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Does this ever happen to you?

Nymh's picture

After all the bull that BM has done lately, BF gets an email from her this morning with the subject, "Please read - Personal". Inside she talks about how she's sorry things have gone the way they've gone. She said she realized they would never get the relationship back how it was in the beginning but hoped that they could develop a friendship again. She says she wishes he had just trusted her enough from the beginning to be truthful with her (he never did lie, she's the one who continues to do so yet claims that we are). She says that she often finds herself wanting to pick up the phone and call him with updates on things in her life whether they're good or bad. She goes on to say that he was the one person she could share anything with and she doesn't have that anymore, and that she missed him. She said she hoped that they could learn to be friends again, and signed it "Always."

BM continues to send BF correspondence which is in violation of their restraining order, then gripes that he is not responding to her. He said that in June when the RO expires he should compile all of the emails she's sent him in violation of the RO and respond to all of them at the same time. He said his response to this last one should be "friends don't file orders of protection on each other or try to keep their children from each other. Friends don't stalk each other or try to ruin each other's lives or the lives of their significant others. If you wanted to be my friend, you never should have done any of the stupid shit you've done since we've been divorced and even long before then. Everything you've done, every SINGLE thing has made the idea of "friendship" between us more and more impossible, and now you ask if we can kiss and make up??"

She just never ceases to amaze me. You'd think by now I'd have seen it all but apparently there's always something new for her to try.


laughterandtears's picture

I am almost relieved that at least the BM in my case is NEVER nice, though she has tried to put me down to my DH in order to make him came back to her.

YOur BM just sounds so pathetic. Do you think she will ever stop.


Nymh's picture

This isn't the first time that she's pulled something like this. Not even a year ago she called BF asking if they could start over with a clean slate and see where their relationship went. It's like she swings back and forth from super bitch to lovey dovey let's be friends...and then has the gall to try to get back together with him from time to time! She really has a lot of nerve.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

laughterandtears's picture

You're one hell of a woman to put up with that. I would be plotting her demise. Is she so dense that she doesn't realize your BF has another, better woman in his life? How does it make you feel when she does these things?

Nymh's picture

Honestly, amused. And sad. I pity her when she does these things.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

sosmomof6's picture

BM said once again that she is "done", that DH refuses to see her side of things, but SHE chooses to be an adult and realize that the situation is not good for her or DH, and especially not their son...yet she doesn't hesitate to criticize DH again and say that he "never" says ANYTHING relevant in his emails~ somehow asking her about things that are in the custody order is not "relevant" to her, she ignores and doesn't give him an answer.
DH's reaction to her email was to tell her that things will go back to phone calls if she keeps it up, so that she can't just write what she wants about him in an email and send it off, yet tell him not to say anything about what she says. I know it is frustrating for him, and it bugs me too.

I love the sample email that BIOMOM wrote. I only wish we could use it in our situation, but BM has yet to extend any kind of olive branch, and has bit our hands off before when we tried to. It really sounds like the BM in your case is just using a different method to manipulate things, though.....probably hoping to appeal to BF's soft side. I agree with his response too, except saying the shit she's done is stupid (no matter how true this is), because that will most likely fuel her fire. But he's absolutely right that true friends don't put each other through that kind of trouble.

Little Jo's picture

X's get scared and they turn into these mushy piles of yuk. The same woman who has been ranting & raving is the same woman who now is so sweet. Please. Hold your ground and do not buy into the act.

Best wishes - Joann

"I'll be alright in a year or two after I calm down". Detective Donahue - Soap

Hanny's picture

BioMoms letter was excellent. I would definitely in some way let her know that DH shared the e-mail with you. Maybe that's taking the low road, but I can't help it.


OldTimer's picture

I tell you, I think the best approach with this is- do nothing. Laugh at her expense to yourselves, but leave it completely left unanswered, no response. I tell you, she at first tried tried to befriend you when she discovered the charges against her, and since that obviously failed, she's now trying to manipulate your BF for leverage now- as if he cares for her still... LMAO. Obvious denial, denial, denial.... and I don't mean a river in Egypt either!

Girl, I feel for you. I wish I had better advice, but this one, we all know really needs help.

You know, sometimes it's fun to mess with people (especially with a straight face), I mean this purely for humor, but I wonder if she would be the sort to look at you all cock eyed for 'suggesting a three some'... LOL. NOT that you would ever want that, but you get what I'm talking about. You know the saying... two is company, three's a crowd, and honey, it looks like it's been pretty crowded at your place for a long time.

Hugs to you.

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

Nymh's picture

Thanks for the smiles and laughts you guys. It's great to know that I can come here for some good times to even out the craziness that we deal with day in and day out. I really appreciate every one of you Smile

*~So sayeth Nymh~*