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Shit's gonna hit the fan in about an hour

Little Jo's picture

DK's brother told her there is a letter from me with the child support. She is on her way home now from her BF's. She called my BF earlier questioning why there is a letter from me and why I'm accusing her of being a bad Mother. Which maybe I did indirectly. BF explained I came home to the same letter. I lamb blasted both of them.

BF must be nervious, because he has not stopped talking since he got home from work. I've listened to him go on about fish oil pills and their benefit and about how they make imitation crabmeat.

I'm nerious too because she is nuts and going to lose her brain when she reads this letter.

Mind you the last time I sent her something from me was like last June. I keep my mouth shut. But when I hit my limit - that's it.

P.S. The brother read the letter and I'm sure some of the kids did too.

Fingers crossed, lets hope she doesn't burn down my house.


JMH's picture

Make sure she doesn't do anything crazy - you know people do wild things when angry.

Your BF must know you are in the right otherwise he would be arguing with you not avoiding the subject with fish oil pill mumbo jumbo.

Good Luck!

tiff's picture

you sent it jo - just to make sure she knows she shouldn't speak to you like she did. Hope all goes well- and that she doesn't burn down your house (lol) Happy Easter

Little Jo's picture

My head is spinning with everything that went down. I'm still trying to weed out the bullshit from the facts. It's bad, not sure what to do.
I'll post back in alittle while. oh, my house is still standing, only now I'm afraid SD16 or SD14 will burn it down.

stamina's picture

But why isn't your BF dealing with her. He seems to be a rather ineffective bystander in all of this and this is all about HIS family with his ex?! Why do we do the dirty work for these guys?

loonybonusmom's picture

what have you done? Just kidding sweetie, you know I am with you all the way!!!! CHEERS TODAY DEAR!
a loon

Little Jo's picture

DK calls BF about a half an hour before she gets home. She going on about bullshit. Wants his advice because her landlord is putting the house up for sale. She says nothing about the letter. 10 minutes later she text messages him to have me call her so she can make a mends. She texts me that she is sencere. BF's cell goes off and is't SD12 wanting HIS Mother's phone #. (where the fuck did that come from) they haven't talk in years.

I listen to some Enimem to get my balls on and I call Darkness. (I tape the conversation - I know you would all would have wanted that) I'm on the phone with this voice I can't freaken stand for over a half an hour. She was civil. Going on with her 'woe is me self'. I can not successfully get through her thick skull that she doesn't have to do this parenting thing alone. She was going on about how she is 'working on herself' to be a better parent with the help of her wonderful boyfriend. She also said the girls don't want to come here because it too military here. And that the girls can't be themselves here. ( stupid me, I don't allow them to act like animals)

I did have fun backing her into a couple of corners. I asked her is it ok for her BF to talk to the girls, 'why yes' - so why can't I.
She didn't answer that. BF has been asking you for the names of the couselors, 'I have them all in my head, you have a pen' , Oh yeah, she studdered and changed the subject. What ever. I had enough.

I check my E-mail and find a rather nasty note from SD16 saying I don't know what I'm talking about and to "SHUT THE FUCK UP." I did not reply yet. Any Suggestions?

This morning we both got texted "Happy Easter". I check my e-mail and have 8 messages. One from SD14. (The sweet one who is failing 8th grade from the second time) Her e-mail made SD16's sound tame. The amount of 'F' words used was digusting. She said she never wants to see either of us again, she blamed BF for "corrupting the rest of my life". Funny, she told me I have OCD because I'm a neat freak! She ended it by saying "have a nice life pony face". I have not replied yet, any suggestions?

The 7 other e-mails were all from DK. I want to puke. All nicey nice,
she sent me pictures of HERSELF and her new BF and some of the kids. Can I mail her picture to anyone so I can have a voo-doo doll made. Anyway, I have not replied yet, any suggestions?


stamina's picture

That is exactly what they make you upset. Print off the messages and then erase them from your email (just so that you have them in case you need evidence.) Then get on with your life. Don't let them get to you at all. Don't proactive, not reactive. Don't play their game!

loonybonusmom's picture

The hardest thing we have to do as PARENTS is let go, and unfortunately right now the only thing you can do to stay sane and happy is LET GO. I feel for you, cause we are missing out on a member of our family right now too. BUT we have to remember that we are dealing with teen (and sadly preteen) girls who are being handed the highschool drama of a lifetime. What could be better than a scrap with the evil step family! You have succeeded in relieving yourself with the letter, it is now written record inprinted in the brains of those who have read it....good for you! Should the children become involved in this adult stuff....the only thing we can do is hope they find out later in their own adult lives that we weren't the evil bitches they think we are now. Stay on their ass' still Jo, I think they need you there regardless, best friend or pain in the ass, but let go, be with the bf....aren't ya glad your daughter is sunning now???? xoxox aloon

Little Jo's picture

I talked to my baby today. Her mouth was running non-stop. She went snorkling and kissed a sting ray. My heart skipped a few beats on that one. I miss her.
BF & I are both very saddened by the response from the girls. It was a complete kick in the face.
I'm still not sure how to handle it. But we know you bring a valid point.

Pats mom's picture

I know we all come here to vent (only day 2 for me :D), but take yourself out and let the sh*t go. I'd worry about those that do love you and appreciate the time with them instead of (I know you want to) reply to the SD's. You deserve better. Life's too short and you know you're doing good so?

tiff's picture

they will one day realize the lies from bm and u know she had something to do with their responses. and they will come to you and say ur right. i say just let them chill out and get over it- they will - probably sooner rather than later

Little Jo's picture

basically said I was sick of the way BF & DK handle themselves.It's unfair that DK can call interupting our evenings to bitch and moan about how hard her life is and how difficult the girls are. Then he gives her advice or they make a plan and then NOTHING happens. That I'm tired of the way he takes her word for everything when he barely gets the truth.

I did write back to the girls. Same letter to both. Basically, I'm sorry you missed the point I was trying to make. And that maybe we should all take a break from speaking to each other.

This morning BF & I got texted from DK that we are selfish and she prays we will find God.

happy's picture

You know what when you get knocked down so much there comes a point when everyone reaches there limits. You have met your limit. There is no reason for any of them to treat you so harshly and cold. They are obviously in a terrible enviroment. You know I hate to say this but in a way I can so see why some fathers just walk away. I think that is very sad for kids but what do you do when they are so obviously out of control? There mom is a nut job. I mean we are or almost all of us on here are mothers whether it be step or bio. I cannot get it thru my head how some of these woman are so crazy and act like its there right to tell you to stay out of things but yet you are suppose to take care of the kids and all when they are at the home you have created with there father. The other thing is.. Life.. its so short.. You would think if you love someone so much, kids, spouses whatever that your children could stop being selfish for one moment and think of your feelings or there fathers for that matter. Not all marriages work and most of them fail and yes it is the children who suffer most of the damages but they do bounce back and they can learn that just because something bad happened that there can be good out of that bad too. I mean you obviously make there dad happy so why can't they take themselves off there little pedistal and realise this.. I am going thru some similar things too.. And how sad.. Can we help it if there marriages did not work? NO don't think soo.. move on...
You stay strong and do not back down.. You need to make it known that you are fed up with all the bull shit..


" make sure you tell the people you love most EVERYDAY.. Its important not only for them to know but for you to tell.. Life is to short to be miserable..

stamina's picture

Jo, there is no reason for these girls to treat you badly...there doesn't necessarily have to be a reason for people to behave the way they do. The bottom line is this is getting to you and preventing you from being happy. That you do have control over. It isn't easy but you do need to take control but trying to convince the BM or sds to be different isn't going to be effective. You know that cuz you have tried everything. So how can you make you happy!?

Little Jo's picture

Correct. Men shut themselves down in their marriages until they get the balls to leave.

Correct. I have reached my limit.

Correct "some of these woman are so crazy and act like its there right to tell you to stay out of things but yet you are suppose to take care of the kids and all when they are at the home you"

DK proved my hole freaking point. She WANTS to bitch and moan, she WANTS everyone to feel bad for her, she WANTS to be praised for being a good parent. She will not allow their Father any rights. After all, he was a terrible Father who abused the girls, than left for a slut.
She wants to continue giving these kids crutches instead of healing them to get on their feet. Oh, it's ok, you have anger issues, it's ok, your Father abused you, it's ok, you are bi-polar, .

I could cream bloodly murder at the lastest. SHE IS TAKING SD9 TO THE DOCTOR BECAUSE SHE IS HYPER. You dumb bitch, she should not be drinking soda all day and maybe she wants attention in the fucking crazy hold.

happy's picture

A support group in all our towns for Step mother's and fathers who are struggling with things. I say support group, because it should be a place where you can go without spending a dime but yet be able to say what you need too..
I want a support group.. (Pucker of my lips). Not that you ladies are not a support group but we are all so far away from one another.
And when you need someone to give you backing I AM HERE,,,,


" make sure you tell the people you love most EVERYDAY.. Its important not only for them to know but for you to tell.. Life is to short to be miserable..

Little Jo's picture

I can't take it. I have to e-mail Darkness tonight. I've had e-mails from SD16, SD14, and DK. Tonight I got a call from DK's Brother's girlfriend. I re-listened to the taped conversation from the other night.


stamina's picture

Block your email and don't let them get to you. Stop playing their game. The game can't continue if you don't play.