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What are some ways your adult SC compete with you?

Focused_onourlife's picture

I think my OSD25 is either trying to or is playing some little mind game with my DH and our Bk's against me.

I'm 2 years into my disengagement and has told my OSD that until we can have a discussion about her last text message or she apologize to me for her accusations she is not to call or text me anymore. One of her accusations was "I've been fighting a battle with her since she was 3,(when I met her) and I won, she's thrown in the towel". We all know that isn't true, including my DH but I think it's projection. She's the one who has been in a competition with me, since about 7, and she really thinks it's mutual. She just thought she can just start calling me and I would not address her rude and hurtful mass of texts.

Anyway, not only have I set a boundary with her, my DH has as well. She knows 1) She can't come between us 2) she is no longer allowed in our home unless she can be civil and respectful to us all and 3) she will be ignored unless she acts like an adult. With all of that said, here are the recent things she has done:

*my mil (osd lives with mil) came down for the Christmas Holiday for a week. SD facetimed mil at least 4 of those days that I know of and asked where everyone in the house was except my DH (of course, he showed his face and spoke to her anyway) and I. Which I don't care but I'm sure it hurt my DH's feelings.

*texted my DH and told him she was going to come down with mil but she didn't feel comfortable anymore. DH assured her she was welcome as long as she was.. She went on to say she knows he and the kids want to see her and he said focus has no problem with you in our home.

*our DD15 had a birthday Saturday and after her sleepover, gifts and money for clothes we (more like me) told her she will have to get her hair colored at a later date. SD sent DD the money for her color. SH has not got DD anything in several years but she jumped at the opportunity..

All of these scenarios happened within several days and I really feel like my OSD
Is trying to get my DH and our Bk's to choose her over me. I know that will never happen but I don't think I will be able to ignore too much more of this.

zerostepdrama's picture

Keep ignoring her. She sees that you don't care so that is why she is doing the things that she is doing, to try and get you to pay attention to her or at least remember that she is still there. I don't think it's so much as competition with you as it is, trying to do something to keep herself relevant in your household/life.

Focused_onourlife's picture

It's so ridiculous for her to sit up and think of things to do/say to get my/our attention then to just play nice. I guess negative attention is better then no attention.

mommadukes2015's picture

Sometimes the best way to win the game is to not play at all. Which it sounds like you're doing. These things are more of a marathon and not a sprint, keep on keepin' on. She'll just make herself look worse and worse, thus doing all the dirty work for you.

Focused_onourlife's picture

"She'll just make herself look worse and worse, thus doing all the dirty work for you". I can only imagine what her next scandle will be.

still learning's picture

^This. There's really no point in engaging w/overgrown pouty babies. I wonder if these skids who are in constant competition w/their stepmothers know how ridiculous they look? Everytime ss32 has reared his whiny head people always give him a side glance. In a public place he very loudly told his friends that "SHE stole my best friend (meaning DH)." He was pointing at me and talking very accusatory. It got really silent and his friends started nervously laughing. I just sat there confused and didn't say a thing, I didn't have to.

Mean ol' step mom stole daddee away yet here we are all together...whatever.

SacrificialLamb's picture

She is trying to get him to choose, but also making sure she is front and center.

1. Face timing someone in your home she lives with 4 times in one week? She wants to be heard and seen.
2. saying she wasn't coming because she doesn't feel comfortable. In other words, "Daddy, you'd see me during the holidays if it weren't for your wife." Pretty much the same as everyone wants to see the poor thing, her siblings and father, but she just can't come because of you.

Ignoring is so hard! Disengagement for me feels like storing away events and things I notice until there is a trigger and it all comes flying out of my mouth. But I have to do it, because it's harder than dealing it every time something comes up.

Be thankful you DH is acknowledging that nothing can divide you. Let SD do what she wants and be frustrated when she does not get her desired result.

Focused_onourlife's picture

"Face timing someone in your home she lives with 4 times in one week? She wants to be heard and seen". That makes sense, come to think of it, she has done this the past two times my mil has visited.

"saying she wasn't coming because she doesn't feel comfortable. In other words, "Daddy, you'd see me during the holidays if it weren't for your wife." Pretty much the same as everyone wants to see the poor thing, her siblings and father, but she just can't come because of you". And I wasn't even the one who banished her in the first place. My DH did, when I told him I would leave on her visits. He reneged shortly and just told her to behave or stay home. Also, told her it was his doing not mine and so did I. She's too old for this shit, all of it.

"Ignoring is so hard! Disengagement for me feels like storing away events and things I notice until there is a trigger and it all comes flying out of my mouth. But I have to do it, because it's harder than dealing it every time something comes up". This is where I'm at in my disengagement. I will try to continue to ignore her tactics. It was so worth it though, wish I'd done this sooner. Though I tried years ago, just kept letting my DH convince me to ignore her shenanigans, saying she will outgrow her behavior.

I just don't understand why she can't just proceed with her relationship with her dad (she wanted me out of the picture where they are concerned, instead she choose to reward/punish and try to manipulate him) and leave me out of it. We have both told her she doesn't have to involve me at this point. Thanks for the insight!

Focused_onourlife's picture

Thanks Ladies for the encouragement! It's hard to ignore but drama free at the same time.

SugarSpice's picture

as a young 20 something one of my sds actually saw me as a romantic rival for her fathers affections. it was really really sick.

shed hint to be taken out for rides in his car on weekends in a date like trip. they stop at restaurants where i am sure she was taken for his plump young mistress because shed be hanging all over him. finally i told her to get her own boy friend.

sammigirl's picture

I totally get your post, Focused. My SD57 has acted out exactly like you describe here. When she couldn't get results, she brain washed SGD33 (her daughter). Now they both play the game. SD57 finally got DH to join in 15 years ago, unbeknownst to me, until 4 years ago.

When SD couldn't get any reaction out of me, because I didn't realize what was going on; I was taking care of my career, disabled DH, and my ill mother; plus I buried my two teen bio sons from an auto accident. So I was busy and not paying attention to SD. I did see red flags, now that I look back; things were getting more and more hostile and I could not, for the life of me, figure out what was going on. I would never have dreamed DH would betray me, I thought we had a solid, trusting marriage.

Well, guess what? DH was betraying me to SD. SD was betraying DH to SGD, and the vicious gossip circle continued for almost 15 years; I was the blunt end of it all and the target for a narcissist family. Finally SD57 had a melt down, such as described here in other posts. She wrote me a 2 page hate email, which is now in the hands of my Attorney for future action, if SD ever continues with her aggression.

I read every post on here and believe me, they are excellent advice. Never have words with your SD; she is not worth it. Your DH has your back, you are a lucky lady. Ignore your SD and let her dig her own hole deeper and deeper. This is what my SD57 and SGD33 have accomplished. They are so angry and frustrated, they hate me; I've never responded to either of them or will I ever. Never put your DH in the middle, just let it go and move forward.

I have totally disengaged from both SD and SGD 4 years ago. I blocked them from all social media without a word, which infuriated them even more. I stepped away from it all. My story is long and has been posted here before in regards to correcting the betrayal and saving my marriage. Therefore, I won't go into that.

Bottom line: All of them made the mistake of taking my kindness for weakness. They had no idea, all the things I had gone thru in the previous years, made me the strong person that I have become. I am disengaged from SD in every way, including DH. They are on their own with their relationship, I want nothing to do with it.

I lost respect, love, and trust in my DH and our marriage. I am still with my DH, because he is disabled, I love him, and it would not be to my benefit financially to do otherwise at my age. I am at peace and I look beyond these crazy people. I am civil, so skids can visit their Dad, and totally finished with all of my grown skids. It's better to let it go and ignore it, believe me.

Some day I may be posting a different story here, if SD57 pushes it in our home; I may show her the door and slap a Protective Order against her. All the records are in place, if this becomes necessary. She will never stop, but she is toned down the past year for sure; because I demanded respect in my own home. DH passed the message on to his DD, because I told him I would take care of it, if SD brought it into our home again.


sandye21's picture

This was one thing that was always a problem with SD. She was competing with me in every aspect of our lives - and would get very angry if there was any hint that I was more accomplished than she was in anything. She was an only child who was to believe she was better and smarter than anyone else. Anything that I did that was similar to what she thought she was an expert in was viewed as competing with her and she became irate. One time she slammed the door in my face because I knew the answer on Jeopardy that she didn't. We both liked art but if DH praised me at all her nose would flare out. When DH wished me a "Happy Birthday", SD refused to talk to me for the rest of the day. It went on and on.

And, of course, she saw me as competition for her father's love - and this was the worst to deal with. It seemed as if DH picked up on this and refrained from showing affection for me as to not offend his princess.

But your SD is really playing dirty by trying to undermine your relationship with your daughter. I would not give SD the satisfaction of thinking she was creating division between you and DD. Purchase something else with the money, tell SD you had already planned on paying for the hair coloring, and let SD know you purchased something else for DD with the money she sent.

swampedmom's picture

"And, of course, she saw me as competition for her father's love - and this was the worst to deal with. It seemed as if DH picked up on this and refrained from showing affection for me as to not offend his princess."

LIGHT BULB MOMENT - Thanks Sandye21!!!

I always wondered why DH ignored me whenever I was around SD, even while we were dating early on. I thought maybe he was shy around her. I thought I was being too sensitive and naturally he'd want to spend time with his daughter. I have asked him why he often ignored me at family functions and he never saw it that way. Turns out he is more "enlightened" than I think and naturally caters to her so as not to cause huge scenes with SD. He thoroughly knows who she is, he has been dealing with her narcissistic ways forever but just denies the reality. She must have been a terror as a teenager during his dating years previous to me. He says he has NEVER had a problem with her getting involved in his previous relationships. He had three long term and never married. She ruined those relationships - I am sure of it now.

fairyo's picture

This was the thing I noticed from the very beginning too, but stupidly thought it would change over time. He did tell me what a problem OSD had been as a teenager, but I just assumed she was now a mature adult, as she had three kids when I met her.
DH left his 2nd wife (not OSDs BM, although I refer to her as such as its complicated) and his subsequent marriage didn't last long. I can now see how she may have been subject to what I am going through now but had the sense to leave- then I came along and sort of stepped into her shoes as the woman who has taken my daddy...
Well, I disengaged and the two of them are still enmeshed in their sad little world and they are welcome to it. DH is on his usual Thursday night date night with her and I'm going out to see my family- I know which one of us will have the best time. I have given them what they want and it seems to be mutual misery...they have no audience for their two-man show and only each other to sound off to... meanwhile I'm with interesting normal healthy minded people...

CANYOUHELP's picture

I should have noticed this sick dynamic from the beginning as well, there were little signs but most were entirely hidden from me for a long time. Yes, mine ran off his last wife and even others in his life, that apparently is fine with him. The best thing I ever did for myself was to stay away from them and their little pretend world. I was never part of it even to begin with; I could never relate to this crazy bunch of self centered juveniles anyway. They will never grow up, and I will not waste a minute more of my life with horrible, nasty people.

notsobad's picture

DH used to refrain from PDA in front of the skids all the time! Not big sloppy kisses but hand holding and attention.
Then at home or when the skids weren’t around he’d be all over me!

At first I thought he just didn’t like PDA, then I realized it was only around the skids or when we were at skid thing that BM was also at. He was the same in front of my kids but not my ex or our friends.

After one incident I refused to hold his hand on the way home and pushed him away when we got home.
He asked what was wrong and I let loose.

He didn’t even realize he was doing it.

We started small, holding hands in front of the skids. Hugging me at games, kissing me before going to get a drink. He was still unsure but now everything is fine.
In fact SS(26) just told us that he loves how 10 years into our relationship we are still kissing and holding hands.