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How do I love a kid that's not his!?

Stepmama_drama's picture

He has two kids from a previous marriage. His son is his(for sure) his "daughter" is another man's and was proven through paternity test. He still raised her as if she was his because he thought it was the right thing to do. The kids stay with BM and he doesn't pay child support for her just his son which is fine by me. It is hard enough to accept a child that isn't mine but I know that is his son, that is a piece of him, but how can I accept a child that isn't mine or his!? We live a few hours away from the kids and go visit once a month and I feel like we are visiting his son/my step son and then there is his ex wife's kid tagging along (5 years old and is unaware he is not her biological father). I know she doesn't know what going on and it's not her fault she in this situation but I am finding it so hard to accept her into my life. I told him I'm not going with him on visits anymore because I don't want to deal with looking at that girl. It makes me so upset. I hate that I feel this way and I've tried so hard to be understanding but I just can't. I care for his son and don't mind visiting him but I don't want to see her at all. It's almost gotten to the point that I want him to choose between me and her but I could never ask him that because I know it would hurt him but it hurts me too! I don't know what to do or how to cope with this. I just feel so hurt and I feel like no one understands.

Rags's picture

So, you dislike and can't love a child that is not abject proof of your DH's idiocy of spawning with a toxic BM but love the child who is proof that your DH has crappy judgment in who he chooses to spawn with? Yep, that makes perfect sense in the insanity of Blended Family life.


My SS-23 is not mine biologically but now he is mine officially. I am on his birth certificate because he chose for me to be his dad since that is what I am and have been since his mom and I married the week before he turned 2yo. I detest the entire Sperm Clan and what that shallow and polluted gene pool has put my family through. I detest the idiots in the Sperm Clan, I do not detest my Skid. Don't get me wrong. I would love it if SS had been my biospawn with my bride and that the shallow and polluted gene pool of the Sperm Clan was nowhere in the picture of our lives. However, I chose to be his dad anyway. See, love is a choice, love is action. Take the actions of love and the feelings will happen.

You have made a choice of how you "feel" about this little girl. The feelings are the result of your choice and your actions. Make a different choice and take different actions. Falling back on your feelings is complete bullshit and a cop out IMHO.

You are an adult. You choose to feel what you feel so stop it. Pull your head out of your ass. Put some brain time into the situation and make a different decision. Remember, this little girl is evidence of your DH's character. That he has chosen to make this little girl his own speaks volumes about him and his character that counters his choice to spawn with the BM that resulted in his son. Keep that in mind the next time you visit BOTH of your husband's children.

Time to grow up, put on your big girl pants, take responsibility for how you have chosen to treat this little girl, make a different choice, quit making excuses about your feelings, and be a viable adult of character worthy of a man who would make a fatherless little girl his own.

IMHO of course.

Good luck.

godess-clueless's picture

I have to agree with Rags on this. I could understand feeling irritated with the child's behavior if she were an unruly, rude child, but nothing in your post indicates that. Dh doesn't pay support for the child. If anything it would seem that those once a month visits would be easier to handle with the two children having each other to play together.

There is a reason plenty of parents make sure they take along that extra kid. Sit in McDonalds and you will notice the only child is the one that constantly runs back to the grown ups wanting one on one attention.

Frustr8d1's picture

I would resent that situation too if I were you but be glad DH isn't paying to support the SD and visits are only once a month. I have had SD12 for over 7 years full time and it's like living with and looking at BM every single day. Be glad--It could be so much worse!

still learning's picture

It sucks to be "that" girl. I was the unknowing step daughter passed off as my step fathers bio but never adopted by him or told the truth. I was always treated differently, hated by my parents and never knew why. Only found out the truth after being placed in foster care after being abandoned by them.

I can see why you resent the situation, she's not yours, not DH's but everyones playing along to keep the status quo. Just imagine how that girl will feel when she eventually finds out the truth. DH is passing her off as his own her but she's clearly not as important since he didn't move to adopt, is not paying support and she won't be entitled to any inheritance when he passes. I'm sure DH treats her differently (even if subtly) than he does his bio son. She'll need her birth certificate soon enough for something, what then?

I personally would not be able to play the charade. I'd encourage DH to have a "Come to Jesus" meeting with BM and also something age appropriate for the girl. DH should not play the part unless he's going to go all in, meaning adopt and fully support this child.

twoviewpoints's picture

Based on both of your posts (this one and Wednesdays), I have to ask why you chose to continue getting deeper into a relationship with a man you knew going in could never be the man you needed him to be? You don't believe in divorce, yet you selected a divorced man. You wanted your partner to share 'firsts' with you, yet you knew that wouldn't be happening with this man.

He had his children often when you started out, but you've managed to get it down to a visit a month. You said you wished neither child existed because it goes against all your beliefs. Now it's ultimatums on the little girl of her or me. If you're successful with that, it will soon be the little boy you'll desire to poof.

It's as if you seem to hope if you can just pretend his past doesn't exist, you can somehow turn him into the man you always wanted to find. Trouble with that is it won't be real. You can't recreate him. Yeah, you love him. But just seems to me that's a pretty selfish way to love someone. It's all about you. Your wants. Your needs. Your feelings. You. You. You.

No, I don't think you're a rotten person. I do think however that you need to move on and actually find the man you always dreamed of. He's out there somewhere. This current relationship isn't going to end well for either you or this man in the long run. There's nothing wrong in wanting a man who will share all those 'firsts' and experience all those things together you personal beliefs hold... but it isn't going to happen with this man.

hereiam's picture

You don't have to love her, any more than any of us have to love our steps, but if you want to continue the relationship with him, I think you need to come to terms with and accept the fact that HE does love her as his daughter. Biology isn't everything. Try thinking of her as his daughter instead of his ex wife's kid. I do believe you can change your mindset and heart if you really want to.

I do wonder how they plan to proceed. Do they ever plan on telling the girl?

My DH was the step father to BM's son and DH had raised him as his own since infancy. He would have continued to have a father/son relationship with him if BM had not selfishly destroyed that relationship. BM told her son in anger that DH was not his father, which in turn made her son angry and resentful, it was a mess and pretty much severed the bond.

hereiam's picture

There are two different issues going on, you are focusing on the lie but OP is focusing on the girl herself.

From what the OP has stated, she has a problem with the fact that this is the ex wife's daughter, not necessarily the lie (which is part of the problem, of course but...). Even if they told the girl the truth tomorrow, her SO will most likely still love the girl, continue to be her dad, and include her on visitations.

So, yes, OP should find some way to accept the fact that her SO loves this little girl like his own and that she is a part of his life. That is, if OP really wants to be a part of HIS life. Or she can choose to walk away from the whole situation and not have to worry about it at all.

It's not wrong to tell her that she should try to accept this little girl, whom her SO obviously loves.

Stepmama_drama's picture

His ex wife wants no contact with her father. At the time this all happened he knew about the paternity test and my SO was already taking on the father role so she told him the test said my SO was the biological father. When he found out his exact words were "thank god I don't have to pay child support". No one has contacted him since then...

still learning's picture

So BM lied to the bio father saying SO was the father. Bio father pays no CS, SO divorced BM and pays no CS for the girl either even though he still claims to be daddy. Did I get that right?

What a soap opera! How can you stand to be part of such drama?

Stepmama_drama's picture

Yep. That is EXACTLY what it's like. A damn soap opera. He tried to stay with his ex wife for the kids even though he wasn't happy. She cheated and left him for another man and they mutually agreed to file for divorce. I am glad he doesn't have to pay child support for her but I hate that his ex makes him pay for his son but because she hates her daughters bio father he doesn't have to pay anything because she doesn't want to deal with him. I know life isn't fair but I think this whole situation from beginning to end is just frustrating and stupid. My SO agrees with me. He hates it. He hates all of it. But he doesn't want to hurt anyone and just rolls with it all.

twoviewpoints's picture

That's the second time in a few days now you've mentioned your disgust that your SO pays CS to his biological son.

Why do you think it would be acceptable for Dad not to help financially support his son?

This little boy is like three years old. CS is at least another 15yrs yet. And as his son ages there will be medical n dental cost . In fact if anything happened to BM the son would be given to Dad to raise and support 100%.

Stepmama_drama's picture

I'm not mad that he pays child support. I understand that it needs to be paid to help support his child. Go figure. I'm upset at the fact that money comes out of our paychecks every month to pay for choices that I never made. Yes I made the choice to be with my SO but I never made the choice to have a kid. And no, being with him doesn't mean I made the choice to have a kid. I feel like what we pay every month could be going towards things to better ourselves like buying a house instead of renting. But it has to go to his ex wife because of decisions he made and I have to live with now.

LuckyGirl's picture

Then ditch your SO and find yourself a man with no children. Because the situation is not going to change and you are not going to be able to accept it better: in fact as the boy ages it will get worse. Kids get more expensive, and they become horrible teenagers - you will REALLY resent your SO paying for him then.

Be honest with yourself, and leave. None of us know beforehand how we will deal with the situation, there is no shame in admitting that you and can't handle it. You have the choice to go.

Disneyfan's picture

If this is how you feel, why in the world did you marry a father with a sense of responsibility? If you had to marry a father, you would had been better off with a deadbeat.

The man had a life before you. During that time he met a woman, feel in love, got married, had a child, feel out of lovemand got a divorce. Once the marriage ended, he moved on with his life, but is doing the right thing by supporting his son.

thisisnotmocking's picture

Not a single penny comes out of YOUR paycheck. It's going to come out of HIS for a loooooooooooong time.

If CS is $100/week, have it taken directly out of his check and pretend it doesn't exist. His take home pay is $100 less per week.

You don't see it or deal with it or speak of it.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Move on from this man. You don't have the coping skills or fortitude to really attempt to be a blended family. This is going to end badly for all involved.

ctnmom's picture

My step situation is similar to yours. Biologically, SS38 is DH's nephew. When we met, he was 6. My DH is very much a father figure to him, and we're there for all his milestones. He even came and lived with us, several times. I'm going to say the words every stepparent hates to hear, but it's the cold hard truth- you knew the situation when you got into this relationship. So did I. Unwad your underwear and suck it up, or leave the relationship. Like my SS, that poor little girl didn't ask to be born. It can be a hard pill to swallow, I know, believe me I KNOW, but tough shit. Life isn't always easy, or fair.

Stepmama_drama's picture

It makes me feel so bad that people on here are basically attacking me for this. I am trying to cope and find a way to accept the situation and everyone telling me I need to grow up and be thankful is not helping. You seem to understand that I am putting forth effort and I thank you and thank the others who understand that. I came to this site for advice on how to cope with all of this not be harassed because I'm ungrateful and what have you. I get enough bad judgement from my family on this. I was hoping people in similar situations who actually have step children (unlike anyone in my family) would help but it just seems like most peoples only intentions are tearing me down and calling me a bad person.

Stepmama_drama's picture

I understand what you're saying. This man is everything I have ever wanted. He is so good to me and sometimes I feel like I don't deserve him. Everything in our relationship is perfect and it is everything I gave up hope on finding because I thought no one could be that perfect in reality. The only thing I cannot come to grips with is his past. I don't want to give up on our relationship and just quit because of who he was and the choices he made years ago. I just want to learn how to accept things that I cannot change and come to terms with dealing with decisions that I wasn't around to make. I knew the situation and I went into this with confidence and hope and even excitement but it's gotten harder and harder and I don't want to give up on what we have. I want to find a way to make peace with it all.

ctnmom's picture

Women say this on here all.the. time. "He's perfect in every way, everything I ever wanted in a man, but he's got this kid that I loathe/loathes me/isn't his/is a mooch/is a drug addict". If a man is in a situation that's untenable to you, HE ISN;T THE RIGHT ONE FOR YOU.

thisisnotmocking's picture

The way I read this, he's actually the opposite of perfect for her LOL

Everything she believes is against her beliefs and morals... He IS.

Disneyfan's picture

If bunch of strangers who are/were dealing the the same step issues you struggle with, are telling you the same thing your family is telling you, there must be some validity to it.

Disneyfan's picture


Just because someone doesn't automatically hop on the SM is always right bandwagon doesn't mean they are bitter, harsh, miserable.....There are times when dad, the stepskids or BM isn't the problem. Sometimes the SM's behavior and/or expectations is the problem.

Everything the OP has posted screams that this isn't the guy for her.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Very true. No point in even coming here ash since you think were all horrible, miserable people.

I always find it interesting, when somebody doesn't like the advice given by multiple people then they do the brunch stroke "well, this is a site filled just miserable people." Cracks me up every time I read something like this.

The best thing that can happen to you in life is people not blowing smoke up your ass. When you're given genuine, heartfelt truth and advice, even if it's something you don't want to hear, it's still the best gift you can receive. Listen to it, take it in and see if you are in a situation that is very unhealthy for you, as lots of us think the 0P is in.

ctnmom's picture

I am not bitter, and I actually love my SS very much. I am giving this woman advice based on 32 year of experience with the issue at hand. I'm sorry if I seem bitter, or abrupt. I try to make my posts short and sweet!

blayze's picture

I cannot imagine what you're going through. You have it rough right now. Sad No way in hell could I have accepted baby mama's kid if the kid wasn't kin to the man I love. I can understand why you would feel the way you do. It’s like he’s doing a favor for BM. Taking HER kid for the weekend. Keeping up HER lie. Erasing HER errors in judgment. Yeah he agreed to it when they were together, but after the breakup, taking care of the little girl would look like he was supporting his ex.

My SO’s BM has 3 other kids by 3 other baby daddies. I’m trying to wrap my mind around having to be around one of those kids. Nope. I couldn't do it. I wouldn't play happy family with that child (at least not until our relationship matured). How long have you two been together?

You really don't have to go on these visits... you can totally opt out. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, I think you would be wise to stay home until you sort out your feelings. Honestly, if you opt out now and don’t try to "blend" with them, you might come to accept the situation better later.

This works for me… when I really am angry, upset, or frustrated with something, the worst thing I can do is try to change my feelings about it. Way too much resistance. I find that my feelings naturally change when I shift my mind to other things that make me happy. What you focus on you get more of, right? So take your focus off of this negative, deceitful, yucky situation for a while. Focus on your marriage. Focus on your hobbies. Your friends. Focus on what you love! There is no rule that says you have to go “all in” with the stepmother role. Sloooooow doooooown. Smile

I couldn't stand SO's kids at first. Wanted 'em gone. Wished they were never born. I felt like I was "supposed to" love them… like I was a bitch if I didn’t accept the situation “as is”. Even though they behaved like hellions… even though my man turned to jelly when they were around… and even though BM was giving us nothing but problems, I was obligated to love his package deal.

Turns out, I did NOT need to accept a bullshit situation that my man created and continued. I needed to turn away from it. I needed to get excited about something ELSE in my life. Only then was I able to find the love in my heart to embrace the gift I was being presented. Gifts don’t always come wrapped in bows. You may not be able to stand that little girl now (rightfully so!), but her presence in your life may become a very special blessing to you in some way… years down the road. Just don’t beat yourself up about not feeling that way right now. You have all the time in the world and situations DO shift. No need for ultimatums.

Opt out of the family festivities until you’re ready. There is no pressure for you to help your man continue his charade.

LuckyGirl's picture

I think it says a lot for your SO's character that he is willing to raise the child as his own. However, the child should know the truth, as should her biological father. Your SO can still be involved in her life if he wishes.

still learning's picture

He plays the father role so long as he doesn't have to pay child support. Yeah, real great guy.

Disneyfan's picture

He's paying CS for his child. He's under no obligation to the same for the little girl.

Hey, he is a great guy. He has done a hell of a lot for that kid than her bio dad has. Of course the bio dad can't be blamed, since mom lied to him. :sick:

still learning's picture

and SO is perpetuating the lie so long as he doesn't have to financially support the child. SO is keeping the child from knowing her bio father and receiving support from him, all this to keep BM from dealing with reality. He's a lying, weak, cuckolded wimp.

OP are you sure you want to marry a guy who is capable of living a lie and carrying on his ex wife's secret?!

Disneyfan's picture

BM could (and should) tell the bio dad the truth right now. That doesn't mean the OP's husband will step back. The girl could very well end up with two men who love her and want to be involved in her life.

still learning's picture


Luckily OP is not married to the guy yet he's the SO not the husband. IMHO if OP is smart she won't get legally entangled in this mess. If they ever have a child together OP would be expected to lie to her own child and tell the child that the girl is a half sibling which is not the case.

I in no way said SO should step back and stop caring for the girl or being a parental figure. I do think SO is doing this more for his ego and getting to play the hero for the girl and BM since his "fatherly love" conditionally stops at his wallet.

thisisnotmocking's picture


I only know one person that has had a paternity test done. Both parents got a copy of the results by mail.

Is that not the norm?

still learning's picture

OP, sorry if I missed it but whose name is on the girl's birth certificate? Is it SO or the bio father? Just wondering because as StepAside mentioned, the bio father could be on the hook for back child support if BM ever decided to collect. SO could be on the hook too if his name is on the cert and BM was ever in a situation where she needed any form of public assistance. DHS goes after whoever is on the birth certificate, they'll garnish first and ask questions later.

Just some possible future drama to look forward to since SO insists on playing daddy to a kid that isn't his. I'm not saying that he shouldn't be a parental figure to the girl, just saying that he's doing it w/out financial consequence now but that may not always be the case.

still learning's picture

How convenient for BM. Her daughter gets a "fill in the blank" daddy. I truly despise women who do that to their children.

SweetMom's picture

I think I know what's going on here with you. It's not because it's not his child But, a child that isn't his but being forced by guilt that he should step up to the plate of being a dad because 'it's not fair' that one child gets to have a mommy and daddy and the other doesn't. Therefore he has this guilt trip bestowed upon him by BM that this poor baby has to watch it's sibling get the best of life and she doesn't. It's hard on you as a new wife because you are the audience watching a movie unfold infront of your eyes but you are strapped in the seat. You would love to cut the strings from the puppeteers hands and free the puppet but you can not right now until you figure it out. Let me tell you, if you are going to be in the picture show and feel the way you do now, you need to cut those strings now! That child is very young and as she grows she is going to hate you regardless of how you try to treat her good. No body hates a child from the beginning, it forms into hate because we as woman do not fit into the equation. You need to tell your husband to pick a wife because that's what he is Doing, having two families. As far as the child's feelings. Him being a dad married to a different lady other than her BM doesn't work. I tell you from experience. It is not healthy on that child or your marriage. You either remove yourself now or keep going the way ya'll are all going and that child's life will get complicated for her own well being. Not to mention, the bio sons life will get complicated too because he will have guilt put upon his head by his sister and BM and he will get deprived. People need to quit brain washing their kids and tell them the truth and let them figure it out as they grow. The world has to many concrete babies in it now.

SweetMom's picture

As far as paternity tests are concern, if my ass had to pay I would want the results. I would go down there and be demanding for what my money paid for! The courts made him pay right, like 700.00 or more? Usually when paternity tests are done the attorneys call their clients and let them know the results. Don't let this bitch BM run The show. You're gonna be with this man and he is apart of your life..get your paper work because the moment a accident happens and if he falls upon death, you better believe your gonna have a vulture pecking on you.

LAMomma's picture

Just wanted to let you know you aren't alone. My spouse's ex had a son before they met and he came into the picture when he was 3ish. They went on to have two daughters together also. When they divorced he felt like this boy was like his son/own child.

BM used it to her advantage.. When we got the girls for visitation he tried to get this kid to come along also. I personally didn't mind as it's just one more to add and he was the oldest at 10 years old. Kid expressed to his face one time that he wasn't his Dad and he didn't want to go. He came a whole 3 times for visitations and he was more so used as a spying tool for his Mother whom is high conflict.

The situation fixed itself though the last time he came with his sisters. The kids were playing with playdoh in the kitchen at the table. I caught them throwing it around so promptly told them to knock it off 1-2 times. Every other kid stopped and he continued to throw it across my kitchen. I sat there and watched him for 5 mins longer just to confirm. Finally I had enough and calmly walked in before I told him to clean up his mess and pick up what he was playing with and since he couldn't listen he could wait in the bedroom until we left. (We were about to bring them back home) Apparently while he was in the bedroom he thought it was a good idea to shove a monster truck into his shorts pocket and try to get away with stealing it from my 3 year old son. Thankfully we noticed it but he went back and tattled to BM who flew off the handle and now since her precious snowflake got talked to sternly he's not allowed to return. How dare we discipline her lying and thief son whom has that rep from various babysitters and family members. He has a bright future ahead of him and it's not MY problem.

Spouse pretty much cut ties and realized he was living a fantasy. Step relationships don't usually continue after divorce IMO. It usually staggers off at some point. I think one of the eye openers was when his 5 year old daughter told us that her brother couldn't come anymore because 1. I fussed at him and 2. because Mommy didn't want him coming over and telling us all her business because he talks too much.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Your DH has CHOSEN to be this child's father. Kudos to him.

My DH chose to father a child who is not his biological son. I have much admiration for him for doing so.

My brother and his wife chose to parent 2 children who are not their biological children.

My sister and her husband chose to parent FOUR children who are not their biological children.

It is possible for people to love and be a parent to children who are not biologically theirs. They are children of the heart.