What to watch out for with skid weddings?
I've noticed a few postings recently about skid weddings.
Thought I would throw this out there to see if those of you who have already been down this road have any advice. In hindsight, what would you have done differently, better, avoided, etc.?
SD26 is getting married this Fall and my SO is not particularly thrilled about it. I am disengaged from her, so other than one initial conversation with my SO (which he initiated and expressed his concerns about the whole thing) I have not said anything to him about it.
If I had my way, I would not even attend but I know that my SO would be devastated if I told him to go it alone. If I go, then I have to sit there and witness all the shenanigans - including watching the BM and her friends, who will surely be invited. Thankfully, since we are not married, there won't be a dime of my money going towards the charade -- at least I don't have that to create problems.
So spill the beans - what kind of advice, suggestions or even funny/sad anecdotes do you have about skid weddings?
See my advice below and enjoy
See my advice below and enjoy the show:
This is not true--Many second
This is not true--Many second marriages later in life (like mine) do not involve joint finances. If you are husband and wife, you are husband and wife and finances are combined. If husband is paying for the event, SM is paying too, either directly or indirectly. If DH pays $5,000, this will be $5,000 less each of the couple will have for vacations, food, etc.
My bad. Meant to say, many
My bad. Meant to say, many 2nd marriages are jointly. I actually think your type of marriage is more of the exception than the norm.
We're not married yet, but we
We're not married yet, but we will be in 10 weeks.
We will not be combining finances.
That's not to say that I can't treat my SO... but he's not "entitled" to it.
Good for you!!!! I separated
Good for you!!!! I separated finances with my DH. We both have our own personal accounts, then a joint account for household expenses. It works great and there are no fights about money.
When you go to a wedding, it
When you go to a wedding, it should be a happy event, not a "let's see how uncomfortable we can make SM feel).
I've even been to family weddings that were uncomfortable, because there is so much hate and discontent between family members. What's up with that? It's supposed to be the Bride and Groom's day, not a pissing match between others attending.
So SM's are trying to make the best of the day by keeping everyone happy, especially DH. I've been there and it is not a fun day, like it should be.
"When you go to a wedding, it
"When you go to a wedding, it should be a happy event, not a "let's see how uncomfortable we can make SM feel)."
I agree. My SD didn't want us to get married. She told my DH that she was ok with us living together, but not married. There was a period of time where she made it clear she wasn't attending the wedding. That would've been fine with me, in fact, I would have preferred it. Although prior to my DH telling her we were getting married, I had grand ideas of her being one of my bridesmaids. What was I thinking?!? DH was very upset with her, as was the rest of the family. She commented that she liked me, but she didn't want us to get married. What??? Mind you, I've been nothing but supportive, accepting, open, and giving to her.
She upset her 87yo grandmother so much with her declaration of not coming to the wedding, that she decided to go. (Oh, goody) She showed up, in a WHITE dress, and sat in the pews with everyone else, just like she was any other guest. I did not mention her (or her brother) in our program, and she was not included in the wedding in any way. My bio kids and DH youngest son, were in our wedding. (His other son didn't want any part of being his father's best man nor being a groomsman either.) She did what was expected of her... smiled in pictures etc, but beside the receiving line, I didn't see her the rest of the day. She didn't even say good bye when she left, and of course, no gift.
I was on edge the entire day, not knowing if she was going to cause a scene, and if so, how bad. I really tried not to let it bother me, but knowing I had my friends and family around me, to support me and stand up to her with me, made me feel a lot better. It's really sad that some people can't see past their own arrogance to be happy for someone else. Especially in this situation.
SMs are so concerned, because
SMs are so concerned, because usually they are NOT treated like their husband's wife at these events. Every other couple, including a cousin for example, will be treated like the husband and wife they are or SOs they are. They will not have to even think about sitting together and eating together, etc. That will be a given for them.
On the other hand, SMs are, or at least can be, separated from their husband at this event, and their husband can even be treated like he is someone else's husband--BM's. Why anyone would think that just because SM wants to sit with her husband and be treated like his spouse (just like every other married couple at the wedding will be), that his somehow means that SM is trying to usurp BM is beyond me.
By far most SMs just want to be with their husband and treated like his spouse. Unfortunately, this is no guarantee for any SM. If you want to know what it feels like to have some other woman treated like your husband's spouse, just go to an important event with your spouse, and then, without any warning, let some other woman hang out with him the entire time, with everyone treating and taking pictures of this woman with your spouse, just like they are husband and wife. Meanwhile, you get to hang off to the side, pretending you don't exist. I encourage anyone who thinks this is some sort of non-issue to try this.
You are dad's wife. And,
You are dad's wife. And, that is a right--to be treated like husband and wife because you are husband and wife. Again, no other couple will be split up. Will cousin Bob and his wife Elaine be split up and not allowed to be together? Will Aunt Marie and her husband Bill be split up and not allowed to be in pictures together? Will your best friend Cindy and her husband Tom be split up and not allowed to sit together, etc.? All without their foreknowledge.
No, they won't even remotely have to think about this or be worried about it. BUT, dad's wife will have to worry about it big time--not being permitted to call her husband her own. Shoe fits differently when it is on the other foot.
Believe me, I am totally on
Believe me, I am totally on board with the underlying sentiment that Bridezillas can go to hell, this is not wholly about them, actual couples should be treated as such and other social conventions need to be respected, etc. But in answer to your question, why does the bride have to have a photo of her Mom and Dad? Maybe she wants to stick it to the SM. But maybe the Bride wants a picture of her actual genetic forebears?
Maybe she wants to jack off to it, show it to her future kids, or whatever, but I would let her have this. As an SM, and particularly as an SM at a hideous and inappropriate wedding, there is nothing much I would step aside for. But I would actually expect the bride to want a photographic record for herself of her Mom and Dad in the same space at the same time, not attempting to slash one another's throats but instead happy that THEIR offspring is getting married. (Whether this is an appropriate sentiment is a separate question.) Bride could go f@ck herself otherwise, but seriously I would not take issue with her wanting a photo of her actual parents, the pair of them, and I would not in this one instance expect her to care about whatever social unit they currently are in.
Re: Pictures--I don't think
Re: Pictures--I don't think many SMs are that concerned about pictures of dad and mom with the bride and groom, etc. As adamant as I am that SM and her husband be treated as husband and wife, I would have zero problem with dad and mom being in pictures with the bride and groom.
Where the issue comes with pictures for SM is that she is not allowed to be in ANY. Dad's wife or SO may be off to the side watching dozens of pictures being taken of her husband, minus her, even tho. SM may have been married to DH for years and years, and SM knew the SKs since they were very small, etc. THAT is the issue.
P.S. I have also seen some SKs themselves make the statement that "divorced people don't belong in pictures." This is coming from some SKs, and it includes their own parents. But, I feel if SKs want a picture of them with bio-mom and bio-dad, by all means, they are entitled to that. On the other hand, don't just 86 dad's wife.
DAnielleR- KUDO's to you! It
DAnielleR- KUDO's to you! It looks like you WERE raised well...your Mom and I hope Dad, did a great job with you!
I am the one that married my husband for love, in our late 50's, after he had been d for 28 years. Just wish I had a sd like you...my H's 2 daughters (as they want to be called), just tolerate me. I was told by the oldest that it was hard not to like me. Their parents split bc they were not compatible any more...not due to affairs, etc...
What I wouldn't give to have you for a sd. I would then be proud to say I was related to such an amazing woman!
again, kudos! Your are wise beyond your years.
Danielle you are wise beyond
Danielle you are wise beyond your years! Can I adopt you to replace what I inherited? Because my husband/skids/their wives don't know the meaning of respect. Just small town silliness..
DanielleR: I had two SM's
DanielleR: I had two SM's over the years. Both were jealous of myself and my brother; we weren't welcome and didn't see much of our Father. With that said; I chose to never be around any of it. I respected my Dad's choices and only wanted him to be happy.
Now I am a SM (37 years), which I never dreamed I would become, and have also been treated badly by my SD58 and SGD32. I have taken the same high road. I have NEVER had words with either SD or SGD (mother/daughter). They are toxic, jealous, hateful women. I also stay away from them and respect my DH's choice to have a father/grandfather relationship.
I disengaged eight years ago. Both women ask (via social media) why I disengaged. I told both of them I would not discuss, nor would I communicate with them thru social media. I told them if they wanted to talk about our relationship, it had to be person to person; they have NEVER attempted to mend any fences. In fact they won't even come visit DH without each other; they are afraid they may have to be in a room alone with me. They know they have wronged me and will never apologize for the nasty emails! Both SD and SGD are blocked from ALL of my social media and have been for eight years. They get more furious every day with me, due to my disengagement.
I will never subject myself to the mental abuse again. I experienced mental abuse as a child from my SM's and now as an adult from SD and SGD. I have decided that these women in my life took kindness and viewed it as weakness; but now my SD and SGD know I will no longer stand by and accept their actions.
As for the weddings; I have had to attend two weddings for my DH's grandchildren, thus involving BM. I did get thru them both; if I had it to do over, I would not attend.
i thought it was hilarious to
i thought it was hilarious to see bm with her third clueless husband.
dh and me sat together as did bm and her husband. dh paid of 99% of the weddine poor fellow. bride had all the trimmings she wanted with full dinner and dance music and was really catty to the guests. the best part was watching bride take a verbal swipe at her sister in public. i laughed to myself.
She has a point, though. At
She has a point, though. At both skid weddings (jewish) BM and DH walked a skid up the aisle and then when the ceremony was over walked down the aisle arm in arm. SD has many pictures from the wedding on Facebook and one is a series of 3 from right after the ceremony: SSIL'S parents walking down the aisle together, SD and SSIL walking down the aisle together, and BM and DH walking down the aisle together. Like they came from two perfect nuclear families.
I saw BM and DH walk down the aisle together. They were silent the entire time, and DH said something that made BM laugh and they had one second of looking at each other smiling and that is the moment that got photographed and displayed.
They aren't married but it is the illusion that they are.
In hindsight, this all sounds
In hindsight, this all sounds naïve, but for the life of me I couldn't understand how anyone could even think of splitting up a married couple at an event without either one, much less both, of the couple's permission, I also couldn't for the life of me understand why there couldn't have been a least a couple of pictures of DH and I with the bride and groom? At the time, I thought we all got along well, and I had been married to DH for 13 years. I was in total shock! This got me doing some research on the subject and eventually coming to this site. The blatant prejudices society has towards SMs in particular (and step-dads to a degree) is absolutely astounding.
Again, I'm actually okay with SKs wanting a picture of them with just bio-mom and dad at the wedding, but the way stepmothers are treated at these type of events borders on stone throwing.
Anyway, just have to add that after my husband insisted, a couple of pictures of he and I with the bride and groom were taken. When DH/dad went to pick up his packet of pictures from the kids, the first picture on top was one of him on one side and his ex- on the other side of the bride, each kissing her on the cheek. There were no pictures of me, and when my husband called and asked where were those pictures, he was informed there were none. (Not that it matters, but both I and my husband contributed funds to the wedding.)
So, YES, SM will more than likely be treated like a ho at these events, simply for existing. In my case, this experience kicked off a huge chain reaction that approx. 2 years later resulted in my DH not going to his own son’s wedding. He met with son and son's fiancé ahead of time and told them why, because he couldn’t trust that he wasn’t going to be Shanghaied again, and there was more. Me, after doing a lot of research, I came to the conclusion that I will not be attending any events in the future that his ex- is at. His ex- and children will all have the expectation that he is to be ex’s date and not mine whenever she is around. Might sound like a SK’s dream, but like most DHs, my husband hates to go to these events without his wife (which is me, by the way, and not his ex-). He will go alone to some of these events, I’m sure, such as grandkid parties. But he will not want to attend all of them alone, so he just won't go. It's his choice.
My OSD just got married this
My OSD just got married this past fall. It was a very small affair at a local beach with pretty much immediate family only and followed by a dinner at a local restaurant.
They didn't consult my DH about the wedding (they didn't consult BM either). I went with my DH (though I swore I wouldn't in the past..lol).
The BM and I pretty much just politely ignored each other. There were pictures taken and the photographer was actually the bride's mother (she is a photographer for real). There were pictures of everyone in multiple combinations. I was in a picture with my DH and the couple and I actually was the one that loudly suggested someone take the camera and take a picture of the bride with both her parents (BM and my DH).
The only bobble of the entire night came when we were at the restaurant. The BM said "Oh.. the father of the bride should be picking up the tab".. I couldn't help but say, isn't it the "PARENTS of the bride?"..lol. Basically, we kicked in enough to pay for us, the couple and his parents. Honestly, we would have loved to pay for everyone, but my DH hasn't worked since August due to dealing with some cancer treatments and we just didn't have money to spend on dinner for everyone at a spendy restaurant. If we had been consulted, we would have suggested that we cook a meal and have people over as it would have been less than the money we spent at the restaurant..lol. But, again, we weren't consulted and were pretty much there as guests.
I guess the most basic advice is that you will probably never regret being gracious and maintaining your composure. Even in the face of adverse conditions, if you behave nicely, it can only be a good reflection and you at least know you did what you could to not ruin the affair.
Whatever you and your SO have
Whatever you and your SO have decided is appropriate to do, then do it! Every situation and relationship is different; every family circumstance deserves consideration.
I went to graduations, weddings, even SD's 50th surprise birthday party with BM there. It went well, because I just was there for what I and DH had discussed and decided to do.
I didn't care what anyone said or thought of me. I was DH's wife and we knew this would only last for a few hours and we did it for the kids and gkids at the time.
I no longer attend these events, because I am disengaged; but this is my choice and nobody made that choice for me; it was my decision. The Skids and SGKids are grown now and I no longer feel obligated to kiss the @@@ss's.
Idvilen, you hit the nail on
Idvilen, you hit the nail on the head. SM's deserve to be treated with respect at all family functions, including weddings. I don't understand why skids think they can ignore the fact that their father has remarried. My husband would never treat any of his kids spouses with disrespect, but they think it's ok to do the same to his wife.
I had to stand by and watch my husband being posed in family pictures with his ex-wife and kids at my ss's wedding a few years ago. This was definitely not a "non-issue"! I would have made myself invisible if I could. I felt like everyone was watching me stand by myself while he was posed in picture after picture with someone he can't stand! This was never discussed prior to the wedding. My husband asked for a couple of pictures to be taken of us with the bride and groom. When the wedding pictures were posted on Facebook, not a single picture of me and my husband was included. My ss and his bride had no qualms asking my husband (and me)to pay for the several thousand dollar wedding rehearsal dinner though, even paying BM's share when she refused at the last minute, but they couldn't include a picture of us from the wedding! My DIL even had the nerve to "tag" my husband in the pictures with his ex-wife so that they would show up on his timeline. He deleted Facebook that day.
At the weddings of my two kids, my husband was in ever picture with me. We had some pictures of all 4 parents (my ex, his wife, me and my husband) with the bride & groom, then pictures of just us with the couple. I didn't think it was appropriate to have pictures taken with just me and my ex like we were still married. We're not. I even sat next to his wife at my daughter's wedding.
A male cousin of mine
A male cousin of mine recently got married, it was a big catholic wedding so both parents had 'roles' to play. Well at the rehearsal the BM looks at my uncle (her ex) and says you should probably just walk me down the aisle, he literally laughed then said very stern the only woman I am walking down the aisle is my wife. I was very impressed that he wouldn't let his wife be pushed aside just because BM and himself are the parents, while stepmom Is not.
I see no need for stepmom to be pushed aside so that the parents can play happy little family for the sake of the skids wedding, it can still be a wonderful wedding without that nonsense.
Good for your uncle. I think
Good for your uncle. I think a big point missing here is that everyone keeps saying, "discuss, discuss," which I couldn't agree with more. However, the vast majority of the time, bio-dad isn't even asked how he thinks about this or that. In my case, the actual day, hour, minute and second the wedding started was when my husband was informed he'd be walking his ex- down the aisle. My DH finished handing out the wedding programs, and then the minister came up to him and said, "Take XYS's arm and walk her down the aisle." All eyes were on the back of the church. I wish to God my DH had the courage to say, !@#$!@#$ off to everyone, and "the only woman I am walking down the aisle is my wife."
For any situation with different opinions, "discuss, discuss" is always the answer, but this is rare when it comes to SM. Bio-dad, much less SM, is rarely given a thought in these situations. It is generally assumed that bio-dad will go along with whatever. It is one thing to forget about SM, but to forget about dad? Maybe, like your uncle, dad doesn't want to march around with anyone other than his now-wife (vs. ex-).
SS30 and his GF have been
SS30 and his GF have been living together for a couple of years now and have a baby. They tell people they are engaged. But they have no plans to get married because "they can't afford it" yet.
Sure. What they mean is they can't afford to have a big expensive costume party. Sort of like a Halloween party but with the matching dresses and tuxes instead of horror costumes. Although I'd love to see a row of bridesmaids dressed up like slutty maids, nurses, etc - like most Halloween costumes these days.
I have no interest at all in whether or not anybody "respects" me at the wedding. We will not pay a dime for it. Wedding present will be what I usually give - not expensive at all. I most likely will have something mandatory to attend out of town like the board meeting of a college I represent.
At MSD's wedding I acted as a
At MSD's wedding I acted as a guest. I wasn't allowed to sit with family or in pictures. I brought my own date (my little sister and my daughter) who were also invited as guest. We sat back, watched, and acted as guest. It was fun! Dh made the choice to sit with us instead of at the family table at the reception and danced with me during songs. Best way to go is as a guest not as family and let your DH make his choices on the rest. DH did pull the photographer aside and ask for a picture of me and him. After the wedding he asked SD for a copy and he would pay for it. She said ok and then never got it for him. We blew it off.
I love your attitude,
I love your attitude, Merrywey. Why should we have low expectations and expect to receive nothing but crumbs? I see the difference in how my adult kids treat their dad and his wife compared to how my husband and I are treated by his kids. My daughter got married last fall and we included my ex's wife when going for dress alterations and planning the bridal shower. Why wouldn't we?
My suggestion is that you
My suggestion is that you discuss this openly with SO quite a while before the wedding takes place and get his views on it. Ask what his reaction would be if you were expected to sit in the back. Ask what he would do if pictures are taken and he is expected to act like 'happy family'. Ask what he would do if you were not seated next to him for dinner. That way you will know how whether you want to go or not. This will also give you a clue to what you can expect if you marry this man.
I will say though, that if my DH went along with the ostracizing behavior some of the SMs on this site have endured, I would definitely question where I stood in his life.
I DO like the idea of laughing at unreasonable requests (or demands) and treat them like they must be joking.
It really all depends on what
It really all depends on what your SD's, and their BM, is like
At my OSD's wedding DH & I were treated like garbage. Table at the back of the room, we were treated like the people put at the table that you don't really want there
but have to invite
Tons of drama from DH's sister, trying to create issues with BM and I (who at the time got along just great with no problems) Both myself AND DH excluded from wedding photos, glares from OSD when FIL asked me up to dance (and was way friendlier to me than to BM) Even YSD got uptight about FIL and I having a dance and quite rudely and publicly interrupted it....YSD has gotten much better these days and we get along fantastically
Now, with YSD's recent wedding - complete opposite! Was treated as she refers to me - her "other Mom" From the Mother's corsage (identical to BM's) to being seated in the front row and advised to answer "we do" along with BM, her SO, and DH when asked who gives the bride away, to her insisting her SM (me
) was in the family wedding photo's, being seated at a table right up front near the bridal party at the wedding Reception, to her speech in which she thanked ALL her parents for everything. My YSD's wedding was a dream come true for me, for the most part....not so much the rehearsal dinner I held for her, but the wedding itself was great all said and done
With that said, BM was competitive, had to get up and dance with her SO every time she saw DH & I get up. If I got up and danced with a bunch of ladies, she would bring a bigger bunch of ladies on the floor. When every couple was supposed to take silly pictures that were printed right there - one for you and one for memories for YSD and her groom, BM scowled at the pictures of DH & I and looked like she was going to rip us up...so unfortunately there was stupidness from her - but other than that it was an awesome experience
Your SD sounds like she might be more like my OSD unfortunately, therefore, go there as a guest simply to support your husband. Don't expect much more. Smile, look great, and try to enjoy yourself!
I love reading how your YSD
I love reading how your YSD handled her wedding, including both you (SM) and BM's OS. Really beautiful!!
Well said, SA. As a
Well said, SA. As a "veteran" myself - can't believe I've been on ST for 5 years!! - I think it's a shame when others are reluctant to provide their insights, concerns or questions.
I agree with you that ST remains a site that is helpful and provides a relatively safe place for SM/Fs to vent. And most of the time, it's without ridiculous judgment from those with their own strange agendas. That's the standard I hope the site can maintain.
Culling the herd needs to happen from time to time, as has happened in the past, and rightly so.
I have to say--you are right
I have to say--you are right on. People, who have no clue, and this has been going on for years and years, just go around assuming that because SM wants to be with her husband, she is trying to "take BM's place," or something equally ridiculous.
Me, I had no absolutely no clue that any woman or man could be stripped of their spouse at an event, without permission from either. I went to my lovely SD's wedding expecting to have a wonderful time and celebrate her special day with her and others. I also expected to be at my husband's side and treated like husband and wife because we were husband and wife. Neither of us, my husband nor I, expected to be Shanghaied. I admit both of us were completely ignorant. Non-steps don't even attempt to look at this from dad and his wife's perspective, such as, how would you like it if you and your spouse went to an event, and as soon as you got there, your spouse is stripped from your arms and "joined" with some other woman and you, on the other hand, are completely ignored at best and treated like a piece of gum on the bottom of someone's shoe at worst. This is all being done without you (or your husband) being given a heads-up of any sort.
This is why I say what I say below. I have even heard of SMs paying for just about everything because dad was laid-off, only with SM to wind up sitting at the "table of lost toys" at the wedding vs. than sitting with her husband. ANY dad/ SM needs to be proactive no matter how much he or she may think she gets along with the SKs, and dad needs to ask questions. Don't assume.
Suggestions: Spend the day
Suggestions: Spend the day before with a BFF or other close friend and wear something you love to the big day so you're feeling pretty swell. If you have a talisman or anything like that, put it on your person. If you need to discuss possible issues with your SO prior, don't spend too much time on it--just let him know that you're going to support him and expect him to include you where appropriate. Odds are, the more threatened they are, the weirder the vibe might be from bio mom and her pals. If you don't get alot of friction, it could be that they don't want to be blamed for ruining the big day so you might actually see people bending over to appear as the polite ones. In any case, you won't be included in photos but should be alongside your SO going through the receiving line. You may end up at a table while SO is doing a dance or two--that's a great time to touch up your makeup, get a drink or a bit of fresh air. Tell yourself its only a few hours out of your life but it will be a great preview of coming attractions so think long and hard if there's any doubt that this is where you want to be in 30 years. In my experience, most people's personalities are pretty set and change is very difficult. Good luck!
Advice - make sure you have a
Advice - make sure you have a flask of strong stuff in your purse, in case the fake illness you get 10min before the reception can not be pulled of classy and convincingly....
Be a good guest and leave a gift for the couple, only envelope gift with a My deepest sympathy card for the groom and a note for SD, now you have your own husband to manipulate and order around, leave mine alone
Make sure you visited the SPA, get a million dollar make over, nails tails and all and look at every one with disgust, pretend to be some or other very rick snobbish lady.... you can always blame it on feeling not so well and not wanting to be rude staying for the SD's sake....
Oh make sure your outfit is ivory }:) }:) }:)
Have fun and mess with her mind....
In your shoes I would play sick or dead for the day but I will not go
StepAside, great comments.
StepAside, great comments. We're all here because our step problems are real and it's disheartening to be attacked when we post how we feel. This should be a place for support, not a place to feel as devalued as our skids make us feel.
When my DD got married in
When my DD got married in 2014, there was no splitting up of the parents. DH sat with me, Asshat walked DD down the aisle and then took his seat with Money-Ka and their three children, all of whom were in the wedding.
Everyone acted like grownups. Money-Ka was included as one of the parents, because we are all adults and that's what our daughter wanted. So, we obliged.
Now, at the reception, Asshat gave his speech - all about how HE felt when she was born and how she grew into an intelligent and thoughtful young woman. My friends were texting me things like "wow, did it hurt when he was in labor?" and "how much did he pay you to act as his surrogate" and other silly nonsense that made it hard for us to pay attention to the speech, but I didn't care. EVERYONE in the room knew that I birthed that kid, not Asshat, and I thought it was so Asshat typical to make it all about him.
Later that night, Money-Ka and I were having a glass or three of wine and she told me that she hated his speech, that she told him it was stupid and that even though it should have made me feel bad, she knew it wouldn't because I am an adult. I am no fan of Money-Ka, that's for sure, but that night was about DD, and we all knew it, so we behaved accordingly.
It's not really that hard.
Thanks to all for your
Thanks to all for your insights and experiences! I will certainly keep all of this in mind as we move towards the big day.
Like everyone else, I am hopeful the day will be without drama and my primary purpose in being there is to support my SO. In the past, at skids graduations, we've managed to make it all work with civility so I am hopeful it can be the same at the wedding.
However, I recognize that weddings tend to be much more complicated due to heightened emotions and all the family dynamics at play. Then throw in a dash of the groom's dysfunctional family, shake it all with a couple of hours of alcohol, and I will just plan to hang on for the ride! :jawdrop:
I went to my osd wedding and
I went to my osd wedding and was totally not prepared for the deliberate crappy treatment.
My SS was one of two who would escort the guests to their seat at the church for the wedding ceremony. I walked into the church & witnessed the guests before me getting escorted to their seats. I stood at the back, now next in the line. I stood there while SS just stared at me and then shrugged his shoulders, so I walked myself down the isle and seated myself. I sat exactly where we had rehearsed the night before but bm's brother comes up to me and loudly requests that I move to another row, which i did. Then at the reception, I found myself alone and just did my best to survive it. I was kind to everyone, polite, but felt the glares, stares and the looks (from people I don't even know) that I now call the looks of "oh, that's the witch I have heard about". At the reception was a beautiful "Money Tree" that I had made for the bride & groom. I had glued flowers, butterflies, and a beautiful birds nest. My dh thought it was so pretty that it would be something past down for other weddings, but after the wedding reception, bm's brother removes the money for the couple and then proceeded to destroy the tree and throw it in the trash.
I say who in the hell would sign up to be the abused entertainment for a bitter bm, HER children and her allies.
Your experience sounds much
Your experience sounds much like mine. Here is what I think goes on either unconsciously, intentionally, or accidentally on purpose with some of the thought processes behind the scenes regarding steps at weddings and other large family events:
SKs don't want to be reminded of the divorce at these events. They want mom and dad hanging out and acting like they are still joined-at-the-hip parents at these events. Some say, this is really all this is about--having the parents together on so-and-so's special day. Nothing wrong with that or sounds innocent enough. But, the question comes up of dad and/or mom is remarried, what do you do?
Answer: Pretend the step-parent doesn't exist and if the step-parent gets upset over this, just say or claim that they are trying to take over the bio-parents's role. For example, send an invite to dad and his wife stating Mr. and Mrs. XYZ, and then once Mr. and Mrs. XYZ get there, pretend there is no Mrs. XYZ other than BM and bio-dad. Other examples: Walk everyone else down the aisle for seating, except for SM; or, tell her to sit somewhere at the rehearsal and then insist she sit somewhere else the next day at the ceremony.
And, who cares what dad thinks about all of this. Dad will go along with whatever because he won't dare go up against his ex- or his children at the wedding. You just have to keep your fingers crossed that SM sucks it up and takes it. . . . AND, church personnel, wedding planners, etc. all go along with this--"Yep, do whatever you want, and if dad and dad's wife gets upset, remember, it is all her fault because she should just somehow magically know that she is not supposed to act like her husband's wife at these kind of events."
The fact that mom and dad chose to divorce and place this on their own children has nothing to do with mom and dad at all. This is actually SM's or step-dad's burden to carry--they have to take a back seat whenever anyone else feels like it, and without any cause or warning from anyone. All I can say is: When someone's role, such as being a spouse to another is being denied, squashed or even ridiculed, and they are being accused of being the cause of it, another word for that is bullying. No one, no one, should be expected to tolerate bullying period. There is never a justification for it.
Personally, I think if any of this type of shiatsu goes on for SM or step-dad at a wedding, they should just inform their spouse as quickly as possible that they are leaving, and their spouse can either chose to stay or go. You don't have to suck it up and take it. Recognize it for what it is--bullying. Leave, and have no part in it.
Well said. I actually had
Well said.
I actually had the gall to complain to my dh afterwards and what is the response I get. "Just treat it like water off a ducks back". Yep, I have heard that so many times. The problem is that sm's know that it is not water. It is stinky doo doo.
Boy oh boy do all of your
Boy oh boy do all of your posts speak to me, StepAside. A lot of excellent advice and insight.
This especially stands out to me: "My father's side and my DH's family are a different breed. No notably high IQ's on either side. Their version of civilized behavior leaves plenty of room for spiteful behavior. Pride, ego, drama and control are the rules they are motivated by. Passive aggression or screaming is the rule of thumb, because they suck so poorly at communicating. Religion is a big factor on both sides, he who claims to be friends with Jesus holds the right to judge everyone else."
I associate with so much you're saying here. My family is like your mother's side, ironically we are all from out west too. DH's family is all from the southeast. Collectively, it makes for some interesting navigating, and trying to make sense of other's unfavorable behavior, in regards to the whole blended family thing.
At SD's second wedding (which
At SD's second wedding (which we helped pay for) I was seated behind a large column in the chapel.
It was a small wedding, so there was plenty of room. Go figure.
When my SD was married we
When my SD was married we paid for a big chunk of the wedding. DH borrowed from his retirement. That was a few years ago and we are still paying it back.
I offered SD assistance with some little things here and there. I did not attend her bridal shower as I happened to be lucky enough to have an event out of town and was going to be away for that weekend but honestly I wouldn't have gone because I know that SD and BM hate me. I did however purchase a special, personalized very thoughtful gift and I also made sure that my then teenage daughter had a gift for her also.
DH found out before the wedding that SD planned on putting me at a table in the back of the reception while DH sat at the table with BM. SD wanted it to look like DH and BM were still a couple. DH found out and put his foot down. The day of the wedding I ran out and picked up stuff that they forgot and drove it to the venue. I always try to be the bigger person but it sure wears on me.
At the wedding when it was time for pictures I was excluded. I am not in a single picture.
I just look at it as it was her BIG day and just consider the source.
I am so used to the games that they play.
As always, I have never received a thank you for any of the gifts or anything that I have done.
No Name, please post an
No Name, please post an update to your own situation. Has our ss moved in? Have you and dh worked out a solution that makes you both happy?
He borrowed from his
He borrowed from his retirement to pay for his daughter's wedding? Okay, that explains a lot about your husband.
What to watch our for?
What to watch our for? Exclusion. At both weddings I was surprisingly included in much of the day, even some pictures. However my daughters with DH, the skids half sisters who adore their older siblings, were not even invited. SD had a 160 person wedding with a kids table. SS's wedding was double the size, no kids at the reception but there were several kids participating in the ceremony. At SDs wedding her older sister mentioned in her speech how wonderful it was to have the whole family here to celebrate. At SS's wedding the brides co-maids of honor were giving a speech about how similar the bride and groom were and said both were the babies of the family. Guess DDs don't count. Even though I was treated better than most women on this board get treated on their skids wedding day, there were so many things that made me feel like my DH's plus one and not a member of the family who had been in the picture over half of their lives.
Speaking of bullying
Speaking of bullying (earlier), according to WikiHow, here is How to Respond to an Adult Bully of any kind:
1. Avoid the bully whenever possible.
2. Ignore any inappropriate behavior.
3. Use humor. Remember your hurt feelings are a huge reward for the negative behavior.
4. Confront someone with whom you spend time with regularly. If you are being bullied by a coworker or a family member whom you interact with frequently, you need to speak with this person privately about his or her behavior.
5. Remain calm. Bullies often target people they know they can get a rise out of.
6. Be mindful of your physical and emotional reaction.
7. Document any offences.
8. Speak to a superior or someone who can help.
9. Refuse to take bullying behavior personally. You’re not doing anything wrong—it’s not about you.
10. Don’t reciprocate bullying behavior.
11. Refrain from getting into a physical altercation.
12. Choose not to allow yourself to become isolated by a bully.
^Yup. ss31 has had a few
^Yup. ss31 has had a few close calls with the "I'm going to get married" shenanigans; if some poor girl with low self esteem does actually go through with it I will not attend. I in no way want to convey that I support or approve of the union. It would be too painful to watch because I've seen how badly he treats his gf's. Also I know that he would rather me not come so that will be my gift to him, my absence. DH won't have a date, oh well. Maybe he can take his mother or sister. If he'd set some boundaries when we first married the dynamic would be a lot different. I will care less who takes photos with who or who sits where because I won't be there, don't have Facebook that they can taunt me with, and if DH does drag photos home they'll probably remain unframed and go in the same dusty pile as all the other family photos under the papers on his shelf.
I really like this idea, a
I really like this idea, a bev-bag handbag: https://www.amazon.com/Bev-Bag-Secret-Handbag-Flask-Black/dp/B00NDNVH62/...
I saw those, too! Hilarious.
I saw those, too! Hilarious.
Here is a suggestion for the
Here is a suggestion for the bride or groom to write on the bottom of dad’s wedding invite to give him a heads-up:
“Dear dad and SM, dad’s wife, or whatever,
I’m only sending this invite to you alluding that SM's name is on it because I more or less have to. I don’t really want what’s-her-name to go of course, but some *&*#@ etiquette book claims I have to and who knows, maybe you won’t come if I don’t invite her.
This is just a heads-up that if your woman does show up, I will make sure that I get as many people as I can on board to make sure that this day is at least the second worst day of her life. If she even remotely tries to act like your wife, me and my cohorts will make *&*#@ sure that she is kicked to the curb, humiliated, and stomped on every chance we get. The wedding planner and others won’t mind. I was told by them that this wedding is all about the bride and groom, so any common sense or sense of decency gets to be put aside just for us and our special day! So, yippee!
This day is going to be all about us and hanging out with mom and dad. I even read on-line that it is not uncommon for the couple to just forget that step-mom exists when planning their wedding [this part is actually true], so even tho. you and what’s-her-name have been married for 13 years, if you get mad at any of us for doing this, I’m just going to pretend I forgot she was even around!
Yipee! I’m getting a free pass to go after your woman! I’m going to have her sit in the back row, at the kiddie table, I don’t care. If you won't play along, then I’m just going to have to trick you and mom into being posed and acting hitched every chance I get. If what’s-her-name gets upset, I and everyone else will just get to claim she is trying to take BM’s place, and that will really get things going and everyone will be joining with me at the wedding to bring this be.atch down.
P.S. If SM contributed funds to this wedding, sorry, but we still don’t have to be nice to her.”
Yep, don’t go; just say no!! (By the way, I actually would have really appreciated a heads-up- like the above vs. what I really got—absolutely no warning at all.)
You know I recently looked at
You know I recently looked at my wedding pictures. We got married at the courthouse. Sd was dressed very inappropriately. Short black dress (guess she was in mourning). dress barely covered her butt and no bra and spaghetti straps. Her brother dressed ok but the bad expression on his face said it all. Sd before we married referred to me to my then fiancee as "his women". It felt like she was referring to me as his hooker. We recently learned that she didn't like that we got married so soon which was a year after we met. We recently has a blowup with her after Christmas. She kept badgering me to just tell her just one thing she had done to me. I mentioned the woman reference and if course it was all in my head because her and her friends call other people in that manner so its ok. She then hung up on me. Blowup was because my dh sent her email of expectations which enraged her. So she has determined that she will have no contact with either of us. Said after awhile things can maybe change. I think my DH feels caught in the middle. Sd is a bully and has told her dad what to do for years. I think it was easier for him to just allow her demanding behavior rather than suffer her wrath. She had a baby almost a year ago. I believe that she will try and use the child as emotional leverage to get him to fall in line. I on the other hand won't play her games. Just waiting for when the next blowup to happen. I am sure its coming as she had what i call an abnormal obsessive relationship with her dad in the past. She is 36 so you would think she would be more engaged in her own life. She told him that she wants to FaceTime him daily with her and the baby. Since she had the baby her behavior has become more controlling and needy of her dads attention.
Yes, I certainly wish I had
Yes, I certainly wish I had received this warning last Saturday, I wish I had never gone and vowed to never go to any of his other kids weddings - I am done!
Last year my SD34 did two
Last year my SD34 did two things, she asked her dad for $ for the wedding (she has more education and makes more $ but asked anyway and he gave our money), and she invited both of us to the wedding. Because she lives cross country, we don't often see her so I was blindsided when I arrived and heard her and BM talking that they hadn't expected me to come. Must b why I didn't get a flower....anyway, the photographer dragged me into photographs...which were never included in the photo pack sent to parents. ....it was an outdoor wedding venue and the seating arrangement had me sitting in the BBQ pit by myself...I told my DH that I was not sitting in a BBQ pit and would call a taxi...he had BM seat me next to him tho BM sat on his other side ...afterward, at the reception, I was alternately snarled at by SS38, or grilled for info by the aunt...I instead spent reception chatting w the groom's family. I can't look like Sofia but I am a size 4 and played it up with a beautiful suit. I then came back home and am downsizing my home that we bought when we married bc, as I am childless I foolishly thought his adult children would visit...after ten years the SD has been here twice, always when she wants Daddy to do something for her... DH is clueless. So if you must go to the wedding, look great, socialize with others, but expect t to be made to feel like a wallet.
As the wife of my DH, I
As the wife of my DH, I expect AND deserve respect as his wife. This means if his daughter were getting married again, I would practice mutual respect with everyone who attends the weeding, including SD and BM. If it was evident that I was going to be treated badly, and DH did not walk back to sit with me for the remainder of the wedding, I would leave DH a message where I will be, quietly walk out without making a scene, and take a taxi either home or to a hotel. I will not 'compete' with anyone who threatens to take away my dignity - even for 30 minutes. I guess we will have to agree to disagree - and leave it.
ETA: This was in response to an earlier post that has since disappeared.
I think you need to let this
I think you need to let this go too. No one is confusing deserve vs. expect. No woman expects to attend a wedding with her spouse or even her date and be told, in many different ways, to flake off and then watch her spouse be paired up with some other woman for the evening. No woman would EXPECT something like that, other than a woman with very low self esteem, who has trained herself and others that she is only worthy of the crumbs that they decide to toss her way.
Most women attending a wedding, any wedding, with their husband expect to be treated like husband and wife because they are husband and wife. Why would any wife go to a wedding expecting to be treated as anything other than her husband’s spouse? There is no brochure or training video out there for SMs that states, “Hey, expect to get screwed at weddings and other family events,” that I’m aware of, but maybe there should be. In your case, sounds like you have been sucking it up and taking it for years, so, yeah, you probably expected similar trmt. at your SD’s wedding. And, you got what you expected. No surprise there.
I and many others, however, did not. Up to that point, things seem pretty “normal,” although what normal is now for a blended family I’m less sure of nowadays. Anyway, it doesn’t matter what you or anyone else thinks. I don’t even know if you noticed it or not, but CVA4sure actually agreed with my tagline, more or less—either go to the wedding owning your society-mandated second wife status, or just avoid the whole thing.
Re: Showing a scene. If this occurs, the blame pretty much belongs 100% on the invitee. If they want to mix up couples without anyone’s permission, what do you think is going to happen? If you had a wedding and had Uncle Tom sitting with Cousin Eric’s wife, and Aunt Susie sitting in the back of the church, while her husband sat up front with his ex- from 20 years ago, speaking of EXpectations, what do you think will happen? Do you think your guests are just going to quietly sit there and not act confused, or do you think they might get up from the seat and ask questions, or maybe even just leave, or far worse!? You better damn believe they would do something.
So, if the bride or groom wants to shake things up, and they get what they want—a scene—then they are the ones to blame. If they aren’t going to respect other people’s marital status, then why should anyone else respect theirs.
ETA: This was in response to an earlier post that has since disappeared.
It's the seven YEAR posts
It's the seven YEAR posts that get me, giving an SM advice to divorce her DH when the marriage probably ended 6 3/4 years ago.
I've been through two SKID
I've been through two SKID weddings, and both completely different
The first - my OSD's - both DH & I were treated pretty much like garbage. Our table at the very back of the room where you normally would put the least wanted people LOL (while BM, not to mention FIL and DH's sister all upfront)
OSD completely ignored DH & I, no thank you for anything, and then OSD created a huge issue accusing DH of pushing SSIL....it was just not a nice evening
Yet, I had a great time! Seriously!
Sat back, stayed uninvolved in all the drama. Dressed with style, behaved my best (was super polite and kind to BM, lots of congrats) ignored the attempts at drama from DH's sister, and the stares and glares from OSD
Danced with FIL at his requests, who was only too happy to have me dance multiple times with him LOL
....I made a point to enjoy myself despite the obvious typical SM treatment - the competitiveness from BM, the attempts to start a big scene from DH's sister, the obvious glares and jealous hostility from OSD, and even the attempts back then from YSD to take any and all good attention off of me - like rudely interrupting FIL and my dance together, and just breaking in and dancing with him, leaving me standing there a little stunned - apparently I had no right to dance with my own father-in-law, who had made a point to ask me to)
Then there was YSD's wedding
Like night and day. I was treated like 'the other Mom'....totally didn't ask for that, never ever would expect or want it, and in a way almost more uncomfortable (but totally pleased and grateful to at least be treated with some decency!)
I wore a corsage just like BM, was seating in the front row during the ceremony with BM and her SO. I was even asked to participate in giving YSD away, by saying along with BM, her SO and DH when asked who gives her away that "we do"
Although there were the typical pictures of BM and DH with YSD (and I swear YSD had a weird smug look on her face haha) she also made sure that I was included in the pictures as well...in fact even more so than DH's sister which was very strange. I was more included and treated even better than DH's sister the entire evening. I'm not saying it because I think in any way it's a competition, but I could not help but notice this
We were seated up front near BM at the wedding, and when YSD got up to say a few words, she said she wanted to thank "all her parents"
So, for a SKID wedding, I really couldn't have asked for a better night or better treatment
But, since you asked for tips, quite honestly I can say part of it has to do with what you make it. You would think it would have been much better for me to tolerate the second wedding over the first. But in all honesty, I didn't really have a hard time at OSD's wedding in comparison. In many ways I felt more relaxed at hers...I had expected to be treated like I didn't exist and went with no expectations, other than to have an enjoyable evening with my husband. And I did
I went to YSD's wedding with the same expectation (none) and was completely blown away at all she did for me, and honoured for sure. But still had to deal with the same competitiveness from BM LOL, the same hatred directed at me from OSD, and still on display for all the guests just dying for some juicy scene to gossip about
The best you can do is dress with class, behave with maturity, have zero expectations, and do your best to have a nice time!
That's the difference, "I had
That's the difference, "I had expected to be treated like I didn't exist and went with no expectations." It is one thing if you know this and go knowing. Also, at least you and your DH were seated together and therefore acknowledged as a couple--perhaps as an equally loathed couple, but you were together throughout the event. This does not occur with every SM, by any means. Not every SM expects to be treated like they didn't exist, and not every SM wants nor should be expected to go with zero expectations. If that works for you, fine. But, no one should go around thinking that, "Oh, SM is supposed to have zero expectations at my wedding, so I guess I can seat her in the BBQ pit," no questions asked.
Any couple going to a wedding should at least be treated as a couple, particularly if they are married. In this case, being seated together is a given. I honestly don't get this when people say that you should just suck it up and go. Why? If you want to and it is something you are doing for your DH, fine. I do get that. But, no one on this planet should have the expectations that it is okay to separate a married couple at an event, without a heads up to both, and do with them whatever they please. A SM should never be expected to suck it up and take it, even for a wedding. After what I sent through at SD's wedding, in the future, any of these adult SKs try to separate me from my DH at an event, and it is SNAP! Bigtime. If DH wants to cower, fine. I sure don't have to.
But, I do agree it is SM's choice. SMs do not have to attend these events in any manner, shape or form, if they so choose. And, no one should be forcing her to do so. I can't imagine anything more horrible than feeling like you have to go to an event where you feel you are bait for the family shark feeding frenzy. Sure, there are some super strong SMs out there who can take this and push back along the way. Great! I wish I could be that way, and actually I'm working on it. But, I think for most SMs attending these events, they have no clue. And, if SM is going to these type of events where she is literally treated little better than the family servant, and she knows that is coming, then SM sure as H- had better have her head held high, and her nails sharpened for the event. Because that is how I, anyway, want people to start seeing SMs as bad-ass, kick-ass super women. I don't want any SM to attend these events and wind up cowering in the back, because that just gives someone the excuse and expectation to do it again.
There is no way my DH would
There is no way my DH would have allowed us to be seated separately, he would snap on that one. I can't imagine anyone thinking that that is okay
I went. We were not married
I went. We were not married or even officially engaged yet. Looked my best. Wore what the bride wanted. Kept to the background. I was helpful and refused to get in the middle of drama. Now that we are married, the SDstrat me like crap but at least the rest of the family saw me for me. Be prepared to be ignored at best.
I am currently having huge
I am currently having huge fights with my partner of 11 years over his daughter's wedding, I cannot believe she could treat me like she did and her dad enable the treatment, he knew I was clearly upset on the day but could not see any wrong in his little 'princess'. I thought I had a good relationship with all his 4 kids, but I really think her true colours showed last Saturday and I am still very hurt and now really so angry it is eating me up.
I am spending every waking hour hating her with a passion and I know I need to let it go, but she backed out of coming to see me before going off on honeymoon (a week after the wedding), so I cannot get it off my chest.
Look at the chain of events and see if you would be hurt - oh by the way - daddy paid for everything and her husband's parents and he BM paid nothing!
We stayed at the venue the evening before, I went out of my way and spent an absolute fortune on my out fit. On coming downstairs, the family were given their buttonholes and corsages, I was left out.
Then, we went to were the ceremony was taking place, my partner's mother was sat on the front row and she spoke to me so I sat next to her to speak with her (this was 20 minutes before the ceremony), I was promptly removed by his eldest son and showed to near enough the back of the seating.
We then went out for photos, I was left standing alone, whilst they all played happy families, then my partner and his ex were called down for the photos to be taken, I was left standing there, if it was not for my partner coming back for me 15 minutes later, I would have not been in the photos - he knew before he went down I was really upset.
The final straw came when we went in for the meal - the little witch had separated me and my partner and I was on another table, put with my back to the bride and groom, I was so mad by this time, I treated it with the contempt it deserved and kept my back to them whilst they did the speeches.
I am in need of some advice here, I am about to crack and feel this may split me and my partner up. If we do stay together, I have decided to stay away from family gatherings - he told me last night that it would then not work with us - I am sick and tired of playing second fiddle to his grown up kids and sick of them always being around us - what do I do?
Thank you for replying, I am
Thank you for replying, I am totally destroyed. But you know what, you are right, I could so easily play into her hands and she will win, I will distance myself, like you say by making excuses not to be somewhere and having to go out when the skids come around to the house. However, as for all the parties I used to do for them and taking them to Florida on holiday - that stops right now and I can easily avoid family birthdays by saying I am doing something with my horse or pretending to be ill x
Good for you. Sounds like
Good for you. Sounds like you are a very fast learner. At first disengaging is hard because the wound in fresh and the trust has gone down the drain. But the more you get used to it the easier it gets. It's been 6 1/2 wonderful years for me. I don't mention SD in conversation with DH. If he brings her up I change the subject.
You deserve respect and you definitely did not get it at the wedding. In my opinion, the corsage was not too big of a deal. But when you were removed from where you sat to the back of the room, and when you were not seated next to SO during the dinner, that went over the top for rudeness.
One thing to nip in the bud now is any threats between you and DH. Threats take the fire out of any relationship and it is real hard to rekindle the flame. Resolve to not make any more threats to SO, but NEVER allow him to threaten to end the relationship again. He is holding your partnership in ransom so he can get his way and he does not have to address his cowardly behavior. He should have manned up and sat with you at both the wedding and the dinner.
Your main focus right now should be on yourself and what you can do to gain self-confidence and feel better about yourself. Set boundaries and be strong. Make sure SO has your back BEFORE you ever think about marrying him.
Yes I agree, I have to
Yes I agree, I have to disengage, we had another huge fight again Sunday night, I have now hurt my partner with what I said about his brat of a daughter, but to be fair, enough is enough, I really do not know if we can survive this, I now hate her with every bone in my body. I hope I can cool down to protect my relationship, she is probably having a great time on holiday having a laugh about me.
I think I will have her father there when I talk to her and I will box clever, just a few questions asked correctly should show her for what she is - a scheming little cow! It is so difficult as my partner invites his kids round at every opportunity, I am sick and tired of this, they invite themselves on holiday with us, I am not even asked or consulted, just told they are coming, they always cause arguments when they come, they will do something to annoy their father - he then takes his rage out on me! If I refuse to do something - like having a party, go on holiday etc, he rants at me, he has thrown things at me on one occasion on holiday because he had a go and I retired to the bedroom. We were planning to move to Florida, I think I just need to keep my cool, slowly disengage and wait it out then I can completely distance myself from them all. The problem will then come when they want to visit - I will just have to disengage and make out I have to be somewhere or be doing something.
His bitch of a daughter constantly reminds me the home where I live with my partner is 'her dad's house', brings her daughter round and completely takes over the house and yes of course - he enables it, I feel a stranger in the home when the skids and their partners turn up, they sprawl themselves over all the sofas and he wonders why I go upstairs out the way, simple, I have nowhere to sit but on the floor. They also take over the remote control, youngest son and my partner's mother watch football constantly with my partner - he sees nothing wrong with this, he said my mother can watch whatever she wants, so bloody sick of this situation.
I arranged to cook a meal at Easter for his mum, his aunt my sister and partner - the full Christmas dinner with all the trimmings, on the Friday night, he invited all his kids, friends and told me I was cooking for 18 people - I was livid and upset, he said I was not allowed to do it in 3 sittings that he wanted it dished up all at the same time, please answer me a question here - am I being bullied by him - I think I know the answer!
Sorry for going on, but by writing on this forum, I think I am starting to realise, I have allowed him to push me around for years, put me behind his kids, even now his new son in law - just so bloody sick of it and I know I should have stood up to him sooner instead of letting him walk all over me :sick:
"I think I will have her
"I think I will have her father there when I talk to her and I will box clever, just a few questions asked correctly should show her for what she is - a scheming little cow! "
You need to be aware you might not get the reaction from your partner that you want. He may already know that his DD is a scheming cow. You are expecting him to react exactly as you would when the truth is revealed. I predict it won't go that way. An ostrich head-in-the-sand daddy does not want his feathers ruffled. He wants to keep his head in the sand and not have to deal anything. You are forcing him to have to confront it, and it might backfire.
I do understand how you feel, because I have been there. I have a nasty OSD and a passive DH. Do you think it mattered to him that his DD is a manipulative b1tch? Well, it bothers him, but he is too passive and scared of her to do anything about it. And even though he is aware of his DD's poor behavior, men don't take too kindly to having their parental failings pointed out to them. It almost wrecked our marriage, we had to establish strong boundaries and I completely removed myself from her life.
What you should be doing is thinking about your own emotions and how to deal with them. You just had a rug pulled out from under you. You then need to think about your own needs, rather than exposing someone else's bad behavior. She is not likely to change. Your partner is not likely to change. And the life you describe - constant chaos in your household and your partner does not care - would be making me question a future with him.
I live in Florida, where you talked about relocating to (but I love Derbyshire! So beautiful). If Florida is where you want to be, I would just go. Tell your partner you guys have some things to work out. Let him think about what it is he wants. I know several eligible men looking for dates. Don't settle for something that doesn't make you happy when you don't know what is on the other side of the pond.
He genuinely thinks his
He genuinely thinks his daughter can do no wrong, we have 2 villas in Florida which we jointly own, so going there on my own is totally out of the question. He is retiring in October this year, he wants to spend more time there, then eventually move there, on my part, with him wanting to do this I have to sell my horse which I dearly love and it will break my heart to do so.
I am so up in the air at the moment as none of this can be sorted until his little witch of a daughter returns from holiday in around 10 days time, in the meantime, I keep losing it and I can't help it. One minute I want to walk away, the next I am in floods of tears because I love him. I have had all my self esteem chipped away at over the years with him, my business is failing as I feel worthless and my confidence has hit rock bottom. I cannot afford to move out, I sold my house 4 years ago and paid off my mortgage, so I am lost to what to do, I have no money and hardly any income.
I think I need to pick myself up, close the business, go and find a new job and learn to respect myself again.
I keep trying to remind him,
I keep trying to remind him, it was his bloody daughter that rocked the boat, I was keeping it to myself and tolerating it until this point. Quite frankly, I don't think any other woman would tolerate this treatment, so this is where it has to stop. He treats his kids as mates and totally pushes me into the background, enough is enough!
my advice is dont put a
my advice is dont put a nickel into the wedding. let the parent pay for all of the wedding and costs.
stand back and watch the wedding couple make fools of themselfs. my sd came into the reception hall waving her bridal bouquet like she just won the marathon. she laughed her head off during the ceremony as the groom gave her the ring. the priest was visibly disgusted but politely said nothing during the dinner.
i can see in this marriage that the groom fell for it and it wont be long before the bride shows her true colours. she has already been means to the grooms mother.
if so puts lots of money into the wedding, let him pay for it all. if the couple divorces as fifty percent of them do, you wont be the one owing money.