Dealing with High Conflict People
We have had had a very bad experience dealing with the Family Court System in Houston Texas. BM is a very High Conflict Person and will lie about ANYTHING when she is not getting her way. She has brought charges of child Abuse against several members of the family and they have all been proven false, but the courts just don't care. It is so bad that CPS refused to investigate her latest claim because they "have her number". It is even more difficult that we have a judge that refuses to consider the CPS finding, the BM's previous claims, or hear anything that proves that her claims are a lie. On top of that, we have an Amicus that believes if there is a claim of abuse that is is automatically true. With all of this, we are left in a situation with several High Conflict People and very little options. The Judge herself is High Conflict and I get the feeling that she doesn't believe men deserve to have access to their own children. She has imposed supervised visitation a few times a year when my DH and I were not even the ones that BM accused. Luckily, our Lawyer and his team are trained in Bill Eddy's New Ways for Families, which teaches them how to deal with High Conflict Individuals. They have recommended the class and some of Bill Eddy's You tube videos to us and it has been very helpful. We are living in a constant state of change because we don't know what BM or Judge is going to do next. We have had to file in Federal Court because we feel like it is our only option. My DH loves his kids and wants to have them back at home where they belong. Why are there no consequences in the court system for those that lie and make up things just to get there way? They don't care about the children!!!!! BM didn't start all of this until my DH and I got together 5 years ago. Why is there no accountability!!!!
You have outlined the biggest
You have outlined the biggest issue in our family law system IMHO. The tendency for the bottom ~10%ers of the legal profession to land on the family law bench. Good intelligent effective Judges presiding over family law cases seem to be so rare that when one does show up it is shockingly unusual.
Not only is your BM nucking futz.... so is your Judge.
Good on you for taking it out of the hands of crazy and going Federal.
To get our first idiot moron in the stupid black robe with the Fischer-Price wooden hammer in touch with some intelligence I submitted a full page add in the local paper with his picture, the mug shot of the SpermIdiot with a copy of his arrest record, and a redacted pic of my then nearly 2yo Skid with a message outlining his decision in our case. - This Judge, forced this child, to spend time with this man. Do you want Judge XYZLMNOP on your family law bench?
Our attorney asked me not to run the add because it could damage her practice having to appear before Judges after one her clients went on the First Amendment right war path against a local Judge.
The Judge had a friend or family member at the paper who called him and told him about my full page ad. The Judge called our attorney to request that I withdraw the ad.
Ultimately I did withdraw the ad. The interesting thing is that he recused himself from our later court actions.
Compared to your situation ours was tame.
Good luck.
thank you. I think we are
thank you. I think we are going to need it.
Though my SKid's SpermIdiot
Though my SKid's SpermIdiot was and is no where near as toxic as your Skid's BM we got the same BS from the Judge.
A history of statutory rape, getting underage girls pregnant when he was in his early and mid 20s, an arrest record as long as your arm including gun violations (he had an illegal firearm in the baby's diaper bag and when pulled over jumped out of the care and ran across a farm field into the woods leaving the baby in the car, etc, etc, etc..... If there is anyone I have ever met who deserved to get shredded in court it is the SpermIdiot.
After we spent 8+ hours in court and ~$10K in legal costs getting there the judge issued his ruling..... "I am going to do what I always do. Mom retains both physical and legal custody, dad gets regular scheduled visitation (7wks - 5Wks summer, 1Wk winter, 1Wk spring) and Dad will pay $110/mo in CS. I will not deny visitation. Any child would be blessed to have the love and support of this wonderful family." :sick: I just about blew a gasket when the moron in the stupid black robe spewed that crap out of his mouth.
In the intervening 22+ years since then... the SpermIdiot went on to spawn a total of 4 our of wedlock children with three different baby mamas, several drug arrests, married and divorced a 16yo (he was 24) to avoid statutory rape charges (her mother signed allowing the 16yo to marry), never paid a penny of his CS obligation to my SS (The SpergGrandParents paid all of his SKid related costs), and abandoned his youngest three out of wedlock spawn on the SpermGrandParents door step for them to raise.
Wonderful family my ass!!!! The SpermClan represents the most shallow and polluted gene pool I have every been exposed to.
They disgust me though not as much as that idiot Judge disgusts me.
Sorry you have had to deal
Sorry you have had to deal with this.
Too bad the X she assaulted
Too bad the X she assaulted with the tire iron did not relieve her of that tire iron and imbed it in her skull thus putting her out of society's misery permanently.
(No subject)
The judge has viewed it as a
The judge has viewed it as a personal vendetta, How DARE we have the nerve to question her! It has and will continue to be a long hard ride.....