Nightmare situation
Hi. New member and maybe a new problem because I can't imagine any other woman putting up with what I put up with!!!
My SO walked out after 10 years together. He moved back to his home town because he needed to be closer to his kids. We had been living together for three years. We were going through a rough patch but the killer was his guilt about his kids.
Since then (around 6 months ago) he has realised he made a mistake and wants to move back to live with me again. Trouble is he gave up his job here and he won't come until he has a stable job offer again locally. In his home town he has work. But it's 3 hours away. So we're doing a long distance thing. He's living with his parents. It's really hard for me emotionally and financially. This week he said his ex-wife is maybe going away to another town in the north to look for work. He dropped the bombshell that he wants to move back into his ex marital home to live with his kids "until she gets settled". No idea how long that could be.
Should it be a bombshell? He feels I'm being unreasonable by being upset. He says I have to trust him and he's doing nothing wrong, just looking after his kids. I just can't get my head around it. His ex will be hundreds of miles away but it's their house and it just feels like such a huge step backwards for us. Am I wrong to be bothered by this?
He just doesn't sound like a
He just doesn't sound like a keeper.
I didn't even consider that
I didn't even consider that because she'll be moving so far away.
Sounds to me like he wants to
Sounds to me like he wants to double-check on everything, such as moving back in with his ex-, and putting you on hold. Do you really think this guy is worth it? You know that he is wanting to move in with his wife to see if a reconciliation with her will work? If she hasn't moved away yet, he will be full of excuses why she hasn't and stringing you along until he has made up his mind.
I think the best piece of advice I could give any single woman is that you are better off by yourself and doing what you enjoy than being with the wrong partner. Even if this guy decides a reconciliation isn’t for him and comes back to you, will you ever feel you are that high on his priority list?
I have never thought that
I have never thought that about him in ten years but I have to admit I'm starting to wonder how much his own comfort is the thing that pushes him these days.
Wow. Harsh but very wise
Wow. Harsh but very wise words. Thank you.
I agree with Echo. It is
I agree with Echo. It is absurd what he is asking you to accept.
Um, yes, he's choosing his
Um, yes, he's choosing his kids over you AGAIN and expects you to shut up and deal with it.
If you stay with him, realize that you will be following his kids/ex wherever they go for rest of their lives.
Notice that I said the rest of their lives, not "until they turn 18"
Nothing ends at 18.
That's a scary thought but
That's a scary thought but you sound like you're talking from experience. His rationale is that his ex will finally make a life for herself and we can be more free... So he's doing it "for us". (??!!)
That rationale reminds me of
That rationale reminds me of men or women who claim to have had an affair "to save their marriage."
Totally agree. "Until 18".
Totally agree. "Until 18". "Until 21". "Until he's done with college". "Until he gets a job". And and and... I'll let you know when it's "over" kissing the kids behinds. Though, I suspect I'll be dead before that happens.
Take care of you. Be
Take care of you. Be independent. Be strong. Don't make yourself so available to him because he is not available to you.
Maybe he does just want to spend this time with his children. May be that is the truth or maybe not. Start to live your life for you.
You are not wrong in feeling the way that you do.
I would feel the exact same way.
I have just found that when I find my inner strength, I seem to make better decisions. It's sometimes best to listen to your head, even though you want to follow your heart. Good luck to you!
Dude is testing the waters
Dude is testing the waters with BM. He's keeping you on the back burner just in case things don't workout with BM.
Love and respect yourself enough not to allow a man to treat you like a faithful lap dog.
I have to say that I'm
I have to say that I'm surprised by your replies. In my heart, I know the situation is crazy and that there is no way that I personally would be able to put up with it. So, he's going to FaceTime me from their old marital bed? WTF? That alone drives me insane. So I'm not surprised that so many of you are coming down pretty hard on him but I really thought there must be at least ONE person out there who thought it was just a harmless practical solution. And I guess that just shows how much I have allowed myself to be manipulated by him and his justifications... and accusations of me having a "trust problem". You start to question yourself. all of your replies are correct and really helpful, thank you.
His other justification (very male) is that it's just the same as me "working in my ex husband's house every week and eating lunch there with him". What actually happens is that I see students at my ex-husbands language school every couple of weeks to earn enough money to get by. This means I don't have to lose 50% of my earnings renting a room for occasional work, which helps us all because SO can't work weekends because he needs them free to see his kids. It is not my ex-husband's house. He used to have a school with a studio apartment, which was his living space but now he just has the school. I ONCE ate a plate of leftover pasta that my ex-husband had made for my kids and they had left because I had been working 6 hours without a break. We didn't eat together, he didn't make it for me. I told SO because I felt it was disloyal. And now all of that is thrown in my face as though it's the same as him living in his ex marital home for possibly months on end. To me, the main difference is that I have categorically said that, under the circumstances (him walking out on me six months ago and that leaving me feeling oh I don't know, maybe just a little insecure, duh!) him moving into her house is a step too far away from our pathway and not acceptable. I have clearly said it will kill me. When I asked him if he had a problem with me using an office space in my ex-husband's school on an occasional basis, he said he had no problem with it at all. If he had said it was unacceptable, I wouldn't have done it. I appreciate it's a boundary issue and I don't feel comfortable with it but financially things are very tight and my ex-husband has moved on 100% and it is purely a business arrangement.
His attitude when I spoke to him on the phone yesterday was "well, I'm not doing anything wrong and you have to trust me and if you can't then you have to do what you have to do but if my kids need me, I will do whatever they need"
Look up the term
Look up the term "Gaslighting," if you are not familiar with it already. Here is a nutshell definition, "Gaslighting or gas-lighting is a form of mental abuse in which information is twisted or spun, selectively omitted to favor the abuser, or false information is presented with the intent of making victims doubt their own memory, perception, and sanity."
It is not all that uncommonly used on steps. Why? Because steps can easily fall to the bottom of a SO's priority list AND stay there. So, how is SM kept there year after year? Through Gaslighting! Also, note that according to the above definition, it is a form of mental abuse.
I have an SO that has done
I have an SO that has done very similar things. His guilt at choosing to live a few states away from his kids has eaten him alive and I know (I've heard the conversations) that BM has assisted in this with how she talks to him. He chose to move with me and my kids because I had and knew what I wanted and wasn't budging. When he would go to visit his kids he would actually stay with her and his kids and it blew me up like a volcano. He blamed it on so many things but it boiled down to being out of convenience for himself. It was volatile between us while he was there so he started staying at a friends but then was still going into the house to ; change out a washer, help get his kids stuff together to leave, homework, etc etc. I'd had enough and told him he didn't live there anymore and shouldn't be coming and going from there as though it was his house still.
But why stay with someone you
But why stay with someone you have to surprise visit to trust? Its just not a life I'd want to live. You shouldn't have to test your spouse to trust them.
Let him go. Seriously. He
Let him go. Seriously. He left you so just let him stay gone.
No, definitely not sending
No, definitely not sending him money. Have been supporting him to meet his child support payments for years (indirectly) so I'm done with being an economic crutch.
In my heart I know that this is a man crippled by guilt and he needs to spend this period with his kids to try and 'make it up to them'. The sad thing is that this will not take away his guilt. It will follow him forever until he faces up to it, that's my opinion. Right now, he's seeing a golden opportunity to use his ex-wife's job search up north as a chance to spend some time playing full-time daddy back at home and clearly resents the hell out of me because I'm the one standing in the way of that. So it's a lose-lose situation for me. He is driven by his need to escape from his guilt and I don't think he will ever escape it. He left me and moved out because his kids "needed" him because his ex let them get obese. Now that he's been back there a few months, they don't really want to see him and he can see that they don't really need him. It's him who needs them. He admits that.
It's hard to walk away when you know that he's a good person and he's not doing any of this to hurt me. But, I suffer regardless of whether that's his intention. I know I have to walk away but it's so hard after investing so much in this relationship. There is always the promise that it's going to be so much better soon. But then the guilt drags him down again. He promised to go and see a psychologist over this but it's been a month and he hasn't made an appointment.
I don't see a man crippled by
I don't see a man crippled by guilt. I see a man crippled by his own selfishness.
My SO walked out after 10
My SO walked out after 10 years together. ...
Since then (around 6 months ago) he has realised he made a mistake and wants to move back to live with me again.
Eh... I'd have to say, "Annd... WHO is this? You walked out once, and I'm sure you'd do it again. I'm not a yo-yo... Now go have whatever kind of day you choose to make." I guarantee he'll go full-on entitled mode and blow up for a few minutes, then he'd go running with his ex to her new town where they will both find work and live happily ever after.
Let him go. He never had any respect for you, and that won't change because he has no self-respect. It's not you, it's him; don't be manipulated by the clown-magician.
I am another who would be
I am another who would be suspicious of wondering what is going on between your SO and BM. The skids being 3 hours away is not THAT far. He and BM could have met halfway for drop-off/pick-up.
Face it, Phoebe. You've been his meal ticket for the last 10 years. You've supported him so he could pay CS. What would he have done if you had not been supporting him? If trying to visit him 3 hours away is taking a financial toll, how much of a toll has supporting him all of this time been?? IMHO, he misses his financial crutch: YOU.
I think he's stringing you along in case things don't work out with BM - because I believe they are 'back together'.
I don't visit him. I already
I don't visit him. I already feel a little like an unpaid whore at times (excuse my language) because of his lack of commitment so offering a home delivery service is a step too far for me.
I am pretty sure he's not back with his ex. Part of the reason for her going up north is to try and get back together with her boyfriend who now lives and works up there. Also, his home town is VERY small. My daughter lives there and there is no way he would get away with living with his ex.
I honestly believe he is a torn man. I don't think there is a hidden agenda other than him desperately wanting to seize the chance of spending this time with his kids, playing Daddy for a while and hoping he will find the peace he is looking for away from his guilt. I don't understand the guilt but I try to comprehend it, if that makes sense. At this stage, the biggest problem is that he really does feel he can have it all and, of course, he only thinks that because I have let him believe that by accepting him back into my life on his terms. I have told him that there is an abusive dynamic in the relationship. The gas-lighting thing is BIG!!! But I also think that it takes two people to create an abusive dynamic. So I am as much to blame by accepting it.
The sad thing is that he hasn't even bothered to cushion the blow by offering to help me out financially with the money he'll be saving by living in the ex marital home (he won't have to pay child support because he'll be caring for the kids) and he'll live rent-free because he already pays the mortgage on the place anyway. It's like he's not even BOTHERING to sell the idea to me. I feel like I have created a monster that feels so safe in my weakness, that he doesn't even bother trying to talk me round. I might copy and paste that and send it to him.
Yes, this does speak to a lot
Yes, this does speak to a lot of SMs: "I feel like I have created a monster that feels so safe in my weakness, that he doesn't even bother trying to talk me round."
Honey, don't worry about the
Honey, don't worry about the language. The fact that you feel like an unpaid whore speaks volumes.
Do NOT blame yourself for 'accepting' gaslighting. You may have been blind to it, but your eyes are open now. It's happened to a lot of us. Hindsight is always 20/20.
He's not going to offer to help financially because he's comfortable being a user.
Painful as the realization is, I think you have answered your own questions. Best of luck to you moving forward. {{{hugs}}}
But I also think that it
But I also think that it takes two people to create an abusive dynamic. So I am as much to blame by accepting it.
You accepted it but you don't have to let it continue.
Trust him? Let's review that
Trust him?
Let's review that fantasy for a minute.
1. He bailed on you and your relationship. Why is irrelevant.
2. He is living in his mommy and daddy's basement and miraculously decides that he misses you
3. When his XW decides to leave his home town he suddenly decides that you need to "trust him" as he moves into her home
3. He is already and once again putting you and his relationship with you far down on his list of priorities when you and the relationship should be the unequivocal, only and top priority. Yes, kids are the top responsibility but should never take precedent or priority over the partner and the relationship together with the partner
Need we go any deeper on the "trust him" topic.
HELL NO YOU DON'T TRUST HIM! He hasn't earned your trust. Write this loser POS off and get on with your life while letting him wallow in the toxic mess of his shallow and polluted gene pool in his home town.
Take care of you.
All IMHO of course.
~blows Rags a kiss~ A
~blows Rags a kiss~
A SISTERLY kiss, Rags. I don't want your bride getting upset with me!
" the toxic mess of his
" the toxic mess of his shallow and polluted gene pool in his home town."
Just making sure I'm
Just making sure I'm understanding properly.
He left a 10 year relationship with you, because he wanted to be closer to his kids, who were 3 hours away. You're now doing the long distance thing.
In doing so, he moved back in with his parents.
His kids mother wants to move away. While she is gone, he will be in the house with the kids, but she won't be there?
If I'm getting that correct.... none of those things sound like a deal breaker to me.
It sounds like he did what he felt was best, to be with his kids. It sounds like he realized he loves you. It sounds like he's taking a step up and out of his parents' home by living in their old house while BM's not there.
What's bothering you about it? Is it the fact that he will be in a house where they previously lived together? I have to agree with him, he's doing nothing wrong. It sounds like he'll be there alone with the kids. Does it bother you that he'll be staying in a home they shared a marraige in? In a bed they shared? Using the coffee maker they might have once shared?
It's just stuff. Whether he's in that house or his parents' house... it's just stuff she's used, stuff she's touched. Who cares.
I get it... I get the sick feeling of seeing a "reminder" of an ex - but it's just your insecurities playing on your mind. Of course you're insecure... there were issues... he left... and now he's in HER house using HER stuff walking around in a place that smells like HER.
Go visit... and go have wild stinky monkey sex all over her stuff while the kids are visiting the grandparents.
Seriously... it's just a house. He's trying to upgrade his living situation... can't fault him for that. It sucks that it's her place... but it used to be his, too. Think of it like an old bedroom at his parents' house. He'll have the memories whether he's there or not...make the best of it, go have revenge sex on her sheets.
I am not so bothered about
I am not so bothered about the house. It does disturb me, the thought of him sleeping in their old bed, contacting me from their old dining table, etc. (I'm human) but it's not the main thing. It's him playing happy families when it's not even necessary. Deep down I know that he has offered to do this. His ex probably didn't even suggest it. The kids, in my view, don't need to stay behind until "she gets settled'. They're not babies. I have moved a lot with kids, mainly because of my relationship with SO, and where I go, my kids go. It's not ideal to move kids but they come with me because I have custody. When I moved to a new town, I found properties online, went to visit and sign contracts in a two-day period and drove back to get my kids on the third day.
It's the fact that this is such a big step backwards for us when he has promised to move back in with me "as soon as he finds a job" here He sat in church with me and made a huge deal of promising "in front of God" two months ago that he would never put anything before our relationship again, that he would prioritise his life with me and my kids. Now, all of a sudden his ex gets it into her head to move north and I am told "you'll have to wait". Our life is on hold. I have spent six months in limbo. My employers have said that they will do their best to find an opening for him over the next six months. They will NOT give him a second chance if he's still tied up in his home town looking after his kids.
And this is also about a decision like this being taken by SO and his ex without ANY consultation with me. No attempt to talk it through, see how I feel about it. It was presented as "this will probably happen soon".
I have to do some soul-searching about why it bothers me so much. I'm not against questioning my insecurities, as you pointed out...bed, coffee maker, etc. But it's a bigger trust issue. He has let me down so much lately. I feel like I have no idea whether his kids will turn around and say they don't want to join his ex in the north. He would love that. I think he is hoping deep down that it might happen. And I'd be out of the picture. I have been given no indication as to how long this could go on. It could be a week. I have no problem with that. It could be a month. I could cope with that, marital home or not. What I can't cope with is being told it's "as long as it takes". Dangling like an idiot.
As you can see, there is a lot of history. We have a very intense relationship and in many ways we are both blinded by that. He wants to be able to have everything. What hurts the most is that he doesn't even acknowledge how hard this will be for me. there is no "I know this is going to be hard for you and I understand why because I would feel the same if the roles were reversed, but I really need to do this for my kids and I promise you we will be together again as soon as we can". No, I'm made to feel like some crazy jealous insecure person for daring to state that "I can't get my head around it".
After 10 years together, he
After 10 years together, he just doesn't sound like he is that committed to you and the relationship.
Had I read the above post and not known that you have been with him for 10 years, I would have thought this was a fairly new relationship. Don't you feel that something is missing?
That clears it up a
That clears it up a little.
It sounds like you know what you want and what you don't want...and that he might be trying to convince you that you're wrong.
That must really suck for you, I'm sorry.
Give him your ex boyfriends
Give him your ex boyfriends phone number and tell him to call you over there when he is ready to move back, lol. Let him know you are doing this for "us" because you will be able to save money for when he comes back.
The man walked out on you
The man walked out on you after 10 years, now he suddenly wants you to "trust" him?? He's a special kind of stupid.