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Why can't I be wrong once in a while?

Steamed's picture

Well once again SS has proved my prediciton correct. He decided two days ago to quit his job. My wife just found out about it today, he is supposed to be leaving for school in a week and was supposed to transfer to a Walmart near the school but not sure if they will take him now. He only had a few more days to work there and then he would be starting school so I guess it doesn't really matter much, just that he never seems to finish anything, always takes shortcuts.

Wife gave him an ultimatum, (hopefully she will stick to it but I'm not gonna hold my breath)

1. he will drive to his Uncles house tomorrow morning where he will be staying while going to school, check in with the school to make sure everything is ready for him to start and have the school help him find a job near there, he does not return to our house until he has a job and has started school.

2. He can move out and go live with his dad.

3. He can enlist in the Army, since he screwed up the Marines, and then got tattoos on his neck so that he is ineligible to be a Marine now, the army will take him tattoos and all

She says that those are the choices that she gave him and that she told him she will not buy him another pack of cigarettes or put another drop of gas in his car. I hope she sticks to her guns but I don't think she will. And I flat out told her today that I am not going to support him the rest of his life. If she wants to, she will have to do it without me.

Stay tuned....


Anne 8102's picture

I hope she sticks with it. For his sake as well as for your sake and her own. Keep telling her she's doing the right thing by being firm and hopefully she'll stay tough. Keep us posted!

~ Anne ~

We are the masters of our own fate; the architects of our own destiny.

Little Jo's picture

This kid needs a boot up his ass. I hope this is it. I hope she sticks to her guns. We are rooting & tooting for you!


"Why, if Juan Valdez had our beans, he would have shot his donkey and burned down the mountain." Jessica - Soap

Nellie's picture

I hope she sticks with it. If she doesn't your marriage is over, unless you decide to support him forever. He WILL NOT change.

Keep this in mind, though. If she caves and decides to support him and you split up, she will very soon tire of it. Supporting him with your income is one thing - it's very easy to commit someone else's money. But once he is mooching off of her and her alone, it will be a different story. She will be struggling and working hard to try and pay the rent and bills, while he is loafing, and she will tire of that program very quickly. Then you can invite her back WITHOUT HIM and she will come and willingly leave him behind.