Help!! I need guidence
I had the most horrible experience on the weekend and I need help/guidance to help me to sort through it all. Long story (as theres "history" with the oldest SD who was 19 at the time living FT with me- unemployed, not contributing and expecting my then fiance (her dad) and me to support her entitled ways)...she was "given" a $7000 car to sell by her father to help her as she had no money. I saw a post on FB about her selling it and I asked her on facebook what was going on and why is she selling her sisters car (it was given to her sister before then passed onto her)...and then she blocked me without responding..I was furious as WE could have done with the money. He was FURIOUS with me for daring to be furious about what he does with his precious daughter, acted badly and so we broke up.
In the mean time and over the course of about 18 months we lived separately but worked on our issues. I thought he understood why I was so upset (him enabling her)and discounting my feelings about the matter. So we married in April this year. We have been together for 5 years and attempted to live together when the first incident happened when his kids were living with us FT and then we broke up to then resume living together in February this year. In the mean time, SD20 lives with her boyfriend, SD18 just stores her stuff and comes and goes when she likes and SS16 lives FT with us.
I arranged my horse to be sold on by SD20 as that is "her job" - she dosent work a FT job but tries to make a living by looking after other peoples horses (as well as her own) and getting horses and selling them on- on her property she is renting. She is dodgy at the best of times (ripping people off) but I needed this horse sold and we had sort of rekindled a polite relationship and all was good...or so I thought. My DH wanted this horse of mine gone as it was an eating machine and SD was happy to take it so he floated it over himself and I thanked him for his time and effort (he had a day off from work and didnt seem to mind) and I really didnt want to be driving an hour each way.
Anyway, after what I would call some dodgy brother selling tactics, the horse sold and she made a tidy sum from it. Our arrangement was I get $1000. All good. Well that was 4 weeks ago and I still hadnt heard boo out of her (and not once personally throughout the who ordeal) and I knew she had received the cash from the sale. In the mean time, my DH had been sharing snippets about where the horse was (it was moved to another property without my knowledge) and sold on - but Dh told me not her. 4 weeks later still no cash. I sent her a text " Hi..... Hows things going? Just checking in as I heard that my horse had sold a few weeks ago and you were waiting for the cheque to clear, Im just wondering how its going then as Im hoping to be able to pay off some of my loan for my car... Cheers Stormy
No answer....crickets... that was on the Friday morning time
Then I get home friday night and my DH is FURIOUS at me for texting her as SD20 feels harassed by me....I nearly fell over backwards...WTF!! Harassed? He claimed I was harassing her. How? By sending her that text demanding $$$. LOTS of words were said and I was soooo hurt that NOT ONCE did my DH consider my side but instantly went into defend his precious princess because she felt harassed and later I found out that all his kids including him (he said all of us) is scared of me as to the reason why she didnt bother replying to explain her plans in arranging the money to come my way..there is such a thing as internet banking..but my DH made it out that I was demanding that she drop everything and pay me the money right there and then. He was also furious at me after I claimed that it had nothing to do with him as I was the client, not him. He insisted that I should have gone through him first and not text "my kid". He claimed that he set everything up by negotiated terms and floating the horse to her, so I should be going through him....WTF....his family is fucking crazy. SD 20 apparently told her sister SD18 that she felt harassed by me who in turn rang their father in support of SD20, as SD20 "didnt want to cause any trouble" her words as to why her sister rang her father and not SD20 herself....but still ignored my text and set their father loose on me in massive " must protect my kids" mode.
Im shattered. I thought we had a relationship even after the car incident before hand. DH said I dont have to have a relationship woth them (in protection of them from me because Im so scary I think) but Im guttered to my core that he has once again supported her feeble princess ways over his own wife. Not once did he even want to see my text- as proof It was innocuous...he was convinced HIS daughter felt harassed and scared of me because "we had history" so its true. My feelings and side was squashed. He just seems ok with this division he has caused as theres no way now that I can ever resurrect a relationship with his kids and he seems ok with that. Im devastated in the way Ive been portrayed and persecuted. I dont know how to move forward now and and how to even reconnect with my DH as he was trying to be loving last night and I feel myself withdrawing from being so emotionally squashed and ignored.
OK, I'm sorry you find
OK, I'm sorry you find yourself in this situation. The best I have for you is that a relationship should be mostly easy. The fact that you and he broke up, moved in, moved out, broke up again, ad infinitum for 5 five years did not bode well for a future marriage. But marry you did and here you are.
Sadly, I don't things will get better. I have no tactical nor strategic advice for you. Just the long term creed that it shouldn't be this difficult. Next time look for a relationship that is mostly smooth with the occasional misunderstanding, nothing more. Don't try to force a busted up plane onto the runway and expect it to fly. At least not for very long.
"Next time look for a
"Next time look for a relationship that is mostly smooth with the occasional misunderstanding, nothing more. Don't try to force a busted up plane onto the runway and expect it to fly. At least not for very long." --- ChiefGrownup
Yes, going practical ... horse gets sold, money changes hands as soon as the check is cleared or PayPal notifies seller. Most equine agents are scrupulous about this due to reputation etc. DH and SDs dusting up are just fluffing about something else rather than this sale.
Sounds like there is a boatload of other stuff going on ... wished I had something wise to offer, but I don't.
This is exactly my plan and I
This is exactly my plan and I totally agree!
They've shown me their true colours including him. Our relationship will never be the same.
Ive sent him an email so if he tells me to shove it, I will have my answer.
And sue her for the money owed to you on the horse.
SassyMama83 and I are
SassyMama83 and I are thinking alike on this one Sd is an adult and you had the agreement she would sell your horse. Tell DH if he wants to help , he needs to stop babying his precious girl.. Or they will continue to take him for whatever they can get! I would text or e-mail SD about the horse that way if you have to go to court you will have proof that you handled it so much better than I would've!!.. As far as your DH.. Those wedding vows didn't mean much to him because he isn't taking care of how wife the way a man should!.. Kick him out or move out... Life is too short to waste it being miserable!!
Thank you so very much for
Thank you so very much for your comments and I take on board your suggestions...even the leaving ones and that certainly crossed my mind too.
I find myself really hating his kids now and blame him for causing this rift even though DH blames me for sending the text in the first place. I see the stupidity of the situation and am frustrated that he cant see my side on how manipulative SD is....I mean she is isnt she...."I dont want to dont trouble for DH and Stormy BUT stormy scares me and I feel harassed by her..So her sister flies in to defend her because surely its true....
I bet she didnt show the text to anyone but gave people her version.
Shes her mothers daughter for sure.
I swear BM has borderline personality disorder- with narcissistic traits.
DH is in protection overdrive mode as he believes her.....I said to him yesterday, how can you continue to be with me then if Im that horrible and scary to your kids? I mean if he were to mine, I would be gone.
Somethings dosent add up.
I think (no evidence) that DH told her she could use the money and he will pay it himself as she is always whingeing about not having any $$ but always seems to have the latest in horse equipment and her own horse is worth $20K on paper. Even when she was living with me FT and unemployed she never went without wheres I did have to to help pay the bills. She kept her two horses free on my property with access to all my horse facilities, and she always had the latest equipment and gear. Money was stolen from us....twice and I believe it was her but DH talked to her and claimed its not. more letting her do anything because to me she is dead.
So DH has paid the $1000 Sunday to stop me from harassing his daughter and to get me off her back!! mmmmm
She doth protest too much....
Normally a ploy to put the blame onto someones else shoulders and to throw the scent.
At this stage I sent DH an email as clearly talking with him isnt working as I cant continue to pretend that everything is ok when its not. It dosent look good if he tells me to shove it. But at least I have my answer.
From the sounds of the
From the sounds of the 'given' vehicle and the father arranged horse 'sale', I'm not too sure there was actually ever any 'stolen' money. Appears odds are good Daddy handed money over and oops, SM noticed. The shady person not on the up and up here with the OP sounds like her husband.
I could see why the SD might really be afraid of the OP but not because OP is 'the evil SM', more because one of these days OP just might call the police first on the SD rather than ask questions and try to figure out what happened first. SD could end up at least temporarily for a stunt the husband did/initiated. It could very well be the reason Dad doesn't want OP and his daughters to have a relationship. If they do, they may begin comparing 'notes'.
OMG, this is my first husband
OMG, this is my first husband and his parents. Ex kept us at each other's throats. It served his purpose so we would not compare notes. Guess what came drifting down from the rafters when we finally did compare notes? All his compulsive gambling and the family history of same.
Your post gave me shivers.
Yes...Ive got my suspicions
Yes...Ive got my suspicions too and my theory is that Dh and SD made the arrangement between them -hence his insisted that "the deal" was between him and her (and that I wasnt "her client as I said I was") as he was the one who transported the horse to her, dropped it off and negotiated terms...WTF....I negotiated terms with her in the first place.... he was just doing me a favor as he had the day off and wanted the horse gone from the paddocks as he wanted to plant it out for hay.
The fact I texted her directly put SD on the spot as to what she was going to say in reply to me???...."but dad said I could keep the cash" at that point, no wonder she panicked and wondered how to reply because she must have realized I didnt know about their arrangement.
SD isnt going to tell the truth if I confront her as she dosent want to upset her gravy Train....
I even offered to contact SD and profusely apologize to her if she felt harassed by my text which was not my intention....And DH said no, and to leave it (which translates into "dont have a relationship with my children as it has officially created this huge divide)
If this ends up being true...this is a classic case of being gas lighted and is emotional abuse.
Any suggestions on ways to uncover the truth?
I like the way you think!!
I like the way you think!!
I have been paid by DH... And
I have been paid by DH... And it's going off my loan tomorrow.
We have separate accounts as I don't want to be financially contributing to skids.
Can you can get an annulment?
Can you can get an annulment? I would. that or I'd be Brittany Spears - "you say I'm crazy? I got your crazy!"
Im trying to look for ways to
Im trying to look for ways to uncover the truth first. I dont believe in chucking away a marriage based on speculations...I have my theory Ive been gaslighted by DH but need to do some more digging. If I have been, then I will seek an annulment and piss him off as if he does this to me now, he will continue to do it again.