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New Survivor

c-k's picture

Hi Fellow STEPS. I'm so glad I found you. Thought I'd go crazy because there is pretty much no one to talk to. Glad to see you here.


Persephone's picture

Your right there isn't a lot of people you can talk with about this. Unless they are in the same situation. I do have a close friend, who is a step mother to two teens-- her BM is deceased, so she competes with a 10 yr gone ghost. Her DH is sooooo guilt ridden. I tell you I'd rather deal with my story than hers.

This site is fantastic; I know you will find the support your seeking.

c-k's picture

wow. this is an active site. can you educate me a bit on the abbreviations? what is DH? what is BM?

presently i am working on my own heart and thoughts to better deal with the life situation. i'm disappointed to realize that adults act like children and there is no controlling the situation. the best i can do is to try not to become angry or bitter. i've realized that anger and bitterness only hurts me...the other person loves it. kind of stupid but true. besides, the Ex is not worth the energy or time. i'd rather spend those moments wallowing in the new found love of my life and our marriage. sounds all good but it's not easy. i'm reading a book by Andy Stanley called "It Comes From Within". the book is great. i realize why the husband and Ex behave as they do and most important I realize that it's not even about's about them. as long as i can keep my head about me when she's being a child toward me then i'll be okay. i'm very protective of my children and husband and his children so it's gonna be a struggle. you can mess with me but when you mess with my family all bets are off... know what I mean?

shandee's picture

So glad to know about that book!!! i will get it next. I'm reading Divorce Poison right now and wow it hits home!!! Thanks to the wonderful chick that recommended that book , which led me to a web site with great resorces!!! so that will be the next book on my list.

Stay strong...

Nymh's picture

DH = dear husband (or Dick Head depending on how mad at him you are)
BM = bio mom (the mother of your step child[ren])
SS = step son
SD = step daughter

Those are the big ones. There are some others that are used less often like:

MIL/FIL = mother in law/father in law
SM = step mom
SF = step father
BF = boyfriend
BS = bio son
BD = bio daughter
BB = bio bitch (what the girls call BM when they're really mad at her Lol

Welcome to the site!

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

shandee's picture

that i was wondering about some of the abbreviations. couldn't figure out the dh or bb. I had that thought but i felt bad for thinking that it might be that cause surely noone talked as bad as me!! LOL