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Think happy thoughts, damnit!

babinoq's picture

I'm a very critical person. I know this about myself. When I leave a movie theater, I spend the drive home critiquing every aspect of it and imagining how much better it would have been if only they had...

So, recently I've been trying to force myself to think happy thoughts. Ignore the everyday frustrations of being a stepmom and focus instead on some of the positives. It's an exercise, that I suspected would be, well, hard work.

But, eureka, a positive thought hit me right away! I love my husband. Simple, but true. When he is happy, I am happy for him. And, another simple truth is that his daughter makes him happy.

So, there you have it. My spectacular, stupendous, stunning positive thinking breakthrough. Stepdaughter makes husband happy, and happy husband is a key ingredient to joyful marriage.

Simple math really. So why has it taken me three years to get here? No, no - happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts...


happy's picture

Dear you hit it right on the head..
That is something I am taking home with me tonight.
It is true when my husband is happy I am happy. When he is not happy generally I am not happy either.
Our kids at times can make us unhappy but usually I can make him smile and then it kinda goes away.

Thank you for the kind words..
Now if we could just keep it positive all the time. But wouldn't we really make people around us sick? LOL..

Daddysgirl's picture

We should all learn from your positive attitude! I love it!!! Wink

Funny thing is, it took your amazing revalation to open our eyes too, so I guess we are all in the same boat with ya!

Good Luck!

Bonus Wife's picture

Oh my gosh...I woke up this morning thinking something along those lines too. Maybe we should get a blog going where everyone contributes an original positive daily meditation specific towards our issues, or mantras to say when we really need it. When we get 365 days I'll print up booklets for us all so we can stash it under the bed or bathroom sink and read from it when we can't access the 'puter! Maybe we'll call it "Daily Meditations for Stepmoms so we don't strangle someone." Thanks for the happy message!

happy's picture

Yep happy thoughts today.. Well at least in the area of my hubby and all my troopers..
You are all such wonderful people..