Step Daughter (She is in elementary school) brought over a "FAMILY" photo of my husband, his Ex wife, step daughter and step son as a Happy Family. She wanting to put it up in her room... In OUR home. I know BIO gave it to step daughter to bring. Most likely to push my buttons. This is not something BIO just had laying around her home in plan view with her husband in their home. Bio actually cut herself out of most photos or cut my husband out when the split. BIO always pushed ~ wanting the children to have photos of her (their mom) in their ROOMS at OUR home since we all moved in together. I had an issue with that because they NEVER had pictures of their mom in their rooms when my DH was single and while WE were dating. But, when we all moved in together she PUSHED for a photo on mom in their rooms. I think having the "HAPPY FAMILY" photo is sending the wrong message to the kids and doesn't seem healthy. Thoughts? and How would you handle this situation?
Nope not allowed... Aergia
Nope not allowed... Aergia could have photo's of her and BM or simply BM, but not of BM and SO with her....
not even in her room, sorry your parents are divorced, they do not even belong on the same paper lol....
LOL ~ My husband handled it
LOL ~ My husband handled it well... he took it from her before she even brought it in our home. and he pulled me aside and let me know what happened. He told SD... I want to make sure it doesn't get bend.
It will "disappear". Hopefully BIO will not send more to our home. But, they will all disappear. Bonfire anyone?
Stepmom101, your husband is a
Stepmom101, your husband is a gem for doing this for you! he is considerate of your feelings.
many husbands on this site would not have the inclination or the balls to do this.
btw, the skids had a photo of bm and their father but did not choose to take it with them when they moved out. it is no longer in the house needless to say.
Yeah, I wouldn't be
Yeah, I wouldn't be comfortable with it. SD10 has photos of her mom and stepdad. She has pictures of her half-siblings. The photos are on display in her room that she shares with DD. My bios have pics of their dad, but not of him and I together. I would draw the line at a pic of BM and DH together.
I have one picture of my parents together in my house. It is a photo from their wedding and it is one of very few photos that has my grandmother in it. I asked my SM before I put it up if it would offend her, and she said no. She gave me a pic of her and my dad's wedding where they are lighting a candle for my grandmother and her photo is in the background. I have that photo and the older one right next to each other.
I didn't get a SM until I was an adult, but I would never expect her to allow pics of our family (my mom, dad, sister and me) in her house. That is over the line, in my opinion.
What is the "wrong" message
What is the "wrong" message that it's sending? They were once a family. They know things are different now, so what's the big deal? That's why people take pictures, to capture a moment in time and refer to it later.
I can't speak for anyone
I can't speak for anyone else, but in my case, BM has sent my DH love letters since we've been married. She had told the SDs that she wants to get back together with their dad. According to BM, if they get back together, they will be a complete family.
I feel like it would be raising SD10's hopes. Also, I think if BM found out that we had a picture like that on display in our home, that she would ramp up her crazy pursuit of my DH.
Bio cheated on DH multiple
Bio cheated on DH multiple times. She tried to get him back when she found out he was dating me... several times. Here's the kicker... she KNOWINGLY was pregnant with her now husbands baby. Whom she cheated on my husband (Hers at the time) with. She just didn't want my DH but she also didn't want my DH with anyone.
Exactly, I feel it's a manipulation move on Bio's part.
I agree. Its wrong to make
I agree. Its wrong to make her take it down in my opinion.
they were once family but
they were once family but that is no longer the case. this is a young girl who still wants to cling to the notion that daddy and mommy are still together.
young children have twisted notions of step life of adults.
one skid has a great plan when she was a small child. mommy would divorce the lover she married. daddy would divorce me. mommy and daddy would remarry, and i would marry the bms ex husband.
its best no to encourage the fantasies they children want to cling to. the hatred of the new wife will only get worse in adolescence.
I have a ton of pictures of
I have a ton of pictures of me and my exH in our a box that I am saving for my kids. When they grow up, I will give them to my kids. It will be up to them if they hang them in their own homes.
Kids had autonomy over
Kids had autonomy over pictures in their room. The reality is that they were a family at one point. If the picture is meaningful to the kid due to memories of a trip or whatever.. that's fine.
I might have a problem if the pictures were poster sized.. but a small framed picture. not a hill to die on. I can ignore.
I didn't make the decision ~
I didn't make the decision ~ my Husband ~ did before it even came in our house. I'm sure he knew I would not like that at all. But, it was 100% his call ~ not to have it in our home. Thank goodness.
i hope you cherish your
i hope you cherish your husband for doing this.
Give her a special box for
Give her a special box for mementoes or a scrapbook to keep it and other things in. She shouldn't have to forget an entire chapter of her life but she should respect the present and whose home she is living in. I think that's what I would recommend. A very nice she can keep it where it is more or less private to her but also very honored and special for her.
HRNYC NO kids rooms are not
NO kids rooms are not private, ever.
Eh as long as it was in her
Eh as long as it was in her room, I suppose I could deal with it. To be fair, they were a family at one point and it is her mother. Crazy as she may be, this is from a child's point of view. SS14 has pics of BM2 in his sock drawer and even that creeps me out so I totally get it.
At the end of the day though, it's just paper and ink. You have the guy and all BM can do is send paper and ink.
It is Step Daughter's
It is Step Daughter's family... But, It is also ~ my home. I am also part of Step Daughter's family. I know BIO would NEVER in a million years allow a picture of me in HER home.
If Bio was a different person... maybe I would feel different about having the photo in my home. She is EVIL... She has done nothing but cause drama in our lives and continues to do so as often as she can. She is very disrespectful about me in front of the children. They know their mom doesn't like me. There is no reason for her not to and she has never spoke to me. She doesn't know me nor wants to. Which is fine. She has told the children they are not allowed to text me. She doesn't want them going to stores or to parks with me ~ without their father. She allows the kids to go places with her husband and will leave them with perfect strangers at camp or youth group at church.
She tells the kids it is because she doesn't know me. But, she refuses to try to get to know me. She for sure doesn't know the people at the church. She doesn't go there or to any church. She drops the kids off and picks them back up. It's more of a form of her getting a free baby sitter for two hours. But, she has a problem with their step mom taking them to the grocery store ~ for no reason other than SHE DOESN'T WANT IT TO HAPPEN. She tells the kids they aren't allowed to do their homework with me either. It's all ridiculous ~ So the kids get stuck in the middle of her manipulation... They don't want to make mom upset and don't understand her. She won;t put them in therapy. They need it very badly. She drills them about what we do when we have them. She is very controlling... right down to trying to control if we eat chicken for dinner when we have the kids because she plans on making chicken the next night and doesn't want them to eat chicken two days in a row. She gets jealous and makes the kids feel guilty if they are enjoying time with me. Bio has texted my DH saying she knows he is not happy with me and how she will never go out of her way to try to be nice to me or to make me feel comfortable and how she knows he would show me the text. She has made things up and told my DH that my friend told her friend I said ~ BLAH BLAH about her. My DH asked for the name of my "Friend" that was starting rumors and Bio could not come up with one. She made it all up to try to get him upset with me. Very sad.
Your story reminds me of a
Your story reminds me of a story a friend of mine told ME, happened to her. My friend is a wonderful mom---and I mean that sincerely. Her x husband wife I will name hood rat on this post.
Hood rat mailed her step child photos of an event sd went to. Hood rat was court ordered to stay away from step child. This envelope was mailed to my friends house where the child resided full time. Hood rat has no scruples and she spins her words to make it ONE way, when she really means another way.
Attached was a letter to sd "I THOUGHT YOU WOULD WANT THESE"....
the photos are of child...and of hood rat separated by one or two people. Photo after photo mailed to BM.
Hood Rat, clearly was in violation of a court order and cried 'mistake, she forgot, and didn't know'
Not on YOUR walls. Put it in
Not on YOUR walls. Put it in a photo album and SD can dig it out and look at it when she feels like it... which the odds are overwhelmingly that she will not look at it ever after about a week or two if she even looks at it at all.
I have told my husband in the
I have told my husband in the past that ~ I was fine with step kids having a photo album with pictures of BIO and the kids. I don't think having a happy family photo is healthy... and I don;t want to have to look at HER or THEM within my home any more than BIO would want to look at a photo of DH and I.
Nor is my DH and BIO ~ doing things as a "Family" unit ~ without their significant other (me/Her man). No reason for it and It gives the children false hope ~ the children don’t understand why their parents can’t be together like they used to be.
Just my opinion.
My Skid has never once looked
My Skid has never once looked at the Pre-Rags photo albums. My wife makes moves to throw them away upon occasion but I tell her to keep them for SS just in case he ever wants them. Eventually we will give them to him and he can throw them away if he wishes. Interestingly he goes through my family photos fairly regularly with his cousins (my bro's 3). They all get a kick our of the Rags's clan historical photos.
He did this before he asked me to adopt him so it is not new behavior.
I wouldn't make an issue out
I wouldn't make an issue out of it. I have all of my old photo albums on a shelf in my den and my kids look at them once in a while. Lots of family pics of exH, kids and I together. DH has a stacks of dusty photos in corners of the house of BM, he and the kids. It's history and in corners of the house. SD's history is in her little corner in her room. Shut the door if you don't like it.
In a blended family you need
In a blended family you need to choose your battles and this is one I'd let go - especially since reacting to it is exactly what BM wants.
adult sd presented her father
adult sd presented her father with a family photo as a gift with just her and the other skids with their father. the frame said family on the border. how is that for a slap in the face of a sm?
I'm sorry... Maybe she just
I'm sorry... Maybe she just didn't have a photo with you in it? Or was it on purpose?
I could photoshop you in it if you would like. LOL
ironically this is a picture
ironically this is a picture i took of them at the beach. it was clear in its intention.
I'm sorry. Maybe ask them if
I'm sorry. Maybe ask them if they did it on purpose and tell them it hurt your feelings. and/OR replace the picture with one of all of you. AND/OR give them a picture on a frame that says "Family" with all of you for Christmas. Remind them you're included and will not be left out. Don't let the rudeness get swept under the rug. You're entitled to share your feelings, just as the snowflakes are.
Idea: How about not only
Idea: How about not only hanging the framed photos above skids bathroom toilet tank, but putting a little dedicated spotlight on it and a plaque above that says, "MEMORIES" and sending skids home with a photo of THAT... and a Thank You note from you saying you can understand how she'd be regretting f*cking up her marriage and insisting on living in the past and that the photo's are good for skids to comprehend it's a SHITTY MEMORY. If psycho-controlling-beyotch BM needs reminding that SHE'S IN THE PAST, and the satisfaction that her "gift" is hanging in your home, maybe she's begging for some psy-ops in return.
Seriously, that wouldn't help but it was a fun thought. She is nuts and I feel for you!
OMG! I cracked up laughing at
OMG! I cracked up laughing at this
it is so damn PERFECT!!!! I agree 100%!!
Either hang it in ths toilet or send one back to of you and DH..with huge a frame that reads "Marital bliss." }:)
hee hee "Princess" does
hee hee "Princess" does deserve her "Throne"
Had this situation with SD
Had this situation with SD too back in the early days. I'm sure BM put her up to it. It was my DH who reacted badly to it though. He told SD to take it down and that she could have it in a photo album of her own but he didn't want to see it in her room all the time. She was told she could have a pic of BM if that's what she wanted but DH didn't want photos of them together posted around the room. Funny, the pic of BM never happened. I think it was just all a wind up meant to push my buttons even though I wasn't even involved in that drama, despite this Bm still interpreted this asI had reacted badly to it and insisted it be removed.
Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.
I think you are clouding a
I think you are clouding a couple of issues and projecting your anger with the BM onto SK’s photo. EASY to do. I don’t think any of us SM’s haven’t projected a little bitterness. I think you need to separate the issues.
1. BM does not control what happens in your house. End of story. Your husband needs to understand this and set the boundary with her and stepkidlets. Notice I said your husband NOT you. This is his battle. This is his time with his kids. Her intrusion is unnecessary and unwelcome.
2. Your husband may be enjoying being in the middle of two ladies. It is a great ego stroke. If he is unable or unwilling to stop BM’s inappropriate behaviour and intrusion, you need to confront this issue.
I really think if he limits contact with BM and BM’s nonsense, you will feel WAY better and the picture won’t matter so much. He really needs to stop engaging with her. His attention fuels her behaviour.
3. The picture – SD should keep it in her room. They are her parents and it is important to her. Within every child of divorce, lies a broken heart. Of course your stepkids rather their parents be together. That isn’t about YOU. It is about them.
Let her have the picture. Plus, it will annoy BM that you don’t mind.
Remember happiness regardless of what she does is your best revenge!
I am angry with BIO and DH.
I am angry with BIO and DH. It's the constant presence of BIO & that he allows it ~ that causes me difficulty. I hate that she goes out of her way to mess up plans or constantly insert herself when she knows we have plans ~ Example: We had a family day at an amusement park with the kids ~ About an hour drive from home.... Knowing we are busy having fun... During the day she texts DH pictures to "Show the kids" pictures that popped up on her facebook of the kids when they were little & also sends pictures of Coke bottles with the the kids names on them saying show these to the kids.. Like she couldn't just wait to show them the next day when she has the kids? She wants to remind the kids about her ~ She is such an attention Whore... and along with that contact she wants a phone call when we get to the amusement park... Half way through the day to make sure the kids are "OK" ...additional texts asking if the kids are "OK" and a call when we get in the car to leave and a call when we get back home. So our family trip turns into constant communication with BIO. It's so irritating.
There will be no family photos in our home that include BIO and DH. DH made that call and I agree. The kids have pictures on their ipads of their mom and dad.
I think you are correct that DH likes being in the middle. Trying to keep everyone happy...
He always said BIO told him all through their marriage that she did not NEED him. Yet she sure does now... she can't make a decision about the kids without discussing with him now. Example: So you think SS will like this Board Game his birthday? or that one? Sends pictures. She can't even make a decision on what game her son would like?
I know some things will need to be discussed... She goes overboard. Makes anything and everything about a "talk about the kids"... just to engage with DH. I feel the level of contact is both disrespectful and inappropriate.
I feel you here, the BM in my
I feel you here, the BM in my world is the same. She helped SD make a photo quilt for her class project that included a family photo of all of them in the middle from the last trip to Hawaii they took. Coincidentally, this was the trip where she decided to end her marriage and make a play for a legit relationship with the married guy she had been having an affair with for five years during her marriage.
I was ever so not pleased when BM sent the quilt back to our house with SD, not only because of the picture, but because of what that period of time represented to DH--the beginning of the end. I didn't take issue with it, other than to tell DH it needed to stay in her room, even though it was clearly a bullshit deal.
I dont think it gives the kid
I dont think it gives the kid false hope as much as it gives you a dose of reality. They were once a family. Thats what the picture depicts. You cant expect a child to pretend that never happened just because you dont like to think abt it. Thats a picture of her with her parents. At my wedding there were pictures I included my step-mom in but there were also pictures of me and my siblings with just our parents.
Do you think a family picture
Do you think a family picture of myself, my husband and the kids would be allowed in BIO's home? It's part of the children's life now...
My husband made the decision to take the photo. He told SD he didn't want her to lose it. She has not asked for it since. The kids have photos of their mother on their ipads as their lock screen and background photos. So you really think these kids were not forced to do that? They are kids in middle and elementary school ~ they want unicorns, marvel, and fun silly stuff kids are into as their background photos. Come on ~ I think it's ridiculous and it's TOTALLY forced by bio. But, it is fine. Those are their things. I would be ok ~ if they wanted a photo album with pictures of them in it. But, not something I would have to look at multiple times a daily.
It may be wrong. But, It is my home. I need my sanity. There is so much hate from all the crap this woman has put us thru and continues to try to ruin our lives and cause hurt. She is an evil person.
I doubt you're wrong. It just
I doubt you're wrong. It just sucks to be right, and you're only right because she actually is that way. And it's great that you post here, because we totally get it! If the BM in my situ weren't in lifetime olympic training to win the laziness gold medal, she'd be doing much more than now, probably along the lines of the b.s. yours brings. Fortunately, SS17 is almost beyond the age she'll have to pay child support for (he's not motivated to sign up for college & graduates HS in June) so the lazy, cheating, lying BM doesn't hsve any tricks up her sleeve left to play.
i would not allow it. it
i would not allow it. it allows a young skid still not in her teens to perpetuate the fantasy that the "real" family is the one that no longer exists.
dh has a picture in his office that was a gift from one of the skids. the picture shows dh with his skids and the frame says "all in the family." of course i am not in the photo and i was the one who took the picture. so ironic. its like a slap in the face to me.
she can have this photo in her mothers house of her own private misguided fantasy , but not in your home. its her room but the home of you and your husband - her father.
i had this h%ll to deal with when the skids were each in turn kicked out of the house of bm when they turned 18. they came to our home to live and go to university on their fathers money as bm did not give the skids anything.
they all got a hold of their childhood photo albums and started making fantasies about the life with their mother and father. (keep in mind bm left the father to marry her lover.) even though dh gutted the albums of the photos of bm the skids started weaving fantasies about their "perfect" family and resented i was now married to their father. in a matter of weeks the venom started as the skids banded together to try to urge dad to divorce me. they almost succeeded.
yes its the girls room but your house.
so no picture of the former family. the house is your house.
i would let her have a photo of her father and her.
I do have pictures of my
I do have pictures of my parents. BUT, My parents are still together.
SD obviously does not care
SD obviously does not care too much about this photo as she has not asked about it since your DH took it from her. So much for treasuring and needing this photo up in her room. Chances are it is BM pushing this agenda on a young child. Shame on her. Too many use the children in this way, and that's how these kids do get caught up in a fantasy of mom and dad together.
EXACTLY! Have not heard one
EXACTLY! Have not heard one peep about it!
I know BIO sent the photo over to our home and said "Why don't you have your daddy put this in your bedroom?"
Just like she gave my husband a Box of cards he had given to her (BIO) while they were married for mothers day and such. When I was in the car to pick up the kids. She wanted me to see them. And wanted to remind him of their life when they were happy. Who knows what was going on in her mind ~ but she should of just destroyed them herself ~ not given them back to him. Why would he want those? She moved on and is with the man to she cheated on my DH with and has several babies with him. If they are even his babies!
She's so manipulative.
She also texted one Christmas a picture of THEIR "JUST MARRIED" Christmas ornament to my DH. Asking if he wanted the ornament. We just laughed... Like is she serious? LOL ~ Does she think that would go on our Christmas Tree or that he would even want that?
Let's put that right next to our "just married" ornament? LOL
She is CRAY...
I could maybe see if the
I could maybe see if the child wanted to have a picture of their mother in their room (or their father in their room when they are home with BM), but having a "family" photo from before the split seems inappropriate and maybe a little mean if the child is young. Maybe I'm a bit heartless, but I think it's ok for the child to understand that their original "family" doesn't exist any more. It may not be ideal, but I don't think that having a new "family" or new "families" is necessarily the end of the world, especially if the original family was dysfunctional and full of conflict.
At one pick-up (long after the divorce, but conveniently after DH and I were engaged), BM gave DH a bunch of photos of them as a family and also gave him their wedding video. The family photos had been in frames with spaces for multiple pictures, BM removed the pictures of just the children and gave DH the pictures of the four of them together. DH thought about keeping the video and the pictures "in case my kids want them when they're older" and I told him I thought it would be mean to give them pictures of when their parents were pretending to be happy together. I told him that every child of divorce wishes their parents would get back together and giving them photos and videos would likely make them hold out hope that you were in fact, happy at one time. From what DH told me, he and BM didn't even really get along before they got married, so why perpetuate the myth by saving smiling photos or a video from their wedding.
BM has been living with another guy since before her divorce to DH was final, but she still finds little ways to remind DH of their relationship. She even sent him flirty texts at one point that totally made him feel uncomfortable. She also makes a million excuses for why she needs to talk to DH, most of which do not have to do with the children. I know she's holding on to something for DH, maybe it's just a feeling that she needs to control him, but it sure seems like feelings of love to me.