Redneck Bridal Shower from hell
My SD23 is getting married in a few weeks. Her mom threw her a "bridal shower".
This "bridal shower" was in a local park. BM had the option to get a key to the bathroom, but didn't want to spend the money. So, no bathroom. She made it a pot luck, so the guests had to bring food and drink. She told my DH that he had to provide plates and silverware for 120 people. (Yep, didn't ask - TOLD.) And the pièce de résistance? She said it was a "greenback shower" and told everyone to bring money, no gifts!
The only good thing was that I didn't have to go (our bios were sick). Apparently, only 20 people actually showed up. Imagine that - you ask people to come to a park, with no bathroom, tell them they have to feed themselves, and ask them to give you money, and they don't show up! Whoda thunk?
I am praying that the actual wedding isn't as much a cluster fuck as the shower was...
- AllySkoo's blog
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DH Was in a redneck wedding
DH Was in a redneck wedding of this caliber. The wedding was at some "park" in the boonies. Guests had to sit on folding metal chairs...I think I burned my ass when I sat down they were so hot! The best part was everyone had to bring a dish to pass. I was like really? You're getting married and I'm expected to not only bring a gift but bring the food for YOUR reception? I thought it was quite tacky...but whatever
*lol* As long as you're not
I am sure I'll be blogging
I am sure I'll be blogging about the wedding!
She's actually (supposedly) got a wedding place lined up - like one that specializes in weddings, so they have all the crap needed (tables, chairs, linens, etc etc etc). The only issue is that BM told SD that she would pay the deposit with her tax refund this year. Then BM went on vacation with it instead, and told SD she was on her own. This was actually the reason for the "greenback shower" - to pay for the wedding site. But if only 20 people showed up, I'm thinking they didn't get enough money, so.... I don't know.
DH thinks he's going to show up for the wedding and someone is going to tell him he "owes" $X to pay for the wedding or they won't be able to get married. He might be right, and if he is, I will be going BALLISTIC. We are not paying ONE MORE DIME than we already have towards this wedding, and since I am the major breadwinner I feel this is MY call.
OMG I can't stop laughing. My
OMG I can't stop laughing. My SIL actually wore a camo wedding dress
see dress here:
and my idiot brother wore an orange vest and bowtie.
It was in a park out in the middle of no where. I said "I'll go but I am NOT killing my own dinner."
Oh yea it was a riot. That is
Oh yea it was a riot. That is the dress she wore and my idiot brother wore a camp suit with an orange vest and bowtie. Those morons actually served squirrel. I ate vegetables. Best people watching EVER!!
Classy. Truly classy.
Classy. Truly classy. Especially the money part.
Slightly O/t but not.... If I
Slightly O/t but not....
If I have my wedding at a little chapel and ask for people to bring "pot luck church food" is that so bad? People kept asking me for a theme and I've decided "1950's Church Ice Cream Social" since it will be in june., we actually do have bathrooms and air conditioning.
ETA: I want to have plain vanilla cupcakes, served in bowls so they can be topped with ice cream. That way everyone gets a little ice cream cake
and toppings served buffet style.
At a wedding, the guests are
At a wedding, the guests are that... YOUR GUESTS. You should NOT be asking them to bring food. If cost is an issue, do a dessert only reception with your cute idea of a cupcake bar, some fruit, and some other sweets and coffee and tea. It doesn't have to be a huge affair, but it is your job to host your guests, not to ask them to bring food.
To me anyway, it depends on
To me anyway, it depends on who your guests are. If you're talking only family and very close friends (and a smallish guest list) then I'd think it was fine provided that's the type of family and friends you have. (You know them well enough to know if they'd be put off by it or think it's fun, in other words.) If you're inviting a lot of people, and some are more distant relatives or friends of your parents or something, then I'd say no - it's an imposition on your guests to ask them to provide the food and you're fairly likely to offend someone if that's your guest list. Offending people you invite to your parties is a social no-no.
REGARDLESS of your party planning though, I ALWAYS think it's straight up tacky to tell people you want money as "gifts". That was my major issue with this bridal shower. The rest (particularly the bathroom) made me cringe, but the money-grubbing made me squirmingly uncomfortable. Honestly, BM told me to invite my parents and I deliberately didn't mention it to them. No way in HELL was I going to put my mom in that position!
That is TRASHY not redneck,
That is TRASHY not redneck, that's giving us rednecks a bad name
amen! there is such thing as
there is such thing as fun, quirky, kitchzy redneck-themed, whereby you dont take yourself too seriously, but this one is just flat out trashy.
She had 20 people show up????
She had 20 people show up???? Can't believe that many came!
Omg I almost peed myself
Omg I almost peed myself reading this! No restrooms? July? Then onto the other post about the camo dress and then squirrel? LMAOOOO
Anyone remember the infamous "Waffle House Wedding" from a few years back? Google it and look at the pictures.
Now that was high class because they had a venue with AC, food and CHAIRS. It's hysterical, took place in Georgia.
Update: I just looked at the pics from 2008 and some people were sitting on milk crates :jawdrop: , but I imagine there was a restroom inside, so there's that.
Oh, that was just precious!
Oh, that was just precious!
I just don't know where they
I just don't know where they got this idea from. My family are not rednecks nor are they trash. SIL family is upper middle class as well so I have no idea why they wanted a camo wedding and served squirrel...really? I laughed throughout the whole freaking wedding. My dad was mortified and my mom just kept telling us that we needed to be nice because this is their wedding.
LOL they have four kids
LOL they have four kids already. All 5 and under. Their house is a freaking zoo.