Unbelievable how low they really have sunk
This evening was the last of the "bridal shower conference calls" with OSD, BM and DH's sister, couldn't be happier about that!
As soon as I got off the call DH asked how it went
So, I told him exactly and truthfully - that they didn't so much as say hello when I conferenced in, OSD and DH's sister had a five minute conversation among themselves (BM wasn't on the call because she was "too tired" to phone in) about events they both knew about which I didn't, and had nothing to do with the shower, laughing and carrying on with each other completely as if I weren't on the call (yes I know what else is new)
I sat there in silence....didn't bother me one bit! They can act in a disgusting manner all they want. That's on them.
They are both fully aware my brother had just died (and they knew how) and it shouldn't but still does amaze me that people can sink so low that they are unable to muster the human decency to simply say hello, let alone ask how I'm doing considering the tragedy that had just occurred
DH was horrified when I answered his question, he said some choice words about their behavior, and that he doesn't understand it
I guess all you Steptalkers telling me not to waste my mental or emotional energy on it has to some extent suck in LOL
I realized I simply don't care. They are disgusting, and even if they are getting off on behaving that way and slapping each other on the back for kicking someone when they are clearly already down, really I look at them and realize yes, they simply are not worth the mental energy of even getting worked up about it
I must say I'm proud that I've never in my life sunk that low, and I know that I never will. It isn't about getting at someone else, it's about having the respect for myself in knowing I could never allow myself to be that much of a despicable human being that would even use the death of a loved one to get back at someone - someone who has never done you any wrong or ever treated you that way - someone you are so full of jealousy for that you can't control your really ugly dark side from sticking that in
Wow, so glad I'm not built to be like that!
I'm on the call with OSD for
I'm on the call with OSD for a bridal shower I had agreed to participate in for YSD (who I get along great with and would be hurt if I didn't)
I knew before ever participating in any of these conference calls that OSD, DH's sister and BM would be absolutely horrific, although it is still surprising they can sink so low!
Good news is, that was the last one, but must say I'm still stunned how disgusting they can be. I don't think like that so will never understand it....fortunately I've stopped trying to as they simply are not worth it!
I only do things for people
I only do things for people that I like. I won't do anything for SS30 or his GF or baby.
But I am going to make 150 homemade rolls for DH's nephew's wedding. I'll do almost anything for people that I like, love and respect. Others - nada.
I would simply stop exposing
I would simply stop exposing myself to these rude, inconsiderate people. I am sure YSD would understand if you didn't want to get involved because of the nasty family dynamics.
This is just too much to put yourself through in my opnion
Good for you for keeping to
Good for you for keeping to the high road. My condolences and prayers once again to you and your family on your brother's death.
Thanks so much Rags, really
Thanks so much Rags, really appreciate that!