CPS update....
Well as most of you know DH and I were being investigaed for abuse and neglat of my boys well I recivied letters from CPS today stating that the alligations were unfounded and the boys are in a safe home. What great news to hear on our one week wedding aniversary.(yeah I know it is corny it is just a week but what a great week it has been)
Mothers day was pretty good gifts from all the kids and hubby too of course he is the one that bought them all but the kids helped pick them out)
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Happy Days....
...are here again.
That is fabulous news. Vindication, ya got to love it.
I bet you are bouncing around like Tigger.!!!
boing, boing
just bouncing around like us tiggers do
(ta ta for now)
Live for today,you may not have a tommorow
See?! Nothing to fear all along! We knew it!
~ Anne ~
"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
You were right
the funny thingis that the ex asked when i was going to start letting the boys stay with him more I said "Gee, I don't know since I just recived papers from CPS stating that the boys are in a safe home maybe they just need to stay here" His response was I don't see how it can be safe if little one was hit. The really funny thing is little one went into one of his temper tantrums when Mr. Wonderful went to pick him up on Friday and he spanked him right in front of the sitter. I wonder what ever happened to he never has those fits on me or I never spank him.? HMMMMMMMMMM, maybe I should make a phone call nah not sinking to his level
Live for today,you may not have a tommorow
That is really great....
My DH and I are still being investigated.... BUT, I am so happy for you and happy that you were rightfully cleared!
It is a testimony that the truth rules at the end. We never actally received any kind of letter or ever heard from CPS again. After hearing comments that the caseworker made I am sure they dropped our case the minute she walked out the door.
In our state with a letter from CPS for Unfounded charges if BM keeps making false resports you can petition the court for who is making the charges and have THEM charged with making false reports. The Caseworker told me that herself.
I second that
Everything Cruella said. Crongrats on your victory and by all means, save those letters and get her charged if she keeps it up!!!
See? Good things do happen to good people. I'm glad everything worked out.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
I'm happy to hear it. Why do some people feel that by falsely accusing people of things that they are ever going to get something out of it? All it does is wreck havoc through everyone, not just the people the aim to hurt, but everyone... including their children. They never stop to THINK... or maybe that's the problem... they are thinking TOO MUCH! LOl.
I'm glad to hear that alls well that ends well.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
That is EXACTLY what BM wanted to do to us when she emailed CPS and put in the false reports. She wanted to turn our lives upside down. She told SD that he BEAT her and that is why she left the country. She told CPS that as well but when she saw the both of us and what a nice home we are providing (we had did major renovations to the children's bedrooms), and the fact they were all doing great in school. The truth stood strong. The children were asked to draw pics and what the drew was rainbows, a horse, and smiles. LOL!!!! OMG these kids are soooo unhappy. She said the children were EXTREMLY out going and joked and kidded around with her.
But here is the very unfair thing. Our home got inspected yet these children have to go to her home every summer which was NEVER checked out because it is in another country. She drinks, has slapped my SD on several occassions, drove while intoxicated WITH the children, parties with adult son in front of the childen, took the children to parties where everyone was drinking!!! My SD has actually ran away one time last summer from BM. She has NEVER behaved like that with us. But WE are the ones investigated?????
What BM managed to do in our case is make it harder on herself. Now we decided EVERYTHING will have to go through our attorneys just to protect ourselves. It was the final nail in the coffin for DH. He does not deny her access to the children. She can call and talk to them any time they want. In fact if we are not home we forward the phone to my DH cell phone just so she CAN talk to the kids. She hasn't called them at all for a long time since we started doing this. She wants to tell DH he MUST stay home on Saturday evenings so she can talk to the children AT OUR HOME. No....the court order just says she has unlimited calling during reasonable times and reasonable durations. Again BM wants control. Does she really think our world revolves around her? We are supposed to stay home on weekends in CASE she decides to call which is not often. I believe that she stopped calling because she knows she lost control of our home.
Week number 2 still going strong lol
Well we've been married for 2 weeks today and i have never felt better. Safe, secure but most importantly loved!!! Dh spent last week in Denver for work and wasn't suppose to be home until Sunday evening well his class let out early on Sat and he changed his flight, he even gave up first class(which he has never flown he has always been in coach) so that he could be home with me late Sat night. the ex has been making little comments about "your husband " as he now calls him but guess what I am so happy now that I really don't care what he says. DH ex has been pretty flexible and nice to him lately(we don't talk) so I am sure there is a storm brewing on that end. Hope all of y'all are doing good and have a great day!!!!
Live for today,you may not have a tommorow