The kids might get their wish!
Yesterday I took a pregnancy test & it came out positive!!! Both SS have told us they want a baby brother & it looks like it may happen. I am waiting for Dr to call back as the last one was ectopic & there is a 20% reoccurance rate. The boys were pretty upset last time when we lost the baby at 101/2 weeks so this time we are gonna hold off till we have to tell them, just in case something goes wrong.
- sweetthing's blog
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Congrats!!! That is great :)
Congrats!!! That is great
I am so happy for you. This will be your first bio child right? Your gonna love being a mom!!! So how far do you think that you are? I am 11 weeks pregnant too!!! Just try and stay calm and relaxed and everything will be fine!!! I bet your hubby is bouncing off the wall.
I'm so happy for you! I'm 7 weeks along myself, due in July. Fingers crossed that this time around will work for you!
I guess Caitlin and Skye22 WERE contagious!
I guess Caitlin and Skye22 WERE contagious! That is a GREAT Christmas gift for you and your family! Congrats!!
Make a GREAT Day!
That is great...
Now you all rub off on me, okay! ;0)
I'm sending you prego vibes!
It seemed to work with sweetthing, so here's more for you, Step Mom!
Me too! We're not technically "trying" yet but I'm just waiting for the BC to fail!
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
I just missed my first visitor
This will be pregnancy #2. Because of what went on with my first pregnancy( I had an ectopic that almost killed me at 101/2 weeks ) We have to be really careful about this one. I ended up using the OB surgeon who save my life in the ER in April. We have been TTC since then w/o luck. This was my first month on Clomid & it apparently got my ovary that has a tube to finally have a turn. Dr told us at our fertility appointment that we can't get excited until the blood tests show my HCG is at the corret level & he has an u/s done at 6 weeks to ensure this baby landed in the right place. ( last time the Dr's screwed up & even after an u/s still didn't realize baby was in the tube)
I think one of the tough things have been that DH has two beautiful children with the woman who was not his soul mate. I think that is one of the hardest things about being spouse #2. It is only natural that we want to have a child with the men we love.
I have to say though if this one is ectopic again I'm done. It's too painful to have it happen over & over. So I am thinking good thoughts & praying this one got through.
Good luck Step Mom and all you other girls that are trying!
I'll be keeping my fingers
I'll be keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you, sweetthing. I have to admit to "keeping score" myself a little in the beginning. My husband has three kids with his ex-wife, the oldest she conceived during an affair, so it's not his bio child, but he put his name on the birth certificate and has always claimed her as his own. Then they tried to reconcile their marriage and had two more kids before she cheated again and he finally called it quits. I came into the marriage with a son and my husband adopted him, so I kind of felt like I needed to have two more children with him to "compete" with what he had with his ex-wife. Crazy, I know, but we wanted to have kids together so badly. I had one miscarriage, then we had a daughter. We were trying for another baby, but I miscarried again. That's when I decided to hang up my maternity clothes for good. I would've loved to have had four or five kids with him, but it just wasn't in the cards. Every now and then I do wonder about those babies that I miscarried and in my heart I will carry them with me always. I'll probably always wish we'd had more children together. But I just discovered something recently that has totally changed my outlook on the baby issue... after a couple of years of marital problems brought about due to conflict with his ex and children, my husband and I are finally back to that good place we were in when we first got married. It reminds me that even if we'd never had a child together, I still have him. That makes me very, very happy!
Good luck! I'll be praying for you!
~ Anne ~
Looks like there is something in this forum.. LOL.. Everyone is getting pregnant.. Wow..
Wishing you only the best..