to the bm: some thoughts on your cheating with another womans husband
dh was divorced when his first wife slept around with a lover. lover divorced his wife to marry her. dh was divorced for several years when we started dating.
its nice to know bm had her karma coming. her second husband after almost 20 years of marriage cheated on her. it was only then she found out what it was like to have the other woman sleep with her man. (bm is now on her third husband.)
heres a great article on the other woman.
i just think its funny that
i just think its funny that poetic justice was served up on bm. not concerned with bms husband at all.
Agree with echo. Once
Agree with echo. Once someone has cheated they are capable of it again. To date and or marry a cheater really is not too smart
women who cheat with married
women who cheat with married men think it wont happen to them. they think they are special.
So the wife is getting on her
So the wife is getting on her high horse and saying she is better than the other woman? Her husband cheated, had unprotected sex, gave her an STD, and yet blames all of that on the other woman?!
I wonder how the wife knows so much about the other woman and what she's doing such as going on vacation with her gf's. Stalk much? Wife really has no idea of the personal details going on in OW's life or marriage. OW's husband could know or maybe they have an open marriage, who knows. It's also possible that DH cheated w/several women but only confessed to the one the wife find out about and maybe her husband gave the OW the STD rather than the other way around.
Also it's none of their children's business what's happening in the parents relationship. Did the kid really have to know what went down and what DH did w/the OW? How does sharing a parents secrets make anything better? The affair had nothing to do with the children.
Everything is falling apart because the parents are stupid. DH had unprotected sex outside of marriage, Wife is self righteous and spewed everything to the children likely for sympathy and scapegoating the OW.
she pretty specifically
she pretty specifically blames the husband for the affair, not the other woman.
She's saying the other woman didn't come clean to HER family, and is in hiding... and saying that she's taking the opportunity to strengthen her own relationship because clearly, it wasn't strong enough.
I wouldn't do it either way. If my man had an affair, the ho can keep him.
How does she know the OW
How does she know the OW didn't come clean to her DH? How would she ever know what OW and her DH discuss and why would anyone share details of an affair w/their children? Unless there was a half sibling produced it is none of the kids business. It's amazing how much modern parents enmesh their children in marriage issues. Marriage and family should have separate boundaries just like church and state.
If she specifically only blames the husband then this self righteous better than thou article would not exist.
Well I suppose she doesn't
Well I suppose she doesn't know that the other woman didn't come clean - personally, I would never share the details of an affair with the children. It's long term lasting damage that's unnecessary... adult issues do not belong in children's hearts.
Blaming the husband is what I got from the article... she said something along the lines of don't get me wrong, I know it's my husband's fault and his alone for having strayed from the marriage... or something like that.
My kids would never even know that I don't care for their dad. I don't talk trash about him, I don't put him down, I don't undermine him, I support his parenting, even if deep down I think he's a total moron. Telling the kids about the reasons I left him would do no good. All the need to know is that we love them.
children dont need to know
children dont need to know the details of adult situations but they do pick up that something is wrong.
in the end they will understand everything and understand their mother was a home wrecker.
Homewrecker? Seems that the
Homewrecker? Seems that the husband was a willing participant in all of it. He is the one who broke his vows and slept around w/out condoms. The kids may never know what their mother did. Why would they need to know and why would she ever tell them?
secret, I'm feel the same way
secret, I'm feel the same way about sharing adult issues w/children. I've never told my kids even a fraction of what went down between exH and I. What good would it do and why would I want my kids to hate their father? He's such an @$$ and I can't stand being around him but my kids think we're good friends for them. Guess I should have been an actress.
Yes she did blame her husband, rail on this other woman and use her kid to punish her husband for the affair. Strength? I don't think so.
thanks to priest manuka for saving my marriage
My husband changed dramatically towards me, doesn’t communicate anymore.He disrespects me and accuses me falsely of infidelity because of wicked gossip …but I’m simply AMAZED at the results of priest manuka who did reunion love spell for me. Everything is going so well and EXACTLY how he said it would be. Even though it took 5 days to fully progress, it was so worth it because things are just about at perfection! How he took my situation and completely turned it around to give me exactly what I wanted is beyond me, but something I will never question and just be completely grateful, God Bless priest manuka for turning sorrow happiness. i will live his contact here also. []
My XW was a cavern crotched
My XW was a cavern crotched serially adulterous skank whore. She was pregnant by her geriatric Fortune 500 Executive Sugar/Baby daddy when she moved out of the home we had purchased 3mos before. She miscarried that baby a couple of months before our divorce was final. 3mos after the divorce she called me wanting to talk about her options since she was pregnant again. She had that baby, and another with the geriatric Fortune 500 Executive sugar daddy. He finally married her after their second child was born. Karma struck a few years after their second child was born when she got knocked up by the boyfriend she was cheating on her 2nd DH with. Last I heard she was married to baby daddy #2 (DH#3).
I am fully on board the kids need to know team. They need to know the character or in the case of my XW the complete lack of character that their parents demonstrate. No doubt my XW would never tell her spawn that she is an adulterous whore. But hopefully the fathers did the kids a favor and informed them of the facts regarding their mother.
My XILs were fully informed on the demise of my marriage to their whore of a daughter. Interestingly more than 10yrs after that wedding and 8 years post divorce I ran into my XILs. They invited me to their home for coffee and a visit. I accepted. The wedding portrates from my wedding to XW were still on the walls of their home. That was creepy. When they saw me notice the portraits they explained that they still considered me family. My XW got our marriage annulled. As devout Catholics my XILs were still devastated about their daughters OOWL breeding and not being right with the Church.
Adulterous people should not be allowed to shop the pooty all over town at will without consequences. Their kids should know exactly what they are. Even lies of omission should not stand.
IMHO of course.