Got some questions
In need of some outside advice on this....... Is it ok for 13 year old ss. to have a "my space" account?? Do not feel he is old enough, he has himself listed as 25!! Also, I hear he can get porn on this site, I know he already sees enough from other sorces, but w/ a site this open, I cant help but worry???? Meshel
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You're the parent. Monitor his MySpace!
It's pretty easy to access some wild stuff on that site. I have a Myspace account, but I'm 33 years old! I think it's fine for kids to have accounts, but I also think responsible parents should know their kids' user names and passwords and/or have their own accounts so they can keep tabs on who else is out there. I don't want to hear anything about "violating his right to privacy," either. He's 13!!! If he wants the PRIVILEGE of a MySpace account that he's accessing on MOM AND DAD'S computer (not his), then he needs to deal with the fact that the parents who love him and care about him are going to check in on what's going on. My cousin got an account to see what his kids were into and another woman I know monitors who's on her kids' friends lists on a very regular basis.
You said it yourself--he's only 13 and has himself listed on the site as 25. That was no typo. Dude knew what he was doing. Stuff like that shows he's not ready for it.
Sorry if I come off preachy. I'm just tired of kids thinking they're in charge. We're the adults. We're the parents. It's our duty and responsibility to look out for the kids we've been charged to care for.
Yeah, you have to set the ground rules...
Why don't you get a Net Nanny, or equivalent software to put on the pc? Just search for Parental Control Software. Guardian Monitor Family Edition would be good to use too.
I think that he's pushing boundaries and seeing how far he can get. He is diffidently exploring. I think he's young and he should be monitored. We don't let my SS online without one of us sitting right there with him, usually we are playing games together. But, he's getting older. He has a pc of his own (a hand me down from our upgrade) in his room, but it's not connected to the internet. But we are in the process of looking at the different parental control softwares out there and selecting on to put on his pc.
My Space
I would definitely recommend monitoring My Space. It can be very dangerous. There is a lot of sexually explicit material that is inappropriate for children. The internet, including My Space, is a gateway for children to access sexually inappropriate material they never would have had access to years ago. You are not being a prude or nosey or violating anyone's privacy. Children and teenagers need BOUNDARIES. I'm always a little surprised that some parents don't realize what's out there. There are pictures of people having sex with animals and other completely evil, vile things. It can really affect the development of children. A good program is called CyberPatrol. My SD (age 13) and I have butted heads with computer privilages, but it IS a privilage, not a right. It monitors all of her usage, I can check any site she's been on. She knows it and respects it. I'd rather have them peeved at me then view that stuff!
myspace for kids
It's like myspace but geared more for pre-teens. I think it's called imbee or something similiar to that. You might check that out because parents can log on to it and monitor everything.
You know what....
I just read something recently about how MySpace is going to be implementing measures to protect children under 18, because of parental complaints. Not that it would be enough for me, personally~ H and I agree that our kids won't be able to start surfing in private until they're at least 17!
If your SS is going to have an account, I would at least tell him to change it with his proper age...that is one of the many things you CAN control. I'll see if I can't dig up that article or whatever it was.....
It's difficult when the other parent
allows them to have the myspace accounts. We are in the same boat, ss is 13, and when he is at mom's house, he has unlimited access to a computer/internet, and I guarantee no one at his mother's house even cares about him having a myspace account, or what goes on with his account.
I took the advice posted on this site, googled ss's name, and it takes me right to his myspace account. I showed dh this, and he too listed himself as an adult. We have checked it periodically, and haven't seen horribly offensive posts onto his account, but we don't know what he sees.
I can't get all bothered by it, I have no control how bm chooses to raise or not raise her son. It isn't against the law for her to not supervise her son, and I can't keep worrying about him. I certainly do not like him having a myspace account, but I can only do my job, not my job and bm's job. It wears me out.
According to myspace you are
According to myspace you are not supposed to have an account there until you are at least 14 years old. They also have certain restrictions on the accounts listed to people under a certain age (either 16 or 18, not sure). The problem is that there is currently no way to verify the information that people post about themselves, including age and geographic location. It is very easy for someone to say that they are a 16 year old boy/girl but they could be some 40 or 50 year old pedophile (sp?).
I would have a talk with your stepson about all of the dangers of internet predators and have him review his myspace account with you so that you can make sure he isn't posting anything that could make him an easy target. (ex. school, address, activities, pictures with a sport of school uniform, etc.) Also, have him keep his account set to private so only his friends can access it. Set up an account for yourself and have him put you as one of his friends. (You don't need to post anything about yourself except for a screenname and your age.) By having you listed as a friend you can access his page periodically to make sure everything is still up to par. It can also be a good to tool to learn more about your stepson, his interests and his friends.
Also, encourage him to not visit the pages of people he doesn't know as you never know what you are going to see there.