Please help. What do I do?
I called Child Support today in regards to the investigation.
They are telling me they can't figure out how DK got my info. It wasn't through their office. So, I talk to BF. He does not know the name of the company she works for, but the company is one of 2 companies that make the credit cards. An company based out of Utah issues the cards & a company out of North Carolina makes the actually cards. Child support told me I should call the police.
Part of me feels like calling the f#cking News stations. To think that every one of us that has a child support credit card can have some joe blow give out our personal infomation is disgusting.
Of, course BF is worried about the fall out if I go to the police.
What do I do? Help.
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I am SO mad for you. And honestly, this is an issue that goes beyond CS's a problem with CCs in general, and all other personal info. that is stored on a company's server somewhere. When I was in high school, my "best friend" and I had a falling out and she was working as a bank teller for a while. Well, she was able to access my parents bank records and told a whole shitload of people at school how much money my parents had, what their assets were, etc. I mean, it didn't hurt anyone really, but it ENRAGED my parents. I don't know why they never reported her...I guess they felt that she was just a dumb kid. Of course, this was in 1997, so things have changed some.
Anyway...maybe what I would do is call your lawyer and ask about possibly filing suit against the CC company for allowing its employees unauthorized access to your records, rather than trying to get BM into hot water directly. This way, you might be able to temporarily circumvent any blow-ups from her as she probably won't even know what's happening and the company will hopefully launch an investigation into the matter. They'll be able to tell that your records were accessed and they'll know what employee accessed them. I don't know if that helps...but I hope you ARE able to get recourse.
Lastly, maybe you can go down to the police precinct and explain the sitation. They will likely be able to better advise you, and you cannot be forced to make any formal complaints if you don't want to.
I'm in the credit card business...
Little Jo...this is the only post I have read, so tell me what happened. I might be able to give some advice. I work for a bank, but I'm in the credit card division and I've worked with them for eight years. We have very strict policies on divulging any personal information.
Go to the cops..
She is just like a thief of personal identity theft. Except you know and if you can prove it do it. Why should she get away with it? Because she is the mother of your BF kid? Nope she would prosecute you so why not you do what the rigt thing is, besides if you let her know with this you won't play any games then she will leave you alone..
" make sure you tell the people you love most EVERYDAY.. Its important not only for them to know but for you to tell.. Life is to short to be miserable..
Krissy. Little do you know I already have a major sexual harrassment case in the works. I can't handle another.
Step Mom. Basically as stated, Dk works for a company that issues & makes the N.Y S. Child Support credit cards. Last week she blurted out in one of her traids, that she knew I was at the Thurway Beverage Center at 2:30 and spent $ 2.09. She admitted that someone in her company looked up my info and gave it to her. She said she her-self does not have access to N.Y. state records.
I want to know how to find the name of this company. The Credit Card people won't tell me. I even asked to speak to a supervisor. Child Support won't tell me.
Happy. She is a twisted. I hate that she has access to this kind of info. My lawyer asked if I could handle the fallout if my purchases are questioned.
Waiiiiit a second...
I just realized something--I think have the same card you do (I live in PA but I read the literature on the card info. and NY uses the same one--is it the EPPIC card?). Let me see what I can find out. I know some people that work in domestics down here.
If you are using the Eppic Card in NY state, the bank issuer is Comerica:
Comerica Incorporated
Comerica Tower at Detroit Center, 500 Woodward Ave., MC 3391
Detroit, MI 48226
MI Tel. 313-222-4000
Toll Free 800-521-1190
Fax 313-965-4648
These are the people that you should contact re: this matter if you haven't already. I don't know if this helps or not, but if it doesn't, let me know and I will keep digging.
That's it Krissy.
That's the card. I did just get off the phone with my attorney. He said I should just let this alone for now. He wants to wait to see if DK leaves us alone. If she does not then we will revisit this. He is definately concerned that my purchases will be under attack.
Call you child support office. Tell them to sent you the papers for direct deposit only. Than, you can ditch the card. That's what I did today. I'm sorry to give you this news, but I'ld rather everyone that gets their child support this way know, it's not "The safe and secure way". Isn't that the epic card motto.
"Why, if Juan Valdez had our beans, he would have shot his donkey and burned down the mountain. Jessica - Soap
How the hell....
did you find that out so quickly. I've been on the freaking phone all day with this shit. Who are you superwoman? lol
And now your bringing a 3rd company into this.
Meet me in the chat box
I got the card pretty recently and saved some of the literature that it came with. There were some bank names on there so I Googled a combination of the names with Eppic card and NY state...and it seemed that Comerica might be a match. Glad I could help...although it seems like you've been advised not to push it. personally, i don't really see why the lawyer wouldn't at least suggest that you call Comerica and let them know what's going on (you don't HAVE to give them personal info.) just to see what their procedures are for possible fraud, but I don't have JD so I guess he would know better than me
I will take your advice about the direct deposit. I was a bit annoyed when I received the card in the first place (no one ever gave me the option of DD and I read on the PA CS site that someone should have) because I would prefer to have the funds available in my checking account. I don't like the idea of having a seems like a way to "police" what I'm doing with the CS and altho I guess some payees abuse the system, I am not one of them. I also don't like the idea that my account is obviously accessible should someone want to look at it, as has been made clear by your unfortunate situation.
I wish you the best and I hope things calm down and that you don't ever have to deal with anything like this again.![Smile](