Even DH getting fed up with OSD
So further to my last post about my brother suddenly dying, and the disgusting response from OSD, DH has started to open his eyes more about her horrible behavior
At first DH thought it absolutely fine that she simply responded to his message with something about passing on her condolences, but, since then he has seen the outpouring of people from the loss of my brother, to sympathy and wanting to be there for my family as well...all with the exception of one individual, OSD
FIl truly liked my brother, my brother certainly did kind things for FIL in the past, my FIL is devastated for me and my family. Even DH's sister, dropped her infantile, nasty behaviour and she can't stop crying. She adored my brother, and he was good to her just like all of DH's family, she even called me sobbing and saying how shocked she is, how smart and classy and cool my brother had been. YSD is absolutely hurting big time. Not only dis she adore my brother, her step-uncle, by he liked her a whole lot too. He used to tell SD's there was no "step" in his relationship with them, they were his nieces, a much loved and valued part of our family
While YSD took those words to heart, at face value, and wanted to be a part of my family, OSD chose to ignore that, brush it all off with disdain, and now that he has died, and in a most awful way, she couldn't muster the class and maturity to even so much as send a text message about this great loss
DH himself loved my brother. They had a good relationship, and DH used to always say my brother was such a brilliant classy guy. DH even plans to get up and speak to that at the funeral, along with all of my family members who are doing the same
Well, over the last few days, especially with the reaction from DH's own family not to mention his own grieving, he has become a little disgusted himself with OSD's lack of any sort of compassion. He sent the funeral arrangements to his whole family including her, then called OSD with the intention of telling her he thought it would be a good thing for her to at least call me and say something - I was NOT happy when he told me he did that - but I do understand he was just standing up for what he felt was right
He didn't get her on the phone, SSIL answered instead (who said how terrible he felt about it all) and DH told SSIL he thinks OSD should make that phone call. SSIL told DH he would pass on the message to her
She still chose not to
I don't honestly care any longer and I'm truly not surprised. That sort of evil reaction to a great loss as this is all on her, not me.
DH is particularly outraged that just one day after we were at her home, spoiling SGS's with gifts, being classy and decent to her as usual, she responded to this tragic news the very following day by being cold, and unfeeling
She had a choice to make, to show some maturity and class and act in a decent way, or to let her true ugly colours show through once again. She made the choice, and she will have to live with the consequences...one of which is the disgust even her own father/DH feels for her right now, for her lack of decency, which is very noticeable compared to the outpouring of compassion from every one else, including all other members of his own family
The ugly side of step-life yes, but glad I don't feel so much bitterness and jealousy towards anyone in life that I would ever sink that low!
So sad... She's obviously the
So sad...
She's obviously the one with a problem that can't be fixed.
Yes Ladyofthehouse, it has
Yes Ladyofthehouse, it has always been that way too!
Thank you luvmypuppy!
Thank you luvmypuppy!
Well said,
Well said, luvmypuppy....
Truly, Disi, focus on the loving and caring support that you have right now and leave the garbage where it belongs!
Well, it's really too bad
Well, it's really too bad that it took something like this for him to see her for what she is. I know parents want to see the best in their kids, and hope that they are decent human beings but that is just not always the case.
Parents can love their kids without being blind to who they really are. Your DH can love his daughter but he needs to stop ignoring her actions and her disrespect.
If she was not as close to
If she was not as close to your Brother or you as others in her family are I can understand why she would not be as emotional as everyone else. But she COULD have at least written or verbalized some sort of condolences to you personally. The lack of such is cold and, as you wrote, "classless".
My Sister died last year of cancer. My SD had met my Sister and liked her. She knew how close my Sister and I were but never sent condolences of any kind. The odd thing is, I never gave it a thought until now. While I was grieving for my Sister the thought of SD never crossed my mind. The reason why: SD just wasn't worth it. She did not deserve any space in my head during that time.
If you have never really gotten along with OSD, this will be your justification for eliminating her from your life. But please let any thoughts of OSD go right now and concentrate on remembering your Brother as the obviously wonderful person he was - without adding negative influences of OSD. You will be thankful you did.
I don't know the age of OSD..
I don't know the age of OSD.. but I see with both my SD's that they are pretty self involved.
The 22 yo is a 911 operator and someone asked her once if it upset her getting some of those calls.. and she said "NO, I don' know those people so I don't care". She doesn't buy presents for her parents... she pretty much is all about herself.
The 18 yo SD is a little more sensitive to other people's feelings but again, she is definitely not 100% aware that other people have feelings and that sometimes her actions (or inactions) can hurt others.
I am so sorry for the loss of your Brother. I am glad so many people ARE standing by you. I guess in the interest of trying to not take it too personally.. kids can be self involved and a lot of people don't deal with death or loss well and she may just be avoiding you because she really doesn't know what to say.
I mean.. if you aren't particularly close she might feel awkward and might think you wouldn't think she was sincere anyway. My DH actually avoids funerals like the plague.. I say he hates them so much he won't show up for his own.. so if she is like that.. it might be that she just doesn't want to deal with emotions so she avoids it.
She is 34 ESMOD, she has
She is 34 ESMOD, she has always very much had the "victim" mentality 'my parents divorced therefore I'm a victim, the worlds owes me, I'm entitled to have everyone kiss my ass, and I have the right to be an a-hole in return'...this is how she thinks
I ignore her as much as I can, and never share any info about my life with her. As Rags said, she has 'trained' me on how to treat her, and ignoring her is the best way. My DH however, feels the need to share info on my life with her
I think he continues to believe one day she will change and suddenly transform into a decent, kind human being
I know if he would stop telling her anything going on in my life as well (so she may hear some stuff second-hand from YSD instead) she would smarten up to some extent, she has in the past when she realized she was the only one not told (like when my SF passed away) she surprised everyone by showing up at his visitation. We were all so impressed - until that is she loudly announced to me that sorry, she would not be at his funeral because she was going dress shopping that day.
She is what she is, how sad for her, she is missing out on so many good people in her life because she treats people so badly...