Maybe SD is growing up....
Just a little observation from Monday night. Youngest SD & finance were over helping set up a surround sound system. SD had just baked a pie and brought some over... While we were downstairs..she went upstairs and fixed up plates of pie.forks..and brought them down for everyone. (Pie was delicious too) So later she's gathering up the dirty plates *shock* (as Fearless might say) to take them upstairs & put them in the dishwasher... Dad JUMPS up to take the first one from her and says "I'll get those!".. She insists on doing it herself!!!
Instead of getting annoyed with Dad....I kind of chuckled to myself... I just pictured an old Bugs Bunny cartoon...with the old English bulldog...and the jumping little chiwawa "Hey Spike!! Can I get those dishes for ya Spike!!"
I have noticed a change in SD...since the 'incendent' and the reality that her Dad & I may actually break-up...
We had a good time at the BBQ..she wants to help me with sons Bday party.. She fixed everyone a snack and cleaned up!!
That has NEVER happened before!!! She was the INSISTING that she clean-up. I thought I was in the Twilight Zone for a second........but maybe she's just growing up......
I think it was SKy22 (I'm going to check) who asked me if SD also talked about her Mom & Dad...when replying to one of my earlier posts...and that really got me thinking. And given how difficult the situation and adjustments must have been for HER during those teen years..she really did handle things OK. showed alot of restraint on her part as well..and she bitched about me now & what!!...I've done the same..we all do....
SO thanks..for putting that into perspective for me...
- lovin-life's blog
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That sounds great! It sounds like things are really looking up with her. Maybe she has had a "light bulb" moment!
Here's to hoping it lasts!!!
I'm really happy for you!
I'm really happy for you! The little things really make a difference
Just make sure to give her lots of praise when she does things like this. Positive reenforcment is a great tool.
That is really nice.. I only hope that someday my SD does that for me. She has been trying hard and I too have been putting in the effort lately. So that is good. MY SS is also trying veyr hard.. Which is awesome..
I just still get very irritated with them but I will keep on trying.
I think that is awesome for you.. DID you break out the Champagne?
How great!!
I'm so happy for you! I bet the pie was wonderful...everything tastes better when it's made with love.
Good for you! I'm so happy
Good for you! I'm so happy to hear sounds like she was really making an effort
All's well
All's well that concludes with eating delicious pie! Yummmm!
Maybe her upcoming nuptials are giving her an increased sense of maturity.
Or maybe you're just irresistible!