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I wish his kids never existed. I need help.

Stepmama_drama's picture

I am due to be married in a few months, I met the man that I want to spend the rest of my life with and he is the reason I am so happy, but his kid(s) are the reason that I am utterly miserable sometimes. I am always 100% honest with how I feel towards the subject of his children and he understands because they are not mine (I don't have any children).

I am extremely old fashioned when it comes to having a family. You get married to the person you love and grow in love and the relationship and when the time is right for both of you, you have children. When things get rough you work through them because that's what marriage is about. Divorce is not an option in my eyes. That's just how I was raised.

He got back together with an ex girlfriend and soon after found out she was pregnant but they were not sure if he was the father or the man before him. When the baby was born he raised her like his own and when the truth came forward that he was not the father he was already attached and she was pregnant once again with his child this time. He married her because he felt it was the right thing to do. After a while she divorced him to be with other men but he stayed an active member in both children's lives.

I knew his situation before we started dating and I always loved children so I thought I would have handled this better. We moved in with each other and he had the kids the majority of the time every week. After the first few months passed I started to hate his children because I never made the decision to have kids and because I fell in love I am stuck with two children that I never made the decision to have. Going from having 0 children to having 2 almost overnight is hard, especially when one child isn't mine and the other isn't mine or his. I feel like we are helping raise his ex wife's child because he feels bad... After a while of being together we moved away to better ourselves and the children stayed with their mother. He pays child support (only for the one that is biologically his) and I hate it because I feel like we are taking money out of our checks every month and literally lighting it on fire because it does nothing to benefit us. We go visit the kids about once a month now and each time it gets harder and harder for me. i know it's not their fault, they're kids and I understand that, but I absolutely hate the situation. I don't even see or hear about them most of the time but somehow they seem to ruin my day the majority of the time.

I have been honest with him and he understands but he gets so upset because he wants me to be completely happy and knows his kid(s) ruin that for me. When I try to talk to friends/family about how I feel they cut me down and pretty much call me a bad person. I hate feeling so judged all the time. Also, I feel like I have given up a lot of my beliefs and my morals on marriage because I love him. When we have our first child, he's already been there and done that. When we get married, he's done that before as well. I will be experiencing what it's like to create a family and have all these new experiences for the first time and it's just old news to him... He says this time he's doing all this because it's what he wants not what he feels he is obligated to do so it feels like a first to him but it's not the same to me. I feel like I am being a childish brat who needs to grow up and I have tried so hard to deal with this but I don't know what to do. I need some serious help, not just criticism telling me I'm a heartless human being. Please try to understand...

TwoOfUs's picture

These feelings are all common. It takes an incredibly strong woman to work through these feelings...even in the best situations. I have felt everything that you describe and then some...and I have a good relationship with 2/3 skids. Still wish they weren't in my life at times.

Going to be very honest here. I went into this situation expecting to just adore the kids and for us to all be one big, happy family...and I was unpleasantly surprised when these feelings started surfacing. I've always been great with kids...oldest of 6, nieces and nephews I adore...former teacher. So I was really shocked when I started resenting the skids.

It may be that you have a leg up since you've recognized these feelings early. You can either 1.) RUN AWAY FAST!!! Or 2.) Set some good boundaries that will help your marriage survive.

Consider things will you spend your money on skids? Will you spend any or will it be all on your DH? How will you handle holidays? Are you ever willing to spend time with the skids while your husband is gone? How will you set up your finances and wills so your future bio-kids are protected? How will you handle interactions with the BM? How will you handle scheduling? What are the non-negotiables for child behavior in your home? How will you handle discipline? (Let him do it!!!)

There are hundreds of other things to consider, but these are a few that have surfaced and re-surfaced during my five-year marriage. I remember how shocked and resentful I felt the first time DH left me at home all day with his three kids without asking during his weekend because he had work to do...or the first time he rescheduled kids to get an extra day without asking me...or how strange it's been to feel like he always gets "first dibs" on holiday plans bc of the kids...or how much resentment I felt the first time he used "my" money on something unnecessary for one of the skids. Because I was expecting it all to be easy...I hadn't set up any boundaries...and these are all areas that have had to be addressed and re-negotiated during our marriage. Fortunately, my husband has (mostly) understood and (mostly) been supportive. And I do like the kids...just resent the finances and the intrusion at times.

I say go to your fiancé to discuss some of these issues and see how supportive he is. The fact is, you're an equal partner in the marriage...but marrying a man with kids can make you feel decidedly like a second-class citizen. Don't let that happen.

Stepmama_drama's picture

Another thing that makes me feel so bad is sometimes I want to give him the ultimatum that it's either me or them. But I don't. I don't refrain from doing it because I know it will hurt him, I refrain because I am scared that he will choose them over me. I am being so selfish and I feel like a complete asshole and I have tried so so very hard to ignore these emotions and tried to not think like that but I can't get away from how I feel. I try to look at the situation more positively and I can't. It's like there is no escape and I am stuck dealing with horrible decisions that I didn't even make!

TwoOfUs's picture

Don't do an ultimatum. Even if he does choose you over the kids, he'll resent you for it.

However, it is OK to lay out boundaries and let him know that you will not be paying for his past mistakes. When it comes to your marriage and your home...he should put you first. That's healthy for the marriage and, frankly, healthier for the kids. A lot of dads just expect kids and SM to be one big happy they bring the kids in and promptly disappear, leaving all the hard stuff to SM. My husband used to do this. We both work from home...but my office is upstairs in the home and he basically has a sound-proof studio in the basement. He'd show up with the kids and then get back to work in the basement....leaving me to cook, clean up after them, discipline, entertain them...all while not getting my work done. He'd resurface to be Disney Dad and do something fun...and then get back to work...I tried talking to him about it with very little success. He just didn't even realize he was doing it, and I got more and more resentful. So I stopped doing everything. He'd come up from working: "What's the lunch plan?" Me: "I don't know. I made myself a salad." Him: "Why are there Cheerios all over the kitchen?!" Me: "I don't know. Ask your daughter." Him: "Where's my daughter?" Me: "I don't know." (keep in mind, his kids were 14, 12, and 10 when we married...16, 14, and 12 when I started this approach. I wasn't letting toddlers wander off.) Same thing at dinner. I'd still cook...mostly because I like to, but I quit cleaning up after everyone when we were finished. It used to be that they'd all get up from the table and watch a movie...I'd get dishes started...come in after missing the beginning of the movie only to find three teens / pre-teens sprawling all over the couch leaving nowhere for I'd go back in my bedroom to read a book. I started heading straight for the book, leaving everything where it was. Now...DH takes on 90% of the parenting duties. When kids show up, he has a plan for them, he has chores for them...and he doesn't expect me to pick up all the slack. I do usually cook a dinner or two...but again, cooking relaxes me. It's something I've always enjoyed, and it feels different when it's something I've chosen to do. I also take the skids out sometimes...but it's always because I want to go do something...not because someone else's kids have been dumped on me and I'm desperate to figure out something to entertain them. My husband has them make up their beds and strip them when they go...none of this falls on me. And the kids are happier now. It feels like real life here...not like some strange staycation at dads.

The fact is...there's no way you can predict behavior or know everything that will end up bothering you. But you can set up some good boundaries now. How often will he have them and when? That's a big one. Get it put down in writing (My husband and I have a Google calendar we share, and I know every kid visit for the whole year on January 1. Of course, sometimes something comes up and we switch weekends...but it's rare.) DO NOT let it be that he gets them whenever he, or worse, whenever BM, feels like it. Have established visitation and stick to it. Repeat after me: "No one can change my schedule or my plans without my knowledge and consent." It is reasonable for you to know ahead of time when the skids will come and how long they'll be around. Don't let him wiggle out of that or guilt you into letting it be a free-for-all. Another big one for us has been finances, especially since DH was starting up a business when we married and I brought in more income. We combined finances, and I've always been a really generous, again, I was surprised at the resentment I started to feel. Turned out we had vastly different expectations for what's "reasonable" to spend on outings...birthdays...Christmas...and life with kids in general...because DH grew up very wealthy. So it started to feel like I had a 20% say in what we did (he and his three kids always outweighed my opinion)...but then I paid 70-80% of expenses...for kids that aren't mine. That's a recipe for resentment. Fortunately, DH's business has started doing well, so the issue has cooled. So...will you combine finances? If so, how will you pay for kid things? What's reasonable to spend on a kid birthday, for example? Lay it out now.

Of's also OK to walk away, you know. That doesn't make you a bad person at all. I'm not sure that I'd do it again, knowing what I know now...and you'll see a lot of women on these boards who feel the same.

TwoOfUs's picture

PS - I see in your original post that you "go to visit" the skids about once a month now. How far away do you live? Your soon-to-be husband moved for work? Or to give you some distance from the situation? Both? What a blessing. We live five minutes from the skids, and now they have cars, so it's much harder to maintain boundaries. My only hope is that they will move!

This is so, so easy. You don't go. The kids will actually love having alone time with dad, and you get a weekend or so to yourself. Make him set up a separate kid account that he puts a set amount of $$$ into (you do not contribute to this) and that's what he can spend. Don't take on more of the bills because he has kids. If he can't afford to maintain his home and travel to see the kids...then he has to take on extra work or see the kids less. None of this has to fall on your shoulders...and it shouldn't.

notasm3's picture

Of course you wish his kids never existed. That's a normal reaction. The only reason that I am sort of okay that SS30 exists is that DH got snipped 2 weeks after finding out that BM was knocked up (they had been divorced for years but slept together and produced the cretin). So that meant that DH did not have children with wife #2 - who truly is the most disgusting person ever. Since he never succumbed to her pleading to have the V reversed we do not have to have anything to do with her.

I truly do understand how you feel. I personally could have never married a man with minor children. I would go batshit crazy having to help raise rug rats that I did not produce. And I love children. I was always having my friends' children over for overnights, etc. But it's totally different what you volunteer to do vs what is foisted upon you.

My SS was in his 20s when I met DH. It PISSED me off royally that somehow this worthless POS was impacting MY life. I was not the asshole (BM and DH both) who had sex with no BC and produced this bastard. So I did not give a shit if he was homeless. If BM didn't care why should I?

I don't really have any advice for you though. Your soon to be DH does have a child. No denying that. The one that is not his - well not your problem nor his. No reason that you have to tolerate anything for this random child. But your DH does need to support the child he produced. Let him go visit the child without you if you don't want to go. But make sure he is not visiting the child's mother on these visits.

It's really not important that you have his first child or that you are his first wife. Forget that. If you can't forget that - then move on to someone who has not been married before. It's the PRESENT that matters - not what he's been through before.

Stepmama_drama's picture

Another thing that makes me feel so bad is sometimes I want to give him the ultimatum that it's either me or them. But I don't. I don't refrain from doing it because I know it will hurt him, I refrain because I am scared that he will choose them over me. I am being so selfish and I feel like a complete asshole and I have tried so so very hard to ignore these emotions and tried to not think like that but I can't get away from how I feel. I try to look at the situation more positively and I can't. It's like there is no escape and I am stuck dealing with horrible decisions that I didn't even make!

Cocoa's picture

this situation will make you old before your years. not a good fit, and I do not believe a woman who has never married before should EVER marry a divorced man with kids. sooooo unfair to her. she will never have her firsts. however, if you're bound and determined to go through with this, you and he will have to compromise. yes, you are going to HAVE to accept the fact he has kids and a certain amount of time and money is going to have to go to flow in that direction. it's a obligation of his that you are have to be WILLING to take on. he didn't know you were coming into his life at the time. on the other hand, he has to be willing to have firm boundaries, consult with YOU when it comes to his kids and take your feelings into consideration. he has to make sure you and your marriage is his first priority, but he has to be there for his kids fairly consistently. communication with his ex will have to minimal and simply a transfer of information. he'll have to make sure his ex understands that if it weren't for the kids, he'd never speak to her again. he'll have to understand that there will be no extras for the kids above child support UNLESS his obligations to your marriage are taken care of (his full share of the bills, retirement, marital savings). he'll have to understand that if his obligations to you and his marriage are not fulfilled that he will have to work 2 jobs to cover the gap. same goes for junior playing football if he can't afford it. you have to realize that you will NOT have his full attention (especially with him working all the time), but that is the deal if you marry him.

still learning's picture

I've seen a relationship end because the fiance didn't like the girls cat. If you already want his kids to disappear then you're in for a long road of misery. OP, think long and hard about this. Please do not rush into marriage and having your own child thinking it will magically fix all this. It is not "old fashioned" to be the 2nd wife and take on a skid and one that's not even his. You're biting off more than you can chew. Call it a wrap and let it go.

neskajy's picture

I am no in exactly the same situation, but somewhat similar. My husband has a daughter from a previous marriage who just turned 18 a few days ago. She lies with us and he raised her (mother is out of the picture). And the problem is that the girl had lots of issues growing up health-wise and for a while everyone thought she was developmentally delayed. She had horrific ear infections that caused hearing loss and impacted her speech and social learning early on in life...many things. She made a lot of progress and is high school now and although she takes the easiest classes possible, she is doing okay in school. So she is definitely intelligent, she is healthy physically, but she has social issues (aka basically no friends, doesn't know how to hold a conversation with anyone, never really talks and when asked something give one word answers). She is nice and not troubled like some kids her age are. BUT! First of all I did not raise her and was not there through all of her issues. What I see is that my husband and his mother (the daughters grandmother) NEVER expected anything from the girl, so she literally has no ability to think of others even with little things (like you must tell her to feed the cats because she won't think of doing it and the cats would probably die of starvation around her - that is just one minor example). She has zero ability or knowledge how to clean the house. Like literally if i was to have any desire to teach her how to clean a bathroom i would have to tell her how many paper towels to use and how much cleaning solution because otherwise she would use the whole thing. And the list goes on and on. I am now 8 month pregnant and I can't even begin to tell you how much it irritates me that somehow it is okay if I with my huge belly cook and clean and do laundry (i never do hers tho) while she is not ever expected to do anything. I tried to talk to my husband about it but he either puts the responsibility of telling her what to do on me or just brushes it off. I don't feel like it is my responsibility to tell her. She is an adult child that is not mine. So ... yeah I feel ya. I don't think that what me and my husband have is the same as what he had 18 years ago when he was married. He married very young because she got pregnant. Just like your husband he is not even sure this girl is his but he never did any tests and when the mother started acting like a horrible mother, he got a custody of his daughter. Their marriage did not last long. I think and hope that my husband married me for very different reasons, he is older now than he was. He has been single for a while and I hope that by now he already knew what he was looking for. I do think and hope that our child will be very different than his older daughter. I am also nothing like his first wife. So i don't necessarily feel like you do in regards of my husband having all the previous experiences EXCEPT the very experience of already being a father. And what I mean by that is that when someone has kids already those kids are always first for them. No matter how bad those kids might be, how many issues they have etc. I do feel like I come second to his daughter. That if she does something wrong, he always remembers her as a little baby and how much health issues she had etc. and he feels all that love for her and feels sorry for her and does and always will forgive anything and everything for her. But his love for me is completely different and surely I will not be as easily forgiven nor is his expectations for me as as low as for his own adult daughter. Of course he expects me to participate in the family life and in our household to a full extent etc. And I sometimes wonder how is it okay in his eyes to NOT tell his daughter "go clean the kitchen coz your stepmom is pregnant and she needs rest"? And that makes me sad sometimes. And I do get irritated at his daughter a lot. I never show it and i am always nice to her, but I have exploded a couple of times and told him how i felt. Only it did not help. He only gets upset with me.

Anyways...I completely understand your feelings dear author. The positives (although it may be negatives too) is that your husbands children do have a mother and they don't stay with you all all the time. Also if they are younger then there is a chance for you to at least have some authority and be able to tell them "no you can't do this in this house" or 'i don't appreciate your tone of voice" or "when you come here you need to clean up your toys". Those are the things you can't say to a child who is actually an adult already and you are nobody to them. Have been and will be. I have no advice for you except that if you marry him, somehow develop a different attitude about the kids. Like...let him just deal with it while you are just living your own life. It is very difficult, but otherwise you will be driving yourself nuts like many parents on this forum