New Stepmum HELP!
So I am new to this site and I desperately need help!
I hate my stepson with a fury I didn’t think was possible.. He is only four years old and every time I think about how much hate I have for this little person I feel awful but I just can’t help it!
Me and my partner have been together for over three years now and I have a seven year old son myself and we have a one year old together.. In the beginning everything was great! I treated his son just as I did my own and was very fond of him. My partner took longer to warm up to my son however and I think that’s where it started. I started to pull back from his son and stick to my own. He is better with my son now which just makes me feel worse about the hatred I feel for his.
His father spoilt him rotten after the spilt between him and the BM, always wanting to be the ‘fun parent’ never saying no so he wouldn’t cry. Now you can’t so no to him about anything!
BM is very intobher social life so we have him every single weekend. I have had three weekends alone with him since we got together. And he works late most nights so we don’t get much time together as it is and now that we have a baby of our own it’s not fair that he never gets time with his dad. SS is so jealous of the baby! The second my partrner sits on the floor with him he will sit on his lap in front of him or if he picks LO up SS demands to be picked up to and he will scream and cry if LO gets a new toy and he doesn’t. I just feel like it’s not fair that our LO never gets any quality time with his dad. And because he is so jealous I don’t trust leaving him alone with my LO. Every weekend is so stressful!
Whenever i look at SS all I see is a lazy, rude and filthy boy, like a germ that has just walked into my house! I once walked in on him peeing in the lounge room on the carpet!! He still constantly poos himself every weekend! And excuse me but not my son, not cleaning it up! And if I don’t remind him he never washes his hands after going to the toilet. I’m a massive germ phob and I cringe every time he goes near my LO. I just don’t want him to touch him or be anywhere near him. And he is obsessed with his private parts and has gotten into trouble at preschool for being rude. And I just don’t want that sort of influence over my own children.
My son is starting to hate him as well, as he sees my partner letting SS get away with everything where as i am much stricter on my own children. I’ve tried talking to my partner about it but of course he has rose coloured glasses on when it comes to him.
Every Friday i find myself becoming extremly anxious and dreading his arrival. And it hit me the other day that is this going to be my life??? Forever hating every moment he is here? Every word he says (he talks constantly!!) every single move he makes? I will never leave my partner as I love him and i refuse to share another child between two homes as my ex and I do with DS. My partner talks about when SS is old enough to live with us full time and the thought terrifies me!! I can just find no redeeming qualities about this child no matter how much I tell myself “this weekend will be different” as soon as I see him it just boils right down in the pit of my stomach.
I'm stumped. This child is 4
I'm stumped. This child is 4 years old. You've been in his life for over 3 years and hate his guts. You are a grown woman.
You chose to have a child with a man whom you love but do not respect because he is a poor parent.
It sounds as if the only thing to do is to change "you." Perhaps learn some new skills or discover new ways to perceive the situation. So, my suggestion is to find a good private therapist and some books on parenting in a step-family situation.
You're not alone in experiencing all the mixed & icky feelings of step-life. Good luck.
It’s very hard to change my
It’s very hard to change my perception of the situation when each week is worst then the next. And SS has started running to his dad saying my son called him this and has done that when I have been in the vicinity to see what’s been happening and my son hasn’t even spoken a bloody word to him. I feel like now it’s all about trying to make sure his dad only wants him and no one else.
I do not believe my partner is a poor parent, just has made some poor decisions in parenting his son.
I should add that up until April this year I had my own place so was free to go back there when stressed and since moving in together I no longer have that luxury.
Can you carve out your own
Can you carve out your own space? Might be good.
I have a quiet room upstairs when Im bothered I go there.
"I will never leave my
"I will never leave my partner as I love him and i refuse to share another child between two homes as my ex and I do with DS."
It may come to not being a choice you get to make. This child is four years old. He's not going away. You try pushing this child out or you and your older son start doing the 'we hate this kid' bit, it may turn out to be your DH leaving you.
He gets the four year old about eight or so days a month. Your DH is use to only having limited access to one child. What makes you think he won't decide he can get just as use to seeing his youngest son on the same limited basis?
Speaking of having at least eight days a month with his oldest child, it gives your DH plenty of time to work harder at being a proper parent and role model to his son. It is not the older child's fault your DH works and is gone from the home for so many hours. It's also not the child's fault you and your Dh get such seldom alone time. If the kid didn't come every weekend you would still have the baby all the time and you would still have your older son during the times that child doesn't go to his biological father. How often does your older son go to his father? Is it also every weekend? Every other weekend?
This SS has nothing to do with how often or how little your DH sees the baby the 22 days a month your DH doesn't have visitation with his oldest son. Nothing. Honest question. Why were you perfectly ok with the parenting your Dh did from age one (when you got together with your DH) until the point you decided the kid was just the most terrible creature on earth?
The kid pees on floor and poops himself. The kid doesn't wash his hands. Why isn't your husband reminding and teaching the child. That's what parents do. These things didn't come from being a 'spoilt' child. No. And if you're such a "germ phob" where was your concern about the lack of parenting your husband has the two years prior to your new little bundle? And your comment about not being your kid, you are not cleaning it up? Why would you? Where is the child's father? Why hasn't this child been toilet trained by his father who has him at least eight days a month?
And if weekend days are the only time either child ( your SS AND the baby) really get to see their father, why would it surprise you that there is turmoil over who gets to see and get Daddy's attention? Both kids are starved for their father's time and attention. An believe it or not, or I suppose, like it or not, your baby is no more deserving of time and attention from the father than the man's older child is. Dad needs to teach his children to interact together. Of course the four year old is jealous. Give your little one a couple more years and you'll find he too is jealous of the older child.
I suspect this has all gone on too long for any quick fixes. Have you thought about counseling? Marriage counseling , counseling for the four year old and counseling for yourself as an individual to work out your own feelings?
What would happen if you take a morning off to yourself one weekend (one when your own oldest son is at his father's) and leave Dad home to tend to his two children?
I’m lucky to say it hasn’t
I’m lucky to say it hasn’t affected mine and DH relationship as I am never mean to SS and I would never encourage my son to say he hates him and be mean.
I am not blaming DH. We try our hardest while SS is here to install in him our values and our rules. Then he goes home for the week and comes back and it’s like starting all over again from scratch. DH hates his ex and has very little civil contact with her. The bare minimum at pick up and drop off so we have no idea what goes on at her house.
It’s not just about us being alone it’s about having this stressful child around, DH gets so stressed out because he doesn’t listen to anyone and that he never gets anything done when he has to look after him. I’ve tried telling him that’s his own fault since he is the one who committed to having him every weekend. Why should SS demanding behaviour take time away from weekends he gets to see his dad too??
I can honestly say it started when I realised hang on, I’m treating SS with the same love and respect I treat my own son but DH isn’t doing the same for my son.. and I spoke to him about it and he said he would try and it took time but in that time I started to resent SS and I just haven’t been able to get back from there. And in that time lots of things occurred, SS BM hates me and has plenty to say to him about me which gets repeated when he is here. And if DH doesn’t want to give him something but doesn’t want to say no he sends him to me so I can be “the bad guy” . I’ve heard him say multiple times he hates me.
I didn’t live with them prior to our baby so I wasn’t aware of how bad his hygiene was. As fontoilet training, he is meant to be toilet trained, but for some reason he just keeps doing it! And as he and his ex don’t talk I don’t know if it’s something he does at her house too or only here.
I don’t feel that jealousy is an innate feeling of a child. My son has never been jealous of the LO and to answer your question he is with his dad 5 nights a fortnight, not consecutively.
Stop taking care of your
Stop taking care of your husband's responsibilities.
I am not blaming DH.
You should... DH is the one allowing the kid to behave that way, by not disciplining him when he acts this way. Even if "he tries", he's "not doing"... maybe some parenting classes are in order
And if DH doesn’t want to give him something but doesn’t want to say no he sends him to me so I can be “the bad guy” .
NO NO NO. WHY on earth would your husband be such a coward as to pass off dealing with his own child, to you? And WHY would you let him? Send him back to dad! This is NOT your responsibility to deal with!
DH gets so stressed out because he doesn’t listen to anyone and that he never gets anything done when he has to look after him.
welcome to parenthood, DH. Now deal with it like us women, and have dinner on the table and a clean house, too. Pronto.
When dh sends his son to you
When dh sends his son to you to say no
Tell him talk to your dad and send him on gis way.
Either you two sending him back and forth will make him stop asking or it will make his dad answer.
I stopped reading when you
I stopped reading when you stated you hate your SS and he's only 4,,,,,,
4 year olds can be taught the right way, if he was 14 I would say go ahead and disengage... but 4 years old?
Sorry this marriage is not going to last
Hmmm, so you are making
Hmmm, so you are making excuses for a grown man yet you are not cutting a 4 yr old any slack.
Your SO needs to grow up and man up.He needs to parent his son and teach him that no longer is he allowed to poo his pants. If he does he will be put into pull-ups and SO will take him to the toilet every hour on the hour until Mr4 gets it. SO will make sure his son washes his hands and why. All the behavior can be corrected IF his father really wants a better life for his son. Or is he of the "ocker mindset that raising kids is a sheila's job".
Your SO has to love his son more than he hates his ex. Blaming her for everything is unfair especially when SO has no idea what goes on in her home. He agreed to having his son every weekend and you knew this. So of course there is a battle for attention for DH on the weekend.
This is so much more than Mr4 being badly behaved and you hating him. He is little and only behaving the way he always has. This is about SO stepping up and raising his son into a fine young man. Right now he procrastinates and that is not doing anything to fix this situation.
I hate my stepson with a fury
I hate my stepson with a fury I didn’t think was possible.. He is only four years old and every time I think about how much hate I have for this little person I feel awful but I just can’t help it!
His father spoilt him rotten after the spilt between him and the BM, always wanting to be the ‘fun parent’ never saying no so he wouldn’t cry. Now you can’t so no to him about anything!
BM is very intobher social life so we have him every single weekend. I have had three weekends alone with him since we got together. And he works late most nights so we don’t get much time together as it is and now that we have a baby of our own it’s not fair that he never gets time with his dad.
Whenever i look at SS all I see is a lazy, rude and filthy boy, like a germ that has just walked into my house! I once walked in on him peeing in the lounge room on the carpet!! He still constantly poos himself every weekend! And excuse me but not my son, not cleaning it up! And if I don’t remind him he never washes his hands after going to the toilet. I’m a massive germ phob and I cringe every time he goes near my LO. I just don’t want him to touch him or be anywhere near him. And he is obsessed with his private parts and has gotten into trouble at preschool for being rude. And I just don’t want that sort of influence over my own children.
That's how you're identifying the feelings - but that's not really the case I think.... it's more that you're placing the resentment on SS, because he's at the core of the issue.... the REAL issue is that you hate the way he behaves. You hate that his father spoils him... you hate that he's dirty, rude, filthy, hate that he still behaves like a puppy who's not housebroken, and has private part germ hands...
None of those things are the boy's fault - but all of those things are behaviors not corrected by the parents...
every single one of the child's behaviors is one that can be improved or ignored by the parent.
You don't hate the boy, you hate that the father is allowing the boy to be that way. You hate that the father is not trying to improve the boy's behavior.
Identify the feelings properly, it will be much easier to deal with them.
You hate that the kid still poos himself... why does he? because he's got an issue, or because he's allowed to? For many kids that potty train that late in life, it's an attention thing. He gets dad's attention, every time. He's in control of the situation, because he has the power to make everything stop and revolve around him, even if only for a few minutes. That's NORMAL - kids are master manipulators by nature... the bigger problem is that dad allows him to be.
I think one of the reasons
I think one of the reasons his behaviour is such a difficult thing for me is because my son and SS are like chalk and cheese. They couldn’t be more different. MS thus far has been raised very differently to SS. I know what to expect from him and we are extremely close as it was just he and I for a long time, so is very secure in knowing how much I love him even with LO added to our family who he absolutely adores.
How am I supposed to communicate with SO about SS behaviour? I’ve tried broaching the subject before and he just blames it on the time his son isn’t with him and says when he lives with us full time he will “fix it” and then turns it around saying well what about MS. How am I supposed to help correct the behaviours of a child that’s not mine and has zero respect for me or his father. I feel like his father let him get away with everything for so long and now he’s trying to change the rules but SS is so used to how it was prior to me and Bub living here that he hates me and blames me for it.
MOST IMPORTANT:you are projecting the anger you feel at the situation on this 4 year old child. STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!
You CAN discipline a toddler who is in your house (dont even ask just do if your hubs starts on you do not say anything but continue with the discipline- this can blow up easily but it will at least lead to A result instead of the impasse u are experiencing now)
If above is too dramatic for you:
1.take a weekend off for yourselves(no children
2.agree on what boundaries to put on the ss4(ummm peeing on the carpet ...Hello....)
3.agree on some behaviors that you would like to instill in thia young child and on the conaequences for misbehaving
4.If DH does not follow thru then you start doing what his 4 year old is doing...if he says ANYTHING you just resoond by ignoring him/responding as his son would
If the above does not work maybe suggest some family counseling
Every time I speak to SS he
Every time I speak to SS he ignores me like I haven’t spoken, for example tonight his dad told him to go eat his dinner and he continued walking around outside so I said dad said go sit down and eat your dinner and he just went straight to his dad and said dad can I walk around out here. Every time I ask him not to do something he goes to his dad. I have a very respectful relationship with my own son he respects what I say so I give him that respect in return. The complete lack of respect from SS towards everyone is a real challenge and just drives me insane!
SO misses him through the week but he is always in such a bad mood all weekend when he is here. It’s already started SS has already pooped himself and he has been here for a total of an hour and a half,
Clearly he does not respond
Clearly he does not respond to verbal cues
Then you scoop him up and put him at the dinner table
He cries-ignore
Tries to leave you scoop him up again
Have you set "house rules"-do so now
Ok...YOU take SS and give him
Ok...YOU take SS and give him a shower
A lot of times children poop themselves bc afraid or uncomfortable(plly he is uncomfortable juat like you)
This child is engaging in a power struggle with you. You need to show him you are in control.(experiment a little: calmly works for some kids,forceful,
Ok...YOU take SS and give him
Ok...YOU take SS and give him a shower
A lot of times children poop themselves bc afraid or uncomfortable(plly he is uncomfortable juat like you)
This child is engaging in a power struggle with you. You need to show him you are in control.(experiment a little: calmly works for some kids,forceful,
oh hell no - not ever in your
oh hell no - not ever in your life do you bath or shower another person's child.....
Yeah, I've been in the
Yeah, I've been in the picture since Killjoy was 5, and have NEVER seen her naked. BM would have used any hint of that to paint me as a molester, in Killjoy's eyes as well as any authority figure's. No way. Really, I've been revolted by the idea of ever seeing her naked by accident, good thing it's never happened.
I can see your point there
I can see your point there Ipsofacto
BMs sometimes suck(refer to my other post here lol)
Either return the chil filthy- you pay
Bath him-you pay
I got lucky that BM2 doesent care too much...shed rather him be clean than think about who cleans him(as long as she doesn't have to do it)
Respectfully it is her
Respectfully it is her husband's child NOT another stranger on the street.
I shower and scrub SS6
I shower and scrub SS6 sometimes-hubs does it most times(SS likes to play in the mud outside and in Summer we sometimes hose him off clothes and all-- he thinks it is great fu lol)
When SS6 was 4 he would jump in bath with me(yes naked as jaybird carying toys in his arms to play with in the bath). His mom still bathes with him naked sometimes but at our house he bathes on his own.
I would never bathe/shower SS12 bc preteen hello
We do have house rules, which
We do have house rules, which he ignores that in turn sets my son off because “why does he follow the rules when SS doesn’t, that’s not fair” to which I agree.
I think he would rather roll around in his own poo then listen to me tell him to have a shower!! I asked him simply to please put his blanket away this morning and he ran to his dad crying like I’d just told him I was going to kick his kitten! So I went in and explained to SO that all I did was say can you please put your blanket away and Ihowbhe can’t keep running to you every time I open my mouth and he didn’t back me up at all, he said get used to it and typically turned it around saying my son does the same thing to him. I even had a chat with SS about it last night after taking advice from here that if he would like me to listen and respect what he says I would like him to please listen and respect what I say. All to no avail. I feel like it’s never going to get better.
I know everyone keeps saying he’s only four, but just because your four doesn’t mean you can get away with being rude and ignoring everyone’s rules. Being four doesn’t put you up for sainthood.
Thankyou, I was beginning to
Thankyou, I was beginning to think I was the worst person in the world for admitting that I dislike a child!
I felt the same. I actually
I felt the same. I actually wanted to be with a man with kids so he would understand what it meant to be a parent, boy was I wrong! I deluded myself into thinking it would be easy to have the same loving respectful relationship that I have with BS7 with SS
Since moving in it has gotten unbearable. At least when I still had my own place I would just stay there majority of the weekend and now I find myself planning reasons to get out of the house with my own two boys of a weekend which sucks because then I miss time with SO.
I just really don’t want his feral behaviour to be an influence on my own children. Especially our LO
Have you found a way to step back when their behaviour annoys you and let their dad deal with it?? I’m tryingbut I just get so annoyed at SO just giving in “yes son, you can have lollies at 8am” “I’ll clean your room for you” When my son is certainly not allowe lollie for breakfast and has to tidy up after himself.
You are not alone in this!
You are not alone in this! Its not like we hate all children
I’ve never hated a child..
I’ve never hated a child.. until I got to know this one. I then learnt it is possible.
I love my DH as well. I'm
I love my DH as well. I'm fairly sure the daily stress of living with a mini-wife the last 4 years (SD is now 15) has given me a stomach ulcer... My DS's are 29 and 27 and have families of their own. I too wish my DH knew my boys when they were young. It's like night and day. It can't be healthy living in an environment that's in a constant state of chaos and drama.
Do not hate the child. Hate
Do not hate the child. Hate the parents for allowing their child to be "lazy, rude and filthy".
Getting my own place isn’t
Getting my own place isn’t really an option for me. I only gave up my own place around April this year. It’s such a horrible feeling not feeling at home in your house. Before I moved into SOs place we had several arguments as I wanted to get a place of our own that we choose together because his place would always feel like his and SSs, not our’s but I eventually caved trying to do what is best for my DS and mine and SOs LO and it is fine until a Friday night when SS comes over.
I completely understand the trashing of the house. I don’t spend hours moping and vacuuming so SS can run in and out of the house constantly then run his filthy feet all through the house and constantly climb the kitchen counter and touch everything I have asked him to please not touch. It’s my home to, I shouldn’t have to hide all my possessions away for fear that he will break them. understand he is a child, but my DS was four once and he didn’t act like I was the devil for asking him to please put wipe his feet off or put his shoes on if playing outside. I can’t stop the constant comparisons between DS and SS, DS just never behaved anything like him and me and my husband had separated when he was three. SO is always defending him “he’s only four” well buddy I’ve had a four year old and trust me they don’t all poo there pants on a daily basis and scream and cry when you say no or blatantly ignore your requests and have no manners. When I look at SS I just see a big germ running rampant through the house.
It’s virtually impossible for me to broach a discussion about SS with SO and his behaviour as I know he will see it as an attack on SS and jump straight to what about your DS! I know my son can be stubborn, I passed that down the gene pool! But his behaviour is never filthy or rude. One of his chores is to take out the recycling daily and he asked me if SS could please do it on the weekends as he never has to do chores so I said I think that’s a fair request and my lord you should have seen the reaction from SS! Tears and tantrums, the whole works! I feel like everyone just babies this kid because “his parents split up and he must be traumatised”. He was 1 when they separated! He wouldn’t even remember a time that his mum and dad were together. So now he just expects the royal treatment from everyone.
The only person who knows how i feel about him is my sister who gets frequent weekend calls from me so I can vent my frustrations. I’ve actually considered seeing a counsellor on my own to get it all out and maybe get some constructive advice cause I too feel like feeling this way and this constant stress can’t be good for me but I just feel like there is nothing that can be done that will make me like or have any warm feelings towards this child. I’ve never felt inner rage as I have whilst dealing with this child.
Just getting it all out on the website helped and then I read my earliest replies and thought wow.. maybe that wasn’t a good idea..