Im officially going to be a step-mom!!
So my SO and I have decided to take the plunge, and get married!!! We are actually going to elope in May. My kids are grown, and live on the other side of the country, I don't want to cause any unneeded stress on them, and make them feel as though they need to attend a wedding. This is neither of our first marriages, so having a traditional wedding ceremony and reception is not important to us.
I do not think this is going to upset my children, ages 28, 23, and 21, or my fiancés adult children, 26 and 25, but he does have a 10 year old that we have 50/50 custody of. I have a pretty good relationship with him. Usually the only time we have an issue is when BM acts crazy, then I think he feels guilty for liking me and starts acting up and being disrespectful.
We are not telling anyone that we are getting married, until we are. But obviously that isn't going to work for the 10 year old, I do not think that that is fair, I think he needs to have some warning, and be able to voice his concerns and feelings. But, I do not want him to be a part of the ceremony, I want that to just be my fiancé and I. Is that wrong?? I also don't want to tell him that it's a secret, because I don't think kids should be made to keep secrets. I'm sure once BM finds out she might go off the deep end, so I'm not sure if it would be better for her to find out now so she can get all the crazy out before, or wait until our day has passed so she can't try to ruin anything.
I'm looking for any advice you can give.......
I don't think it's giving him
I don't think it's giving him "a say" by letting him know. I would hint (to him) at the possibility of your guys getting married, followed by telling him you guys want to get married, will get married, and so on until it doesn't come as a shock to him but never make it an official announcement that he would either have to hide or disclose from his BM. Then when it's done, SS isn't in shock and BM has missed her chance to throw a fit. (LOL...until she does)
That was more of what I was
That was more of what I was thinking...if we were engaged he would know that we are planning on getting married, since we are not having an engagement per say, I just don't want it to be a shock.
but you ARE giving him the
but you ARE giving him the impression that his fee fees about you and his dad getting married matter.
And they don't.
If he throws a fit, will you call the wedding off?
"hey, guess what? We got married last night!"
^^ This!
I agree a million percent!
I agree a million percent!
I see your point. Thanks!!!
I see your point. Thanks!!!
You might think of Dad and
You might think of Dad and you telling the child as before you and Dad go off to elope if you think it's important for the child to know before. But do not ask the kid what he thinks of it. It would be nothing more than the night before leaving 'hey, sweetie, Coco and I are eloping and getting married this weekend, we'll see you as usual after we get back home'.
Who cares if he tells BM. BM can have her meltdown over by the time you get back.
He doesn't have to keep any secret from child , just tell him last minute (too late, you're on your way, lol) and he'll will know when you get back that Dad and you are DH and wife and he now has a SM. Good, bad, indifferent. He gets you.
It isn't the child's decision. Don't think this kiddo will come and ask Daddy's permission before the kid, himself, one day picks a wife and marries.
You can tell the kid just as you two are about to leave or not, it's not going to change the marriage plans.
Congratulations on the upcoming marriage.
I wasn't really thinking
I wasn't really thinking about telling him beforehand as asking his permission, or asking him what he thinks, it was more of what CSMof3 was saying. If we had become engaged this past weekend, instead of deciding on eloping, he would know that his dad and I plan on getting married, soon.
“I think he needs to have
“I think he needs to have some warning, and be able to voice his concerns and feelings.”
Nope, nope, nope. Eloping doesn’t need to turn into Child Psychology 101, because it’s not going to “work well” for a 10 year old boy.
You go on to say: “But, I do not want him to be a part of the ceremony, I want that to just be my fiancé and I.” That’s like rubbing someone’s nose in something stinky. Do you really feel it’s necessary to tell him, and only him, still?
“I also don't want to tell him that it's a secret, because I don't think kids should be made to keep secrets. I'm sure once BM finds out she might go off the deep end...”
Read that sentence again. You’re contradicting yourself here. Do you think a 10 year old should, and will, keep this a secret from their own mom? It’s almost as if you DO want her to find out. Have some wits about it and set a good example while avoiding pre-elopement drama - keep your elopement under wraps until you two return and it is a done deal. Why in the world would you want to leave a wake of emotions and drama, as you drive, fly, whatever... away?
Your post reads a tad vindictive, imho. You have the child 50% of the time. It cannot be that hard to avoid talking about it around him.
Elope. Come back, tell ss
Elope. Come back, tell ss then do something special with the 3 of you to help celebrate your marriage as a family unit. That way BM won’t know, ss is not out in an awkward position and he still gets to do something to mark the change in his home and celebrate your family. If you make the special family celebration something tailored to the three of you then he will appreciate it much more than a boring wedding ceremony.
You make great points, I do
You make great points, I do not want him to have any decision making authority in our household. I did not think of these things. Thank you!!!