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Ideas or book suggestions for a 9yr old Girl/ The sex talk

mizunomead's picture my GF's 9yr old daughter has been coming home from school lately with questions and stories from some of the other kids about sex and such. Does it really start this young??? I can't remember. Anyways.... So GF is going to have to have the "talk" with her. I will not be involved. But we have been discussing it and neither of us really know how she should approach it. Is their some good books or something to help with that are recommended???

mro's picture

I started my kids with a book called "why boys and girls are different". It was for age 3-5 years and part of a series. The one for kids around her age is "how you are changing". These have a religious/Christian angle so if that is not your cup of tea there are many other similar books out there. There were 5 or 6 in the series and they were great. It was a lot easier in the long run to start young with proper names of body parts, privacy, etc and go from there, rather than try and have the dreaded "talk".

strugglingSM's picture

I remember we first had the talk in school about periods when I was that age. Some girls do get their first period at age 9. I think that talk might have referenced sex a bit, but didn't get into the details.

I remember the booklet we got at school was called "Growing Up and Liking it". It was focused mostly on how your body changes during puberty. I looked it up online and it's apparently vintage now...came out in the 70s, but I am not that old! They used to have a tie-in kit for girls who were of the age of getting their first period. I'm sure one of those kits still exists, but it has probably been updated.

There's also the classic Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret by Judy Blume. It's probably kind of dated and depending on the maturity of your SD might be a little too grown up for her, but it's about a 6th grade girl and I think it originally came out in the 70s, so it might have some age appropriate discussions of puberty and sex.

I think now with the internet, kids are exposed to more and likely have questions and talk about things much earlier.

BethAnne's picture

We never really had a sex talk with my sd10, just information slowly gets more detailed as she got older. Answering the specific questions that she has with factual information and proper terms is the best way I feel. Also taking natural opportunities to bring it up into conversation helps too. If you want to you could ask her if she’d like a book with some more information. She might say no and not quite be ready yet and just be happy talking with her mom.

Cover1W's picture

I got the "Care and Keeping of You" series for the SDs.
They didn't ask too many questions, but I know they read them, and shared them with their friends as well. At least they have good info in them.

mizunomead's picture

thanks for the thoughts. She had the "talk" with the help of a couple books in a very basic way. Now that the 9yr old know how babies are made she thinks everybody is disgusting lmao.....ahhhh....parenting lol.

Rags's picture

I cant help you with "the talk" with a young lady but.... my mom was big on the book method. The two that mom gave to me and my little brother and to my son and my brother's two boys were Boys Growing Up and Men and Their Physiques.

There has to be equivalent references for the parents of girls.

Good luck to you and your wife.