Ex Etiquette
I was married for about 17 years, the divorce was amicable and my ex wife and I have two kids. I try to be a good coparent for the kids but my GF of three years seems to be having issues of some kind with my coparenting I think. My GF and ex wife have never met (GF's choice).
The situation that came up is my kid had a football game that my ex wife and her BF wanted to go to as well as me. This situation has not come up yet and I hadn't met her BF of three years up to this time.
I told my GF a week in advance that my ex and her BF may go to a game sometime (the previous week only my GF and I went to his game). She didn't really say anything about it one way or the other.
The day of the game, I told my GF that my ex wife and her BF would for sure be there. I didn't have any problem with this at all. My GF didn't say anything negative about it other than she would rather not go to the game herself. I didn't think it was a big deal. I am over my ex wife and have been for a very long time. I have zero interest in her at all other than being coparents.
So at the game, everything went well. I met my ex wife's BF and chit chatted a little about the kids and the game. No big deal or so I thought, when I get home and my GF texts me, "I am really depressed you spending Sunday's with your ex. I don't want to come over to your house and see you".
Since then, it has been WW3 fighting with her via text (she refuses to talk to me face to face). She said via text that I don't put her feelings first and that she doesn't want to see or talk to me for a few days.
My question is, did I do something wrong? For those of you who are divorced and coparenting (I have 50/50 custody), how do you handle these situations?
I'm just so confused. I can understand if my GF doesn't want to meet my ex wife but why take it out on me? My GF now will hardly talk to me at all via text and not at all face to face or on the phone. If it matters our ages are 43 (me) and 41 (her). She said she is going to go see a counselor and see if the counselor says she should stay with me or not. I told her (via text) that that is not a smart way to go about things. To go see a complete stranger and based on what this person says after speaking to you for 30 minutes, throw away a three year relationship. My GF told me "don't talk to me like that".
I'm just blown away. Usually she is very sweet and caring. She gets along with my kids very well and they love her. I'm at a loss of what to do.
FWIW, my GF has one teenaged daughter from a guy who was basically a not serious relationship. She has raised her daughter on her own and has done a pretty good job of it. My GF has never been in a serious, long term relationship, never been married, never lived with a man before (we currently don't live together either).
I'm just a guy trying to do my best and I feel like I am caught in some kind of crossfire.
No. I asked her if she
No. I asked her if she wanted to go and she said she didn't want to.
I think she's being
I think she's being unreasonable and crazy. And immature. I'm 40 and I turn 41 in July if that helps. I also have 50/50 custody. If you havne't left anything out on past incidents, then Quit answering her texts and don't fight with her. You didn't do anything wrong but go to a football game for your child whereupon your ex wife and her new boyfriend were present at.
Any good therapist is going to let her have it. But don't you reward her very childish and bad behavior by continuing to allow her to beat you up for being there for your child.
IT's grown up time for her. And if she can't be a grown up, then its time for you to find another girlfriend.
No, you did nothing wrong.
No, you did nothing wrong. Sadly your GF bared her own ass as a immature characterless twit. Time to end this text for tat crap and send her one last text. "I am done discussing this by text. I love you but if you want to communicate then pick up the phone or come over and talk. If you are not mature enough to do that then buh-bye."
Then if she engages engage. If she doesn't, move on and good riddance.
You are not spending Sunday's with your XW. You are spending that time at your son's game. Big difference. You were courteous by letting GF know that your X and her BF would be there. GF is manipulating. Don't stand for it.
If your XW and her BF are being reasonable then you have to hold your own partner to that same standard IMHO. Confrong the toxic elements of a blended family equation. Even if those toxic elements are on your side of the blended family fense.
IMHO of course.
Good luck.
I think it's admirable that
I think it's admirable that you, XW and her BF can all get along. THAT is what's best for kids.
I think going to your kid's football game where your XW and her BF will be is totally fine.
I think chatting with your XW and her BF at said football game is also fine.
I need more information about the interaction between you and your XW before I can make a determination about whether or not that interaction was inappropriate, but my hunch says you and your XW get along fine and the interaction was probably just "hey, what's new, this is soandso, my boyfriend, hey did you see that play?" kinda stuff.
I think your girlfriend is probably not the girl for you if peaceful co-parenting sends her over the edge.
Yes, my Ex wife, her BF and I
Yes, my Ex wife, her BF and I discussed some new pets my kids got and how to make arraignments to transport them back and forth. We also cheered my son when he was playing. That kind of thing. My Ex Wife and her BF were even holding hands and stuff like that and that kind of thing doesn't bother me at all because I don't care about my Ex Wife in that way anymore and haven't for a very long time. Our divorce was amicable. I can understand my GF being jealous. I have told her if her daughter's dad wanted to see his kid graduate high school next month, I wouldn't care. I would expect him to want to see his daughter graduate. I may not be a super fan of being around the guy but I would do it for my GF and her daughter.
I don't understand why my GF thinks I don't care about her feelings just because I went to a game (with her knowledge) and my ex and her BF were there. She has made me feel extremely bad that after three years together and talk of marriage, etc, that she can be so cold and callous. The morning of the game, she was fine then it went all down hill.
Also, my GF is not easy to talk to. She doesn't return calls, texts, etc. She shuts off and goes into isolation mode. I am always eager to work on issues but she seems to just close up shop.
Since she has never been married, never had a real relationship, never lived with anybody, raised her kid by herself, and never dated anybody seriously, I wonder if she lacks some interpersonal relationship skills or something? From 17 years or so of being married and failing at it, and living with somebody, I know that when issues arise it is best to address them ASAP instead of letting the stew and simmer and do nothing for days and days and not talk things over.
I am a reasonable person but I really think my GF is being unreasonably mean to me about this and then cruel for ignoring me when I try to get her to discuss the issue.
Correct, my GF chose not to
Correct, my GF chose not to go. I asked her if she wanted to but she declined. I told her she never has to meet my EX if she doesn't want to. I'm not forcing it or anything but I want to see my kid play football. He was so excited I was there and his mom and her BF were all cheering for him, etc.
Did you just happen to see
Did you just happen to see your ex at the game and chat for a few minutes? Or did you make plans to go spend the day with your ex at the game? Big difference. I would be MAJOR pissed if my DH made plans to spend the day with BM - even if her husband was sitting next to them.
Being at the same event and speaking for a few minutes in passing would not bother me. I went to a ballgame last night. I laughed and talked with my seatmates the entire game (baseball has a lot of down time). I ran into a cousin and we talked for 10 minutes. No way one could compare the experience I had with the person sitting next to me the entire game and the person I talked to for 10 minutes.
As for her just ignoring you - maybe this is the culmination of other things that bother her and she is really done. If so she should just tell you that it's over.
Right or wrong - when I am done - I am DONE. I have no interest in ever even speaking to that person again - other than a civil hello if forced to be in the same area. The best way to get over someone who is just not right for you - especially if you still feel love for them - is to just remove them from your life.
I have no idea what the exact situation is for you - and you probably don't either. But just remember you BOTH have a choice about continuing the relationship.
I'm not sure I understand.
I'm not sure I understand. My ex told me she and her BF wanted to see our kid's game. She knew I was going to be there so she thought it would be a good time to introduce her BF. I said ok, no big deal. It was also the first time I met my ex wife's BF and it went well. You're saying that is wrong?
No no no. Read what I said.
No no no. Read what I said. Did you spend the day with your ex or did you just visit with her and her br for 10-15 minutes.
We are all there for the
We are all there for the duration of the game only.
We are all there for the
We are all there for the duration of the game only. I have no desire to spend more time with my ex and her BF other than what is necessary to watch my kid play football, etc.
She won't even talk to you
She won't even talk to you about if face to face?
Your GF is being unreasonable, jealous, and immature.
I don't think she needs a counselor to tell her if she should stay with you or not (frankly, that's a decision YOU should be thinking about) but I do think she needs counseling because she obviously has some issues.
No, she refuses to talk to me
No, she refuses to talk to me on the phone or see me face to face. I'll send her several texts that will go unanswered and she'll say nothing 90% of the time, then the other 10% of the time it is usually, "stop texting me".
I agree. Why would she say she will see what a counselor says and then she will make her decision if she wants to continue the relationship. She is going to base three years of relationship on some stranger's comment? That seems very cruel to do that to me.
I am not sure but I bet you
I am not sure but I bet you are right. She would rather me not even go to the game at all if my Ex wife is there. Does that seem reasonable to you?
You may be right.
You may be right.
I just can't see what you did
I just can't see what you did wrong. Even if I wrack my brain and try assign you some blame by reading between the lines, I just can't figure out what her problem was. The only thing i can think of is she somehow thought you would spend the day with her out of some weird view of loyalty?
One thing i did think was a little odd is that you hadn't met her BF of like 3 years. I figure you would have wanted to meet someone your kids spent time with, even if it was just briefly saying hello. The same goes for your GF and your EX. Introductions probably should have been made at some point.
You went to your kid's sporting event. Your kid's mother was there with her BOYFRIEND. You met and said hello to both. Wow, what is wrong with you? Nothing.
I had a slightly different situation in that my DH continued to go to his EX FIL (from his first marriage that produced no kids) for dental work. The EX was a hygienist there and I pretty much demanded he not let her work on his teeth. It was a small town dentist so not really another good choice and he still got along with the FIL who acknowledged that his daughter had issues. (another twist was DH's MOTHER worked for that same Dentist until she retired a year ago) Problem ultimately solved when I found a new dentist for him closer to where we live.
Spend the day with her? I
Spend the day with her? I would never spend time with my ex wife that wasn't directly related to a kid's activity. I don't really like being around her to begin with. I tolerate her for my kids' sake.
There really has been no circumstance until now that required us meeting. I never had a problem with meeting the guy and I have no problems with the guy. My kids like him well enough and he seemed ok to me when I did finally meet him.
My GF has told me she doesn't want to meet my EX wife. She has said she doesn't hate her or anything, she just doesn't want to meet her.
I rarely see my ex wife throughout the week. Usually she drops the kids off in the driveway and the boys just come in. When I drop them off at her house, same thing. They just go in. I probably see my ex wife less than 1-2 minutes per week normally. We do text each other about kid related stuff, coordination of schedules, etc.
I cannot see where what you
I cannot see where what you did was wrong and agree with others that your gf is being unreasonable and extremely immature.
I am also wondering if her "hurt" is because she raised her daughter without help from the biodad and, therefore, expects you to have zero contact with your ex.
FWIW, my GF has one teenaged daughter from a guy who was basically a not serious relationship. She has raised her daughter on her own and has done a pretty good job of it. My GF has never been in a serious, long term relationship, never been married, never lived with a man before (we currently don't live together either).
I think this has at least a
I think this has at least a minor role. My GF's daughter's biodad is a loser and a drunk. Her daughter rarely speaks to him and he had zero participation in her upbringing. My GF has never had to be a coparent herself because the biodad was not involved.
I feel like maybe we're not
I feel like maybe we're not getting the whole story.
First of all, have you never been in the same place/at the same event as your ex while dating your girlfriend (whether she was or wasn't there?) Because why would you be "warning her" that your ex would be there?
Second, why have you not met your ex's BF of three years until this game? I find it hard to believe that you wouldn't have all been at the same event together before this one if she has been with him for three years already.
If you've given us the whole story, I can't understand why your gf would be upset about this game in particular, because the only thing different about it was meeting the bf, correct? Did you act emotional at all? Jealous?
I have never been in the same
I have never been in the same place as my ex before. I told my GF that my Ex and her BF would be there because I know my GF doesn't want like my Ex.
My younger kid just started sports. Neither kid has been involved in any sports, events, etc until now. This is all new territory.
The different thing was my ex and her BF were there. I have never been at any event that my ex has been to because it has not came up until now.
No, I wasn't jealous or emotional at all. I actually liked the BF. I am happy for them. I am not jealous at all of my ex.
This is what I'm thinking
This is what I'm thinking too. She never said anything to me negative about me going until after I went. You are right, it was almost like a test or something and she thinks I failed and is "punishing" me by ignore my texts, etc.
She seems pretty unbalanced
She seems pretty unbalanced to me. I don't think you did anything out of line, and don't see why it would be a big deal to have cordial words with your ex and her new BF at your child's game. That is how it should be. Maybe she doesn't grasp this because the father of her child has not been around? Either way, she is overreacting to a NON issue.
I would never exclude my GF
I would never exclude my GF from anything.
My younger kid is pretty young and has never played sports or anything until now. He is 6. There isn't more to the story. There simply has been no reason that my ex and I be in the same place supporting our sons at an event of some kind. There has been a couple of other events that either my ex went to or I went to but not at the same time, but this is the first time my ex and her bf wanted to go to an event I was also wanting to go to.
I think my GF does feel second to BM for some reason but I do not know why. Does she expect me to just not go to support my sons in their endeavors simply because their mom and her bf happen to be there as well? That doesn't sound reasonable to me. I would never make my GF NOT go to one of her daughter's events simply because the biodad was there too. I would actually be there as well most likely.
I am interested to hear what would you guys say if you GF told you, "I do not want you going to your kids' events if your ex will be there."
What would you say?
After reading both sides to
After reading both sides to this situation, I decided to remove my comment!
Is she 5?
Is she 5?
I just refer to her as "ex
I just refer to her as "ex wife" on here for context.
I don't care if she never wants to me the ex wife or not. It's up to her, though if things progress with my GF, and she moves in she might see my ex at some point. I have no idea. I am not forcing my GF to meet the ex at all.
I am curious though, what
I am curious though, what others on here would say if their SO told them to not go to their son's sporting event because the ex is going to be there as well.
How would you handle that situation?
The SO has two choices.
The SO has two choices. Either they go with you or let you go alone. The SO does not get to dictate that you can't see your kid. Now, if you are asking for a joint vacation with the EX. Yeah, I could see the SO objecting.
The SO needs to get over it. You had a child with the EX, you are going to see the EX at any number of events and circumstances for the rest of your life. If you wanted to be with the EX, you wouldn't be with SO.
Um, by going to my kid's
Um, by going to my kid's sporting event.
Your GF is not only immature but selfish, selfish, selfish. She has absolutely no right to tell you not to go to your son's event.
I would never, in a million years, even think of telling my DH not to go to something of his daughter's just because the ex would be there. Not when we first got together, not after 3 years, not now after 19 years.
I have a feeling she would
I have a feeling she would say something like by doing that I don't care what she thinks and I am putting her second.
That goes both ways; if she
That goes both ways; if she cared about you, she wouldn't ask you to stay away from your kid's event because of her own insecurities. She had the choice to go with you, be by your side, and see for herself that there is no reason for her jealousy.
It's not that you shouldn't care what she thinks, but what she thinks about this and what she's demanding is unreasonable and you should not entertain it because, again, unreasonable.
And, sorry to tell her, but at this point in the game, your kids DO come first.
This would be different if
This would be different if there were a competing need. My DH said he wouldn't always put his kids first and he didn't. It would all depend on the circumstances.
If your GF had some special event that she needed for you to attend. Like she was winning a Grammy or something and the alternative was for you to go watch one of 25 games on your kid's baseball schedule. I am thinking you could give up a game to go with your GF to her relatively more important event.
Sometimes her needs may trump the kids and sometimes the reverse will happen. Not wanting you to go because she would rather not isn't a good enough reason.
My DH would laugh at me. And
My DH would laugh at me. And if he thought I was serious he'd question how many bottles of wine I'd drunk that day.
Hell, I've sat next to the ex at the effing events and made small talk with her, and I LOATHE the woman. I do it because I care about the kids and want to support them. Sometimes that means being in unpleasant situations. And you have the advantage of a cordial separation. I can't tell you how much nicer it was when BM was engaged because we were all able to discuss things together.
She is probably not the right one for you if she can't handle you being at the same sport event as your ex. Will she expect you to miss your son's graduation? Or wedding? Or if heaven forbid something nasty happened, would your GF expect you to skip out on seeing your son in the hospital because your ex would be there? When you have kids together sometimes you have to suck it up and be in the same place as your ex, out of love for your kids. That your GF has never had to experience it because of her ex being MIA doesn't mean you need to follow that standard.
I just got a text from my GF
I just got a text from my GF and this is what she said:
"I'm tired of feeling like my feelings come last. I can't live like this. I am going to have issues with your ex forever. I always have. i don't see that changing. I don't want to be around her and I'm sick of her. She is a pain in the a**. It's not something that can be fixed. So what exactly do you want me to do? I've always said I don't want any part of her. I don't want to be around her and I don't want you around her and she is always texting you. Like you said, you can't fix it. My feelings will always come after hers because you have kids with her. I can't deal with it. You may as well be still married"
I said:
"Thank you for replying. You never have to deal with my ex. Nobody ever said you did. You never have to meet her or be around her. I never said you did. What am I supposed to do not got to my son's game just because she is there with her BF? It has nothing to do with her feelings. You are wrong. It has do with my son. I went to that game for him. She is not always texting me. She texts me about kid stuff only. What do you expect me to do?"
Honestly, I hate my DH's EX
Honestly, I hate my DH's EX BUT, I have both met her and have had to deal with her on things over the years.
I have even gone to sporting events a couple of times where she was there. UGH hated it.
But you know what? My EX had no more desire to deal with her than I did but he had to because they had children together. She is making this out like you are choosing to maintain a relationship with the EX when I am sure you would much rather not have any contact but with a child, you have to. When the child is older, it will be a LOT less. I don't know that my DH has had to deal with the EX at all in the last few months since YSD turned 18. There will be times, when they get married etc... but for now it is no contact.. oh so nice:)
She acts like this is a choice. It's not.
Oh man oh man do I wish my GF
Oh man oh man do I wish my GF (apparently now ex-GF since she has apparently broke up with me) thought like you do. I really think it has something to do with her never having to coparent. She doesn't get it. You do it for the kids, not for the ex. She has always had a problem with my ex and I getting along well enough. I don't have any problem with my ex or her bf and I think that pisses my GF off. I don't know why. I would think a woman especially would look favorably on a guy who tries to be a good dad and get along with his ex for their sake. If I had no kids with this woman, I would never see or speak to her again. My hands are tied though and my GF keeps saying her feelings come last? Does anybody have any idea why she would keep saying/thinking that?
What would she think if you
What would she think if you had kids together and split and abandoned your kid with her?
I'm similar to your (ex?) GF
I'm similar to your (ex?) GF in that I'd never coparented, had lengthy relationships, etc, etc before now. However when my partner said he was still close to his ex I breathed a sigh of relief and jumped head first into trying to be friends with her so the kids would benefit from one, big group of co-parenting awesomeness.
The spectacular failure of those good intentions is a story for another day, but the point is that it's not a lack of experience in co-parenting or her lack of relationship experience, it's likely a deficit of emotional maturity and self esteem that's causing the drama bomb. I've found step-parenting to be incredibly challenging and not because of the extremely sweet little guys I help to look after, but the complexities of adult relationships that result. It's hard on the self esteem, hard on your heart and difficult on your pride. The constant reminder of a previous relationship right in front of your GF's nose in the form of children and ongoing communication is possibly wearing an already fragile self esteem to the bone. That's obviously not your fault, but it's somewhat understandable. It's also something she has to get over in order to remain emotionally healthy with you (or anyone else with a pulse and a sexual history).
If you think it's worth salvaging it sounds like counselling together would be the best option. If it's not, well your next GF will likely be very, very pleased with the arrangement you have with your ex wife. And if she's not, you already know how it's going to end
No. I would say every other
No. I would say every other day. We have a complicated schedule throughout the week and we coordinate pick up times, etc. There is an occasional text about doctor bills or new clothes or something like that, that she needs money for since I pay most of the kid's expenses. I assure you my ex and I want nothing to do with each other other than to raise our boys as best we can.
I know. I don't know what my
I know. I don't know what my GF expects me to do. I am not going to miss my kids growing up because my GF is insecure. But then my GF will say, "you are putting everybody's feelings above mine".
This is the bottom line. My
This is the bottom line. My dh said his kids would not always come first. In families, different people's needs are put first when they have to be. Your gf would not always be behind others but in this case it was most important to be there for your son. The ex being there had nothing to do with you. You only told gf so you didn't blind side her. That is the absolute best show that you were thinking of her needs. You gave her the chance to opt out of a situation she wasn't going to like. Putting her feelings last would have been to not tell her!
Your GF (should be ex-GF)
Your GF (should be ex-GF) isn't going to be able to handle a relationship with someone who has ties to another woman--and kids are a tie, even though it's not a romantic one any more. Move on to someone who can handle the fact that your ex is someone who exists and you will have some contact with for quite a few more years.
My DH has never met my ex. My ex has primary residential custody (school reasons) and lives 6 hours away. Yet even from that distance there is impact of my ex on our relationship, simply because we have to work around meeting up for exchanges, planning for vacations, extra financial needs, and his occasional stupidity that leads me to have to try to fix some problem he caused.
DHs ex lives 15 minutes away and we have 50/50 with her. I hate that DH has to talk/text to her at all, but his kids are younger, have activities, etc. He has to coordinate exchanges and all those things too. I also have gone to school and sporting events and made small talk with her (and her new husband) because the kids need to know that we all are interested in what they do. DH has gone to plenty of events without me that his ex was also attending, not because I wasn't invited but because I either chose not to go or I had something else to do...that's just life with a blended family.
For yourself and your kids, you need to move on. You will never be able to satisfy this woman and maintain a relationship with your kids.
Thanks for that real-world
Thanks for that real-world reply. I am not sure what is going to happen with my GF. She most recently told me she doesn't feel there is room for her and that I should put her first above everybody (I assume including my kids). I don't think she should look at it like that. She has an older daughter and I would never make her choose between her daughter and me like that.
Another thing is my GF has a dog that I hate. She has made it clear he isn't going anywhere if we move in together. What if I told her to get rid of the dog or get rid of me? I think she would be pissed I would even say something like that.
It's probably every other day
It's probably every other day or so. I have a 6 year old a 12 year old (just turned 12 last week). We coordinate the schedules and she'll ask me for money sometimes to pay for kids' doctor visits. I don't remember every single text she has ever sent. Recently there was a discussion about my 12 year old wanting a pet snake so we discussed that.
My GF should not be getting jealous if she trusts me and I have never given her a reason not to trust me. I have always been honest with my GF and my GF has always been honest with me. There is no emotional attachment whatsoever between my ex and me. If I didn't have kids with her I would never speak to her again. I don't like her. I didn't like her that much when we were married and I liked her even less after she cheated on me.
I can understand my GF not liking my EX. If I were her, I wouldn't either. But if the situation was reversed I would 100% support my GF's kid at her endeavors. Especially if she was a 6 year old. I would go to the events whether or not the biodad was there.
I think it has a lot to do with my GF's inexperience with relationships and coparenting. She has said to me before that she is a bit insecure because I was married to my EX for so long. Also, my GF's father cheated on her mom so that may play into things as well.
I don't understand why my GF is not supporting me in my coparenting. Somebody else mentioned on this thread, that my GF should also take part in the coparenting if she really loved my kids and wanted to be a stepmom to them.
It was his birthday and we
It was his birthday and we were going to split the cost of the snake and cage, etc. It can be expensive. That was the discussion mostly. But we also discussed talking him out of it completely. I'm not sure that is worthy of my GF flipping out.
I don't think it is possible to "completely sever ties with BM" is it? I have two kids with her and things come up, mostly scheduling situations. 99% of the time a "conversation" is:
"what time do you want them tomorrow?"
"anytime after 6:00"
"I'm stuck in traffic and will be late picking them up"
"Son#1 has a prescription he needs to take. It will be in his backpack"
It's one thing to have those
It's one thing to have those doubts and insecurities, it's a whole different thing when instead of addressing the problem you have inside yourself you try to make someone else change.
I can understand what you are
I can understand what you are saying. I don't know about your case but I in no way mourn my broken family. I doubt your guy does either. It sounds like he is the one who broke it off with his ex wife. Sounds like he had a good reason.
I am way happier being divorced from my ex. Yeah, there are lots of memories and but a lot of them are bad. The last memories I have of being married to her is her cheating on me. Twice.
I can see that being intimidating to a point but sooner or later my GF needs to learn to get over it. There is no way I would go back to my ex for any reason. I don't like her at all. I do love my kids and if that means I have to see her when my kid has a game or whatever, so be it. I tolerate being around her for an hour.
My GF is acting immature. Most people in their 40s have been married and have had kids with other people, etc. She is going to have a hard time finding somebody her age who has never been married or had a serious long term relationship and who is a good guy and a good father and doesn't have a drug or alcohol problem.
She just broke up with me.
She just broke up with me. After 3 years together and talk of marriage and how she would never break up with me, and she would always love me, she ends things with me over a text. I am flabbergasted and completely destroyed.
Hot damn, party time Pick
Hot damn, party time
Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, call up a few friends and go out. You're hurting now, but this chick just did you a big favor.
Chin up, bigger and better things are headed your way
It sounds like your GF
It sounds like your GF bottles things up and then explodes. That makes it hard to figure out what's really going on. Because she's reacting to a whole chain of events, but other people can only see an over-reaction to one event.
Assuming she's otherwise a nice, normal woman... and assuming you're also an otherwise nice, normal guy - do you think you can find a grain of truth in what she says?
For example - texting about the kids only. Check out the website ShitMyBMSays to see one ex-wife who sent her ex-husband several hundred emails and texts per year, which were almost all about their shared child. Obviously, they weren't really about the kid, they were about the ex-wife still acting like she was still married to her ex-husband, instead of co-parenting.
Because it sounds like your GF is not comfortable with your boundaries with your ex-wife. But you're comfortable. So now you have to choose. Choose your happy, comfortable relationship with your ex-wife, or go through some growing pains to figure something different out with this GF (or the next).
My ex wants nothing to do
My ex wants nothing to do with me and vice versa. What does BM stand for?
My ex mainly talks about pick up times/scheduling or to let me know I owe money for new clothes or whatever for the kids (I pay most of the kids expenses).
My ex wants nothing to do
My ex wants nothing to do with me and vice versa. What does BM stand for?
My ex mainly talks about pick up times/scheduling or to let me know I owe money for new clothes or whatever for the kids (I pay most of the kids expenses).
I agree with the others. You
I agree with the others. You did nothing wrong.
Yes, those are red flags that your gf hasn't been in a long-term relationship or lived with anyone at her age. (Just my opinion, but I do think you get set in your ways by the time your 40. Harder to share a life, etc.)
It sounds to me she is prone to drama, and who wants that?
My DH did not have an amicable divorce, and I still wish he had gone to more of his daughter's activities. The very first time I met my DH's xw, I had to sit between the two of them at SD's high school graduation. (How did I get so unlucky when everyone sat down?!) While it was a terrible experience, I did not blame it on my husband.
This gf needs to get over herself. I hope she gets into therapy. While it's easy to say "go find someone else", in this case, OP may be better off. Definitely do not marry her before living together and learning how to deal with activities. I hope she she gets over it for both your sakes.
I don't know. I mean she has
I don't know. I mean she has never liked my ex and never asked to meet her and I have never told her she had to meet her. My ex and my GF have zero to do with each other.
I don't know why it went to WW3 either. My GF sent me a message earlier saying something like, "I'm saying I can't deal with it. 's feelings come before mine also?" which was her reply to me saying, "< my son's name> feelings matter to me and I wanted to see him play football and that makes me a bad guy?"
Now it seems she doesn't like that I am trying to look out for my kid and make him happy by going to see him play football.
My GF has always said she
My GF has always said she doesn't like my EX. She has told me before that she doesn't like my ex texting me, she doesn't like my ex being around me at all. But I told my GF that I literally see my ex 1-2 mins a week most weeks. We only text about kid stuff. This sporting event was a new thing because it has never happened before (me and my ex+her BF) being that the same event at the same time, so it is sort of a new occurrence that apparently pushed my GF over the edge.
My GF said she didn't tell me not to go (which is true) but she said she feels I put her feelings last (because I went I guess).
My ex cheated on me. I filed
My ex cheated on me. I filed for divorce immediately and she lived with me and the kids for a couple of months until she got her own place and moved out. She has been with her current BF 3.5 years. My ex has never flirted with me, tried to be alone with me. I am not sure what you mean by husband type favors but no, there is no interest from my ex toward me and I have no interest in her. We have been divorced almost 4 years now. Things are long over and I am happy to be divorced from her.
Part of my GF's insecurities may stem from the fact that my ex is a cheater. I don't know, really. I mean I can see my GF's point of view as "once a cheater always a cheater" and maybe my ex is still a cheater...I don't know and don't really care, she is her new BF's problem, not mine but I would never in a million years want anything to do with my ex other than provide a stable, coparenting, upbringing for my kids.
By husband type favors....there was a couple of things about 3 years ago like my EX wanting to borrow my ladder so her BF could use it for his job. I said sure. I wasn't even at home and it was her BF that was going to come get it, not the EX. Maybe that is what you mean?
I set boundaries with my EX many years ago about things so I'm not worried about her trying anything.
I am sorry that you are hurt,
I am sorry that you are hurt, now that she has broken up with you, but good riddance, I say.
It would have gotten much worse had you married, she really would've thought she owned you, then. And she would have definitely upped her manipulation tactics and eventually forced you to choose between her and your kids.
I suppose she expected you to skip all of your kids' events, graduations, weddings, etc.? What a nutcase.
Frankly, with her level of immaturity, I'm surprised you two were together for 3 years. I mean, to refuse to talk to you, just text? Is that what you are looking for in a relationship?
There are more mature women out there, trust me.
She told me she want somebody
She told me she want somebody who put her first. What does that mean in relation to my kids, exactly?
That she's selfish and she
That she's selfish and she needs to be with someone without kids or maybe without any family at all. One person does not necessarily ALWAYS come first, in any relationship.
It means you need to move
It means you need to move on.
Yes, there are times you should put her first. However a reasonable adult will realize that there are times kids will come first too. She will always resent those times.
Take the decision away from her. Just tell her you are done.
Maybe. She has a kid and it
Maybe. She has a kid and it has never occurred to me at all I wouldn't want to be with her because she had a kid. I mean there were times when my GF didn't come over and see me because her kid was causing some trouble that she had to deal with. It would never occur to me to say, "I don't care if you kid is having issues. You should put me first, above her needs."
That is insane.
Oh, so she doesn't always put
Oh, so she doesn't always put YOU first? Hmmm.
Now she wants me to wait for
Now she wants me to wait for her to decide if she "can handle the situation or not".
I don't understand this crap at all. She has had three years to make that decision. She has told me a thousand times she wants to be married, move in together, she would never leave me, etc.
She has said she "is single and can do whatever I want to. We are not married."
I told her it is not fair to string me along for days while she decides if she is going to dump me or not.
She ignores me.
Seriously, YOU decide whether
Seriously, YOU decide whether you want to put up with HER crap or not, and like I stated above, it will be A LOT worse if your marry her. She is showing you who she is.
You don't have to wait for HER to decide anything.
what is she like 16? mature
what is she like 16? mature adults dont play games like this b.s. no one deserves that kind of treatment. and why would you even entertain the idea of waiting around to see if someone is through playing "do i love him? do i love him not?"
Hi All..I'm the GF of the man
Hi All..I'm the GF of the man who did the original post. I have just copied and pasted the post that I entered on the site a while back (under blended family issues). I just thought it would be good if you all had both sides of the story. As of right this minute we are broken up because I am having issues with feeling like there is no room in the relationship for me.
Hi All,
I have been dating my BF for 3 yrs with talks of marriage etc. He has a 6 &12 yr old. I have a 17 yr old daughter. My issue is that there is an underlying tone and feeling that my feelings will always come last over the ex/kids/ex family etc. I feel like my BF is way too involved with the ex and cares too much about the relationship with the ex. He is not interested in the ex.. just wants to keep it friendly with her. I almost feel that he cares about it more than our relationship. Here's whats happening and you all can tell me if this is excessive contact with an ex or not.
-My BF texts daily with the ex .. some probably necessary some not. Usually about scheduling with some personal info thrown in. The ex need money for sneakers, or whatever.
-I believe they still have a shared bank account so that he can give her $$ for the kids.
-I feel she is texting a lot.. at least a couple of times when I'm with him.. and we don't live together so I would imagine there is more I'm not seeing.
-she seems to offer up personal info about her life, and her BF or whatever.. at times my BF has asked her personal stuff. Maybe out of curiosity .. IDK.
-schedules change a lot... much texting is going on about this.. it goes on and on an on......
-She does his taxes for him. I'm sure there is a lot of back and forth about that.. IDK.
-They do kids b-day gifts together at times. They chip in to get gifts. I get them a gift on my own. The text and conversations can go on and on about this. He has never asked me once if I wanted to join in with him to get the kids something which I would love to do.
-he at times visits with his exes family. I don't go with him.
-at kids events he stand and chats with the ex for the entire time. I have yet to attend an event when she has been there as there have not been any events till now.
More troublesome is really his reaction when i try to speak to him about all of this. I have hear "well i have and ex and kids", if you don't like it dump me or too bad or whatever. Although he has made some minor adjustments this is an extremely touchy topic for him. He is very protective of his relationship it seems with the ex.
What I'm hearing from him is that he needs to keep his ex happy etc for his kids. I understand that kids are a priority and that adults need to be civil etc but I think what's happening is overkill. The BF has made some adjustments since we have been together. The ex does not come in the house anymore and her parents don't stay with him anymore for a week at a time.. we argued about these two things for weeks.
We went to a counselor yesterday and all he could talk about was his kids and his ex and how important it was to keep all of that good and in check.. ok that's all good but what about me and my feelings.?? So i basically just sat there and cried. I don't feel like there is room for me in this relationship. I feel like he is still married to his ex. I told him what i want is for him to just have the very basic contact with her and nothing else.... which will not happen.. He says i'm jealous.. but I'm not. What I am is extremely sad and feeling like there is no space for our relationship to move forward.
So how do i get over these feelings of feeling last etc and move forward in our relationship? I understand that kids basic needs come first, but after that your spouse/partner should come fist.. not your relationship with your ex. He says this stuff is all in my head etc?
Maybe some of you step mothers out there have some advice? I'm beginning to think I'm not cut out for this.. IDK anymore.
Ah yes, the shared bank
Ah yes, the shared bank account, I remember that. Quite a bit was left out on his side of things, eh?
Let him go.
yes.. a few items were left
yes.. a few items were left out. am I over reacting.. ? I want to know if I am?
There isn't a shared bank
There isn't a shared bank account. It is just an account my ex wife has that I have rights to deposit money into, basically like paypal.
Dude - you have access to
Dude - you have access to it.
'nuff said.
-My BF texts daily with the
-My BF texts daily with the ex .. some probably necessary some not. Usually about scheduling with some personal info thrown in. The ex need money for sneakers, or whatever.
It's more like every other day and when you have two kids there is a lot of scheduling required (we have 50/50)
-I believe they still have a shared bank account so that he can give her $$ for the kids.
No shared account.
-I feel she is texting a lot.. at least a couple of times when I'm with him.. and we don't live together so I would imagine there is more I'm not seeing.
Not really. She texts me most of the time when I am with you because that is when she has the kids and needs to know times to drop them off, etc. Plus I have told my ex wife to not text me unless it is an emergency or a really important scheduling thing.
-she seems to offer up personal info about her life, and her BF or whatever.. at times my BF has asked her personal stuff. Maybe out of curiosity .. IDK.
My ex wife told me once she broke up with her BF and she was going to tell the boys the next day. I asked why out of curiosity. Guess that makes me a bad person.
-schedules change a lot... much texting is going on about this.. it goes on and on an on......
Schedules do change and kids forget stuff at people's houses, etc. It's just kid stuff.
-She does his taxes for him. I'm sure there is a lot of back and forth about that.. IDK.
No back and forth. She does my taxes for a financial reason with the kids and child support.
-They do kids b-day gifts together at times. They chip in to get gifts. I get them a gift on my own. The text and conversations can go on and on about this. He has never asked me once if I wanted to join in with him to get the kids something which I would love to do.
My ex and I chipped in on an expensive gift for my son (we each paid half, $200 each). I didn't like go shopping with them or anything. I was merely going to give my son $200 to use with $200 from his mom to buy a snake. I don't see what the big deal is.
-he at times visits with his exes family. I don't go with him.
When was that? I met my ex's parents like once and I did invite you and you declined.
-at kids events he stand and chats with the ex for the entire time. I have yet to attend an event when she has been there as there have not been any events till now.
I chat with my ex AND HER BF. He is there too and we just chatted about the game and the kids. I invited my GF (twice now) and she refused to go both times. I have no problem with my GF coming to an event of the kids with my ex wife and her BF there. Actually, I would love it if she did come, but she doesn't want to because she doesn't like my ex wife (my GF refuses to meet her after three years). The second time, my ex and her BF weren't even there, it was just me and my son.
More troublesome is really
More troublesome is really his reaction when i try to speak to him about all of this. I have hear "well i have and ex and kids", if you don't like it dump me or too bad or whatever. Although he has made some minor adjustments this is an extremely touchy topic for him. He is very protective of his relationship it seems with the ex.
It's more like why do you constantly punish me for having an ex wife and kids by making such big deals out of such small things like my ex and I pitching in for a gift for our son's birthday.
What I'm hearing from him is that he needs to keep his ex happy etc for his kids. I understand that kids are a priority and that adults need to be civil etc but I think what's happening is overkill. The BF has made some adjustments since we have been together. The ex does not come in the house anymore and her parents don't stay with him anymore for a week at a time.. we argued about these two things for weeks.
We argued mostly about you saying it was ok, then changing your mind and me having to tell them they couldn't stay anymore (I wasn't even going to be in the state when there were present). I do appreciate the fact you realize kids are a big deal.
We went to a counselor yesterday and all he could talk about was his kids and his ex and how important it was to keep all of that good and in check.. ok that's all good but what about me and my feelings.?? So i basically just sat there and cried. I don't feel like there is room for me in this relationship. I feel like he is still married to his ex. I told him what i want is for him to just have the very basic contact with her and nothing else.... which will not happen.. He says i'm jealous.. but I'm not. What I am is extremely sad and feeling like there is no space for our relationship to move forward.
You want me to have nothing to do with her. Not go to games if she is there, not interact with her at all. You have said many times you wish she didn't exist. I am not protecting her I just don't have a problem with her. I don't care about my ex other than her being a coparent. Other than that, I simply don't care about her. My GF doesn't seem to realize that when you have two kids and share 50/50 custody, they forget stuff at one of our houses and so my ex may need to see if she can come by and let them go get something. All of these texts are boring stuff like, "I will be late picking up the boys" or "can we swap Thursday for Friday" or "tomorrow is a school holiday, I can bring the kids to work with me".
I have tried to relate to my GF that I do care about her feelings and I ask her what she would have me do differently but she asks absolutes. Like "I don't want you ever going in together for a gift for you kids". For reasonable things, I don't have a problem changing things and have told my GF as much.
but how would we come to
but how would we come to middle ground on these issues? What would be the solution?
Is it true that you will not
Is it true that you will not actually talk to him? Because communication is a must and I don't mean by text. From your other post, it sounds like he is the one who does not want to talk about it but he says you will only text him.
It doesn't really sound like he is interested in changing anything. I mean, you have been putting up with this crap for THREE years and he feels it's all normal stuff that he needs to do to "co-parent". He told you to dump him if you don't like it? No, it doesn't sound like he is willing to take your feelings into consideration.
There is no solution if one person doesn't recognize the problem. Well, there's a solution but it doesn't involve staying together.
She will not talk to me in
She will not talk to me in person most of the time. She wants weeks to be left alone. I beg her for days to talk in person and she doesn't want to. She has never been in a relationship and I doubt has ever had a real conversation about relationship stuff with a man before.
I have tried a thousand time to tell her that I care about her feelings. She keeps saying I don't. The most recent example was my son wanted a snake that cost $400. His mom told me about it and I said I would kick in $200 if she did. My GF flipped out about that and said I shouldn't be coordinating birthday gifts and this somehow means I don't care about her feelings??
This is what I tell her time
This is what I tell her time and time again. Communication is a must and not by text but she will go days and days refusing to see me.
I didn't say dump me if you don't like it. I said maybe she should dump me if she can't handle the fact that I have to deal with my ex-wife on kid related stuff. My GF has never been married, never had a serious BF, never been engaged, never been in a serious relationship before. She raised her own kid on her own and had no help from the dad, thus she never had to deal with an ex while raising a kid.
I don't have any hatred or anything for my ex wife. I am glad we got divorced, it was amicable even though she cheated on me. My GF seems to have some major issues with me having an ex wife and she blames me for every problem She never takes on any problem as her own. It's always me that is at fault.
There are times where I have
There are times where I have not wanted to talk.. this is true. He get extremely defensive when I bring this stuff up and he just wants to defend what he is doing because he believes that what he does is okay.. and maybe it is okay for him and his existing family.. but what about me??
That is why I wanted to talk to the counselor to see if there is a solution or if I can just handle things the way they are right now. Is there any way a counselor could help me accept things as they are?? I also did not want to fight non stop.. I just wanted to talk in counseling.
You should not have to accept
You should not have to accept things as they are.
He thinks that what he is doing is okay; that tells you that he does not respect you or his relationship with you.
I will just take one of the many things as an example; the shared bank account. I have been with my DH for 19 years and we do not have one joint account. Now, I realize that we are not the norm but I know NOBODY that has a joint bank account with their ex. That is just about more personal than sex.
I don't have a shared bank
I don't have a shared bank account.
No, you want everything done
No, you want everything done your way or no way at all. You are the one trying to dictate to me how I should deal with my ex wife and kids because you have a jealousy problem.
My GF has told me she hates my ex wife, doesn't want to ever be around her, doesn't like when I am around her at kid sporting events, and wishes "she didn't even exist".
Is that normal behavior? Does that sound like somebody ready to be a stepmom to two boys?
"My GF has told me she hates
"My GF has told me she hates my ex wife, doesn't want to ever be around her, doesn't like when I am around her at kid sporting events, and wishes "she didn't even exist"."
um i hate to break it to you but most sm's feel this way.
ya'll both need counseling if u want any chance of this working....
with that being said, i'm going to back away slowly before this thread blows up.
tuff out.
1. I don't know about you
1. I don't know about you but things are never set in stone when it comes to my kids schedule. We are flexible with the scheduling because we both work and yeah, it sometimes changes.
2. That's unrealistic. I don't want to talk to her in person any more than I have to about the kid stuff. Texting about that stuff is much better way of exchanging information.
3. So because you feel that way, that means everybody should? I don't have any problem with my ex wife or her bf. I am sure my young son would be confused if he saw his mom and her BF at one end of the field and me at the other. He would be like "who should I go to if I score a touchdown? Who has my water?" He is 6 years old. Can't we all just be adults and do what is good for the kid?
4. On this one, I am not opposed to rethinking this.
ok dude, 50/50 exchange
ok dude, 50/50 exchange fridays. boom - no need for changing schedules and excessive texting.
kids are not stupid. kaos was 4 when dh and i met, dumb@$$ was already re-married. no chit-chat needed aside from a polite acknowledgement of their presence. whoever had the kids that day had their water - and yes, the kids would come up to BOTH sets of parents individually after a touchdown or a score. kids are not idiots, they dont need to see you shooting the $#it with their mom and her bf.
It sounds like you and your
It sounds like you and your ex don't really get along very well. I never said kids are idiots. And actually, I didn't stand next to them and chit chat the whole game. We chatted for a bit about a pet situation and the game and then I sat down on the grass a bit away from them both. We probably talked a total of about 10-15 minutes out of an 1.5 hour long game.
why are you talking about
why are you talking about "the pet situation?"
I'm totally with you on this
I'm totally with you on this and I'm a GF of three years. My SO and his biomom share the kids custody and expenses without any set court order. She works odd hours, the three kids are in various activities and things ALWAYS come up. It's to be expected in that situation. I'll add that these kids have had it this way with their divorced parents being close co-parents for about 8 years now and they are happy, healthy kids. I love them like my own and have been added into the "joint family" along with her current husband and his kids to all work together for the good of the kids. My SO and his ex text like you and yours do because of the situation. Now I'm not saying it's easy as his GF to accept the friendship they have and the fact that his family still considers her part of the family "because of the kids" but they also treat me like part of the family to. So does HER family! I've had a hard time on occasion accepting that they send each other a "happy father's/mother's day" text and such but to be honest, they are both awesome parents and they appreciate the fact that they don't have to deal with idiot ex's like I do in my situation. I choose to be an adult and be friendly to her and have been known to sit with her and her husband at the skids games when my SO couldn't be there, to support the skids.
I know the type of man my SO is and he has a tender heart and will probably always have a spot in his heart for his first love & mother of his children, BUT I don't doubt for a second that he loves me and plans to spend the rest of his life with me. She burned that bridge when she cheated on him and he feels lucky to have found such a good catch as myself
. I don't know that I'll ever be best friends with his ex but I will never make him choose between communicating with her and being with me. He's also a good catch and I would be a fool for letting a little undeserved jealousy ruin a great thing!
In my opinion, you both need to sit down and say what you're willing to meet half way with. That's the only way to make a relationship work. And as far as your son, if she loves him even a little I would think that she'd put up with a game or two to show her support of him. He won't understand why there is all this animosity between the adults. You both need to think about the child but also try and put yourself in the other's shoes. What she's feeling is not unreasonable but perhaps how she's handling it is but you not being willing to give a little on your part is also unreasonable...
I am totally with ECHO on
I am totally with ECHO on this one. ^^^^ ALL of this^^^^
It is one thing to go to a game that your ex is at, it is completely different to sit with the ex the whole game. I can't imagine having to sit with my ex through a while entire game and they were (ex and boyfriend) probably thinking they wished you got the hell out of there too.
Your girlfriend probably thinks you're a piece of work because she raised a kid by herself and you can't even go to a game without chumming with the ex and her new boyfriend.
I see it the way she does, you need some boundaries and while you are comfortable with the way it is, your girlfriend, or now ex girlfriend is NOT. SO, now YOU get to figure out what is more worth it, hanging with the ex for the whole game or walking by and saying hi and sitting somewhere else.
Sounds like you had a bitter
Sounds like you had a bitter divorce. I didn't. My Ex and her BF don't have any problems with me and I don't with them. We were just cheering for our son. Also, this game, people normally stand on the field, there isn't like huge amounts of room.
You don't think people can act like adults and be around each other for the benefit of a kid?
Sister wives? That's a bit
Sister wives? That's a bit of a stretch. Is nobody listening to me? Have I not said many times over and over, I am willing to work on things and reach compromises? Nobody seems to hear that part.
Dude - when you spend time
Dude - when you spend time with another woman, it is disrepectful to the woman you are currently involved with.
How do you not see that?
I have three kids. One got married two years ago. One was a super star in high school sports. Asshat came to most games. I never said one word to him. No need to.
You are not emotionally done with your XW. I am so glad that your girlfriend came here to give her side of the story. As I said in my first comment on your post, I needed more information to make a determination.
"For the kids" is a bullshit line for Disney Dads who have no balls.
Read my comments again. I
Read my comments again. I have said many times I am willing to work on things. Many many times.
Actually we remain friends,
Actually we remain friends, BUT with respect to my new SO I will not subject him to having to sit there and watch me pal around with my ex.
NO, NO, NO, I don't think you have to sit together with your ex for a benefit of a kid.
Oh and my ex didn't cheat on
Oh and my ex didn't cheat on me twice either so all the more reason it is so weird you want to hang with her and her new man.
I don't want to "hang out"
I don't want to "hang out" with her. I am simply at a kid's event where she is with her BF and made some small talk. Guess I am a monster.
Basically Echo I'm of tired
Basically Echo I'm of tired of bringing up something like this and being told I'm nuts for over reacting over something so small. He says he doesn't want me hasseling him over things like this. So what I hear is basically my feelings don't matter and I cannot live like that. He is scared to death that he will piss off this EX in some way and he will have some sort of issue with her.. so my feelings can just get over looked as long as this EX is happy. Also I believe that if you are truly going to be a couple you need to really take each other feeling into consideration 1st before the kids (after their basic needs are met etc). Because if this is not the way it works the relationship will crumble and then will affect the kids in a negative way (break up).
I appreciate your comments
I appreciate your comments but I don't believe I have done nothing wrong. I have said I am willing to work on things and reach compromises. I have said this many times. I don't claim to be perfect nor 100% correct. My GF is the one who claims no wrong doing of any kind and seems unwilling to work on compromises of any kind.
I am just trying to be a good BF and a good coparent for my kids. I am not saying I have all the answers. I never claimed that.
I don't dismiss her feelings.
I don't dismiss her feelings. She told me some things that bothered her and I changed them.
I have been divorced for 4
I have been divorced for 4 years and have separated from my marriage long ago. I appreciate your comment but you really don't know me.
I don't disagree with all of
I don't disagree with all of what you are saying but I am not scared to death I will piss of my EX. I have pissed her off before. I am not married to her so she isn't my problem, she is her BF's problem. I have said I am willing to make adjustments, but when I ask you what you want me to do, you don't say. Instead, you don't talk to me for a week. You don't communicate. I am not overlooking your feelings. It has been me trying to work things out with you for two weeks. With you basically ignore me and not wanting to talk. What about my feelings? Who cares about my feelings, right? Where do they rank with you? If you thought of me first, maybe you would try and be a bit more supportive and go to my kid's game even if their mom is there. These feelings go both ways. I have just as many as anybody else but not once have you asked me what do I feel. What you can do to help me feel better. It's always me asking you those things.
I don't disagree with all of
I don't disagree with all of what you are saying but I am not scared to death I will piss of my EX. I have pissed her off before. I am not married to her so she isn't my problem, she is her BF's problem. I have said I am willing to make adjustments, but when I ask you what you want me to do, you don't say. Instead, you don't talk to me for a week. You don't communicate. I am not overlooking your feelings. It has been me trying to work things out with you for two weeks. With you basically ignore me and not wanting to talk. What about my feelings? Who cares about my feelings, right? Where do they rank with you? If you thought of me first, maybe you would try and be a bit more supportive and go to my kid's game even if their mom is there. These feelings go both ways. I have just as many as anybody else but not once have you asked me what do I feel. What you can do to help me feel better. It's always me asking you those things.
you BOTH have issues. and
you BOTH have issues. and you are right, unless those issues are resolved the relationship WILL end.
YOU - dont shut down on him. BIG mistake. but remember too, no one likes to have it thrown at that repeatedly how they're f*cking up. dont be a nag, but do learn how to communicate - therapy. and yes, your feelings are very valid.
TEK - boundaries, dude, boundaries. again - therapy.
good relationships involve compromise. neither one are of are giving an inch. this is a relationship, not a pissing contest.
This is good advice. Very
This is good advice. Very reasonable. Thank you.
your woman is right tho',
your woman is right tho', every time you ignore her wishes or dismiss her feelings as jealous and petty, or assert your authority that "it's for the kids" - each and every time it makes her feel more and more insignificant and pushes her further away. dont you want to draw her closer?
it's hard being in a step situation and having your partner's past sex life in front of your face all the time. it's not easy, and knowing u're texting HER, and chatting with HER is rough on a woman. you want her to come to the games as a support for you, which would be great - well u gotta support eachother. recognize how tough this can be for her and go slowly, supporting her along the way just as much as you want her to support you.
Another very reasonable
Another very reasonable reply, thank you. I have told her many times I know it is hard being the step in situations like this. I can't relate because I have not been in that spot but I know it's hard.
I don't dismiss her feelings, I acknowledge them but does that mean I should do whatever she wants with no regard to my own feelings? That's where I feel compromise comes in but she doesn't really talk to me. It is very very difficult to get her to talk.
I have told her many many times I am willing to work on things.
well right now you are doing
well right now you are doing whatever you want with no regard to her feelings. ya'll are in a pissing contest, which is NEVER healthy.
consideration (which involves setting boundaries), communication, and compromise. i seriously think you guys need couples counseling.
side note - boy that was a lot of c-words!!!
I have told my GF many times
I have told my GF many times I am willing to do those things. But it takes TWO people to do them. I can't do everything by myself.
pissing contest. why dont
pissing contest. why dont you make the first move?
and both of ya's - texting or an online forum is not sufficient communication.
She won't talk to me.
She won't talk to me.
He is not willing to work
He is not willing to work things out. He wants me to stay out of his business with the ex. He has already stated in his list above he will change nothing..
What do you mean? I have
What do you mean? I have begged you to talk to me so I could work things out with you. You just ignore me. I am willing to make changes. Why does nobody read what I write? I have said this several times in this thread and to you personally. It's only me putting in the effort. I can't be the only one.
I try to talk to you and you
I try to talk to you and you just defend what you do.. I'm done talking.
You don't try to talk to me.
You don't try to talk to me. I try to get you to talk and you don't. You ignore me for days and days.
and the gavel falls.
and the gavel falls.
Maybe I am wrong and
Maybe I am wrong and hopefully your lady friend will correct me if I am but did she literally tell you that you could NOT go to the game if the ex was there? OR was the test to see if you would sit with the ex entire duration of the game?
If it was a test, pop quiz, wth ever you failed it miserably and exactly what are your feelings? You really think it is acceptable to sit the entire duration of the game with your ex wife and for your new woman to think it is okay because it is "for the kids"? The kid that wasn't even with you but out playing the sport you came to watch.
She didn't tell me I couldn't
She didn't tell me I couldn't go. She didn't want to come with me, I assume because my ex was going to be there.
So she told you she didn't
So she told you she didn't want to come with you, you went alone and hung with your ex and her BF the whole game. Seriously, you cannot say you thought that was a good idea but you did it anyway knowing how she felt.
I can't say I feel sorry for you at all. I haven't seen one time on here where you said you won't do it again.
I don't have to, no. This
I don't have to, no. This time was a bit different because it was the first time I have met her BF so I chit chatted a bit with them.
WHYYYYYY? And don't you dare
And don't you dare say "well I HAVE to know who is going to be around my kid"
Look - GF tells you repeatedly that the relationship you have with XW is upsetting to her.
Instead of saying "oh baby, I am sorry. What would make you feel better about it?" you say "you can't tell me what to do you can't tell me where to go you're just jealous my XW is a wonderful woman I am just doing it for the kids blah blah blah blah!!!"
THAT is your problem. You can SAY you want to compromise, but you make no offers. Anyone can SAY they want to compromise....
I have asked my GF several
I have asked my GF several times exactly what does she want me to do. I am willing to listen. She won't talk.
she wont' talk because she
she wont' talk because she knows that you will likely never have boundaries with your XW.
there is NO NEED to chit chat. There is NO NEED to sit together at ball games and the like.
hell, my DD25 got married two years ago - guess how many words I said to her father that whole weekend?
Less. Than. 10.
No need to talk to him. I don't think about him. He's not part of my family. I am not part of his. THAT'S where your problem lies, I think. You think you're still family with your XW. You're not. Your kids are part of your family and part of hers, but you and she??? Nope. Nothing.
"so I chit chatted a bit with
"so I chit chatted a bit with them"
How long was the sporting event?
Instead of trying to throw rocks explain why you think you should have sat there the whole time talking to your ex and her new man. Explain why you think they both weren't thinking they wished you went away. Like I said before I have no ill will towards my ex but I certainly don't want to sit for a extending period of time chatting it up with him and my SO.
Well guys, I guess I am a big
Well guys, I guess I am a big loser who can do nothing right. I tried.
It doesn't matter anymore
It doesn't matter anymore anyway. She has dumped me. It's over. Thanks.
The next one is going to dump
The next one is going to dump you too if you keep doing the same things.
One has nothing to do with
One has nothing to do with the other. My previous marriage ended because I got engaged at 19 after knowing the girl for 3 weeks and married a couple months later. Does that sound like that is going to have much of a shot? I didn't learn until later that I was not all that into my "wife" at the time. It just didn't work out because we were kids who got married young and didn't know what we were getting into. You ever make a mistake at 19? It was just a mistake getting married to her from the beginning.
I thought it ended because
I thought it ended because she cheated on you twice?
"Autopsy" to me means that you examine why she cheated, IMHO it was probably because you DON'T LISTEN very well. Beating head on keyboard.
Have you figured out yet that stopping to chat for 5 minutes to meet the new BF is NOT the same as sitting for the duration of the entire game with ex? THAT is the ENTIRE point, you simply are not picking up on all that is being laid down.
I'll explain it in simple
I'll explain it in simple terms for you. She cheated on me twice because we got married early and should not have. We weren't meant to be married. So she cheated on me. We got married on a whim when we should not have.
I didn't stay after the first
I didn't stay after the first time. I found out she cheated on me twice at about the same time and immediately filed for divorce.
I never said I was smart. I
I never said I was smart. I was unhappy for a long time being married to my ex-wife. We were not meant to be together.
So it's my fault she cheated?
So it's my fault she cheated? Her cheating is inexcusable and is not my fault. She and I being unhappily married is both of our fault....for getting married at 19.
Like I said, she dumped me,
Like I said, she dumped me, it's over. You have shown me how horrible and terrible a person I am.
^^^This^^^ There is nothing
There is nothing wrong with figuring out you aren't finished processing something as tragic as divorce.
You don't understand. I am
You don't understand. I am GLAD to be divorced. I don't need to process anything. It is a blessing being divorced. Not everybody who gets divorced has a hard time "processing" it. I have been ready to move on for a long time from my ex wife.
I just googled "why do people
I just googled "why do people cheat":
The first explanation is probably the most well known: Spouses cheat because of problems in their relationship. Something is missing, passion has faded, partners feel lonely, a partner finds someone who treats them better or who appreciates them more than their current spouse, and so on.
You acting like you had no part in why she cheated is just as crazy as you not being able to admit you should have said hi to ex and BF then found a place real far away to sit and watch your child's sporting event.
"The first explanation is
"The first explanation is probably the most well known: Spouses cheat because of problems in their relationship. Something is missing, passion has faded, partners feel lonely, a partner finds someone who treats them better or who appreciates them more than their current spouse, and so on."
None of that is an excuse to cheat. File for divorce instead.
I hate the idea of placing
I hate the idea of placing blame on someone else when a spouse cheats. The person who cheats is 100% responsible for his/her actions.
Blaming the OP is no different than blaming an abused woman for her husband knocking her around.
Regardless of what the OP may have done in his marriage, he didn't play a part in his ex making the choice to sleep with someone else.
There are posters here who have husbands who cheated on them with BMs. Are we going to tell those women that they played a part in the stupid decision their husbands made?
I understand what you are
I understand what you are saying Disneyfan but I feel diffently, I believe that 50% of divorces that end because of cheating usually end bc of something the other spouse is or not doing so people look outside of their marriage.
This guy has been told 75X
This guy has been told 75X what he did wrong and he won't listen, his ex wife probably had the same issue with him.
I'm huge on personal
I'm huge on personal responsibility. You can't make poor choices, then point the finger at others. The OP may very well be a top rate jack ass. But he can't be blamed for his wife jumping into bed with someone else while they were still married.
You can't make someone cheat, abuse you, use drugs, drink....we are all 100% responsible for our actions/choices
OP should not be dating
OP should not be dating anyone, he has not moved on and his ex still wants to hold on to him territorially.
My best friend FINALLY broke up with a dude just like this. He had been divorced 8 years, the kid was a teen, and he did stuff with his ex wife constantly for the sake of the kid. Has lost multiple gfs. Has gone to counseling with my friend and still doesn't "understand" what he's doing wrong.
What a joke.
Gosh, I'm truly sorry if we
Gosh, I'm truly sorry if we just witnessed a breakup over something that can so clearly be resolved if people stopped being stubborn. I hope you do talk it over again, and here are some points to consider when asking what you can do differently-
Tek- yes, you need to communicate with your ex regarding the children. You do not need to communicate all day long about the children. No one's life is that chaotic, not even if you had 10 kids together. So get organized and then set a pattern of limited contact. It's only hard if you don't actually want to do it. That's the question you need to answer for yourself.
Tek - yes, you need to go to the kids' games even when ex and BF are there. And your GF should go too, but only if you don't leave her to go mingle with others in the crowd (especially the ex). If GF goes to support you and your kid, then you need to support her right back. Guaranteed she doesn't go now because she envisions being abandoned by you as you go and chat with the ex. Trust me- that feeling is a killer, which is why GF won't put herself in the position to feel it. The first game she goes to, promise you won't leave her side. She will get more comfortable with time, but until then she needs you to make her feel safe.
Tek- stop doing joint presents with your ex. It's just another way to keep GF on the outside of her own relationship.
Tek- whatever the financial connections are with the ex, make sure they are as bare minimum as necessary. We have an account number to transfer funds. That's all you should have as well.
Good luck. I hope it works out.
I am completely amazed by how
I am completely amazed by how spiteful and hateful a lot of you are. Your solution to everything is "dump him, good riddance". A few of you were reasonable and suggested some counseling or work on communication but holy cow, a good deal of you sound very bitter and hateful. I'm glad all of you have perfect marriages/relationships.
I have said I am willing to make changes to things. I'm not saying I am perfect, there is no book written on this stuff. You learn as you go for a lot of it. I am not some uncaring monster who won't do anything differently. I just am unaware of some of my specific actions are wrong. The whole "shared gift" thing was more like me just going to give him some money and he was going to combine it with some money he got from his mom. I wasn't even going to participate in the purchase of anything. I was just giving him money so I am not sure that can be qualified as "going in together on a snake" I was just giving him birthday money.
I may be a slow learner but I am not a bad person but that's what you people are making me out to be.
I meant on specific
I meant on specific situations. But maybe you are right, perhaps I should get one of the more general coparenting books because I obviously don't know what I am doing. Actually what may be better is seeking a professional who specializes in coparenting.
I think the problem is your
I think the problem is your definition of "co-parenting." You seem to think that it means you need to have daily conversations with the ex - at sporting events or via text - and that you still parent as a unit.
But you're not a unit - you are divorced. You ARE enmeshed with your XW, whether you want to see it or not. There are a lot of ladies on this site - with many many different perspectives and attitudes and beliefs. When MOST of us are telling you that you effed up and then point out ways that you effed up and then point out ways to improve yourself and your (future) relationships??? We are all on to the same thing.
Walkonby... this is exactly
Walkonby... this is exactly how I feel with him.
"I think the problem is your definition of "co-parenting." You seem to think that it means you need to have daily conversations with the ex - at sporting events or via text - and that you still parent as a unit.
But you're not a unit - you are divorced. You ARE enmeshed with your XW, whether you want to see it or not."
But I think he wants it this way for the kids. I honestly think this is the way he wants it.. to appear as one big family and one parental unit. I see it the opposite that things should be separate.
We are going to try to work on things and I'm probably going to start by going to see a professional on my own.
yes tek. do this. even if
yes tek. do this.
even if you and your gf dont get back together, you still have your head up your @$$ when it comes to coparenting. you also might want to look into parellel parenting - that one works very smoothly, with "coparenting" happening sporadically.
This thread is getting crazy.
This thread is getting crazy. A lot of you had some good tips and I could tell your heart was in the right place. A few of you seem completely bitter and mean.
The ones you are accusing of
The ones you are accusing of being bitter and mean aren't really. We do have some, but it's not these gals. I think you are frustrating people by not wanting to hear the advice.
I will attempt to summarize what these poor people have put so much effort into writing (the same stuff a counselor would tell you, btw)
You are more involved with your ex than a healthy divorced person who has moved on:
1. You do not need to text your ex every other day... Get an official custody calendar and stick to it. Once a month contact is more normal for people who have moved on to other relationships.
2. You do not need to sit with your ex at your kids' games or befriend the BF. Healthy divorced people say hello and move on.
3. Your ex is doing your taxes. People who are no longer in a couple don't do this.
4. You discuss pets with your ex instead of your GF (so where is the real couple here?)
5. You have a bank account with your ex (again, this is couple stuff).
6. You will not limit contact with your ex to honor your new relationship.
What makes people angry, IMO:
1. You left key parts of your behavior out of the story, even when people asked you point blank how often you were texting your ex.
2. You speak of your GF in a totally condescending way (which makes it obvious that she should leave you).
3. You offer to compromise as long as you don't have to cut ties to your ex (which is not a compromise, it's just getting your way).
I don't think you're a bad person. When I got divorced I met a bunch of recently divorced guys and the exe wives were still holding on to them in a territorial way. You don't seem to realize that your ex still owns you and that no GF will put up with this very long. There are great books and counsellors out there. Even though they say to wait 3 years before dating (and we can see why this is a good idea), for some men it takes longer to really let go.
You only have one throne to give to one queen. You have not made this GF your queen... In fact, have you even proposed? What are your intentions?
1 I respectfully disagree
1 I respectfully disagree with you on the scheduling. What may work for you doesn't make it some sort of magical law that works for everybody. You say that is the norm? Once a month but several people on this thread recommended once a week so maybe they are all doing it wrong too. I don't think there is a one size fits all for this sort of thing.
2 It was the first time I met her BF of three years. I thought it appropriate to chat with the guy for a few minutes.
3 I have said I see this as an issue.
4 I discussed a potential birthday gift for my son. I rarely see my ex wife at all (maybe 1-2 minutes a week, most of the time none at all) so we discussed a pet thing.
5. I don't have a bank account with my ex.
6. I have done this. I have told my ex to not contact me unless there is an emergency. Now and then there is a schedule change or other kid related item like a school thing.
I appreciate your comments. You seem like a reasonable person. I can assure you I let go of my ex long ago. Even long before we got divorced. I don't hate her. I just don't care about her. I am happy to have moved on from her.
And yes, a lot of the advice by these friendly people on here are simply "good riddance to rubbish". "You were right to have dumped him". "Dump him" etc. seems pretty harsh words for somebody who doesn't really know me or my gf and to throw away 3.5 years.
My gf doesn't mention that most of the time things are really good between us. We have a great relationship other than these ex wife issues and I treat her very well. We do have our fights from time to time but it is something we are working on. I do see my gf as my queen and love her very much. If I didn't, I would not care what she did. I do care about her immensely. I love her with all my heart.
I am simply new at some of these things and trying my best to navigate some issues.
I have said many times I am willing to talk about what I can do to improve things. What it boils down to is my gf and I have some work to do but a lot of these comments from these friendly people are unproductive.
Somebody else mentioned
Somebody else mentioned something about territorial instead of being jealous I can understand something like that, my girlfriend has not met my ex-wife and we have been going together for the last three to half years so maybe that has something to do with it, I don't know. But as I have said I am willing to make changes to make my girlfriend more comfortable. It is something she and I need to discuss and possibly with the help of a counselor.
I also left out that you
I also left out that you don't sound into this girl. There's no "I love her, I'd do anything for her, I want to marry her and go off into the sunset."
All I hear is "I'm right, she's wrong."
Your BF deserves someone who is totally into her and would do anything for her. She deserves 100%
My DH blocked his ex from his cell phone because she was disturbing our time. She can email him, and they have two kids. If there's a problem, the kids can call dad. This has worked out fine for the past six years.
He gave me 100% because HE wanted to. Making me happy was more important than being right.
You are simply wrong. You
You are simply wrong. You don't know me or my gf. I am very much In love with my gf. Yeah. I learned from my marriage. Isn't that what life is all about? Learning from our mistakes. I learned a lot from being married for 17 to somebody like that. I have forgiven her for the cheating and moved on.
Sorry I came across that way
Sorry I came across that way but I think I have mentioned several times my willingness to make compromises on things.
but here's the thing - you
but here's the thing - you aren't married to her anymore. You said this - "I have forgiven her for the cheating and moved on." This is the type of thing that people who stay together after the cheating say.
Asshat cheated on me with the most cliche of all cliches - his secretary. Have I forgiven him? Nope, I divorced his ass and leveraged his indiscretion in my settlement. No need to forgive him. I don't think about Asshat at all. EVER. You know, because we are divorced and have both moved on.
I believe you can't move on
I believe you can't move on with your life until you have forgiven that person. If you have been cheated on and have not forgiven that person you truly don't move on. You hold on to hate and other negative feelings like you seem to point out by saying "I divorced his ass leveraged his indiscretion in a settlement". That is unhealthy IHMO. By wasting energy hating somebody is still an emotional response about them. I don't have an emotional response about my ex wife. I am indifferent to her. I just don't care. I have let go of all the negative crap a long time ago and moved forward.
I don't forget what she did though.
Wel I am constantly being
Wel I am constantly being attacked by a good deal of you so I spend s lot of time trying to answer your questions as best as I can.
Of course I love my gf very much. She means the world to me. I dote on her constantly and consider myself a pretty good BF overall. If she ever comes back here maybe she can tell you. I am not some monster like you people make me out to be. We just have some communication and boundary issues I am willing to work on.
Again I don't know any of you people and maybe the majority of you do mean well and I have heard some decent advice but there is no one size fits all for everything. And some of the comments made here are downright mean. I have been attacked constantly on this thread and I still try and be nice to you people.
tek - specifically WHAT
tek - specifically WHAT changes are you "willing to make" so that your GF feels more comfortable???
I want you to tell me exactly what changes you will make...
I've just spent a lot of time
I've just spent a lot of time reading through this thread and I keep waiting for OP to answer this question, which has been asked a number of times.
OP, I think that is where the frustration is coming from from a lot of the posters trying to help. And, I bet this is why your GF is having a hard time talking to you if you've done the same with her.
No one thinks you're stupid, a loser or a jerk...maybe just stubborn.
Good luck to both of you.
Oh, I just saw this. That's
Oh, I just saw this. That's the thing. That is something my GF and I need to discuss. I need to know what I can do to make her feel more comfortable.
She's already made it clear
She's already made it clear what bothers her...you need to make it clear what you are willing to do about it.
um, she's already told you...
um, she's already told you...
You spew so much hatred and
You spew so much hatred and anger and quote Gandhi.
oh honey, if you think THIS
oh honey, if you think THIS is spewing hatred, you don't know sh*t from Shinola.
(No subject)
Yes, I think this is the crux
Yes, I think this is the crux of the problem right here... I'm also waiting to hear what you're going to do to solve the problem.
There's a lot of talk about other stuff, like the GF's inexperience, but no real commitment to limit contact with the ex (is that what you guys call gaslighting?)
Of course. You have no idea
Of course. You have no idea how much I love her. Maybe that's the problem. You are just hearing me try and answer a bunch of questions but I assure you I have deep feeling for this woman. I have told her this many times. I had plans to propose within a year or so as wel. I am serious about my relationship with her. She is a good woman and I love her very much.
So then you are willing to do
So then you are willing to do more of what she needs than to just have someone else do your taxes?
Of course
Of course
Awesome, then you might stand
Awesome, then you might stand a chance...
Yes it is difficult to
Yes it is difficult to communicate over a medium like this and I appreciate your positive comment.
I think that was my fault,
I think that was my fault, sorry
Or after the GF came to chime
Or after the GF came to chime in.
Well, we are getting two
Well, we are getting two different versions of what's going on.
The GF thinks that there is too much communication with the ex, you feel there is not. The truth is probably somewhere in between but I think your GF feels that you communicate with your ex more than you do with her. I think she feel left out of the relationship and seems to know little about what is really going on so she thinks the worst. The shared bank account is an example. You say you and the ex don't share a bank account, for some reason, your GF thought you did (and I will admit, that is what did it for me in her other post).
She seems to think that not all of your communication with the ex is about your kid but some personal stuff, also. Is that true?
The two of you don't live together so I am open to the fact that she exaggerates and assumes some things but that's why the two of you have to TALK about it.
More troublesome is really his reaction when i try to speak to him about all of this. I have hear "well i have and ex and kids", if you don't like it dump me or too bad or whatever.
^^That's what she said is your response when she tried to talk to you about it. No reassurances, no willingness to hear her out or tell her your side and explain what's really going on. If that's how you reacted, it makes her suspect that her assumptions are correct.
I do not necessarily agree that you HAVE to sit as far away as possible from your ex at your kid's games. I know plenty of split parents that sit fairly close, if not together. I also know some that do sit far apart because they don't get along at all. Whatever works. To me, that is the least of the issues, but that is just me.
I don't think your GF is jealous but it seems she is a little insecure and just wants some indication that she and her feelings mean something to you.
It may very well be that you are not suited for each other, just because you have such different perspectives on what is going on.
The truth is probably
The truth is probably somewhere in between and I agree with you and acknowledge her feelings and I'm very much wanting to improve things for my GF.
The shared bank account thing. I was mistaken. It isn't a shared account. It belongs to my ex wife.
No, there was a time when my ex wife told me she was going to tell the boys she was breaking up with her BF and that she may need more help with picking them up from school since the BF wouldn't be there.
Right, a lot of the issue is we don't live together so when we argue, it is often done via text which is always a disaster. I'm sure all of us have said things in the thick of a fight we don't mean.
I think our basic problem is a communication issue. I have said my GF has never been married nor had a serious BF/relationship before so maybe her communication skills could use some work. Also, maybe my listening skills could use some work too.
I do reassure her and have tried to do things and have been willing to talk about things. I think she gets too upset and then she refuses to talk to me for days and days. Maybe I make a mistake by keeping texting her to work out the problem. I get frustrated because I feel she ignores me.
Your response about the kid game stuff is a good one.
I think she may be a little intimated of my ex wife because we were married for so long. Maybe a touch of insecurity but hey, we all have a little of that.
My issue is I struggle with the proper way to show her how much she means to me but I am always trying to be better.
My GF is not a bad person at all. Quite the opposite, she is a good person. I do think we have different backgrounds, she has been serially single her whole life and has never had to raise a kid with another person. I assume that has a little to do with things but I am not sure. I love her no matter what though and have told her this many times. I don't claim to be 100% perfect or correct, I never have. I'm human just like everybody else.
Hey guys, I have to get some
Hey guys, I have to get some work done. I wish all of you a nice day. I know a lot of you are trying to help and I appreciate it. I have learned some things.
"I have said my GF has never
"I have said my GF has never been married nor had a serious BF/relationship before"
Perhaps she doesn't want to be married or be in a long term serious relationship and she is using this as an excuse to to get out.
I don't think this is the
I don't think this is the case.
There is always a reason for
There is always a reason for a person to want out of a relationship. If the reason your ex GF gave you was not just an excuse to leave the relationship, then there may have been some truth to it.
There are 2 sides to every story. The 2 of you not only need to talk, but you need to listen to each other as well. If you can't do that, then you need to just part ways.
Here's the solution: Block ex
Here's the solution:
Block ex from cell phone.
Communicate via email only.
Get cell phone for son to communicate with you if there is a REAL problem.
If you are not willing to do this, you need to ask yourself why.
Unfortunately I agree with
Unfortunately I agree with you.. many things that upset me will not change. I am realizing that. I'm going to give is a shot though to see if I can deal with some of this. If not I don't know what will happen with us. But I'm going to try.
This is a little overboard,
This is a little overboard, the ex is not high conflict, there is no reason to block her or communicate via email only.
I believe his son is 6. It is ridiculous to think that the two parents cannot communicate with each other and just leave it up to the child. The child is not a teenager.
After re-reading the GF's post, I think she assumes a lot and runs with it. I was in her corner when she mentioned the shared bank account but it seems the GF doesn't know what she's talking about, so what else is she exaggerating/assuming? For example, she wasn't at the event, refused to go, how does she know he chatted to the ex the entire time?
at kids events he stand and chats with the ex for the entire time. I have yet to attend an event when she has been there as there have not been any events till now.
In the same sentence, she describes her version of the event but admits she wasn't even there! Nor did she mention that the exes BF was there, also. It wasn't a date.
I don't discount the GF's feelings, I just think she is a bit emotionally immature when it comes to relationships and jumps to a lot of conclusions.
They both need to work on their communication and she has some insecurity issues. Which is to be expected if she has not been in a serious relationship before but then maybe she shouldn't be with someone who has kids and an amicable relationship with the ex.
This is not ALL for OP to fix, the GF has some issues of her own.
I know he stood by the ex and
I know he stood by the ex and BF the entire time because he told me this. He said he chatted with the BF a good amount. There may not be a "shared" bank account, but there is a bank account I believe in which he deposits money to her on a regular basis or something like this. The kids need shoes, the kids need whatever.. It's constant.. there is no plan in place for this type of thing. Why not throw the ex $1500 for the year and call it a day.??? But that won't happen.
Of course there needs to be communication. I understand that.. but it's excessive. I may have issues but there are certain things I am having a hard time with and I think need change.
Also you all make it sound
Also you all make it sound like I have never had a relationship.. I have. Just not a very long term one. I do have somewhat of a clue here.
17 years of cohabitating with
17 years of cohabitating with somebody can teach you a lot. Maybe more so than never having done it at all is all I was saying.
Shouldn't his say something
Shouldn't his say something about my character? I don't try and hide anything. I am very honest and open. The bank account is similar to PayPal but easier to get money in. I don't want to give my ex one dime extra than necessary because I work hard for my money.
Hey guys, I am going to take
Hey guys, I am going to take a break from this thread. I have a ton of work to get done.
Pfft. Such drama queens. Are
Pfft. Such drama queens.
Are the two of you getting the attention the both of you were obviously seeking? You two are acting (sounding?) like all the skids always vented about here.
Tek, stop chasing ajp1999. Too high maintenance for where you as a father of young children need to be.
Ajp1999, he's incompatible to what you seek in a relationship... you two aren't in the same place in your lives. Neither is wrong, neither is right. Just poor choices in partners . Different goals. Different priorities.
There has been some good
There has been some good information here, even from the bitter sounding people. It seems there is a lot of anger here from some of you based on some of your comments. I wish you well nonetheless.
I also would like to point out that my GF is not the only one with issues with the relationship. I have some of my own as well. But I suspect it is probably best for my Gf and I to address them together, possibly with the help of a professional counselor.
I have tried my best to answer your questions. I have also tried to be as courteous and respectful as possible. I wish you all the best. Good luck with all your individual challenges and journeys.
Is it accurate that your son
Is it accurate that your son is 6? If that is the case, I can see why a good part of your current 3.5 year relationship was spent communicating with your ex on details. Things are more complicated with a toddler/preschooler. But now as he reaches school age ou have a great opportunity to reset and re-establish relationships. And perhaps him being a little older now makes you more receptive to compromise and change.
I'm a big believer in being able to snap a line and move forward. Your GF is already coming back into this with the expectation that nothing is going to change, so go to counseling and do the work. Show her you are serious and want to make things work for you, her, and your son. I really hope y'all figure it out.
When I first started reading
When I first started reading this, I knew there had to be another side and it was likely inappropriate boundaries. I realize I'm a bit late to this party, but here is what I've learned after being in several long term relationships. Right and wrong do not matter. If someone you're in a relationship is hurt over your behavior, that is all that matters. What are you willing to do, to fix the hurt feelings? Reach a compromise on things. You don't want to bend on a lot of things and that's not going to work in any relationship. Yes you need to communicate with your ex, about the kids, not about her current relationship or why her relationships are ending. Keep the content strictly about the kids, never about your personal lives. Period. Involve your current gf in discussions about the kids, talk to your gf about the kids, make her feel included. If I were your gf, after all of this inappropriateness, I wouldn't be satisfied with keeping conversations about the kids. I'd want limited contact with the ex, only when necessary, emergencies or something big happened. A set schedule, which I believe is better for the kids anyway, would limit a lot of the back and forth chatter between exs. I'd want you to stop sitting with your ex all the time and seeing your ex's family aside to pick up kids and meet in a neutral place, not someone's home. The taxes you've agreed to, which I think is wise. I question you allowing your ex to have control of such an important thing for your place in society. Bank account is also ridiculous. Go through the courts about financial stuff or you could be sorry you didn't. And is it true you want everyone to be a big happy family? While I can understand that desire, it isn't practical. You split from your ex, you now have two different families with common children. Your gf may very well be insecure about this situation, but I don't blame her for feeling that way. I would be too. You've completely disregarded how she feels for what you want, you up to this point haven't compromised because you feel you're right. I will repeat what I said earlier, right and wrong don't matter. You can't win an argument with your partner, because someone winds up hurt. If someone is hurt, no one wins. Fix the hurt and compromise, both of you.
Sounds like your GF is super
Sounds like your GF is super ultra sensitive. You didn't do anything wrong. You did everything right in this situation. She's taking it hard and out of context for some reason. I'm sure there is a reason she's never been married or in a serious relationship at 41 years old. She shuts down the minute she gets hurt or offended. Clear sign of damaged goods. She has some hang ups that have nothing to do with you. Up to you whether you think she's worth the drama.
HI All, Just an update. This
HI All,
Just an update. This is the GF from the original post. This relationship has ended. I'm truly heartbroken as this was the love of my life and i don't think I will ever be able to move on at this point. This man just could not put me or my feelings 1st which is basically why the relationship ended. Basically towards the end he told me that if I had just met the mom of his kids and he could have made sure that everything went good with that that we could have moved on in our relationship. Like our relationship depended on the ex and if she liked me or not etc. I never had any problems with actually meeting her.... it was always the way HE delt with her. The other part of this that hasn't been discussed on this site is that he has been telling me he wants to marry me for about 2.5 years now with still no sign of commitment. Due to this I just have not been feeling secure with this relationship. Anyway folks.. that's a wrap. my heart is broken. I just can't believe that this man that claimed to love me and want to be with me forever could not just stop doing some of the minor things with his ex that hurt me. he just could not do it. It's very very hurtful. I'm beginning to wonder if he ever loved me at all.
thanks for listening folks.. I guess I just had to get some things out in writing..
Any advise for a broken heart.. its really not going to well for me...