I can't control making faces!
Hello All!
I have recently lost all respect and patience for BM. And as background information, I take an active role in the parenting of SS9, and it's been this way for 7 years now.
Since my loss of respect and patience, I have found myself making faces (either mocking, disgust, confusion, etc.) when BM says something ridiculous to my husband or at court. I control myself around SS because I'm more focused on him than her when we're all together, but when it's just us adults, I do notice right after that I've made a face. I know this sounds ridiculous and problem-causing, but she's quite dense so I'm not even sure she's noticed. My husband thinks it's kind of amusing. But I'd love some help to figure out how to control my face!
Any ideas?
You better watch out. You'll
You better watch out. You'll get a permanent wrinkle. I spent 16 years as a 911 operator and I would make this face whenever I was on the phone with really stupid people. Of course I would try and help and keep my patience at some of the ridiculousness and there was a lot of it. Think, "You called 911 because there was no cheese on your double cheeseburger?" and now I have this permanent wrinkle in my brow from always making that face and I'm looking into botox.
No. 1 tip, in step life in
No. 1 tip, in step life in general and in this case in particular.....don't interact with or be around BM in the future. Simple.
^^ AMEN! ^^ After my BM lost
After my BM lost her shit, I made the 500 ft rule, I DO NOT, WILL NOT go within 500 feet of her.
However she went so crazy psychotic that the police and courts had to take over and now she is not allowed that close to me, DH, the house, the kids ect.
But I had the rule before the police and courts had it to keep myself safe!
I am certainly not the one to
I am certainly not the one to give advice on this one, I was born making faces and rolling my eyes. It gets me into a lot of trouble sometimes with DH! He even has names for most of them, one is the "bulldog look".
But good luck.
I wish I had control over my
I wish I had control over my face too, damn thing gives me away at every turn.
I have zero poker face. If I
I have zero poker face. If I think you're an idiot, you will know. If I don't like you, you will know. If I'm in a bad mood, you will know. I don't know if it can be controlled. If you know you're going to be around her then maybe face the other way or just let the bitch-face fly.
I am a face maker, but I also
I am a face maker, but I also have perfected my "I'm really stupid and oblivious" face. I love using that one when people are yammering on about something that is hugely important to them but I couldn't care less about.