Help ...Im panicking
Im new to the site,I literally just typed in I dont want to be a step parent and this site came up
I really feel like I dont know wher to turn.
My partner took his son back to mum on sunday after he had spent the weekend with us and he hadnt even turned round in the drive to leave when his ex was dragging the child out to him both of them crying and shes saying to the child "go and live with daddy then"goes back in the house and locks the door
My partner took him back in and calmed things down but now its in his head that maybe his son will come to live with us
Problem being I cant think of anything worse
We have his son every other weekend and I dread even the visits,He is 4 and we have a one year old,my son barely gets a look in .My partner tries but his 4 year old demands so much of his attention that I feel like an outsider in my own house leading to me resenting his son which is hard to admit and live with...but thats how I feel and I hate it I never show it to my step son and he loves me
My partner knows how I feel as Ive always been honest all he says is "you knew I had him when we met"which I did but he lives with his mum and I assumed it would always be that way
Partner says if his son decides he wants to live with him then he wont say no (baring in mind hes only 4)then knowing how I feel hed have to move out .I just dont think I could raise a child thats not mine especially as he is so clingy to dad
Ive tried to bond and in the beginning we did but I think partner got jealous and I felt I got pushed out and now I feel its too late
We argued all the time about his ex dictating our lives as it is and this new added stress is making me wonder if we are doomed,hes talking about moving out now where does that leave our son
I feel hes choosing his 4 year old over the family he has here with us and Im in a no win situation
- sas6127's blog
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clinging to daddy?
I dont mean to be harsh the first time your on here but, he is four!
His parents are split and his mum just showed a real example of what this little tike has to put up with. Maybe dad is his security and maybe you as the adult could step down to his level and see how he sees the world very scary for a four year old. And even though you dont show feelings in front of him, you tell your husband how you feel about him. Trust me children know what your feeling the same as animals, their minds are not full of bitterness and resentment they only want love!
Yes you did know your husband had this child and what if his mother died? where was he to go then? did you think about that?
Your husband is not going to abandon his four year old, and I am sure he loves you differently to his four year old.
You say your one year old barely gets a look in, but you and your husband have him for 12 nights to dote over.
I think you are the jealous one, why shouldn't your hubby spend quality time with his son on those weekends.
And if you stop telling your husband that you dread the visits and make some effort to be included I am sure things will change.
Imagine if you split up and if you got a new partner and he was telling you how much he dreaded have your child around! I think it would really hurt you!
Face up to what is really bugging you and work on it. If you cant, let go of both of them and stop making their lives miserable when they have contact visits.
I really do wish you the best outcome though, step mumming is really hard as you will on all the posts.
a little harsh I thought
His parents split when he was 3 months old so he isnt traumatised by the seperation its all he has ever known
and yes he is only 4 so do you realy think he is old enough to decide who he lives with,he was told to put his shoes away and screamed I want to live with daddy,normal behaviour i know I have a 16 year old so Im no novice,but surely at 4 he isnt old enough to make a decision like that and actually his mum is quite a good mum so hes not being neglected
As for making effort we do everything together and I make sure he feels wanted if he didnt would he be saying he wants to live with us and to stay at home with me when daddy is at work
I think you have jumped to alot of conclusions
I was hoping for some support and understanding or does everybody live in a sugar coated world where we all love each other
I try every day but cant change the way I feel right now
He is only 4 and if you try
He is only 4 and if you try and see him as part of the family not an intrusion I think you can make it work! Maybe if you give him the hugs make a huge deal when he comes next weekend...Make it all about "big brother" is home, make him feel part of your child's life. That way he won't feel like hes being replaced but he is special because he is a big brother and your son is sooooooo lucky to have a big brother and you are soooo happy he is here....It might sound silly to you but making him feel secure, loved and part of your family will make your DH happy, make your son happy because face it they are brothers and in the end you will feel the way a lot of women on this sight do....lucky to have him in your life. I'm not preaching to you but you have a chance to make a family my kids were 6 and 8 when i met my DH and they are close now. We all accept each other and appreciate each other. My SD was a lot older and I am still not able to bond which i find frustrating!! But you are the adult and you have a great chance you really do!!! He is not capable of telling you and his Dad that he is scared you don't love him anymore, that is normal behavior if they were both your children....but you would be more loving and understanding if he was yours...see my point?? Try what i said give a real effort, you may get a real surprise!!
Good Luck...
give it effort?
Believe me I make the effort He does feel secure loved and part of the family otherwise he wouldnt be saying he wants to live with us would he???
I do make him feel welcome...he wants to move in and stay at home with me when daddys at work so do you think Ive made the effort??
Sorry but I just dont want to raise somebody elses child,if his mum dies or couldnt care for him then of course he would live with us and I would be the full time parent by the way not dad
But should we say ok move in on the whim of a 4 year old having a tantrum
He has a good mum who loves him so he doesnt need rescuing from a n awful situation
Am I so wrong for having these feelings
There must be someone who understands
I was asking for support but all Im getting is negativity
I didnt say I was proud of my feelings in fact I admitted I wasnt
I'm not sure what you need us to support? The fact that you don't want him to live with you full time? I don't really think the BM would allow that to happen honestly. A 4 year old wanting to run away, wanting a puppy, wanting....I think its normal. I have had my kids say they want to go live with Dad and I have asked them if they would like me to pack for them...they really don't want to...I think the fact that you said he was "clingy" to his Dad made me feel like the little boy is insecure, needs his Dads attention and yes I felt like maybe it is the other child coming in and taking his attention. Of course he needs to learn to share as your son will need to learn and I guess you will also have to learn to share the father.
Believe me if you have read some of the postings, no one here lives in a sugar coated world we are all just trying to keep our sanity with what we have been dealt. I love my husband, I don't like my SD, so I understand I really do!! I just seen a glimmer of hope in your situation because he is so young where I haven't got a hope in hell with my SD!!
You are right to ask for support from this group. I can understand your frustration. I agree that a 4 year old's tantrum should not be taken this seriously. I am sure that if he were to move in and DH had to discipline then he would want to live with BM, thats just what kids say when they are angry or upset. I believe that a child should have equil time with both parents (if they are sane)if possible and that he needs his BM as much as he needs DH. I hope the two anonymous posters did not scare you away from this site. I have found it to a great place for venting and I feel much less alone in this situation and judge myself less harshly knowing there are others with the same problems and feelings. Hang in there!
My take on it
First, this is just my opinion. When you agreed to a commitment with your partner, you agreed not only to being his partner, but to being a stepmother to his son. If you had limitations on what you were willing to give as a stepparent, you should have made them known before entering into a commitment. When a stepchild is involved, there is always a possibility of them living with you. Hindsight though, right?....
That said, I don't think you are a bad person for feeling the way you do. I have to admit that I've had those feelings. I do love my stepchild, but there are times that I wish we had a *normal* family.
Since you and your partner did not discuss these things prior to entering into a commitment, you should do it now. Make sure each of you understand where the other is at in regard to all of the important matters (children, finances, etc.) Couseling can help you. It can help you to understand, to accept or not, and to make some hard choices. If your partner will agree, couples counseling could help. I really recommend it.
Good luck.
There is a reason 4 year olds don't run the world!
My DH dreams of the day that his boys 7 & 9 ask to live with us.I doubt the 9 y/o ever would as he is his mother's son, however the 7 year old is much more like DH & myself & I can see him asking for that someday. However, he is a child & shouldn't & doesn't get to make his own decisions and neither should your partner's son. ( Just for the record I am totally okay with either of the boys living here. We have them every day after school, so I am already doing homework & running them around & feeding them, so other than making them take a bath & going to bed it isn't a whole lot more to do. Plus I am pregnant with their baby brother and I want for them to have the same bond with him as they do with each other)
His mother ( and you said she was a good mother) had to have been heart broken to hear that and that is my I am sure she responded the way she did. I am sure she doesn't want to have her son come live with his dad either. Kids get whims, youngest ss had one last winter where he didn't want to come here after school because he was going to many places ( his mother is the one who drags him to BF house every weekend 2 hrs away. We tended to stay home more so they had down time in their own home, he was 6 & confused. He is also afraid to tell his mom stuff like this & tells us instead putting us in a difficult situation. At our home we have told them to share whatever they are feeling and we will talk about it. Not to be afraid of disappointing us)
It is one thing to have a child every other weekend, it is another to be the one who feeds & bathes & sends to school during the week. Your partner needs to think about can he do all that. We had the kids for a week recently and it wasn't a big deal, however we had to change our work schedules around because we work earlier and that is why we have them after school. But DH told me that he could not have taken care of them by himself the way WE did. He knows that their life changed for the better when I came along. The boys want to be here more because I am what makes this a comfortable home for all of us.
I am sure your partner feels bad that you feel this way, but it DOESN't make you a bad person. It is a lot to expect ( and this usually falls on the woman vs step dad's -no offense to the great step-dad's that are on here) to love someone else's child as your own.
I would try & find outwhat is going on with the child that is making him act out like this. Maybe there is something on his mind that he doesn't know how to express. Did he get more clingy to his dad when the new baby was born?
Hang in there!
We are having counselling
We are having counselling next week and I hope it helps
We did discuss everything when we got together and my partner has always been convinced his son would never live with us as his mother wouldnt allow it ,she enjoys controlling our life too much
Of course there was always a chance he would live with us but I guess I saw it happening when he was much older than 4 and able to make a real thought through decision
I try really hard with him,my study is now his room as I wanted him to feel part of the family but it feels like the more I do for him the more my partner expects and the more they shut me out
If he came to live with us I would be the main carer as Im a childminder working from home and it just feels wrong,he says he wants to live with daddy but the truth is he wouldnt see him any more than he does now because my partner works long hours
Yet when I said I wasnt sure how Id feel about us raising him my partner said "no Ill be raising him"what???
So Id get all the responsibility and day to day care but no say.I just couldnt make such a sacrifice
Then Bm will be telling us what to do all the time its bad enough having to deal with her at weekends but everyday and I think Id go mad
Thankyou for the more understanding replies
Like I said Im not proud of how I feel but Im just being honest
I dont think my partner
I dont think my partner realises what he is asking of me or how difficult it would be He just thinks ...both my kids living with me great!!!but if he wasnt with me it wouldnt even be an option,as hes said he wont give up his job to be honest I feel a bit used
nothing would change much for him as hes at work all day
He didnt get more clingy when the baby was born
Hes always been that way but its got worse the last couple of months as my son can now get around and play more
my ss pushes him out and says hes ruining everything
Id love them to play togeter but ss just doesnt want my son around their dad
ss living with you
I told my husband BEFORE we got married that I didn't mind his son coming over every other weekend, BUT I could not have him live with us, NO MATTER WHAT. I own my own home (he lives with me), I have raised my kids (I'M DONE). I made the rules by which I live, not someone else. I am fair because I am UP FRONT, I don't lie, and I try not to live in fantasy land.
See my DH knows that
I made life better for him & the boys. That his house turned into a home when he married me & I moved in.
How did his dad prepare him for the new baby? My 7 y/o ss started asking us to have a baby when we first started dating, so he was easier. 9 y/o was ok, but not thrilled when we first started talking about it. However as time went by & I got pregnant lst February & lost that baby, then he started wanting one. He knew how much I hurt and how sad I was about it. I think that is when he started wanting it too. Now he is really excitted. But we have told them repeatedly that it DOESN"t change how much we love them. We even included them in helping pick out a name. In two weeks they are going up to my parents for the baby shower. We gave them the option of having it on a weekend they were with mom & they want to go too. ( there will be cake so that may have influenced them)
Did your partner & does he talk about it with his son. 4 is such a tough age, my niece just turned 5 in November & she is a little pill still.
It sounds like by dad ignoring your son together when SS is around that he is reinforcing that baby brother isn't important.
We have even forbid the use of 1/2 brother with thye boys. Their BM knows this & will back this up. A brother is a brother no matter what.
I would be interested how your partner thinks he would manage as a single father.
You are entitled to your feelings!
You are completely entitled to your opinion and feelings, sas. Some people don't know the reality of blended families, and that's okay too, but they are NOT all sugar spice, that's for sure.
I think you're jumping ahead too quickly here. What happened with the drop-off was likely the result of a frustrated mother who was probably happy to see her son, only to have him cry for his Dad. You said that she's a good mom, so it just seems unlikely that this is the end of the story and you'll have a full-time SS.
Personally, I am uncomfortable when people tell me that I knew what I was getting into when I married STBX. I did NOT have ANY clue what hell my life would become. Yes, I knew he had a son, but I did NOT know that I would be put last constantly, or be excluded from the "family" when SS was at the house. I spent 2 years in court fighting for this child with STBX and I never got a "thanks" or an acknowledgement that BB's crazy antics were difficult for me to take. Many people in my life were sympathetic, but others gave me the "you knew..." line. It's damned frustrating to hear that.
Since you cannot go back to what you "could've" or "should've" said/done, look forward. Talk to your husband and figure out what is REALLY happening here. If you think SS is coming full-time, you need to find out if that's something you can handle, even with therapy. If you love your husband and want to try, I encourage you to seek help. If you don't feel that you want to be a ft mother to this child, then you are right to consider moving on. It's not fair to anyone to stay and be miserable. I don't see your husband's reaction as him choosing his older child over yours, just his refusal to turn away from his son if the truth is that BM doesn't want him. So don't feel second best....
Perhaps the problems also lie with the way you feel DH treats you when SS is around. if he WAS more attentive and kind, and made you feel loved while encouraging a relationship with his son, would you feel differently? Often, we confuse dislike of the adult behavior with dislike of the stepchild. Just something to consider.
I might be a hypocrite, but I will not get involved with another man who has kids despite the fact that I have one. I have been to hell and back and will not return. My situation is very different as DD's BF lives in the UK and pays support but only visits once or twice a year. I just don't want to deal with another person's drama again. You are always told, "Oh, the situation with my child(ren) and my ex is great" and then the shit hits the fan the second the man remarries or finds someone else. If I have to be on my own forever, I will. And OP, you can make a similar choice. You can leave, get CS, meet someone who doesn't have this baggage and be happy, or be happy on your own. You are not a quitter if you decide that this is not the life you want.
edited to add that I just read about how you will be providing all of the day-to-day care for this child and that your partner doesn't want to quit his basically, he is asking you to take on his son and doesn't want to have the daily responsibility of that? His life won't change at all...yet he is angry that you are not jumping up and down at the idea? If you decided to leave, he'd HAVE to figure somethign else out, or else he'd have to say "no" to BM. You have EVERY right to be upset and question this.
ss coming to live with us?
DH came home and we managed to have a conversation about the whole thing He will talk to bm at the weekend and say that if she decided she wanted ss to live with us we would need drama like last time and it would have to be official through the courts that he has custody
DH said if ss lived with us he would continue to go to his childminder and he would take him and pick him up so Im not the main carer BM would have him every other weekend as we do now so we get time with our son
Personally I think she will laugh in his face and say something like "over my dead body" but at least hes trying to think rationally instead of emotionally and trying to consider everybody
Of course there will be times when Im looking after ss but that happens now anyway if DH has to work and its our weekend
Actually I prefer having ss when dads not around we get on better and he interacts more with me and his little brother(we never say step brother either)
I have a 16 year old who would say he wanted to live with my parents when he couldnt get his own way so Im aware kids do this but this is the first time for DH and I think he got a bit caught up in the thought of it and because I wasnt jumping up and down (in fact I think I went into shock)he couldnt understand my reaction
I cant lie I hope it never comes to it and its easy to say I can always leave but I love him and we have been through alot and I couldnt bear to seperate him and our son
Id like to have another child with him but if ss moves in I cant see that being an option,so am I to give up on that and will I resent the ss for it...I guess Ill cross that bridge when I come to it
Yes I knew he had a child why do people who dont have step children say that but if Id known what comes with that Id have run screaming...being told that constantly doesnt help and no one ever tells you how hard it will be ...other step families seem to blend so well from the outside or is this often just a mask for the rest of the world and what goes on behind closed doors is not disimilar to my life
Just a little advice...
Everyone's covered it here, but I wanted to stress something I think is really important. You need to remember that he is only 4. This means that he is still entirely a product of the adults around him. Any problems you have with the way he behaves is a problem you have with his dad and BM, not with him. Remember to blame them, not him. It's easy to get caught up in what the kid does and to begin to built resentment. That resentment is very dangerous. Try and always make it about something DH needs to hear you out about, try his best to understand, and that you and he need to come to a conclusion/solution about. DH needs to take control of any inappropriate behavior that SS exhibits at your house. The more SS knows what to expect the better he'll behave. And the more he feels like a part of the house the better also. He needs to know that your house is just as much his as it is his brother's. That is very important.
Ok I am Speaking as a SM and a BM
I was a single mother for years and let me tell you dating was a nightmare. I had a couple of serious relationships. It seemed like people thought I was looking for a Dad for my children and that wasn't the case. I wound up staying single because I was asked once too many times to "Give up my kids" because this new person couldn't deal with the fact I had 2 children and I couldn't have any more children. I totally understood but I sent these men out the door. As a BM I would NEVER give up my children. I didn't think it was fair for these people to ask me to give up my kids. They knew I had my children from day one.
I finally found someone when I was in my late 20's. He acted like the perfect SD from day one. I actually married this man because he totally fooled me into thinking he loved my children. 2 months after I married him HE ASKED ME TO GIVE UP MY KIDS. Keep in mind my children we 3 and 6 and very well behaved children. The problem wasn't them it was him. I had NO ex husband issues. The man just didn't like kids and told me so. I sent him packing as well and he came back crying that he really did love the kids. Well 7 years of pure hell later (cheating on his part) I realized he was just telling me what he thought I wanted to here. His position never changed about the kids. He was treating thim horribly when my back was turned and I never saw it. EVER...he was good about hiding things and quite frankly had my children terrified. I hear stories from my now grown children that make me sick. I hate this man to this day.
Now 15 years later I met the love of my life. He has 3 children that he has custody of and 2 adult children. I really had to think hard because quite frankly I literally had to choose between my husband and kids in the past and I would never make someone that I love make that decision. I had to realize that with him the children came with him. As a SM this has been a very hard road for me. Always with problems with either the Skids or BM. I chose to be with all of them. The BM is a real pill and I deal with her issues constantly. It is crazy.
My point is really think hard about what you want. If you really love this man do not make him choose between you and his child. If he really does have the qualities of a good husband and father then you are forcing him to make a decision that you may not like. In my eyes NO MAN was worth giving up my children. If he is willing to give up his child for you do you REALLY want this man? I mean if he can walk away from a 4 year old then he can walk away from any child you have with him as well. To me if you really love this man you need to accept the fact his child comes along with him. It cuts both ways. Right now is the time to stop and think what YOU want. Please don't marry this man if you know deep in your heart you can't deal with the situation. It is a hard path to take beleive me. It is not fair to you, him, and the child. I am not saying you are like my Ex husband. Not at all but my children were traumitized by their former Step father.
Im not asking him to choose
Thankyou for your comments,but I am not asking him to turn away from his son
Ive already said that if my ss mother decided she no longer wanted him then of course he would come to live with us,it wouldnt be my first choice of how I saw my life being butI would never turn him away or make my parter choose
What I am saying is I dont believe a 4 year old is the best judge of where it is best for them to live
If my ss was in danger or being neglected by BM then I would drive over there and collect him myself but she is a good mum and he is well loved and cared for(although a big pain in our ass)
My partner has known all along that I would never choose to have my ss live with us unless it became necessary
This is harsh but Im only being honest about my own limitations
If ss came to live with us I would be the full time parent not my partner so I feel thats a big ask of me..hes made it clear he wouldnt give up his job
I knew there was always a chance that he may live with us one day,but I figured it would be a planned well thought through process made official through the courts not the whim of a 4 year old having a tantrum
Apparently he plays mum up all the time where as I have to say generally his behaviour with us is very good
Maybe Bm just needs support or advice on how to handle his behaviour
rather than thinking the solution is to turn her back on him and pack him off to Dad
We are having him this weekend also to give her a break and we are going to have a chat with ss to try and find out whats going on with him that is making him anxious
I do care for him and he loves me thats part of why he wants to live here,but I have to be honest with my partner and say if you want ss to live with you Im not sure I can take that on and it may be the end of our relationship
Im just telling it like it is
I Can't Blame You
It is a lot to take on and quite frankly you will probably bear the responsibility that neither the BM or the BF want to or can't do. It is not a job that you will EVER get appreciated for. Trust me I know. My DH is the love of my live but he is not a man with a lot of money. BM will not do anything more for the children than a very small amount of CS everymonth that DH had to get through the courts. The courts are anti Dad in this state or at least where we live. He has custody of 3 kids and my household is constantly a mad house and to top it off we have to deal with a crazy BM. She has done things like sending emails with a pack of lies to CPS, never complying with the court order, and trying to turn the children against us. All from around the world. I can't even imagine what some of these ladies on the site have to deal with on a daily basis.
The BF needs to consider your feelings here. I agree this sounds like something you don't want to do and there is noone that should EVER judge you for feeling the way you do. Stand your ground. I didn't expect the hell I married into. It is not an easy life.