/o me because he doesn't want to be alone with her. She usually does end up sitting by us though. Sad

frustratedinMA's picture

Its not until Tuesday 12/18/07. She will only sit near if I am not w/him...

As I said, I am not sure why he doesnt want me to go. Last year was horrible.. Not only did her whole family treat me w/the cold shoulder (as if I didnt exist), but the skids ignored me as well. They were actually quite rude, because I said hi, and there was nothing.. like talking to a wall.

I suppose I only want to go to keep him company and give him support, and so the skids dont think that I am evil (too late).

Ugghhh.. I used to look forward to the holidays.. Now I just dread them... Its a logistical and emotional nightmare.

sweetthing's picture

doing things out of obligation. Do you want to go. If not & DH isn't asking I would skip it. I usually only go to support my husband & my step kids always treat me well around their mom as they do when they are with us. My husband would never tolerate anything but.

Anne Summers's picture

Your DH, his EX-wife, her family & the step kids all need to come to the realization that YOU are a part of this family now---like it or NOT.

Your DH may honestly want you to save your vacation for more special times with the two of you. You will never really know unless you specifically ask. He might honestly be like my DH was (and still is occasionally) which is clueless to how you feel unless you come right out and tell him. Once you explain to him how & why you feel the way you do he might understand.

There's only two other reasons why I can think he may not want you to go:

1) To not have fiasco like last year. He knows it is not your fault but why have you treated that way? He might be trying to save you from that again.

2) He (nor probably EX, her family and maybe even kids) don't want you there. (This is my last resort though) They all may want to enjoy the pageant as a family even though they aren't really one any longer. I don't really think that is the case even though I don't know all the details.

You need to explain to your DH that you would love to go this event (and all others) so that you may witness your step-kids pageant---but most of all to spend time with your DH.

My poor little DH loves to go with me everywhere he can (even shopping---although he hates shopping). He also explained to me long ago that I am apart of his family because I am his wife. He has never let me feel "left out." I am thankful for that. Smile

frustratedinMA's picture

Mine is afraid they wont like him.. and honestly, I think the skids are afraid to admit that they like me or even treat me respectedly when the BM is around. They dont know what to do and they shut down. To be quite honest.. BM is PSYCHO!!! for real.. like a Sybil or a Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde.

I can honestly say that when I offered I truly wanted to go. After you asking me.. and my remembering what I went through last year.. I am not so sure.

Would you request him to not sit anywhere near her? Or socialize w/the BM and BM's family while waiting for the kids to come out. These people have been horrible to me.. Including the BM assaulting me a year and a half ago in front of her children (and she has NEVER apologized)

Colorado Girl's picture

I don't go to recitals, soccer games, performances, award ceremonies etc. My DH wishes I would go to these events (as do I) but BM just is incapable of behaving herself.

So I made it my choice. It's just not worth it. BM in my case is a beast and I have completely removed myself from any situation where she is present. I love the girls but it's just not fair to them OR me.

My DH NEVER sits by her because it really is inappropriate in THEIR case. She has boundary issues plus DH doesn't like her enough to be in her company. So if this is the case for you, I think it's a fair request that he not sit by people who treat you "with contempt".

I'm sure the only reason that DH doesn't want you to go is to save the headache. It's just too bad that these women ruin it for everyone. Sad

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

frustratedinMA's picture

Wow.. I am impressed. I swore last year that I wouldnt go to another thing.. then found myself wanting to go.. (but it had been a year since I have to see this woman.. and I had forgotten how bad I did feel after the recital)

She would try to engage him, since she swears all men love her.. and she too is a beast. She traps men into marriage w/children they didnt plan on.. and then treats them like garbage. However, prior to my marrying my DH.. she USED to like me.. She would tell me how this guy or that guy was hitting on her. Then when she got pregnant w/the new hubby's baby she told me, but then said.. pls let me tell ex myself, I wouldnt want him to hear it from anyone else (like he would have been devastated.. WHATEVER!!! )

Grrr.. sorry. I think that its just still taking me time to get used to this whole situation (married 2 1/2 yrs). My DH and I are both from families that have remained intact. This is my first marriage.. and its just not the fairy tale I had imagined.

Colorado Girl's picture

because you do feel like she's "winning". But she's not. My take on it, and this may be unique to my situation, is that my skids NEED BOTH their parents there. They WANT me there but if it causes conflict, it's not fair to those little girls. Should I sit by dad and stepmom or will that make mom sad? They get enough of that bs in their life. I may not be the one who causes it, but I am the one that ultimatley causes BM to be unruly and cause scenes.

It's not about me proving that I'm his wife and he loves me. I think she's got that all figured out and I'm plenty secure enough to know that there is NOTHING she could say to DH to entice him in any way. And if she could, I married the biggest idiot ever. Wink I do, however, agree that they should ABSOLUTELY not sit together. DH needs to respect that request regardless of his feeling on the situation...

I say skip it and do something fabulous for yourself. Why inflict upon yourself a night of animosity and conflict? Let the kids tell you ALL about it later. Not only that, like in my situation, BM can't make every single event - so you know when that happens, good ol' stepmom is front and center.

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

missangie1978's picture

My DH knows that any events of SS I go to as well. We've had problems with BM trying to cozy up to DH and try and get him back, they've never been married and she didn't even tell him he had a son until SS was 4 years old and yet she still thinks if I was out of the picture he'd be with her. Dillusional is what she is.

Anyway DH doesn't even do drop offs and pick-ups without me. He wants her to understand that I am his wife and when I'm there she keeps away and makes drop offs and pick-ups easier. She knows I won't allow her to get away with the stuff that he use to when I wasn't around.

She likes to remind DH often that he use to be so nice and available before I came into the picture. He likes to reminder her that "I'm with Angie now and that's the only woman I make myself available for." That didn't go over so well.

I'm pretty sure one of the reasons BM hates me is when we went to pick up SS last year at BM's apartment DH came down her garbage to toss at the dumpster. I was PISSED. I got out of the car took the garbage bag from DH and marched my ass up to her apt and told her "don't ever ask DH to do something such as take out fhe garbage if you can't get your lazy ass up to do it than go find yourself your own man to do it because mine only takes out ours"

Hmmm wonder why that didn't go over so well Smile

lcooper's picture

You are a part of that family now, whether BM and her family like it or not, and whether or not your DH understands your feelings on this. If you do not wish to go, then that is another story. But I think the more they have to get used to you being there for your skids' events, they will have to acclimate to the fact that you are not going anywhere. It is over between DH and BM, them sitting together is definitely not appropriate, and personally, I would make sure of that by going. As for how you are treated, pretend you don't notice. Be sweet as can be, and congratulatory to the skids for their performance. Then who is going to look bad? Them. I say kill them with kindness.

Best of luck!

SoFrustrated's picture

I second that!

Angel's picture

Oh sweetie! I know it hurts you to think you are not invited, not wanted, not .... You are coming from such a loving place----but let it go. Let him go enjoy, you do something else. When he comes home have a glass of wine waiting for him and smile.

Don't worry about where he sits. He's married to you, you are loaning him out for a short while.

I have no problem sharing my husband, but have a big problem sharing my money!

Colorado Girl's picture

"I have no problem sharing my husband, but have a big problem sharing my money!"

That's hilarious...

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

LVmyBOXERS's picture

I go to 1 event per year, SD's recital. BM and her family do their best to make me (us)unforfortable. I do not let her win. I smile and act like a civilized person, unlike her. At other events for the skids, DH does not sit anywhere near her. He can't stand her about like me. He does not speak to her family, only the kids. We literally act like they are not there. I hug SD afterwards and tell her great she did and how proud I am of her. Now granted, BM is not right there on top of us but she is not far watching and listening to everything. I too choose not to go to stuff because of her. I get angry just seeing her and then I take it out on DH and that is not fair. SS does not like me anyway so he does not want me at his events. (Thanks BM) Anyway, if you truley want to go, I say go. Sit with your DH and act like they are not there. If the skids are ugly to you then that is their problem. Maybe once they get older and start being able to form their own opinions and not let the BS that BM is feeding them take over, they might remember you went and supported them and appreciate that.

maggie925's picture

I readily admit that I have no experience in this arena since BM has never attended one event in SD's life ever (with the exception of giving birth to her). 9 years later, I can't even meet BM at the door for fear of what I might do/say. I let Daddy handle all interaction with BM, which is hardly any at all.

I have been on the child's end of things though and I can honestly say that I would have loved to have both Mom and Dad at important events. I think it's really important to kids. I would never expect or even want them to sit together though. It's too weird for the kids and as a 2nd wife, I would find it highly inappropriate and disrespectful to me.

I think he should go, not sit with them and enjoy the show as a proud papa. Tell him to take lots of pics/video for you and then the next time you have the girls, share the pics/video with them so that they can tell you all about it. In the meantime, send them some flowers with a teddybear or something like that with a short sweet note telling them you are sorry you couldn't make it, but you can't wait to see them and hear all about it.
Good luck!

"Walk slow and watch for snakes"

Sita Tara's picture

Since in BM's world I don't actually exist (she will hang up if I answer my own phone and hangs up without leaving a voice mail so she doesn't have to hear my voice) we show up whenever possible to remind her I do in fact exist.

BM avoids all of SD's soccer games and school functions if we are going. She went so far as to not bring SD to a mandatory meeting at school a few years ago for problems in SD's class (which SD was a huge instigator along with a couple other girls.) That one was a piece of our winning custody, as the principal of the school was disgusted that she didn't come even after they personally called her when SD was bragging to classmates that her "cool" mom wasn't going to make her sit through the stupid meeting.

Last weekend was BM's weekend and the first time the fall soccer game fell on a BM weekend where she actually took visitation. SD left soccer stuff here (the field is 2 mins down the street.) So DH called BM to ask if they were stopping by. BM asks, "Are you going to the game?" DH- "I haven't decided yet."

So after SD gets stuff and leaves with BM we notice she left her school shoes here when she changed. DH says to me, "Guess I'm going after all." He said when he got there BM yelled at him, "Why did you LIE and say you weren't coming?????"
Ummm....that's not what he said.

She only hears/does/thinks what she wants to believe in her crazy little world. Did I mention recently that the Dark Side theme from Star Wars plays on DH's phone when BM calls?


Ask off and tell DH, "Guess what? I got the time off for the recital!" If he then says outright he was hoping you'd stay home I would tell him how you feel about it. Be careful to say it's how you feel- not that he's MAKING you feel that way. But honestly, your DH should put you as his wife above the feelings/concerns/discomfort of her as his ex.

Peace, love, and red wine

Most Evil's picture


frustratedinMA's picture

Well.. after much discussion this weekend.. I will not be going. My DH assured me that its because he was worried about my lack of vaca time. There are 2 showings at the school, and he believes that the ex is going to the am showing.. and he is going to the pm showing. He said if for any reason she shows up to his showing.. He will sit by himself and not near her.

He also said he no longer believes its a xmas or holiday pagent... but rather some Jackson 5 skit. Who knows.. WE are never told anything... nor do we see most of the notifications from the school.. and dont get me started on the school pics (saw that on another blog post!!!)

kamini's picture

this is way off topic but when i got married to my Dh 3 years ago he and the BM were already divorced for 4 years and they would be like two dogs barking at each other. Then I came along and we worked things out and my SD is well adjusted, Though very spoiled and materialistic.
Today is so different from 3 years ago. We go to school plays and games etc and then me and my DH and BM and her new husband and baby and SD go out to eat!!
Gosh I wish the BMs would stop being b@#CHes. It makes life so much easier.

But to Ms. Frustrated I say......
(1)go only if you want to. THat way you are the better person for being kind to them.....yea kill them with kindness indeed.
(2) DH needs to let everyone esle know that you are his lady and a major part of his family.
(3) DH has to talk to the kids about this are his wife and their stepmomma. He should probably tell them that they do not HAVE TO LIKE YOU OR LOVE YOU,but theyHAVE TO RESPECT YOU AND BE POLITE
(4) so if you decide to go, wear a smashing outfit, put on some perfume and paste a smile on your face and don't cling to DH but let HIM hold YOUR hand when you are socializing.