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Lol! You all are going to laugh at this one.

C's picture

Stepson called and left a voicemail telling (not asking) us that he was coming to visit us on Christmas. The thing is, we are not going to be home. We are going out to the casino for all-you-can-eat prime rib. I erased the message and forgot to tell DH that SS called (no fucks given). I am not having my Christmas plans ruined because of DH's relatives again. This is the first holiday in 3 years that we are not making it about in-laws or skids. So, I hope SS and his new squeeze have fun hanging out on the porch until we get home. Who invites themselves to someone else's house, anyway? My family doesn't operate that way. DH has to have the most inconsiderate family ever, I swear to God.

stepinafrica's picture

That is sooo ridiculous. I am always welcome at my dad's home but I have to call to check first what their plans are. How dumb of him to just assume things.

WTF...REALLY's picture

You erased a message for your DH? My hubby would be pissed at me if I ever did that and I would be pissed at him.

hereiam's picture

Are you saying that your DH would not just tell his son that you two will not be home until such-and-such time, so do not come before then?

The day I have to delete messages that are for my DH, is the day I will have to take a long, hard look at my marriage.

That is just wrong.

Merry's picture

I've got to agree with WTF. You're playing a dangerous passive-agressive game, imho. Come on, tell your DH about the message and ask him to let his spawn know that you won't be home. Simple as that. Then if DH wants to change your plans about the casino to accommodate his rude son, THAT's the real issue.

Raggles's picture

Whats to stop the SS to arrive before you guys have gone out?? Imagine the fun you will have him when he comes with you to the casino!

Raggles's picture


Cooooookies's picture

Inconsiderate? Inconsiderate is erasing a message left for your DH and never telling him about it. I get they might be little poops but that's a pretty underhanded thing to do IMO.

C's picture

I finally did end up telling DH he called (realized it wasn't very nice not to let him know). When SS called, it hit me wrong at that exact moment. Mind you, this was just a couple of weeks after DH's brother ruined our Thanksgiving plans. DH still wants to go out to eat. I think he feels me becoming weary of his family monopolizing our lives.

Rags's picture

Better to have told DH that hsi spawn called about Christmas and that DH needs to call him to tell him that you have other plans.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Rags, I'm going to disagree. But solely on the point that her DH needs to call his spawn. No he doesn't! Wink

C's picture

Yeah, I realized after the fact that I was still angry with DH for the Thanksgiving stunt and wanted to get back at him, so to speak. But realized that hurting SS isn't the way to go on that. I am just a woman who is damn tired of in-laws coming before me and the kids all the time.

stepfrancy's picture

My SS never calls our home phone but instead calls his dads cell phone. We are planning 20 plus family members at our home on Christmas Eve but SS and family will not be staying in town to attend. Instead they came the day before and spend their time with SS wife's family and SS called his dad yesterday to say they will be coming to our house at around 4pm on Christmas Eve to visit and our party begins at 5pm and they expect me to stop everything to visit with them. I have so much to do and this is no time to visit but my intent is to just continue to prepare for my party and let them visit with him but with 2 children under ages of 5, I know they will be ripping paper off gifts under tree and in kitchen pulling tablecloth off table, and wanting me to fix something to eat and drink because these parents never control their children. It will be impossible to be ready and SS wife has made these plans because she does not like me and loves to make the arrangements and arrive when its best for her. I just have to ask God for the strength to get through this until they are gone! This happens all the time with this SS and his controlling wife. I really feel sorry for him.

C's picture

Francy, your SS wife sounds like an asshole. I don't get people who just invite themselves. That's not okay, family or not. That was kind of my point from the get-go of this post, but everybody got all pissy. I hope your party is a success. Merry Christmas!

C's picture

People can be so inconsiderate.
I'm willing to compromise, but DH thinks it should always be all about his family. In the 3 & 1/2 years that we have lived in our new house, we (DH, kids and myself) have not spent ONE SINGLE holiday by ourselves. I get tired of always having to "be a good sport".

AmIWicked's picture

I agree that was passive aggressive. I have admittedly done things like that before out of spite...or another poster said, maybe the real issue is you think your DH will change your plans with you if he thinks one of his kids are coming home. That is the real issue. You not having faith in your marriage, not trusting your DH, or your DH not having a good enough tract record of putting you first and that makes you insecure.
I've been there. Sometimes I am still there.
It is total crap that a kid would just TELL and INVITE themselves over and assume you two have no plans... but there needs to be healthy communication going on here to stop this or the kid's behavior and your behavior and DH behavior will continue and none of that is good.

still learning's picture

C, yes it was passive aggressive but oh the h#ll well! I absolve you from your sins }:)
Stepmom 1, assuming entitled skid 0