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Pray for us...

Nymh's picture

We're supposed to have SS again this weekend. I just need a little support and some uplifting words because the crap from BM has been getting worse and worse every time he's here. I just hope that she can leave him alone for 72 hours and let him enjoy his time with his Dad.

Here's praying that she will realize for just 3 days that she doesn't have to speak to SS every ten minutes, or that the fact that she doesn't do so doesn't make BF a bad parent or me a selfish bitch. Here's hoping that she will realize for just 3 days that hey, maybe SS WANTS to come see his Dad, and that her efforts to prove otherwise or try to keep them from each other are only hurting her son. Here's wishing that she will stop spreading around her hate and lies for just 3 days, just long enough for SS to have a good, relaxing, enjoyable weekend with his father. And most importantly, here's praying that soon she'll realize that it's her SON that matters most - not her hurt feelings, jealousy, anger, whatever - and that she will realize that HER ACTIONS have been hurting her son. That he's afraid of HER, not us. That he's beginning to hate HER, not us. And that soon she'll lose her relationship with him if she doesn't get her act together.

I don't care what she does after this weekend, but please can't we just have these three days? Is that too much to ask? I feel like at the rate things are getting worse, before long we'll either be getting SS full time, or be committed to an institution!


proud mom's picture

Heres to hopeing that you have a hassels harrasement free weekend. Enjoy every moment that you have with SS. By the way who cares what she thinks as long as you know how you and dh arel

Live for today,you may not have a tommorow

OldTimer's picture

I say go ahead and be a selfish b!tch! LOL...

Hugs to you!

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

Nymh's picture

It took SS three hours to say a word to me. BF asked him what was up, he said that BM gave him a really hard time this week about me. I could see that because we got about a dozen messages about how I'm NOT TO BE AROUND SS this weekend. He said she really made him feel miserable about me and he was just a little reluctant to talk to me. He's opened up a little bit but I can still tell he's scared of getting in trouble.


It looks like it's going to be a difficult weekend.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Candice's picture

It's so hard for this little guy, he is taking on so much bad adult information and he's just a kid for christ's sakes, he doesn't know how to handle this!!! I am so sorry, and it's not your fault, you guys can't control the crazy bitch that birthed this poor kid!

Just give him some space, maybe make a special dessert for him, and show him you are available for him when he is ready for you to be there. The poor kid just doesn't know what to do. He doesn't want to hurt his mother, but at the same time he likes you and doesn't know why he can't just be a kid!

Please turn off the phones too!! No matter what you do, this kid is going to get interrogated when he gets home, just turn the phones off anyway when he is with you. You aren't saving him from anything by letting her interrogate him on your time.

Good luck Nymh, keep up the good work and hang in there. It hurts I know!


proud mom's picture

I feel so bad for you. I am sorry she has to be that way. Just let SS know that it is ok to like you even though Mom doesn't. I have the same sort of problem when my boys come home from their dads everyother weekend the little will look right at me and say "I don't like DH because my daddy doesn't like him" It breaks my heart espically because after a day or so of that he will look at me and say "I love dh and he is my buddy" Why must the other parent fill the kids head with shit? Why can't they just keep their opinion to themselves and let the kids decide on their own?

Anyway hang in there and hope your weekend gets better.

Live for today,you may not have a tommorow

OldTimer's picture

I tell you, some people just need to be shot... with an elephant tranquilizer gun... knock her a$$ out for the entire weekend. LOL.

You know what I used to do? When things were obviously bad with the interrogation factor with my SS's BM and it was obvious that SS was avoiding me, I simply didn't put any pressure on him, we didn't talk about it, it was one of those silent conversations you just knew about between us...I just said...Come on, we're going out! I just took SS out, had some one-on-one time with him, gave him the physical reason that things his mother were saying to him just weren't true. Went to the movies, arcade, something fun that we could do together that let him be a kid, keep his mind off of it all. Of course, we both knew that when he went back to his mother's, she'd interrogate him about his (or my) every move he did that week. Unfortunately, there wasn't anything I could do about it. I did sit and have a talk to him about it from time to time and just let him know that his mother had the best intentions (as much as I don't believe it's really HIS best interest at heart, but hers...) and she's only doing the best that she knows how. I just reassured him that I wasn't going anywhere, and that I loved him no matter what.

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

lmdavi0's picture

cause we haven't seen sd for four weeks now. our bb is exactly like yours and sd is suffering so much. i pray daily that bb will get over it and realize what she is doing to sd. she is shredding her. making her feel torn between the parents she loves, and unfortunately right now, she is only blaming dh, not bb. but as sd10 gets older, the truth will come out, and although i pray for things to change, i almost hope that sd will hate bb. isn't that awful?? but it's what i wish sometimes. to give back to her what she has done to us and sd. how can you say you love someone and hurt them so?? please, god, watch over all of us and give us strength and patience, love and understanding. AMEN!