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Why even have rules???

foolmeonce's picture

So, my boyfriend decided about a month ago to trash most of SS12's toys because the kid just would never clean up his room. Rules were laid down by my boyfriend stating that SS12 had to keep his room clean every day or else he would lose his electronics privileges. SS12 kept his room clean, but I soon realized he only cleaned it on the days that his dad was at home. Boyfriend is a fireman so he's not home every single night. I finally got tired of seeing the mess so today I mention it to my boyfriend who proceeded to tell me that "there's nothing he can do about it". So, why in the world even have rules for this kid if he's not going to enforce them?

foolmeonce's picture

We all live together......boyfriend, his son & my 2 yes, I'm there when he's at work.

Unlovedwife77's picture


Cover1W's picture

I am to that point now. That question/comment gets an answer of heavy sighs, silence or stalking away in a huff.

foolmeonce's picture

Not sure if I'm allowed to enforce those rules or not, but SS12 doesn't listen to me anyways. He does whatever he wants to when his dad is not there.

strugglingSM's picture

Your BF should make it clear to his kid that even when he's not around, he expects the room to be clean or else...otherwise, I agree, what's the point, the kid is just learning to make it look like he's following the rules, even when he isn't.

Rags's picture

Smart phone cameras are the perfect tool for this. Every night take a pic and text it to your BF with an appropriate caption on the state of the room and then PW protect the wifi and never give up the PW to SS... ever. Inform BF that he WILL deal with his spawn or he wont get the wifi PW either.

Have fun!!!! }:)

SugarSpice's picture

this reminds of the days when the kids were all small under the age of 7. if they misbehaved they were grounded, but then they went to day care and got to watch all the tv they wanted and did not learn any lessons from the punishment.

foolmeonce's picture

I think that I'm just going to give up on it. I don't want to constantly nag my boyfriend about the state of his kid's room since all I'm going to get is comments like that from him. His son acts like an angel only when his dad is at home. Otherwise, he stays in his room the entire time and doesn't lift a finger to do anything around the house and expects me to fix his plate of food for every meal (which I refuse to do).