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SS17 Keeping DH in the Dark re: F & D- & C-

StepUltimate's picture

SS17 is running his usual show in having shitty grades (currently has an F in English Lit, and a D- in the class he's the T.A. for, and a C- in another class). I'm pretty sure DH has no idea and I'm not going to say anything (= disengage). SS has finally stopped singing the "I'm going into the Military" tune after DH called him out on it a month or so ago (which is refreshing as that was a particularly pathetic lie; the military not likely needing any lazy stoner types that can't do a chin-up, push-up, or a mile). However, the new story is (wait for it) SS is enrolling in community college. The classes he'd allegedly take are very popular and have waiting lists. SS told DH he's scheduled a meeting with the high school counselor to get help signing up for classes. I both DOUBT and DREAD thus being true, because A) SS is a known liar/storyteller/exaggerator, and Dirol I cannot stand the thought of SS continuing to live here past this Summer. Seriously. I am counting DOWN and DH knows it.

My question is, do the community colleges even let you enroll if you haven't graduated & are failing required courses? I wonder what the school counselor will tell him? I wonder if he'll pay for classes, get a job, get a drivers license, get insurance, and be driving before mid-August when classes start... commuting 30 miles to and from campus several days a week, while also managing a work schedule and paying gas/car insurance? Somehow I don't see it happening. Another question: is it evil to want SS gone? I don't want another Christmas under the same roof as him, yet if he pulls off the "Gonna Be A STUdent" con, I can see SS wasting $$ on admissions, registration, parking, etc., then coming crying to Daddee when the money either didn't get earned or got partied away before bills got paid. His best efforts wouldn't likely get him that far (=conning DH into thinking biz is handled) but to me it's looking like he will continue avoiding reality until either I leave or my DH kicks SS out. Only recently has the former entered my mind, but I do not want to live with a lying, lazy, manipulative person anymore.

Also, I cannot even count the lies I catch SS telling. It's ridiculous. Tonight he cryptically mentioned having left his phone at home when he left for "school" this morning, but I know that's b.s. because I logged into our account & saw he made calls/texts during school hours. Pretty sure he made up that lie to cover for not even being anywhere near campus until after noon today. Because of the grades, in the past before attempting to detach, he'd have consequences, including losing xbox privileges, but this time I'm not alerting DH, just taking screenshots and letting SS keep going until either I move out or DH wakes up & sees just how hard this kid is working at NOT growing up. I don't trust SS17 and hate how he abuses his own dad's desire to trust & believe in SS. I don't want DH yelling at me anymore, so I'm not pointing out any of the grades, the lies, or anything that could get turned into something to blame me for. SS can keep on lying directly to his dad's face and DH can believe as much b.s. as he wants... until others (most recently a teacher) tell him how SS acts. I want to successfully disengage and stay in a sane, peaceful mindset instead of the ongoing dread and disgust I feel about living with someone trained in The Art of the Con and seeing my DH fall for it (and get yelled at when I point it out).

I very much love my DH but the stress if living with SS17 in our marriage is very painful and I wouldn't stick around and endure it if I didn't think it was temporary. I also love SS very much but resent his dedication to avoiding everything good and seeking out loser friends who do nothing but gossip and get high.

Acratopotes's picture

}:) }:) When SS is talking about college, why not think aloud and let it slip.... Not with the grades you currently have, you will not even graduate..

see how he reacts and see what DH will do...

yes yes I know might be sneaky but dang it will feel so good won't it..

StepUltimate's picture

No, he's already slung the "too much pressure" sob-story out and got DH to stop asking about grades or how the job-hunt is going. Mainly I'm sad for SS17 to choose that path and determined not to host or live with someone I don't trust. But he's not seeing it, just has to remain invested in using BM's manipulation tactics to keep trying to get his way, including lying to his dad & me, breaking commitments, and long-term avoiding knowing the freedoms of earning his own money and driving his own car at nearly 18years old. Totally infantalized, and while DH sings the praises of the progress SS has made since he got cusody, I view it as major prolonged adolescence due to allowing the kid to lay around unemployed, unshowered, snd unwilling to not fail classes while xboxing it up.

Ug, thanks for letting me vent. I do not want to stay in resentment mode.

Acratopotes's picture

keep having tongue slips, I know I'm being a bitch lol... but it seems to work on skids, Aergia got to a stage where she wanted to show me I am wrong... she even said to me, I will show you bitch... I asked her 2 weeks ago now when will you show me you still act like a 5 year old

SS crying to much pressure - slip: hahaha how are you going to survive in the real world, you know you are off the payroll age 18..

SS saying studying to hard - laugh and say - but it's never to much to spend hours on electronics...

see little snippets and always giggle like a school girl, DH will not see it as being bitchy, SS will know the truth.

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

If he enrolls in not hand him cash to pay tuition and books and parking. Pay all fees directly to the college. If he blows it and does not attend or keep his grades up then just count it as a donation. Pay only one session at a time. If he is going to college doesn’t he need to fill out all the fasa forms and college entrance tests?
Do not under any circumstances sign a loan with SS. He will default and you will be stuck with it.
Be prepared to get your own place for a while if he does not launch.

justmakingthebest's picture

Maybe ask him if by enrolling in community college is it a dual enrollment since he is failing a few classes? Also, is he going for summer semester so that he can have his diploma before fall semester starts? }:)

beebeel's picture

I'm not sure where he is "enrolling" considering he needs to be accepted to the school first, which means he needs a diploma or GED. Besides, fall enrollment doesn't start until the end of summer. I don't understand how "parents" just accept blatant lies without challenging their spawn.

ESMOD's picture

I know that there are programs where kids can take community college courses at the same time as their HS classes. Community College is a bit different in that you don't have to generally go through the same "acceptance" deal as you do for a more competitive 4 year school. I believe that you don't even need a GED or HS diploma to take classes at those places.

Now, that doesn't mean that they won't have programs that DO require certain entrance requirements. It doesn't sound like he would be likely to get into those programs based on how he is doing in HS.

And the military.. you would be surprised who they will accept. I understand they have lowered their standards and even marijuana use in the past may be acceptable.

I would send the 17 yo to the military recruiter to see if they might take him anyway:)

StepUltimate's picture

Already did that, thanks. At my suggestion last year DH took SS to recruiter, twice. So ignorance is not an optional excuse as the requirements were made clear.

marblefawn's picture

Maybe you should call his bluff and just keep asking "how'd it go with the school counselor?" "Did you get your application into community college?" "What classes are you planning to take?" Just keep nailing him with questions about this new plan under the guise of excitement. You can hold his feet to the fire which might force him to do something he really doesn't even plan to do.

At this point, getting him into community college might be the only route to getting him out of your space. And it's a lot cheaper than flunking out of a 4-year college!

Someone said be sure to only send checks directly to the college - this is great advice.

StepUltimate's picture

The text I'm NOT sending to DH & SS's older sibling:

"SS17s lies have had a crushing effect on my marriage, but the thing that really snuffs the life out of my hopes for our family is being gaslight when the deception is not only ongoing from SS17, but the two of you are actively involved in the lies. That crushes my heart, and I think 1st ExBM would agree that lies can destroy a marriage."

= found out this morning that DH snuck cash to SS17 via 3rd party (adult sibling) and am DEVASTATED right now.

Rags's picture

CCs require acceptance prior to enrolling. If the SKid hasn't applied and received his acceptance notifications... he is full of crap.

StepUltimate's picture

He's full of crap alright. I don't know if I can even discuss with DH... it seems like all I can do is stay quiet & let SS keep digging his career grave so he can get the full-blown consequences of his lies & miscalculations. It seems like I need to square away some Plan B money. I really don't know how this will play out but am nervous and anxious. Always befoe we were on SS about grades all the time, but now he knows DH isn't paying attention and isn't confiscating the xbox or any other consequences, so I'll just let this ride & watch SS scramble up some new lies about his self-created drama. I didn't purchase Junior or Senior portraits of SS because he's totally stoned in those photos, and I can see that look for free several nights each week as SS comes home high regularly.

StepUltimate's picture

... in the mail. I opened three envelopes, tore up the two credit card offers, and handed DH the report card from the high school envelope. DH was stunned: two F's and two D- plus a few C's.

I said nothing but went to go rotate laundry & then to our room to fold a load. DH later shared that he'd told SS17 it was the worst report card he'd ever seen, and that he was not going to get angry and punish him because "this is your life, and life has consequences." I think it finally hit DH that SS is in serious danger of failing to graduate high school. He also knows I've been trying to warn him about something TRUE. I've known SS was barreling down this path and covertly manipulating DH to think grades were fine, but when I found out DH knew about one of the F's and didn't tell me, I was crushed. Tonight DH apologized to me and asked me to forgive him. I'd been so pissed that SS was pulling this crap & jeopardizing his own graduation and told DH after a few days that I was about to tell SS17 to bring up the grades before the movie app would be restored and that's why the password no longer worked for him, but DH was angry I'd done that & revealed SS had texted DH at work asking if I'd changed the password on him. DH had told SS that I wouldn't do that without talking to DH, but yes I had. I told SS my lie was a test so he could know how it feels to have someone change the rules without letting others know, and then use Lies of Omission to keep everyone else in the dark. DH also privately told SS that he should be noticing we're running out of patience and he's running out of time. I feel relieved, DH seeing it a little more clearly now. My DH finally saw what I meant, and I'm so glad and relieved.