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I'm secure in my relationship with DH...

still learning's picture

at least that's how I've always felt; well after today, not so much. DH and I were having a wonderful evening then he says, "tomorrow exFIL is having a birthday get together; mind if I go?" I was totally OK with it (for about 30 seconds) and blurted out, "Oh yeah, go and have a great time!" Then it sunk in what a sh*t storm of dynamics that are at going to be at play.

I, as DH's wife/guest was not invited to this event and that obviously doesn't concern DH. I wouldn't have gone anyway, but to include him and not at least attempt to include his spouse just feels very exclusionary. BM, skids, gskids, her entire family and now DH will all be there. DH was very close to his IL's but has only had Facebook contact with them for the last 10ish years, we've been married 4. This is the first time something like this has come up and it feels very odd to me.

DH said that he is hoping to see his (BM's) nieces and that's the main reason he's going, plus they going to an amusement park and it's all paid for. Fun day out with his former wife, IL's, his children and grandchildren. I can't help for feel really out of place right now, like where do I fit in? What's he need me for when he has all of them?

Evil thoughts creep in, like I hope he has a miserable time and feels like an interloper. Hopefully BM brings a guy and makes DH feel really stupid for coming. Doubtful though since both SS's and gskids will be there to make DH feel comfortable. Also exFIL really likes DH and I'm sure would be thrilled at the chance of bringing DH and BM together. Oh and SS's will love seeing their parents together. Funny thing, I work w/BM's brother who is a super nice guy. Bro and DH are still on good terms too.

For any of you who have experienced anything similar; is this going to turn into a regular thing. Like will DH be running off to his exIL's events all the time and leave me behind? Have I opened Pandora's box by "allowing" him to go or am I just being a jealous paranoid beach?!

Tomorrow I'm leaving the house before he does so I don't hang around and stew. My energies will be much better channeled at the gym.

I feel bi polar right now. I'm so confused.

Miss T's picture

That sounds familiar. Sad

I think that on state occasions such as graduations and weddings, people should be invited and expected to attend as a couple. These are major social milestones, and society takes special pains to mark them. Husband and wife should expect a joint invitation and should expect to mark the occasion as the social unit they are. Doing otherwise is a snub, regardless of how little you like these people or how they may rejoice at your absence. (Not to say that snubs are never appropriate, just that they should be seen for what they are.) More flexibility attends lesser social events such as birthdays unless, again, the birthday marks a major milestone such as 75 years or whatever.

This event sounds like a fairly big deal, and if so the family has no business to exclude you. Unless I absolutely broke out in hives around these people, I would insist on attending with DH. Otherwise, make an appointment with your pedicurist any let the fam wallow in each other's company.

And yes, you may be setting a precedent. Can you live with that?

Miss T's picture

Yes, it is quite rude to attend a social event uninvited. And two rudes don't make a polite. But if for whatever reason I decided it was in my best interests to go to an event like this, I would go and shine it on. After all, they might simply have been so excited by the preparations that they forgot to extend the invitation to her! Or some other ridiculous excuse for their rudeness.

Meanwhile, BIG SMILE!

still learning's picture

T, I would never insist on being invited somewhere that I'm not wanted, at least when it comes to step/ex il situations. It's totally not me; I'd rather go on a hike and spend time in nature rather than be in a drama storm. It is a big day for DH's exFIL, his 80th. Besides exBIL, ExIL's have never met me, BM was pointed out to me in passing and I've seen her in town a few times. That is the extent of our interactions.

That is my fear that I'm setting a precedent and I don't know if I can live with it. DH and I had a pleasant morning, and I didn't make it out of the house before him. As he was going out the door I quipped, "Have a nice time w/your ex wife!" He laughed and said "Yeah right."

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

It's... strange that you're not invited. Since it doesn't seem like you guys have such a terrible relationship with the exILs?

Did DH automatically assume you don't want to go or is assuming you definitely will go? Sometimes they could be a bit thick like that.

Three days before DH went to take his finals on campus in another state for his online master's program, which I knew about, he asked what I wanted to do when we got there. I had no idea I was going with him because he just said, "I'm going to take the final on xx days at Penn State. Should I go the night before or the day of?" and I was like, "Okay, have fun. Night before so you can study a bit before the exam in the morning."

So when he said that, I said he never even asked me and I didn't know I was going with him or that he expected me to. We're not mindreaders here!

I mean if you are working with BM's brother and are on good terms with him, I'd just be like, "Oh btw tell your dad I said happy birthday. He's lucky to have so much family and be able to see his great grandkids grow up." See what he says in response. It might be shock that, "Wait, aren't you going with DH?" and then you can be like, "No... he just said he was going so I assumed it was a family only function."

You might realize your DH might have just forgotten or something and it wasn't intentionally exclusionary on BM's family's part.

still learning's picture

He could be thick or he could have just wanted to see them again w/out having to include me. Skids could have told him not to bring me. ss27 is very protective of BM and won't jointly invite DH and I to anything she's at. ss31 has been a viper to me since day 1 so I'm sure he's overjoyed that DH is there alone. Like I said, this is a first for us and I'm totally confused and clueless. That your DH just assumed you were going with him was very sweet. I'm a little jealous of your dynamic at the moment.

I'm sure I'll see exBIL in the office Monday and we'll make small talk about the event. Just what I want to do at work Sad

a better life's picture

It is rude on all levels. There is no way that my dh would go somewhere like that where I was excluded. Now a 'boys day out' or something golfing sure I don't have to tag along. Yet an event like you described where you are excluded no way! There is no reason you as your spouse should not be included. Did the inlaws make it clear you were not invited? I think it is exceptionally odd they would invite him and not expect his wife to come and that he would accept the invitation.

twoviewpoints's picture

"Did the inlaws make it clear you were not invited? "

IDK, but her DH made it clear he was going by himself:

"tomorrow exFIL is having a birthday get together; mind if I go?"

This is just plain weird. Why would BM's family invite DH after all these years? And snub his wife?

still learning's picture

better, I'm not sure if I was intentionally excluded by the xIL's or not. I don't expect BMs family to take me into consideration at all, that's DH job and obviously he did a huge fail at it. Oh well, my kiddos and I are off to do something fun in just a bit so I can focus my energies elsewhere.

enuf's picture

If it smells like a duck, it is a duck! You have been married for 4 years, and it is quite exclusionary for the ils not to respect your dh enough to include his dw. It would have been appropriate for him to say to the ils that "since this is a family event is my wife included." Whether they like it or not, you are dh primary family member. I consider it quite rude as to how the invitation was handled. Nevertheless, I would suggest that you just come out and ask your dh if you were invited as you would love to meet the nieces and nephews that he so fond off. That puts the ball in your dh court to make a decision on whether to make an effort for inls to include you, for him to forgo the invite if they do not invite you, or to decide that he does not want you attend this event. His answer will let you know where you stand. Make sure that there is no hostility or anger in your demeanor when you do state that you would like to attend.

Nothing is written in stone, and it may be that it was a misunderstanding on the inls and dh part and that he would love for you to attend. In that case, if you do not really want to go, you can always bow out. But at least you will know where you stand. I think that knowing where you stand is the important issue for you. The question being is that "does your dh value his dw enough to correct the situation?"

CANYOUHELP's picture

I agree with Enuf. You should have been invited, this is disrespectful--they know he is married to you. Why not include you?

You have been excluded and your husband should be the one to question if you can attend or not. This might be an interesting learning experience for him.

still learning's picture

Thanks for your thoughtful response enuf. I would like to know where I stand and have the option to bow out. I was given no information or any options at all. DH just laid it on me last night and happily skipped out the door this morning. I just checked his little cubby and he conveniently forgot to wear his wedding band which I'm a little miffed at. He's going there alone, no ring, no spouse, no evidence what so ever that he's moved on and has a new life with me.

It could be an innocent oversight since he doesn't wear it at work since it's a catching hazard, yet he usually wears it out. Yes, we will have a nice talk about all of this soon. I just didn't want to open up a can of worms last night or this morning and send him running into the arms of BM and xIL's all mad at me.

CANYOUHELP's picture

Oh, yes the wedding band. This is a serious rub for me too. Mine used to claim it was an oversight, and it might have been. It could also be my own serious paranoia...I just have never believed him. I, like you, check to see if he wears it now. He knows how I feel about it so he has made an extra effort to wear it so he will not have to hear my mouth. They see him as unmarried, it appears, and not wearing his ring reinforces you do not exist. I would be seriously upset too...

Silence is acknowledgement....make certain you let him know how you feel, leave no doubts in his mind.

Isn't that all crazy in and of itself?

still learning's picture

The main backstory has been conflict w/ss31. I try not to post too much personal information on the site and have deleted my few blogs for privacy reasons.

He was very close to BM's family when they were married and afterwards he retained friendship w/xBIL and a mostly Facebook relationship w/the other xIL's. I have no problem that he still cares for them; my issue is how he handled this, that he just dropped me like a hot potato and ran off. Its feeling like I have to be completely put aside so he can have have his joyous reunion with them.

New territory and fuzzy boundaries for me.

still learning's picture

Thank you for your validation. It does feel like he is going backwards and it does seem like this will create future conflict. Now ss's know that DH is ok with pretending that I don't exist in order to be included in BM's tribe. Makes me wonder what's next, I'm really having a hard time being present today. Yep, he was insensitive by dropping this on me at the last minute. Stupid for not wearing his wedding ring.

I'm sure this experience will taint our relationship and my future responses will be quite different. We obviously need to communicate better as we both tend to avoid conflict.

Merry's picture

Well said. Spending the day with these people from his former life might be fun for him, but it's not worth the stress on your marriage. I hope you can talk with him about this soon, but when you are calm, so it never happens again.

still learning's picture

Funny that he's seemed stressed, tired and sick all week. He's been clingy, needy and I've been too busy to care. He went off and had his merry time w/BM and fam and I went off w/my kiddo's and had a great day. Big chink in our marital armour,but it taught me that I'm fine with or w/out him. It may happen again, but at least he knows that I'm not going to be sitting at home waiting and wondering what he's doing.

enuf's picture

Stepaside I agree, the issue I see is that still learning is on the fence post of what to do. She does not want to impose herself on her dh or seem like she is trying to isolate him from others. However, her feelings are extremely valid regarding the exclusion.

Still Learning your feelings count and matter as much as your dh, or his ils. By posing the question of whether you are invited, or not, you are validating how you feel. Validation is important for any relationship. You are not whipping him, tieing him up, beating him, you are simply going to ask him a very simple question. Do not invalidate how you feel as it will inevitably impact your self esteem and relationship. Is not asking a simple question worth it?

still learning's picture

Exactly, I'm not trying to control him, his relationships w/ss's or gskids. Yet this xIL stuff is a new dynamic for us. It would have been nice to be invited and acknowledged as DH's spouse but really that's not 80 yr old xFIL's job, it's DH's. DH is really being a passive aggressive conflict avoidant @ss. We'll talk, he'll squirm.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

I also think it is important to find out if you were invited or not. If not, DH should not go. He needs to send a message that you are a couple now and excluding his wife is not OK.

I would feel hurt too if this happened, and it HAS happened to me in the past. DH has gone on outing where I am excluded by his DD's and it is mean and hurtful IMO. Not that I want to go now, but I used to want to be part of the family.

These types of situations erode a healthy marriage - little by little. The more often it happens the more resentment and hurt builds up.

Talk to your DH and find out for sure how the invitation was worded.

still learning's picture

"He needs to send a message that you are a couple now and excluding his wife is not OK."

I agree and this is the thing that bothers me the most. skids, sdil and gskids now see that it's ok to exclude me in a big way. The adult step dynamics have been hard enough because DH has not set boundaries on their behavior. After this it'll just be open season on excluding. I don't need to be tied to DH's hip but it needs to be clear that we are a couple and interference is not allowed. Obviously DH is just fine with all of this and wants me to go along. I don't see xIL's as much of an issue, really I have a major wimpy DH problem.

"These types of situations erode a healthy marriage - little by little."


20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

I also think it is important to find out if you were invited or not. If not, DH should not go. He needs to send a message that you are a couple now and excluding his wife is not OK.

I would feel hurt too if this happened, and it HAS happened to me in the past. DH has gone on outing where I am excluded by his DD's and it is mean and hurtful IMO. Not that I want to go now, but I used to want to be part of the family.

These types of situations erode a healthy marriage - little by little. The more often it happens the more resentment and hurt builds up.

Talk to your DH and find out for sure how the invitation was worded.

hereiam's picture

That is my fear that I'm setting a precedent and I don't know if I can live with it.

This is a valid concern and when he comes back and you guys talk about how the party went and blah, blah, blah, I would segue into a conversation about how this is NOT going to be a reoccurring thing.

I would probably also want to know how the invitation went down. Did they even mention him bringing his wife and he just assumed you wouldn't want to go or did it not even cross their minds to invite the other half of a couple?

Wasn't it also your DH who made plans with to meet up with his aunt and other family members at a bar, even though you guys had plans? Or was that someone else?

still learning's picture

We'll talk about all of that and then some. I don't think I can handle DH jumping full force back into BM's family activities, so no, this had better not be a reoccurring thing. Its just weird that this has not been an issue for 4 years and all of a sudden it is.

Not my DH who went to the bar, some other poor SM Sad

hereiam's picture

Well, I'm glad I had the wrong poster in mind because I was thinking, "Man, this girl's DH is really screwing her over this weekend!"

CANYOUHELP's picture

He sprung this on you at the last minute, he did not wear his wedding band, he did not question or talk to you about "why" you were not invited. Clearly, he was okay going without you.

Sounds like you are ready to have a conversation that is badly needed. Do not sacrifice your happiness for his. You have only one life to live.

sandye21's picture

I am so sorry you are having to go through this. It was totally unfair for your DH to go - especially leaving his wedding ring behind. Glad you are going to have a talk with him when he gets home. He needs to know that what he did was NOT OK. He should have just said, "No" to them. Ask him how he would have felt if your ex in-laws had invited you to a family event and excluded him. IMO, he is caving in to the skids.

Another thing, it is certain that he planned to spring this on you at the last minute to catch you off guard. Just wondering what your response would have been if you had time to think it over?

I have fond memories of some of my ex in-laws too but would never expect DH to go along with something so outrageous.

Stepdrama11's picture

Sorry...not ok. This has been an issue for us with SKs - they decided I must go, and therefore I don't exist. And I have been asking over and over "Who does this? Invites one member of a married couple?"

Sadly, I now see that this, too, is not exclusive to our marriage.

I believe it IS splitting, and will be repeated.

Not ok.

Remember, you have no control over what others do. However you do have the right to expect your DH to NOT agree with this kind of splitting activity.

still learning's picture

Who does this? Invites one member of a married couple?"

Skids, exIL's, jealous exGF's...

And we wonder why the divorce rate is so high for 2nd/3rd marriages w/kids. It doesn't even matter what the age of the kids are there is this constant "splitting" behavior.

SugarSpice's picture

this is just another slap in the face for a second wife and step mother.

your dh has children with another woman. so what? he should have you along as his wife. anyone who wants to exclude you is an ass, and not respecting you as his wife. period. i can see being polite to former in laws, but accepting an invitation without you is thoughtless.

you are right to do something with your time. work out. go shopping and buy yourself something really nice. i mean REALLY nice.

once a divorce happens, the old ties become different. its all about alliances and boundaries. for instance, just because the divorce happened 25 years ago does not mean your friends and family should offer to let your ex stay with them when she is in town. we had this happen with a family member. the divorce involved bm cheating with a married man, and then leaving to marry him when he divorce his wife. this family member saw bm at a christening get together and immediately told bm could stay with her when she was next in town.

dh did not like that at all.

notasm3's picture

My parents, sister and I all remained very close friends with my brother's first wife. She was even with my mother when she died (as she'd brought my nephew to see his grandmother). But she never once considered staying for the funeral. She left before my brother and his wife arrived from out of town.

When we gave a huge blowout party (and invited 100s of people) for my parents 50th wedding anniversary we never once considered inviting my ex SIL.

It's possible to remain close to an ex while still enforcing strong boundaries around the current marital unit. None of us would EVER EVER EVER have invited my brother to an event with his ex wife.

Rags's picture

Your "allowing" him to go is not what is wrong in this situation. That he would even consider going at all is what is wrong IMHO.

My XILs repeatedly invited me, my wife, and our son (SS) to their ranch for family reunions, holidays, weekend festivities, etc.... Never once did I consider that we would go. Even if my wife had been interested I would not have exposed her to the risk of discomfort that would have been possible.

I was very close with my XILs and for nearly 20 years following the divorce they would send me a birthday card with $10 in it. They were that type of people... at least I thought they were..... Until my XMIL ended up a convicted federal felon.

Though we never accepted one of their invitations they made them regularly for a number of years. No doubt if we had accepted it would have amplified. I am glad we never fell for the bait.

still learning's picture

Thank you for all your replies. I hate that I now have this issue in my marriage. for some reason I thought I was sooo lucky to have escaped some of the crap the rest of you deal w/in step situations. Ha ha, I'm so funny. Blum 3

So DH and I had the talk. He said that he didn't think I'd want to go so didn't invite me. About the ring he said, "They already know I'm married to you." Asking about the event I got conversation just like you'd get from a teen boy; tight lipped, monosyllabic answers. He didn't utter a word about BM or even the SS's but then was clingy for the next 2 days. I asked if he was going to bring me along on future "dates" with BM and only got sarcasm.

From the way he behaved before and after it's apparent that HE did not want me to go and HE didn't want to make any kind of waves with xFIL, BM or SS's. Must pretend I don't exist in order to have his ex intact family time. It's the same old head in the sand, non confrontational BS. As a previous poster said, these kind of things slowly erode at the marriage.

CANYOUHELP's picture

Most of us are dealing with skids and kids; but you can bet I would file for divorce immediately-- if he was hanging out with the ex or the ex's family and refusing to take me along. In fact, I would be upset he wanted to go, period. (Wedding, Graduation, that is different), these are one time significant occasions.

This is so wrong on so many levels: you will not be able to deal with this long term emotionally. It is not fair to you! His excuses are so lame, don'f fall for it-you could have received an invitation and he damn sure could have worn his ring!

I am not certain how long any woman could tolerate this treatment.

notasm3's picture

When DH and I were first dating he came to visit me. He lived in another city, but BM, SS, and I all lived within a mile of each other even though I did not know them.

DH had my car one day and stopped in to visit BM. I went BALLISTIC over this. In DH's mind he'd been divorced from her for decades, and she'd been happily remarried for years, and he though it meant nothing. I thought differently.

I actually said to him "Do you think her current husband wants the man she used to f*ck stopping by to visit?" That kind of made him think. I had ZERO tolerance for BM interactions as their two sons were long grown. DH had been married to another woman for 15 years (although divorced for several years when I met him).

I probably overreacted because my ex from FORTY years ago has stalked me forever with pleas of undying love. For me when I am done I am done. When it's been over I am especially done if I was still in love with the person. The only way to truly move on is to MOVE ON without that person.

I know some people will disagree with me, but I will not accept my partner being "close friends" with a person they f*cked for years. I've seen too many people who have slept with their ex. Emotional intimacy can all too often lead to physical intimacy. But even without physical intimacy emotional affairs can be even more destructive than physical affairs.

Fortunately for me it was no big deal for DH to drop BM from his life. I have strong convictions about what is and is not acceptable in my life. No man (even my great DH) is worth sacrificing my self worth and welfare.

enuf's picture

The heck with the gym! While he is getting all dressed up and perfumed for the grand social event with inls. Start getting all dolled up at the same time. High heels, a nice sexy dress with cleavage showing. Get your sexual hormones goings so the he can sense them, in fact a little masterbation while you are getting dressed should get his attention. Then when he is asking you what are getting dressed for just say. "I also planned something special since you are going to be at the amusement park." It works like a charm in keeping him guessing what is going on. Even when he is at the park he will be thinking "something is not right in my domain." Her hormones are at the mating level and she is all dolled up to go out without me."

When my ex was really cranky at me because his ds was shunning and it upset me, then he would give me the silent treatment or was going out to hang out with ds for the 10th time in the week. I would get all dressed up with high heels and cleavage showing. I would say to him "I signed up dance lessons, don't wait up for me." One time he even had the nerve to say. "if you are having an affair don't come home.

Of course now I am divorced so I know where my tactics got me, maybe they will work better for you. It was fun though doing what I did.